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初中英语基础语法讲座文字教程一 名词第一节 语法知识精讲1 名词的定义表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称的词,叫做名词。baby 婴儿 time 时间 Shanghai 上海pencil 铅笔 air 空气 2 名词的分类 专有名词名词 个体名词 可数名词 集体名词 普通名词 物质名词 不可数名词 抽象名词个体名词:表示某类人或东西的个体。如 student学生,book书,dog狗,等。集体名词:表示若干个体组成的集体。如class班级,family家庭,people人们,民族,等。物质名词:表示无法分为个体的实物。如air空气,water水,rice米,wood木头,等。抽象名词:表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念。如work工作,heat热,love爱,time时间,等。3 名词的数可数名词复数的变化分为规则和不规则变化。规则变化构成法例词读音一般情况在词尾加-sshopshops desk desksbagbags -s 在清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音和元音后读/z/在以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词在词尾加-esbusbusesboxboxeswatchwatchesbrushbrushes -es读/iz /在以ce, se, ze, (d)ge等结尾的词直接加-sfacefaceshousehousespagepagesbridgebridges -es读/iz/以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i再加-esbabybabiescitycitiesfactoryfactoriesstorystories-ies读/iz/以“辅音字母+o”结尾的词,多在词尾加-estomatotomatoesheroheroesNegroNegroes-es读/z/以“元音字母+o”结尾的词和某些以o结尾的外来词,加-sradioradiosphotophotospianopianoszoozoosbamboobamboos -s读/z/以f或fe结尾的词,多数变f或fe为v再加-es,少数不变,直接加-slifelivesknifekniveswifewivesleafleavesthief-thievesroofroofsscarfscarfs/scarves-es读/z/,-s读/s/不规则变化改变内部元音字母。如:manmen womanwomen EnglishmanEnglishmen (注:GermanGermans) footfeet toothteeth mousemice 单复同形。如:sheepsheep deerdeer fish(鱼)fish ChineseChinese JapaneseJapanese在词尾加-en或-ren。如:ox(公牛)oxen childchilren 复合名词,只将其主体词变为复数。如:boy student( 男学生)boy studentsson-in-law(女婿)sons-in-law new-comer(新来的人)new-comers 由man和woman构成的复合名词,两部分都要变复数。如:man workermen workers woman teacherwoman teachers 姓氏后加-s,表示“一家”或“夫妇二人”。如:the Wangs 王家 the Kings 金一家不可数名词的数物质名词属于不可数名词,一般没有复数形式,在表示数量时,用量词,量词有复数形式。个数单位词piece张、条、则a piece of paper;two pieces of advicedrop滴a drop of ink,three drops of waterpile堆a pile of wood(木头),many piles of woodgrain粒a grain of sandblock块a block of stone(石头)容器单位词cup杯a cup of coffeeglass(玻璃)杯a glass of waterbottle瓶two bottles of milkbox盒、箱ten boxes of applesbag袋a bad of rice类别单位词type类型a type of juicekind种many kinds of pollution度量单位词pound磅a pound of meat抽象名词一般属于不可数名词,但有些例外。如:hopehopes 希望 ideaideas 想法jobjobs 工作 changechanges 变化有些物质名词和抽象名词的复数表示特别的含义。如:cloth 布clothes 衣服 glass 玻璃glasses 眼镜green 绿色greens青菜 look看looks外貌paper纸papers文件,论文 sand沙sands沙漠time时间times时代,情况work工作works著作,作品,工厂有些物质名词的复数形式,表示不同的种类。如:grassgrasses 各种草 foodfoods 各种食品fruitfruits 各种水果 teateas 各种茶有些词以-s结尾,但本身是单数。如:news消息 mathmatics数学 physics物理等。有些表示“成双”,“成套”的名词,只有复数形式。如:clothes 衣服 a pair of trousers一条裤子a pair of scissors一把剪刀 a pair of glasses一副眼镜集体名词的数单数集体名词被看作一个整体时,它具有单数概念。如:His class is well-known in our school.他的班在我们学校很有名。 单数集体名词被看作若干个体时,它具有复数概念。如:The class are waiting for the bus.全班同学们正在等车。有几个只有单数形式的集体名词,只能与复数谓语动词连用。如:The police have caught the murderer. 警察已经抓住了杀人凶手。Our poultry are kept in the garden.我们的家禽在花园里养着。