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第一课A项:DIALOGUEGirl:Hello! Are you new here?Boy:Yes, I amGirl:My name is Chen LiWhats your name?Boy:Tom BrownGirl:Im in Class 1My teacher is Ms ZhaoWhat class are you in?Boy:Im in Class 2My teacher is Mr WangGirl:Nice to meet youBoy:Nice to meet you, tooNEW WORDS:new, name, class, Ms, Mr, myselfC项:A, E, I, O, U, cake, bee, bike, nose, music第二课A项:DIALOGUEWoman:Whats your name?Girl:Im Zhang HuaWoman:How old are you?Girl:Im 9 years oldWoman:Where do you go to school?Girl:I go to Dongfang Primary SchoolWoman:Whats your phone number?Girl:My phone number is 4232645NEW WORDS:old, school, phone, number, primary schoolB项:DIALOGUEWhat class are you in?Im 9Im in Class 4Where do you go to school?Whats your phone number?I go to Dongfang Primary SchoolMy phone number is 7984223You are JackHow old are you?C项:Learn the lettersH, J, KHand, jump, kite第三课A项:MONOLOGUEBill:My name is BillIm 9 years oldI go to Guangming Primary SchoolIm in Class 1My phone number is 7658341My favourite toy is the mini car第四课关于英语国家姓名常识(仅供教师参考):1)英语国家人习惯“名姓”排列。英语中姓是surname(也可称作family name或last name),与中国人相同,英语国家人的姓是依父姓而定的;名是 given name。given name又分作 first name,second (middle)name。如某人的名字叫Linda Jane Chapman,其中Chapman是surname(姓),Linda Jane是given name(名)。而在given name中,Linda是first name,Jane是middle或second name。不过,在按字母顺序排列的人名表中,上述的名前姓后又要颠倒过来,成为Chapman, Linda Jane。2)英美人取名重音不重义。他们给孩子取名时,主要考虑这个名字与姓放在一起是否上口悦耳。3)英美人的名字具有性别之分,但这种差别并不是以字形来表现的,而是习惯使然。A项:MONOLOGUEAndy:Hello! My name is Andy WhiteMy family name is WhiteIm from AmericaJoy:Hello! My name is Joy BlackMy family name is BlackIm from CanadaYaoyao:Hello! My name is Sun YaoyaoMy family name is SunIm from ChinaBinbin:Hello! My name is Zhao BinbinMy family name is ZhaoIm from ChinaB项:MONOLOGUEBoy:My family name is ChenWhats your family name?Girl:My family name is LiuWhats your family name?Girl:My family name is LiWhats your family name?Boy:My family name is WangC项:CHANTA, E, I, O, U, can I be a friend with you?U, I, A, O, E, can you be a friend with me?A, E, I, O, U, I can be a friend with youU, I, A, O, E, you can be a friend with meD项:B, C, D, G, P, T, Vbook, cat, door, girl, pencil, tea, vanFun Time第五课1乒和乓的故事。故事大意:1)乒比乓的个子高,乓比乒的头发长 2)乒在4班,乓在2班。3)乒喜欢蓝色,乓喜欢黄色。4)乒喜欢巧克力,乓喜欢冰激凌。5)乒和乓都是8岁,他们都属“虎”,他们的生日都在8月12日。6)乒的母亲是乓的母亲,乒的父亲是乓的父亲,乒和乓是双胞胎。Ping is taller than PongPong has longer hair than PingPing is in Class 4Pong is in Class 2Pings favourite colour is bluePongs favourite colour is yellowPings favourite food is chocolatePongs favourite food is ice-creamPing and Pong are 8 years oldPing and Pong are ?Tigers? Ping and Pongs birthday is August 12thPings mother is Pongs motherPongs father is Pings fatherPing and Pong are twins第六课A项:MONOLOGUEBoy:My name is Sam GreenIm 9 years oldIm in Class 2I go to Guangming Primary School every dayMy phone number is 1938261Girl:My name is Mary BlackIm 10 years oldIm in Class 3I go to Dongfang Primary School every dayMy phone number is 4876534Girl:My name is Wang HongIm 8 years oldIm in Class 1I go to Yuming Primary School every dayMy phone number is 3648709B项:Boy:My name is Li MingIm 10 years oldMy favourite colour is red第七课A项:CHANTHello! My name is MonsterI have a round faceI have a small headI have short legsI have short, red hairI have long armsI have long earsI have big feetI have a big noseMy finger hurtsI have a small mouthHow about you?NEW WORDS:body, head, hair, finger, neck, feet, monster, hurtB项:Bill:Ha! Ha! I am BillIm not a monsterLook! I have 2 eyes, 1 nose, 2 ears, and 