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昭通一中高二年级春季学期英语第二次月考(命题教师:何巨龙)第一卷一,听力:(每小题1.5分,共30分)(第一节)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。1What are the two speakers talking about? A. The mans gift. B. The womans sister. C. The womans new dress.2. When did the man graduate?A. In 1995. B. In 1996. C. In 1997.3. What does the woman suggest?A. Taking a bus. B. Taking a taxi. C. Going on foot.4. How did the speakers go to the airport?A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. In a truck.5. Where is the Blueworld Club?A. Near the Town Hall. B. Near the train station. C. Near the shopping centre. (第二节)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段对话,回答第6至第8小题。6. What did Anne like best ?A. The downtown of Ottawa. B. The downtown of Montreal.C. The museum in Ottawa.7. What impression did Anne have about Ottawa?A. Its good for sightseeing. B. Its good for shopping.C. Its good for excitement.8. What kind of person is Anne?A. Shes quite. B. Shes noisy. C. Shes active.听第七段材料,回答第9至11小题。9On which day did the conversation take place?A. On Thursday B. On Friday C. On Monday10. What is the name of the play?A. Romeo and Juliet. B. The Third Thief. C. Is Juliet a Thief?11. What had the man done with the play?A. He had printed the story. B. He had written it. C. He had watched it.听第八段材料,回答第12至13小题。12Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Boss and secretary. B. Husband and wife. C. Colleagues.13. What does Mike think of the womans new coat?A. Its too expensive. B. It is nice. C. Its too bright.听第九段材料,回答第14至17小题。14. What is the mans problem?A. He wonders how to spend his vacation. B. He wonders where to go for his vacation.C. He wonders whether to be a baby sitter or a house sitter.15. What neednt Margaret do at the Smiths?A. Cleaning the house. B. Watering the plants. C. Taking care of the pets.16. What will the man have to do if he wants to apply for the job?A. Interview with the homeowners. B. Interview with Margaret or Eric.C. Go to the city employment office.17. What isnt welcome by the homeowners?A. Being a party member. B. Giving a party in their house. C. Talking to friends on the phone.听第十段材料,回答第18至20小题。18. How old are the tower and the bell?A. 600 years. B. 300 years. C. 150 years.19. Which of the following is the original?A. The church. B. The tower. C. The bell. 20. At what time is the bell rung?A. On Christmas eve. B. When the sun sets. C. When the sun rises.二:单项选择:(每小题一分,共20分)21. He suffers from back trouble too, so he was very _ about my problem.A. worriedB. gifted C. sympatheticD. shameful22.I do every single bit of housework _my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.A. since B. while C. when D. as23. It is never easy to _ big changes. Those who can do it faster are more likely to succeed.A. lead toB. stick toC. contribute to D. adjust to24. His daughter is always shy in _ and she never dares to make a speech to _. A. the public; the publicB. public; the publicC. the public; publicD. public; public25. My goodness, how lucky we are? If there had been places for us on that aeroplane , we _ dead now. A. will beB. would beC. would have been D. had been26. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it seems as if it _.A. breaks B. has broken C. were brokenD. had been broken27. The _ a teacher has on children is usually greater than that of their parents.A. useB. effortC. effectD. energy28. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this _creates further problems.A. in turnB. once againC. in caseD. after all29. The young man, _ of working for others, is determined to start his own firm.A. being tired B. having tiredC. to be tiredD. tired 30. So absorbed _ in her work that she didnt realize I was behind her.A. did sheB. was sheC. she didD. she was31. My uncle has always insisted on his _ Dr. Wang instead of Mr. Wang.A. callingB. called C. having calledD. being called32. -Could I ask you a rather personal question?-_ A. Yes, dont worry. B. Of course, go ahead.C. Yes, help yourself. D. Of course, why not?33. Whats that terrible noise? The neighbors _ for a party. A. have preparedB. are preparingC. prepareD. will prepare 34. We have to allow _the possibility that we might not finish on schedule.A. ofB. inC. on D. for35. Robert is said _abroad, but I dont know what country he is studying in.A. to have studiedB. to have been studying C. to be studying D. to study36. -May I go now?- you ve finished your work, you may go. A. AfterB. AlthoughC. Now thatD. As soon as37. SARS and Bird Flu are new to us human beings; we won the fight against them, _.A. in all B. above allC. after allD. at all 38. -The public store is to close at 9:00 p. m.