4 名词所有格“s”所有格表示有生命体(人或动物)的名词所有关系。如:Johns bike 约翰的自行车 my sisters name我妹妹的名字 someones bag 某人的书包有些指时间、距离、重量、国家、城市的无生命体名词的所有关系。如:todays paper 今天的报纸two hours walk 两个小时的步行a pounds weight 一磅的重量Shanghais factories 上海的工厂Chinas industry 中国的工业以“s”结尾的名词复数,要加“”。如:the students book 学生用书以“s”结尾的专有名词(如人名),有的加“”,但普遍是加“s”。如:Mr. Williamss brother 威廉姆斯先生的兄弟如果一样东西为两个人共有,则只在后一个名词后面加“s”。如:Lucy and Lilys father 露西和莉莉的父亲(共有)如果不是两人共有,则在须分别加“s”。如:Lucys and Toms fathers 露西和汤姆各自的父亲“of+名词”所有格表示无生命体的名词的所有关系。如:the window of the room 房间的窗户the end of the week 周末the title of the film 影片的名字如果名词较长,表示有生命体的名词也可以用这种结构。如:the story of Dr. Norman Bethune 白求恩的故事双重所有格 “of +名词所有格”表示部分概念:当冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词(如:a, two, some, a few, this, that, these, those)等词与所有格名词同时修饰一个名词时,要用双重所有格来表示所有关系。如:a friend of my fathers = one of my fathers friends我父亲的一个朋友that toy of her sisters 她妹妹的那个玩具a picture of Mr. Wus 吴先生(拥有)的一张照片比较:a picture of Mr. Wu 吴先生本人的一张照片 (即照片上是吴的像)“s”所有格与“of”所有格互用。如:He is my fathers student.He is a student of my father. 他是我父亲的学生。with my teachers helpwith the help of my teacher 在我老师的帮助下5 名词的性在阳性名词后加-ess来构成阴性名词。如:阳性:actor 男演员 host 男主人 prince王子阴性:actress 女演员 hostess 女主人 princess公主不分性的名词如要表示所指人物的性别,可在其前加woman, man, girl, boy等词。如: a girl student a man driver a woman worker也可以用he, she来表示性。如:he-goat 公山羊 she-goat 母山羊第二节 强化提高训练1 写出下列名词的复数形式。1) shoe_ orange _ eye _bridge_ tree_ lake_2) bus_ fox_ glass_wish_ match_ brush_3) body_ city_ enemy_family_ country_ party _4) boy_ key_ way _holiday _ toy _ valley_5) zoo_ piano_ radio_6) life_ leaf_ self_shelf_ wolf_ thief_7) tooth_ foot_ goose_8) man_ woman_policeman_9) German_ Chinese_Japanese_roof_ chief_ sheep_10) man doctor _ woman driver _11) step-son _ sister-in-law_2 填出表示量的词。1) a _ of good news (条)2) a _ of trousers (条)3) a _ of advice (条)4) a _ of paper (张)5) a _of rice (碗)6) a _ of oil (滴)7) a _ of food (种)8) a _ of glasses (副)9) a _of basketball(场)10) a _ of meat (块)11)a _ of time (段)12) a _ of ink (瓶)13)a _ of chocolate (块)14)two _ of water (杯)15)three _of milk (袋)16)four _of apples (公斤)17)an old _ of clothes (套)3用be的适当形式填空。1)Half of the fruit _ bad.2) There _ a desk and three chairs here.3) He thinks maths _ important.4) Look, there _ so much rain here!5) Tom and Marks room _ very small.6) These TVs _ a new product.7)150 Kilometers _ a long distance.8)This pair of glasses_ too big for me.9)The Chinese police _ strong.10)Yesterdays news _ quite interesting.4选择填空。