1 headC 项:Y, Q, W, Ryellow, queen, water, rabbit第八课A项:CHANTWhats the matter? Whats the matter? My toe hurtsMy toe hurtsI feel badWhats the matter? Whats the matter? My finger hurtsMy finger hurtsI feel badWhats the matter? Whats the matter? My neck hurtsMy neck hurtsI feel badWhats the matter? Whats the matter? My arm hurtsMy arm hurtsI feel badNEW WORDS:toe, matter, bad, feelB项:Girl:Whats the matter?Boy:Whats the matter?Boy:My finger hurtsBoy:My arm hurtsGirl:Lets go to the doctorBoy:Lets go to the doctorC 项: L, M, N, F, X, Z, Slion, mouth, nose, fish, box, zoo, school第九课A项:SONGHead, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toesHead, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toesAnd eyes and ears and mouth and noseOh, head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toesB项:Boy:Hello! My name is JackI have short hairI have a small mouthI have a round faceI have long legsI have big eyesI have big feetC项:Boy:Im tallBoy:Whats the matter?Boy:Im shortBoy:My leg hurtsWhat about you?Boy:I have big feetBoy:My finger hurtsBoy:I have small feetLucky:What about you?第十课A项:CHANTWash your hands! Scrub, scrubTake a bath! Splash, splashBrush your teeth! Swish, swishEat lots of fruits! Munch, munchGet lots of sleep! Snore, snoreExercise every day! Puff, puffAngel:An apple a day keeps the doctor awayC项:CHANTHappy Helen has a hatJolly John has jellyKind Kate has a kite第十一课 故事梗概:五只瞎老鼠摸到个东西,它们想知道是什么,就用手去摸。摸到大象肚子的老鼠说是一堵墙,摸到大象尾巴的老鼠说是一根绳子,摸到大象耳朵的老鼠说是一把扇子,摸到大象鼻子的老鼠说是条蛇,摸到大象腿的老鼠说是一棵树。老鼠们不知摸到的是什么,最后小精灵告诉他们是一只大象。Five blind mice went for a walkThey stopped when they came upon something bigMice:What is it?Mice:A tree?Red mouse:It is a wallA snake?Yellow mouse:You are wrongIt is a ropeA wall?Blue mouse:Oh, it is a fanA fan?Grey mouse:You are wrongIt is a snake A rope?Green mouse:I seeIts a treeAngel:Its an elephantMice:Oh, Its an elephantAt last the mice knew that they met an elephantIt is good to work together第十二课A项:My name is Tom, T-O-M, TomI am tallI have brown hairI have long legsMy name is Mike, M-I-K-E, MikeI am shortI have brown hairI have two small eyes and a big noseMy finger hurtsMy name is Monster, M-O-N-S-T-E-R, MonsterI have red hair, a long neck, short legs, big feet, and six toesB项:Boy:Whats the matter?Boy:My foot hurtsI feel bad第十三课在所学过的食品单词中,不可数名词有:beef, bread, mantou, rice, jiaozi, tofu, meat, milk, fish, chicken, juice, water在可数名词中词尾加s后发生变化的词有:sandwiches / iz / , tomatoes / z / , potatoes / z / 特别要注意单数名词变成复数名词后词尾的发音, 如sausages / iz / , carrots / ts / 等。A项:CHANTWhat do you have in your fridge?I have carrots and tomatoesMeatballs and sausagesI have pancakes and sandwichesBread, beef and mantou, tooNEW WORDS:food, fridge, beef, mantou, bread, sausage, meatball, pancake, sandwich, tomato, potato, carrotB项:DIALOGUEBoy:What do you have in your fridge?Girl:I have beef, mantou and bread in my fridgeWhat do you have in your fridge?Boy:I have sausages, meatballs, pancakes and sandwiches in my fridgeC项:MONOLOGUE A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z补充材料:B项:DIALOGUEBoy:Do you have tomatoes in your fridge?Girl:Yes, I haveDo you have potatoes in your fridge?Boy:No, I haventI have some carrots第十四课A项:DIALOGUEJoy:What do you want for the picnic?Lily:I want chocolate pie, tomatoes and Coke for the picnicBill:I want bread, sausages and water for the picnicMom:What do you want for supper?Yaoyao:I want meatballs and pancakesNEW WORDS:chocolate pie,Coke,hot dog,picnic第十五课A项:DIALOGUEAndy:I want an apple and a hamburgerPlease, pass themBoy:Here you areGirl:I have a sandwich and some orange juiceBoy:I have some sausages and bananasGirl:I have some chicken and CokeLucky:How delicious!NEW WORD:someB项:MONOLOGUEBoy:I want a sandwich for the picnicGirl:I want a sandwich and an egg for the picnicGirl:I want a sandwich and an egg and some bananas for the picnicC项:DIALOGUEBoy:What do you want for lunch on Thursday?Girl:I want mantou and chicken for lunch on Thursday第十六课本部分图画正确排列顺序为:图1:在家不吃早饭。