-_ no need to worry; it is just 7:30 p.m.A. You haveB. They haveC. It isD. There is39.He accidentally _he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks.A. let outB. took care C. made sureD. made out40We are living in an age _many things are done on computer.A. which B. that C. whoseD. when 第三题:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I always felt sorry for people in wheelchair. Some people, old and weak, cannot get 41 by themselves. Others seem perfectly healthy, dressed in business suits, and 42 themselves about with strong determination. But whenever I saw someone in a wheelchair, I only saw a disability, not a person.Then I fainted at Euro-Disney 43 low blood pressure. This was the first time I had ever fainted, and my parents said that I must rest 44 after First Aid. I agreed to take it 45 but, as I stepped toward the door, I saw my dad pushing a wheelchair in my direction! Feeling the color 46 my cheeks, I asked him to wheel that thing right back to where he 47 it.I could not believe this was 48 to me. Wheelchairs were 49 for other people but not for me. As my father wheeled me out into the main street, people immediately began to treat me 50 .Little kids ran in front of me, forcing my father to 51 the wheelchair suddenly. Bitterness set in as I was 52 back and forth. 53 kids. Why 54 they watch where theyre going? I thought. People passing by stared down at me, 55 in their eyes. Then they would look 56 , maybe because they thought the 57 they forgot me the better.I am just like you! I wanted to scream. The only 58 is youve got legs, and I have wheels. People in wheelchairs are not stupid. They see every look and hear each word. Looking out at the 59 , I finally understood: I was once just like them. I treated people in wheelchairs exactly the way they did not want to be treated. I realized it is some of us with two healthy legs who are truly 60 . 41.A. aroundB. offC. overD. up42.A. takeB. wheelC. carryD. move43.A. resulting inB. in spite ofC. due toD. related to44.A. at timesB. for a whileC. once in a whileD. now and then45.A. seriouslyB. for grantedC. alongD. easy46.A. heatB. dyeC. beatD. burn47.A. foundB. caughtC. boughtD. laid48.A. goingB. leadingC. happeningD. becoming49.A. fitB. fineC. goodD. right50.A. politely B. differentlyC. rudelyD. strangely51.A. stopB. changeC. pushD. pull52.A. shakenB. strickenC. drivenD. thrown53.A. ExcitingB. StupidC. PoorD. Lovely54.A. notB. mustntC. shouldntD. cant55.A. prideB. surpriseC. pityD. sorrow56.A. aboutB. awayC. outD. down57.A. moreB. lessC. soonerD. further58.A. problemB. disadvantageC. benefitD. difference59.A. facesB. kidsC. worldD. wheelchairs60.A. discouragedB. disappointedC. disabledD. dishonest四:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)( A)Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town I wanted a rest before catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long table to keep a place and went to get a cup of coffee.When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the next seat. It was one of those wild-looking boys, with dark glasses and old clothes, and his hair was colored bright red at the front. What did surprise me was that hed started to eat my chocolate.I was rather uneasy about him, but I didnt want to make more trouble. I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me closely. Then he took a second piece of chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didnt say anything to him. When he took a third piece, I felt angrier. I thought, well, I shall have the last piece. “And I got it.”The boy gave me a strange look, and then stood up. As he left he shouted out, “There is something wrong with the woman,” Everybody looked at me, but it was worse then I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face turned red when I knew Id made a mistake. It wasnt my chocolate that I had eaten. There was mine, just under my newspaper.61. In which order die the writer do the following things?a. Went into a coffee shop. b. Got a cup of coffee,c. Started to eat some chocolate. d. Did some shopping.e. Found a seat in the shop. f. Bought some chocolate.A. a, e, f, b, c, dB. a, d, f, b, e, cC. d, f, a, e, b, cD. d, a, f, c, b, e62. The writer went into the station coffee shop to_.A. buy a newspaperB. meet a boy with dark glassesC. put her heavy bagD. take a short rest63. When the writer came back to the table, she was surprised because_.A. her chocolate had been eaten upB. the boy was eating her chocolateC. there was a boy sitting next to herD. what the boy did seemed quite rude64. How do you think the writer felt at last?A. She felt disappointedB. She felt ashamedC. She became angrier. D. She thought it very funny.