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小学英语教师资格证 试讲稿全英范例 先进教室 然后回答两个问题 老师会说开始你的试讲 就可以开始了 这是整个的试讲流程 开场 good morning ladies and gentleman i am no 6 i am glad that i can h ave a chance to stand here and hope you can like my lesson shall we start it ok 讲课 hello boys and girls how are you doing today yes i am great thank y ou i hope all of you can be happy in our english class and hope you can e njoy the english trip ok let s sing a song which we have learned last week little star are you ready ok ready go twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you are up above the w orld so high like a diamond in the sky oh wonderful you did a good job now let s have a short review last class we learned a new topic do y ou still remember yes we talked about weather last class so what is the weather like tod ay who can answer my question any volunteer wow jack please good yes it is sunny today but a little cold because it is winter now w e should put on more clothes because it is so cold outside sit down pl ease jack ok now please look at the blackboard today we will learn unit 4 whe re is my schoolbag please look at me there is a big picture in my hands can you guess w hat is this yes it is a classroom it is a big nice classroom what can yo u see from this picture ruler yes desk good football wonderful schoo lbag great pencil box fantastic keys very good yes we can see many things from this picture and we also can find that they are in the differ ent places how to say it in english now let s learn a new lesson firstly please look at some word c ards in my hands there are 3 word cards they are on in under so ca n you guess what is the meaning i think you got it right ok cindy o n linda in angela under very good now let s look at the classroom again please find the schoolbag yes it s here the first conversation is where is my schoolbag it is on the desk listen to me carefully rep eat then please find the keys yes they are over there the second co nversation is where are my keys they are under the chair here plea se pay attention to the different usage of is and are we have talked a bout them many times before i believe that you know them very well right great give me five give me five sit down please now let s listen to the tape and fill in the blank with on in or under lis ten to the tape carefully when you finish please hands up ok stop he re all of you did a good job i think it is very easy for you isn t it bec ause you are very clever how time flies it is time to say goodbye today s homework is make so me sentences with on in under and if you can please teach your pare nts or your friends about the usage of on in under ok that is all for today good bye see you next time 篇二 讲课 hi my dear children good afternoon boys and girls hello everyone it is nice to meet you again in the beautiful sunshine day now let s b egan our class let us sing the song we have learnt before 歌曲名字 wa it is very beautiful now we have some new friends here who are they ok have a look open your books and turn to page 100 look who are they what s the matter with them 教师出示一支体温表 说 this is a thermometer if i have a fever it will tell me let s see mike mike doesn t feel well he has a fever 指着 let s learn 的图片的 mike 教学 have a fever 让学生看图片 教授单词和短 语 the second boy was get hurt when you get hurt you feel very painful just like him look at the girl she was h ad a cold when you have a cold you couldnt stop coughing the last boy was had a headach when y ou have a headach your head feel painful you want to have a sleep in daily life we are very likely to get sick so it is useful to learn some knowledge a bout those words ok now listen to the tape carfully follow the tape and look at the cards to re ad the following words and sentences ok very good now who can re ad those words any volunteer ok lili good set down please anyone else ok xiaoming your pronunciation is correct sit down Well now one reads one word one by one do u understand ok let s start it form this student oh good job let s play a game there are five different cards about five differe nt sicks in my hand next all students will take part in five groups one group will get one cards look at the cards carefully I will ask you some questions later for example group one get the car d of mike I will ask you whats the matter with mike you should answer Iam sick i have a fever ok now i will give u those cards whats the matter with xxx 各组调换卡片继续该活动 活动完以后 well down the rest of the time belongs to you you can choose one st udent as your partner one ask and the other answer in the process try to understand it and learn it by your heart ok all students were done well now lets review the words and sentenc es we have learned before ok today ok everyone has done an excellent job i am very happy 布置作业 hey boys and girls time is so fast our class is near to the end but h omework is impossible to avoid after you bake to home you must li sten these words and sentences three times following the tape u can read it to your parents if you want you can practice practice the words with your mother or father ok now class is over goodbye 结束 that s all my lesson is over i am very grateful for your listening thank you thank you very much 鞠躬 有的老师会在你完了以后问你几个问题就是所谓的答辩 问你为什 么这么教 为什么用这个方法 如实回答就是了 其实不难 摆平 心态 相信自己 讲课面带微笑 大大方方 最后 擦干净黑板 交上教案走就行了 交教案的时候记得对监考 老师微笑 给她们一个良 好的印象 这个很重要哦 祝成功


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