孩子说:现在7:30了,我必须去上学了。图2:上课难受。教师问:你怎么了?孩子回答:我感觉不舒服。图3:教师劝告。教师说:你必须每天吃早饭。图4:考试得零分。孩子在想:我想要一个鸡蛋,不想要零分。A项:DIALOGUE1Boy:Its 7:30I must go to school now2Teacher:Whats the matter? Boy:I feel bad3Teacher:You must have breakfast every day4Boy:I want an egg, not a zero5Lucky:An egg a day keeps the zero awayDo you eat breakfast?B项:DIALOGUEJoy:What do you have for breakfast?Yaoyao:I have an egg, some milk and breadC项:CHANTB and C and D and GCome before P, T and VG and P and T and VCome after B and C and D第17课钉子汤的故事。故事大意:一个过路的男人肚子饿了,他希望农舍的主人农妇能给他一些汤喝,农妇很小气,没有给他任何食品。男人拿出了一颗钉子对农妇说能用钉子做汤。他向农妇要了一些蔬菜和盐,用一颗钉子和蔬菜做了一锅美味的汤。农妇感到很奇怪,想“为什么用一颗钉子就可以做出这么美味的汤呢?”DIALOUGEMan:I am hungryMay I have some soup?Woman:I dont have any food for youMan:Thats OKI have a nailI can make some nail soupWoman:Come in pleaseMan:I will put it in the hot waterDo you have any carrots, tomatoes and salt? It will taste betterWoman:No problemMan:Onions and potatoes make the soup cook fasterWoman:I have a few onions and potatoesMan:Do you like my soup?Woman:It smells deliciousMan:I made it with just a nail第18课A项:MONOLOGUEBoy:No1:I want some meatballs, beef, a potato and rice for lunchGirl:No2:I like to eat an egg, some chicken and mantou for lunchBoy:No3:I have a sandwich, some eggs and orange juice for the picnicGirl:No4:I want a hot dog, an apple, some eggs and Coke for the picnicB项:DIALOGUEBoy:What do you want?Girl:I want some fish and pancakesLucky:Here you are第19课A项:SONGPut your left foot inPull your left foot outPut your left foot in and shake it all aboutYou do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself aroundAnd thats what its all aboutPut your right hand inPull your right hand outPut your right hand in and shake it all aboutYou do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself aroundAnd thats what its all aboutPut your whole self inPull your whole self outPut your whole self in and shake it all aboutYou do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself aroundAnd thats what its all aboutB 项:Boy:I can see with my eyesBoy:I can listen with my earsBoy:I can smell with my noseGirl:I can touch with my handsBoy:I can talk with my mouthBoy:I can walk with my feetC 项:Boy:I can walk with my feetLesson 20A项:Woman:An apple is a fruitYaoyao:A melon is a fruitAndy:A peach is a fruit, tooB项:Andy:We want fish and rice on MondayLesson 21A项:DIALOGUEBill:Whats the matter with Bill?Joy:His foot hurtsB项:DIALOGUEWoman:Whats the matter?Girl:I feel badWoman:Do you eat apples, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes?Girl:No, I dontI eat meatI like sausages, meatballs and beefWoman:Please eat lots of fruits and vegetablesHave them every day for lunchC项:SONGA is for appleB is for beefC is for carrotD is for dessertE is for eggsF is for fishG is for grapesH is for hamburgerI is for ice creamJ is for jellyK is for cakeL is for lemonM is for meatballsN is for noodlesO is for onionP is for popcornR is for riceS is for saladT is for tomatoV is for vegetablesW is for waterY is for candyZ is for pizzaLesson 22A项:Girl:It comes out in fallIt rests in winterIt