( B)If you planning to study in the United States, you need to consider several factors (因素). Everyone has different opinions about where is the best place to live in. Also, the best places to live in are not always home to the best schools. Whats more, many schools specialize in different areas of study. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for example, is a great school for computer science. And if you want to study oceanography, your interests may be better served by attending school in a place which is near the ocean.Now I will tell you about which states I believe are the best to live in. California is a nice state. Northern California especially has very good weather. As for me, I enjoyed the time I spent in Massachusetts, Virginia and Mary land. These states have a lot of history and culture. The weather is not so perfect as that in California, but is still quite nice. My favorite of America is the Midwest. Middle America, I think, is home to the true American sense of values. Besides, there are many good universities, too.Also you need to think about your likes and dislikes and then research the different areas. You like sunshine and hate snow? Then you probably wont like the Midwest or even the Northeast. Open space, nature, peace and quiet? Then youd better stay away from Americas larger cities. Are you interested in government? Then Washington D.C. is the only place for you. Whatever you decide, put some thought into it.65. From the first paragraph we can infer that in the USA .A. all colleges and universities lie in big cities B. all colleges and universities lie in beautiful places C. famous colleges and universities lie in nice places D. famous colleges and universities may not lie in nice places 66. should be considered first if you want to study in the USA.A. The climateB. The sceneryC. The study conditionD. The living condition 67. The writer likes Middle America best because .A. he feels the real character of the nation hereB. the weather is fine here C. the life is full of excitement D. he likes sunshine and hates snow 68. The passage mainly .A. tells us something about American universitiesB. gives us some advice on studying in America C. lets us know about America D. describes the scenery of America ( C )Do you have bright ideas? Ideas or inventions that change society or, at least, make life easier for somebody? Perhaps we all do sometimes, but we dont often make the idea a reality. Recently, in Britain, there was a competition called British Designers for Tomorrow. The competition encourages young people to carry out their bright ideas. There were two groups in the contest; Group One was for schoolchildren under 16; Group Two was for schoolchildren over 16. And there were eleven prize-winners altogether.Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was called “Sunshine Superman(超人)”. Its important when people study the weather to be able to record sunshine accurately. We need to know how many hours of sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders only record direct sunlight. Neils is more accurate(精确的) and this is very important for research into the way of using solar(太阳的)power.You can do so much with animated cartoon. Look at Simon Wests idea for animated road signs. He uses pictures which appear to move as you go nearer to or farther from them. This isnt a new idea. But it is new to use these pictures on road signs. “We found that people were more likely to see moving signs,” said Simon. So now, you can really see rocks falling, trains moving , horses running or a car falling over the edge of a cliff(悬崖). Quite a warning!The ideas in the competition were so inventive that we are surprised that British industry doesnt ask more schoolchildren for suggestions. Perhaps this will be the start of “pupil power!”69. The organizers of the competition hoped the schoolchildren who took part in it would _. A. become good designers for future BritainB. invent something for immediate use C. design something useful for the next dayD. win as many prizes as they could70. Neil Hunts design would finally lead to the improvement of the way of _.A. recording direct sunshine B. recording the hours of sunshineC. using the energy of the sun D. knowing how strong sunlight is71. Whats the use of Simon Wests animated road