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1、would you like to read these news papers or magazines?您想看这些报纸或杂志吗?2、would you like anything to drink first?您想先喝点什么?3、here is todays menuwhat would you like to have?这是今天的菜单,你想吃些什么?4、thank you for waiting sirhere you areanything more?谢谢,让您久等了。这是您的饭和咖啡,还要点什么? 5、how about the sweet?甜食要不要? 6、may i clear up your table now?现在可以收拾您的桌子吗? 7、are you going to study there or just for sight seeing?你是去学习还是只去旅游? 8、the flight has been delayed because of bad weather由于天气恶劣,航班已经延误。 9、we cant take off because the airport is closed due to poor visibility.由于低能见度,机场关闭,我们不能起飞。 10、our plane is bumping hardplease keep your seat belt fastened。我们的飞机颠簸得厉害,请系好安全带。before take-off起飞前1. morning, madam(sir). welcome board!早上好,女士(先生)。欢迎登机!2. may i introduce myself, im _, the chief purser of this flight.请允许自我介绍。我叫_,本次航班的乘主任务长。3. morning, sir. welcome aboard. business class or economy?早上好,先生。欢迎登机。坐公务还是经济舱?4. follow me, please. your seat is in the middle of the cabin.请跟我来,您的座位在客舱中部。5. an aisle seat on the left side - here you are, sir.是左边靠走廊座位-这是您的座位。6. im afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle.恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排。7. excuse me for a second, ill check.请稍等一下,我查查看。8. the plane is about to take off. please dont walk about in the cabin.飞机马上要起飞了,请不要在客舱内走动。9. you know the weather in hongkong is not so good. it has been delayed.你知道香港的天气不太好,飞机延误了。10. air china flight ca937 leaves at 0730 in the morning.中国国际航空公司ca937航班,上午7:30起飞。11. flight no. 926, leaving tokyo at 1740, flies nonstop back to beijing.ca926航班17:40离开东京直飞回北京。12. youre flying economy class. is that right?您是坐经济舱,对吗?emergency situation紧急情况1. fasten your seat belts immediately. the plane will make an emergency landing because of the sudden breakdown of an engine.马上系好安全带。由于飞机发动机出现故障,将做紧急迫降。2. dont panic!不要惊慌。3. our captain has confidence to land safely. all the crew members of this flight are well trained for this kind of situation. so please obey instructions from us.我们的机长完全有信心安全着陆。我们所有的机组人员在这方面都受过良好的训练,请听从我们的指挥。4. take out the life vest under your seat and put it on!从座椅下拿出救生衣,穿上它!5. dont inflate the life vest in the cabin and as soon as you leave the aircraft, inflate it by pulling down the red tab.请不要在客舱内将救生衣充气!一离开飞机立即拉下小红头充气。6. put the mask over your face!戴上氧气面罩!7. bend your head between your knees!把你的头弯下来放在两膝之间!8. bend down and grab your ankles.弯下身来,抓住脚踝。9. get the extinguisher.拿灭火器来!10. open seat belts. leave everything behind and come this way!解开安全带,别拿行李,朝这边走!11. this plane has eight emergency exits. please locate the exit nearest to you. 本架飞机有八个安全门,请找到离你最近的那个门。12. jump and slide down!跳滑下来!1. morning, madam(sir). welcome board!早上好,女士(先生)。欢迎登机!2. may i introduce myself, im _, the chief purser of this flight.请允许自我介绍。我叫_,本次航班的乘主任务长。3. morning, sir. welcome aboard. business class or economy?早上好,先生。欢迎登机。坐公务还是经济舱?4. follow me, please. your seat is in the middle of the cabin.请跟我来,您的座位在客舱中部。5. an aisle seat on the left side - here you are, sir.是左边靠走廊座位-这是您的座位。6. im afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle.恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排。7. excuse me for a second, ill check.请稍等一下,我查查看。8. the plane is about to take off. please dont walk about in the cabin.飞机马上要起飞了,请不要在客舱内走动。9. you know the weather in hongkong is not so good. it has been delayed.你知道香港的天气不太好,飞机延误了。10. air china flight ca937 leaves at 0730 in the morning.中国国际航空公司ca937航班,上午7:30起飞。11. flight no. 926, leaving tokyo at 1740, flies nonstop back to beijing.ca926航班17:40离开东京直飞回北京。12. youre flying economy class. is that right?您是坐经济舱,对吗? ()您好,欢迎。Good morning (afternoon,evening) sir,welcome aboard.()是,对。Yes, I see.()请。Please.()是,马上就去。Yes,Im going away right now.()很报歉(对不起)。Im sorry.()让你久等了。Thank you for waiting (sir)。()是,马上给您拿来。Ill get one for you in just a moment.()打扰了(过意不去)。Excuse me.()知道了(不知道)。Yes, I know (No, I dont know).()是您叫我吗?Did you call me?()不清楚,马上查询。Im not sure, Ill check it.()不客气。Its my pleasure.()谢谢。Thank you very much.()托您的福。Thanks to you.()祝您旅途愉快。