grows in springIt is cut in summerIt becomes breadIt becomes.Joy:I want some bread for breakfastB项:CHANTFarmer Brown, Farmer Brown, Farmer Brown, Farmer Brown,How does your garden grow?How does your garden grow?With tomatoes and potatoes, With carrots and melons,All in a rowAll in a rowC项:CHANTFarmer, farmer, Water the groundDig, dig, dig Farmer, farmer,Farmer, farmer, Feel the warm sunDrop the seeds in Farmer, farmer,Farmer, farmer, The plants are out!Pat the dirt down Farmer, farmer,Farmer, farmer, Jump and shout!Lesson 23 故事梗概是:乌鸦嘴里叼着一块肉站在树上,狐狸站在树下。狐狸向乌鸦要那块肉,乌鸦不给,狡猾的狐狸想如何得到那块肉呢?狐狸对乌鸦说:“你真是一个好的歌唱家,能为我唱支歌吗?”乌鸦高兴极了,大声地唱:“哇,哇。”狐狸说:“谢谢了,真好吃。”狐狸叼着肉跑了。Mr Crow is in a treeHe has a rice cracker in his beakMr Fox is under the treeFox:Mr Crow, can I have your rice cracker?Fox:How can I get that rice cracker?Fox:Mr Crow, you are a good singerPlease sing for meCrow:Croak! Croak!Fox:Thank you, Mr CrowMm, deliciousLesson 24B项:Cut the bread Put the tomato on the beefPut the chicken on the breadPut the cheese on the tomatoPut the beef on the chicken Eat the sandwichC项:Girl:My name is EmilyI am in Class 5I am 9 years oldGirl:I have two big eyes, one small noseI have long hairBoy:I like to eat apples, carrots, chicken and fishLesson 25A项:CHANTWhat pet do you have?A dog, a goldfish, a turtle, a cat,A monkey, a parrot, a chicken, or a rabbit?I have a cute monkeyI have a smart catWhat pet do you have?NEW WORDS:pet, turtle, parrot, dog, cat, goldfish, monkey, rabbit, chicken, tail, smart, cuteB项:DIALOGUEGirl:What pet do you have?Boy:I have a dogIts brownGirl:Whats its name?Boy:Its name is CocoIt has a short tailIts smartLesson 26A项:MONOLOGUEBoy:I like my goldfishIt can swimGirl:I like my turtleIt is greenIt can walkBoy:I like my catIt is smartIt can catch a mouseGirl:I like my parrotIt is smartIt can talkGirl:I like my dogIt is cuteIt can wag its tailNEW PHRASES:catch a mouse, wag its tailB项:DIALOGUEBoy:I have a petIt can talk and flyIt is greenWhat is it?Boys:Its a parrotGirl:I have a petIt can runIt has long ears and red eyesWhat is it?Girls:Its a rabbitLesson 27A项:CHANTMy fish can swimMy monkey can climb My chicken can singMy turtle can walkMy rabbit can run My parrot can talkMy dog can wag its tail My cat can catch a mouseIt says,“Hello”It says,“Woof, woof”It says,“Meow”B项:MONOLOGUEBill:The parrot likes to eat riceC项:MONOLOGUEGirl:I like my rabbitIts whiteIt has long earsIt can runIts cuteLesson 28A项:MONOLOGUEThe dog can help the policeman The dog can help the shepherdThe dog can help the old woman The dog can play with the childThe dog can help the blind man The dog can bring joy to peopleB项:DIALOGUEBoy:The monkey can help usC项:CHANTI feed the foxes in the boxesEach summer the eel goes out for his mealThe men feed the chickens there tooBut the zebra eats in the zooLesson 29宠物展示会故事。这是一个幽默故事,故事大意:很多孩子都带了自己的宠物来参加宠物展示会。有能转圈的狗,漂亮的兔,年老的鹦鹉,棕色的猴子和绿色的乌龟。有一个端着盒子的男孩说他的宠物最“酷”,当盒子打开的时候,一条蛇钻了出来,所有的孩子和宠物都吓跑了。DIALOUGEThere is a pet show on SaturdayAll the children bring their favourite petsBoy:Do you like my dog? He can turn around fastGirl:You will win 1st prizeBoy:Look at my rabbitHis name is FlufyGirl:Its cuteYou will win 1st prizeBoy:My parrot is 15 years oldI think I will win 1st prizeBoy:The colcour is beautifulGirl:I like your brown monkeyBoy:I like your green turtleBoy:My pet is coolHe likes to sleep in his boxBoy:May I see him?The boy opens the box and a snake comes outAll the pets run awayBoy:I win 1st prizeLesson 30A项:MONOLOGUEIm LilyI have a petIt can swimIts cuteIm BillI