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必修3词语检测一、根据所给汉语意思为英文单词选择一个准确的释义。(20小题)1. minister A.首相 B. 丞相 C. 总理 D. 部长2.independence A. 自主 B. 依靠 C. 依赖 D. 独立的3.hostess A. 女主持人 B. 主办 C. 主人 D.主办者4.genuine A. 基因的 B. 温和的 C. 真诚的 D. 集合5.garlic A. 大葱 B. 大蒜 C. 大辣椒 D. 蔬菜 6.frost A.霜冻 B. 大雾 C. 风 D.海浪7.energetic A.能力 B.充满活力的 C.精力 D. 动力8.eggplant A. 马铃薯 B. 西红柿 C. 茄子 D.洋葱9.drown A. 下面 B. 黎明 C. 市区 D. 溺死10.dioxide A. 二氧化物 B. 二氧化碳 C. 碳化合物 D.一氧化物 11.consult A. 咨询 B. 证实 C. 联合 D.对立面12.climate A. 衣服 B. 气候 C. 基督教 D.碰撞13.charity A. 连锁 B. 聊天 C. 施舍 D. 樱桃14.border A. 骨头 B.鞠躬 C. 灌木 D.国界15.booth A. 牙齿 B.公用电话间 C. 胸部 D.自助餐 16.biologist A. 故乡 B.生物学家 C.化学家 D. 生化学家17.barbecue A.烧烤 B.理发师 C. 腊肉 D.豆18.ancestor A.报幕员 B.数量 C.祖宗 D.广播员19.acre A. 酸 B.英亩 C. 到达 D.原子20.aboard A. 在船上 B.在国外 C. 在木板上 D.在账户上 二、根据所给英语单词为其前的汉语释义选择一个单词。1. 遍及全世界的A. weightlessly B. wipe C. within D. worldwide 2.漂泊 A. wealthy B. weakness C. wander D. weep 3.醋 A. violent B. vinegar C. vitamin D.Valentines Day4.强项,力量 A. strength B. surround C. system D. starve 5. 学说,理论 A. theory B. topic C. tradition D. terrify 6.减肥, 变细 A. slim B. spot C. spy D. solar 7.景色, 风景 A. scream B. scenery C. sign D. satellite 8.宗教,宗教信仰A. rooster B. rickets C. religion D. rag9.诗人 A. physicist B. pineapple C. pull D. poet 10.辣椒 A. pepper B. pea C.peach D.pearl 11.人行道 A. pavement B. patience C. passage D. parade 12.氧 A. nitrogen B. oxygen C. nut D.origin 13.乘,增加 A. mushroom B. mutton C. multiply D.mixture 14.枫树 A. mass B. manner C. measure D.maple 15.海港 A. harbour B. harvest C. harm D.herd 16.地球仪 A. globe B.gravity C. glare D. gather17. 过错,故障A. fault B.float C.fool D.feast18.生存 A. exist B. envelope C.eagle D.Easter19.消化,摘要 A.digest B. dawn C. diet D.dessert20.黄瓜 A. cucumber B. curiosity C. customer D. custom 三、给下列短语选择一个正确的英语短语。1. 发生 A. take place B. take ones place C. take the place of D. take up 2.对某人有害A.do good to sb B. do harm to sb C.do sb wrong D.do sb a favor3.纪念,追念 A. in praise of B. in charge of C.in memory of D. in need of 4.捉弄某人 A. play a joke with sb B. joke with sb C.laugh at sb D. play a trick on sb5. 出现, 露面A. turn up B. turn out C.turn down D.turn off 6.出发, 引起突然活动A. set off B. set off for C. set out fromtoD. set up7.携带跑掉 A. get away with B. get across C. get along/ on with D. get around/round8.盼望 A. look forward to B. owing to C. thanks to D. look up to 9.砍倒, 消减 A. cut across B. cut in C. cut out D. cut down 10.凝视 A. glare at B. glance at C. glimpse at D. stare at 11.说明原因 A. account for B. by all accounts C. on account of D. on all accounts 12.偶然地 A. by the chance B. by the accident C. by accident D. by an accident13.及时 A. in time B. on time C. at a time D.at one time14.变得习惯于 A. grow into sth B.grow away from sb C.grow on sb D. grow up15.爆发 A. break into B. break in C. break down D. break out 16.定居下来 A. settle down B. settle into C. settle up D. settle ones affairs17.朝外看 A. look out of B. look out for C. look into D. look into ones eyes 18.按顺序 A. in turn B.by turns C. take turns D. in return 19.做笔记 A. change ones note B. make a note of C.make notes D. compare notes 20.在黎明 A. at dawn B. at dark C. at least D.at last 四、给下列短语选择一个正确的汉语释义。