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Teaching PlanforPoetry Appreciation ClassWuxi NO.3 Senior School Grade TwoBy Wu YanA Perfect DayWhen you come to the end of a perfect day,And you sit alone with your thought,While the bells ring out with a carol gay,For the joy that the day has broughtDo you think what the end of a perfect dayCan mean to a tired heart,When the sun goes down with a flaming ray,And the dear friends have to part?Well, this is the end of a perfect day,Near the end a journey too;But it leaves a thought that is big and strong,with a wish that is kind and true.For memory has painted this perfect day,With colors that never fade,And we find at the end of a perfect day,The soul of a friend weve made英语诗歌鉴赏课教学设计教学目标:知识目标:学生感受英语诗歌及英语语言的优美,掌握英语诗歌中出现的感情基调、体裁、意象和韵脚等。能力目标:能够正确理解和分析诗歌,完整表述诗歌内容。情感目标:加强合作精神的培养及一定的诗歌鉴赏能力。学会正确面对人生,积极应对人生中的悲欢离合。教学目的:复习:Unit 4 A Garden of Poems鉴赏:分析诗歌的体裁、韵律和节奏,了解诗歌体裁的特殊性,欣赏诗歌的语言美、意象美,从而感觉到英语语言的优美。巩固:讨论诗歌的感情走向,复述诗歌的内容教学原则:由简到易,循序渐进教学媒体:电脑多媒体教学内容:SEFC 2A Unit 4 A Garden of Poems 诗歌: A Perfect Day教学重点和难点: 对诗歌所反映出来的情感因素能充分了解,把握作者的感情变化过程(情感目标) 对诗歌的结构、意象、体裁和韵脚等有一定的了解(能力目标)教学步骤:Revision / Lead-in / Listening and PracticeReading and Practice / Analysing and ConsolidationAssignmentTeaching Aims:Knowledge Aims: Enjoy English poems and have a basic knowledge of poetry, such as images, rhyme and limericks.Ability Aims: Have a correct understanding about the poem and make a good analysis of the structure of the poem. Also retell the poem in students own words freely.Moral Aims: Improve the ability of appreciating a poem. Strengthen the cooperation with each other and have a sense of aesthetic judgement. Teaching demands and requirements:Revision: SEFC 2A Unit 4 A Garden of PoetryAppreciation: The content and the structure of the poem Practice: * Get the students to answer questions about the content and the structure of the poem.* Get the students to discuss the development of the writers moods.*Get the students to give the correct feedback to the teacher.Teaching principle: Going from the easy to the difficult and advance step by step.Teaching methods:Asking and answering, listening and reading, discussion, group work, etc.Teaching Media: MultimediaTeaching content: Review Unit 4 A poem Key points and difficult points:*Have a thorough understanding of the emotional elements displayed in the poem.( Moral aims)*Get the students to have a good knowledge of poetry, including the structure, the rhyme and the limericks of it.(Ability aims)Teaching Procedures:RevisionLead-inListening and PracticeReading and PracticeAnalysing and ConsolidationPerformanceAssignmentStep 1: Review the content of Unit 41.Last period, we learned a unit. What is it about?(A Garden of Poetry)2. The function of poetryto call up all the colors, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.3.The feature that all good poetry shares*important forms: A. the number of lines B. the number of characters in each line*special patterns of rhythm and rhymeStep 2: Lead-in1. Reading poetry in English, you are supposed to focus on the themes of the original work. Generally speaking, what are the themes of a poem?Love versus HatredLife versus DeathWar versus PeaceAnger versus DelightLoneliness versus SociabilityFriendliness versus Revenge2. Now we will read a poem and try to find the theme of this poem.Step 3: Listen and practice1. First deal with some new words.carol: a religious song of joy and praiseflaming: burning brightlyfade: to lose color or freshness, etc2.Listen to the tape.Question: What is the theme of this poem? (Loneliness versus Sociability)Step 4: Read and practice1.Read the poem by yourself and get some detailed information.Questions: 1.What happened in the day?2. What was the writer doing at the end of the day?2.Listen to the poem with books closed and pay attention to the phrases that appear in the text again and again?(a perfect day/ the end of a perfect day)3.Listen to the tape with books open and find the images in the poem.1. Explain what images are in a poem.2. Find images related to a perfect day and those related to the end of a perfect day.A perfect day: a carol gay, the chimes/ the sun/ the flaming rayThe end of a perfect day: a tired heart, the sun which goes down, the end of a journey4.Read the poem after the tape sentence by sentence. Comprehension questions: *What was the writer doing in the day? How about his feeling?*What was the writer doing at the end of a perfect day? How about his feeling?*How is the writers mood developed? Why? Joy -the parting with friends- Depression (in the day) (at the end of a perfect day)5. Competition: Organize a competition to encourage students to read the poem emotionally and one will be chosen as a winner.Step 5: Analyse the structure of the poem1.Explain to students the structure,rhyme and limericks of poetry.2.Read the poem by yourself and make a conclusion of its rhyme and limericks.*Rhyme: /ei/ day, gay, ray, fade, made/:/ thought, brought/a:/ heart, part/u:/ too, true*Limericks: When you come to the end of a perfect day, a And you sit alone with your thought, b While the bells ring out with a carol gay, aFor the joy that the day has brought bDo you think what the end of a perfect day aCan mean to a tired heart, cWhen the sun goes down with a flaming ray, a And the dear friends have to part? c3.Sentence structure (Difficult sentences)Para 1: This paragraph consists of only one sentence.Para 2: Find 4 attributive clauses.-a thought that is big and strong-a wish that is kind and true-colors that never fade-a friend that weve madeStep 6: Consolidation1. Retell your experience in a day with your imagination if you were the writer of the poem.( some key words on the screen)a perfect day - sit alone - a tired heart -the sun - dear friends - part -joy - memory - the end of a perfect day2. Discussion: What should you do in your daily life? *To value friendship*To face partition of friends and relatives in a positive way3. Performance Suppose you were the writer and his friends, make a performance about your perfect day. Work in a group of four.Step 7: Assignment (Listen to a song named “A Perfect Day”)1. Recite the poem.2. Write a passage about a perfect day based on the poem.


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