have a petIt has long earsIt likes to eat carrotsIm BinbinI have a petIts smartIt can say,”Hello?Im YaoyaoI have a petIts smartIt can catch a mouseIm JoyI have a petIts greenIt can walkIm AndyI have a petIts cuteIt can wag its tailB项:MONOLOGUEAngel:Bill has a rabbitIts name is HuihuiIts whiteIt has two long earsIt likes to eat carrotsIt can walk and runLesson 31A项:Girl:This is Bills bedroomIts messyHis green sweater and white vest are on the bedHis blue jeans are on the chairHis yellow sneakers are under the bedHis yellow gloves are on the deskHis red cap and blue scarf are on the wallNEW WORDS:clothes, cap, scarf, vest, gloves, jeans, sneakersB项:DIALOGUEBinbin:Do you have a skirt?Yaoyao:YesBinbin:What colour is it?Yaoyao:Its redLesson 32A项:Bill:I want to play outdoorsI wear my cap, scarf, gloves, coat, jeans and sneakersLucky:What about you?B项:DIALOGUEBill:What do you wear in winter?Andy:I wear my cap, scarf, gloves, coat, jeans and sneakersLesson 33A项:Its a snowy day in HarbinI wear my sunglasses, shorts and T-shirtWhat do you wear? Its a raining day in WuxiI wear my coat, gloves and capWhat do you wear?Its a sunny day in Hong Kong I wear my shirt, jeans and raincoatWhat do you wear? Its a windy day in BeijingWhat do you wear?I wear my sneakers, scarf and jacketB项:DIALOGUEJoy:What do you wear on sunny days?Boy:I wear my T-shirt, shorts, cap, and sunglassesLesson 34A项:CHANTSheep, sheep give me woolThank you, thank youWorms, worms give me silkThank you, thank youPlants, plants give me cottonThank you, thank youB项:Boy:The T-shirt is made of cottonGirl:The sweater is made of woolBoy:The scarf is made of silkD项:CHANTA for age, B for bee, C for circleD for dog, E for e-mail, F for fish, G for girl,H for hand, I for ice, J for jeep, K for kiteLesson 35故事梗概:小乌鸦照镜子,它不喜欢自己的一身黑衣服。小乌鸦想在染缸里染出漂亮的衣服。小乌鸦看到小松鼠的小红帽很喜欢,它把自己的帽子放入染缸再放入红颜色。小乌鸦看到猴子的黄围巾后把自己的围巾放入染缸放入黄颜色。小乌鸦看到小狐狸棕色大衣很喜欢,于是把自己的大衣放进染缸倒入棕色。小乌鸦看到小熊蓝色裤子很喜欢,它把裤子放入染缸并倒入蓝颜色。小乌鸦把自己所有的衣服所有的颜料都放在一起。最后小乌鸦拿出所有的衣服,希望它们变成最漂亮的颜色,结果还是黑色。小乌鸦非常难过。I am a black birdMy cap is blackMy scarf is blackMy warm coat and my sneakers are blackI dont like black clothes! I will dye my clothesI like his red capI want a red capI will dye my black oneHer yellow scarf is beautifulI want a yellow scarf tooI will dye my scarfWhat a beautiful coat! I will dye my coat brownThese blue jeans are great! I will dye my jeansAll the clothes and all the colours mixed togetherWow! My cap, my scarf, my warm coat, and my jeans are all blackWhat a poor crow I am!Lesson 36 A项:Girl:His scarf is blue and his gloves are blue too, but his cap is blackBoy:Her coat is orange and her jeans are redHer sneakers are whiteGirl:His T-shirt is brownIt is too longHis jeans are long, tooBoy:Her vest is red and her scarf is whiteHer cap is yellowB项:Boy:Today is my birthdayI wear my new blue jeansGirl:Its Spring FestivalI wear my new scarfBoy:I have a PE ClassI wear my sneakersLesson 37根据中国的国情,我们习惯上把March, April, May划分为春季;把 June, July, August划分为夏季;把September, October, November划分为秋季;把December, January, February划分为冬季。方框中月份的底色暗示出它所在的季节。春季(spring)为嫩绿色;夏季(summer)为粉红色;秋季(fall)为棕黄色;冬季(winter)为灰白色。后面的学习都以此颜色为例作为教学提示。A项:CHANTWhen is your birthday? When is your birthday?March, April or May? June, July or August?My birthday is in AprilMy birthday is in JulyWhen is your birthday? When is your birthday?September, October or November?December, January or February?My birthday is in OctoberMy birthday is in JanuaryBill:My birthday is in September


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