1. go ahead A. 前进,可以,往下说B.提前走C.向前D. 朝前2.as for A.关于,至于 B.好像 C.因为 D.正如3.block out A.发生 B.挡住(光线) C.爆发 D. 突发4.bring up A.产生 B.引进 C. 抚养 D.带到5.by accident A.小心B.有意 C.企图 D.偶然 6.catch sight of A瞥见 .B.视力 C.抓住 D.遇到7.cheer up A.干杯 B.感到振奋 C.聊天 D. 改变8.on the contrary A.同意 B.咨询 C.正相反D.协议9.in debt A.债 B.债务 C.还债 D.欠债10.dress up A.打扮B.穿上 C.化妆 D. 脱掉 11.earn ones living A.谋生 B .打工 C.赚钱 D.工作12.get away with A.被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚B.熟悉 C.脱离D.理解13.give birth to A.赠送 B.产生, 分娩C.黎明 D.出生14.have a gift for A.有礼物给B.对有天赋C.给礼物 D.有天赋在15.have ones breath A.屏气 B.呼吸 C.有气 D. 有呼吸 16.have fun with A.玩得开心 B.有乐趣 C.与.玩得开心D.过得愉快17.keep ones word A.保守秘密 B.守信用C.保存某人的话 D.录音 18.lay eggs A.放下鸡蛋 B.搁置鸡蛋 C.下蛋 D. 碰鸡蛋19.lose weight A.失去重量 B.失去体重 C.失去平衡 D. 体重减轻20.now that A.既然 B.现在 C.那时 D.今后 五、从ABCD中选择一个正确的答案。1. Many people_death in the earthquake as a result of the delay of the supplies. A. were starved to B. starved to C. were starved D. both A and B 2.The pupil, who comes from the country, is starving _the friendship from_who come from the city.A. for; others B. about; some C. for; those D. about; the ones 3. The soldiers who have fought for our country should be shown_to. A. reputation B. fame C. honour D. favor 4.They gave a banquet(宴会)_the guests from Britain. A. in honour of B. in an honour of C. in honour to D. in honour for 5. Its known that taking exercise_ your health. A. do good to B. does good to C. is good to D. are good for 6. Catherine should make an apology to Jim for the great wrongs _to him. A. done B. being done C. made D. being made 7.Too much rain will do harm _the crops. A. with B. for C. to D. of 8.Smoking and drinking is harmful _our health. A. to B. for C. with D. at 9.This film was made _Comrade Kong Fansen. Which is NOT correct? A. in honour of B. in memory of C. in praise of D. in charge of 10. Washington, the capital of the United States, was named _one of the greatest American presidents. A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of 11.You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _.A. date B. shape C. order D. balance 12. The football team was not _for the first game of the season.A. in shape B. in the shape C. in form D. in the form 13. His perseverance _him many friends and a prize. A. gained B. won C. gave D. left 14. They _the battle but lost many men. A. gained B. won C. defeated D. beat 15. _at the airport, he was arrested by the police. A. When arrived B. On his arrival C. At arriving D. As arrived 16. The _to the cinema is on your left. A. enter B. reach C. entry D. arrival 17. The captain_all the soldiers before him, telling them to get ready for the fight.A. collected B. selected C. gathered D. elected 18. It is the _for Westerners to celebrate Christmas. A. way B. habit C. manner D. custom 19. The old woman felt disappointed for she got nothing in _for her kindness. A. pay B. reward C. award D. prize 20.Martin was once _the title of “Advanced Worker” for his excellent work in his company.A. paid B. prize C. rewarded D. awarded


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