1)He believes that Physics _ much easier.A. are B. is C. were D. will 2) The boys have got _ already.A. two pieces of breads B. two breadC. two breads D. two pieces of bread3) I cant help you because I have _ money.A. little B. few C. a little D. a few4) Kate went to _ last night.A. the house of her father B. hers fathers houseC. the houses her father D. her fathers house5) Which do you prefer, _ or_?A. meat, vegetable B. meats, vegetablesC. meat, vegetables D. meats, vegetables6) Could you please give us _?A. a adive B. an advice C. some advice D. some advices7) What is she? She is _A. a singer and a dancer B. a singer and dancerC. the singer and dancer D. singer and dancer8) The young man wanted _.A. six boxes of match B. six boxes of matchsC. six boxes of matches D. six boxs of matches9)This is not your raido, but _.A. your brothers B. yours brothers C. you brothers D. yours brother10)Its about _ walk from this shop to the nearest bus stop.A. 5minutes B. 5minute C. 5 minutes D. 5 minutes第三节 直击中考1. (08,绵阳)Tomatoes, broccoli and _ are vegetables. A. banana B. potatoes C. noodles D. eggs2.(08,资阳)All the _ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it was their own holiday.A. manB. menC. womanD. women3 (08,乐山) _milk do you want? Three bottles, please.A. How much B. How many C. What4.(08,达州) -Which one would you like to work for in the following groups , Li Mei ? -Let me see . Id like to work for _.Because this group helps children in poor countries. A. Greenpeace B.NBA C. UNICEF D.WTO 5.(08,攀枝花) Hello!May I speak to Tina, please? Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong _. A. name B. way C. number D. telephone6.(08,泸州) She can speak Chinese, English and _ French. A. a little B. a few C. few7 (绵阳)Do you like movies? -Yes, I have many _on my wall. A. cinema B. books C. photos D. posters8. (成都)We have _ rain this springThe trees and grass dont grow well。 A1ittle Ba little Ca few D. few9.(资阳)Mrs. Black is a friend of . A.Marys mothersB.Marys motherC.mothers of MaryD.Mary mothers10. (四川) -Where shall we go for dinner? -_. A. At Uncle Tom B. At Uncle TomsC. With Uncle Tom 11. (广西)There is some in the cup, but ist too hot to drink. A.tea B.apples C.ice D.meat12(08,广东) mothers both work in the same hospitalATim and Peters B Tims and Peter CTims and Peters DTim and Peter参考答案(一)名词1。写出下了名词的复数形式1) shoes oranges eyes bridges trees lakes 2) buses foxes glasses wishes matches brushes 3) bodies cities enemies families countries parties 4) boys keys ways holidays toys valleys5) zoos pianos radios 6)lives leaves selves shelves wolves thieves7) teeth feet geese8) men women policemen 9) Germans Chinese Japanese roofs chiefs sheep10) men doctors women drivers 11) step-sons sisters-in-law2. 填出表示量词的词piece, pair, piece, piece , bowl, drop, kind, pair, game , piece, period, bottle, bar, glasses, bags, kilos, suit3.用be的适当形式填空。1)is: fruit为不可数名词 2)is: there be句型的就近原则3)is: maths为不可数名词 4)is: rain为不可数名词5)is: 两人共有的一间房子 6)are: 主语为复数7)is:距离看做整体 8)is: 主语为this pair,为单数9)is: 集体名词 10)is: 主语为不可数名词4.选择填空1)-10): B D C (money 为不可数名词)D C C B C A D直击中考B B A C C A D A A B A C


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