signs? A. To warn people to be careful while working.B. To warn people on the roads of the danger ahead.C. To add to the beauty of a city. D. To help make a car trip more exciting.72. The writer seems to be encouraging the British industry to _.A. take better care of schoolchildren B. help schoolchildren in their studiesC. stop asking schoolchildren for suggestionsD. pay more attention t o schoolchildrens inventive power ( D )Some people have complained about this years collection, New Writing 3, although I cannot understand why. Surely 500 pages of original writing of this quality, for 6.99, is pretty amazing? Fictionboth parts of novels and complete short storiesmakes up most of the book. There are some enjoyable pieces by famous writers, such as Candia Mc William and Rose Tremain. Its a strange fact that the less well-known people seem to have written mainly about food. Take my advice about Jane Harriss Those Nails this piece should definitely not be read just after meals. It contains some very unpleasant scenes which could turn your stomach! There is fine work from nineteen poets, including R.S. Thomas and John Burnside. There are pieces from novels-in-progress by Jim Crace and Jane Rogers. Finally, there is a little non-fiction, which includes a very funny article by Alan Ursula Owen. This is an exceptional collection and I for one cant wait to see what next years choice will include.73. The writer of this passage is trying to give _. A. her opinions about a new bookB. some information about new writersC. some advice to new writersD. her opinion of newspaper journalists74. The readers would _ after reading the text. A. find out more details about New Writing 3B. learn what next years collection will containC. find out about Alan Rusbridgers new novelD. have no idea how to read a good book75. The writer suggested that you might feel _ after reading Jane Harriss piece. A. hungryB. excitedC. happyD. sick76. Which of the following best describes New Writing 3? Great value:the best of new writing for only 6.99Great value:two novels, poems and articles for only 6.99A. B. Great value:poems by Tremain, Harris and Burnside for only 6.99Great value:newspapers for a whole year for only 6.99C. D. ( E)Ellis Island is located in New York. Harbor Ellis Island is open daily year-round from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p. m. , with extended hours during summer. It is closed December 25. There is no admission charge to Ellis Island; donations(捐款)are gratefully(充满感激)accepted.At Your FingertipsPark information(212)363-7620Emergencies(212)363-3260Ferry(渡船) boat information(212)269-5755Lost and found(212)363-7620Dining, gifts, & audio tour(212)344-0996TransportationStatue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry: Boats leave from Battery Park, Manhattan, and from Liberty State Park, New Jersey. They run about every 30 to 45 minutes beginning at 9:15 a. m. (ferry schedule subject to change)Hours: May vary; call the number belowClosed: December 25Ferry fees:(Includes Liberty and Ellis Islands) adults, $7; senior citizens, $6; children(age 3 to 17), $3. (group rates are available for 25 or more adults)Ticket & schedule information: (212)269-575577. In summer, visitors will have _ to visit Ellis Island.A. no enough timeB. a longer timeC. a shorter timeD. a wonderful time78. Which number would you call if your friend were suddenly ill?A. (212)344-0996B. (212)363-7620C. (212)363-3260D. (212)269-575579. Which of the following is not true?A. People can visit Ellis Island free of charge.B. The boats departure time from Battery Park is at 9:15 a.m. all the year round.C. Ferry fees for children are cheaper than for adults.D. Ferry fees for group visitors can be reduced.80. We may infer from the passage that _.A. visitors prefer to go to Ellis Island by boatB. there are more visitors in winterC. Ellis Island is open every day D. Boat is the only transportation to Ellis Island 第二卷一:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)此题要求改正所给短文的错误。对标有题号的每一行作 出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。Our school is planning to hold a American81. _Film Festival on next week. Im writing to ask 82. _you come and give a talk on American films and 83. _ film-making industry. This will help us understand what 84. _the industry had developed into big business as it 85. _is today. This understanding will increase our knowledge 86. _of American culture in generally. Do you think one 87. _and a half hour will be enough? Please let me know 88. _


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