I hope enjoy your flight 1.请做一下自我介绍 2.你为什么想当一名乘务员? 3.你父母对你当乘务员怎么看? 4.你从何时起想成为一名空中乘务员的? 5.你想拿多少月薪? 6.如果你被录用,你会与我们共事多久? 7.如果乘客提议结伴旅行,你会怎么做? 8.请你说一说学分达到平均分以上的原因? 9.你以前做过兼职吗? 10.你在学校生活期间的特殊活动是什么? 11.学校生活给你印像最深的是什么? 12.在上大学前你做什么? 13.你打算在此工作多久? 14.你对工作时间以外的超时工作怎么看? 15.请说一说本人的职业观? 16.你决意离职的动机是什么? 17.你向其它公司申请了吗? 18.你认为自己的英语实力如何? 19.你有资格证和特殊技能吗? 20.你认为自己的性格如何? 21你的优点和缺点是什么? 22.学生时代印象最深的是什么事? 23.你喜欢什么俱乐部活动? 24.你有学位吗? 25.你的大学成绩如何? 26.你最喜欢哪一课? 27.你在大学的专业是什么? 28.你毕业于哪一所高中(大学)? 29.你理想中的女性形象应该如何? 30.你认为自己的能力中具有竞争力的是什么? 31.你最近关心什么? 32.大学时做过什么活动? 33.请说一说你所知道的鸡尾酒的种类 34.你的英语水平如何? 35.你在休息日做什么? 36.做为社会的一员,你的梦想是什么? 37.请谈一谈你对恋爱结婚和通过媒人介绍结婚的看法 38今天心情如何? 39.你的兴趣是什么? 40.如果乘客晕机你该如何处理? 41.你如何保持健康? 42.放弃别的航空公司而要和我们一起工作的理由是什么? 43.你是属于保守型的,还是属于自由奔放型的? 44.迄今为止,什么事情给你留下了最深刻的印象? 45.你做过兼职吗? 46.如果孩子打扰乘客,你该如何去做? 47.你对女性吸烟问题如何看? 48.你有座右铭吗? 49.你擅长社交吗?international passenger 国际旅客 domestic passenger 国内旅客 connecting passenger 转机旅客 transit passenger 过境旅客 stand-by 候补旅客 no-show 误机者 unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童 handicapped passenger 残疾旅客 departing passenger 出港旅客 arriving passenger 进港旅客 flight crew 机组人员 captain 机长 pilot 飞行员 copilot 副驾驶员 flight engineer 飞行机械师 stewardess/cabin attendant/air hostess 女乘务员/空中小姐 steward 男乘务员 purser/chief attendant 乘务长 chief purser 主任乘务长 air crew 空勤人员 ground crew 地勤人员 ground service staff 地面服务人员 navigtor 领航员 Main Facilities in the Airport机场主要设备 aerodrome/airport 飞机场 alternate airfield 备用机场 control tower 管制塔台 hangar 机库 fuel farm 油库 emergency service 急救站 localizer 航向信标台/定位信标 weather office 气象站 runway 跑道 taxiway 滑行道 parking bay 停车位置 maintenance area 维修区 terminal departure building 机场大厦/候机楼 international departure building 国际航班出港大厦 seeing-off deck 送客台 domestic departure lobby 国内线出港候机厅 coffee shop 咖啡室 special waiting room 特别休息室 quarantine 检疫 Customs 海关 emigration control 出境检查 snack bar 快餐部 automatic door 自动出入门 arrival lounge 到达大厅 departure lounge 离港大厅 transit lounge 过站大厅 telephone/telegram/fax room 电话/电报/传真间 stand-by ticket counter 补票处 flight ination board 航班显示板 check-in counter 办理登机手续柜台 transfer correspondence 中转柜台 carousel 旋转行李传送带 public address 广播室 dispatch office 签派室 police office 机场公安局(警察局) boby temperature scanner 体温检测仪 medical centre 医疗中心 escalator 自动扶梯 elevator (升降式)电梯 moving/automatic walkway 自动步道 air bridge 登机廊桥 airport fire service 机场消防队 catering department 配餐供应部门 duty-free shop 免税商店 airtel/airport hotel 机场宾馆 VIP room 贵宾室 main lobby 主厅 freight building/cargo centre 货运大厦/货运中心 security centre 保安中心 imports shop 进口商品店 entrance 入口 passenger route 旅客通道 boarding gate No.18 第18号登机桥 bosrding gate besides No.16 第16号以外登机桥 ination counter/office 问询处 lavatory 卫生间 international arrival building 国际航班到达大厦 taxi stand 出租汽车站 demestic connection counter 国内线联运柜台 exit 出口 hotel and limousine service 旅馆及机场交通服务处 limousine stand 机场交通车站 waiting room 休息室 exchange and tax payment 兑换及付税 Customs personnel 海关人员 Customs inspection counter 海关检查柜台 baggage claim area 行李认领区 immigration control 入境检查 plant quarantine 植物检疫 animal quarantine 动物检疫 connection counter 联运柜台 arrival lobby 入境旅客休息室 security counter 安检柜台 security check station 安全检查站 S:Excuse me,sir.May I see your boarding pass? P1:According to my seat number.I think maybe I ought to be seated in the middle of the cabin.But since I got up this morning,I“ve got a slight headache,and my stomach feels a little upset.So I want to take a seat near the lavatory.Would it be possible for me to sit here? S:I appreciate your problem.But you should be seated in the assigned seat,in order to ensure proper weight and balance for the aircraft when it takes off.Would you please go back to your assigned seat for the time being?After it takes off,you may return to this seat. p1:OK,I see. . p2:Excuse me,Miss.Do you mind if I ask you a question? S:Go ahead. P2:The man over there is a friend of mine.I wonder if I could sit next to him. S:Well.Let me try to talk with the girl beside him to change the seat with you.Follow me ,please. May I trouble you,Miss?The man over there woule like to sit together with the passenger here.Would you be kind enough to chenge to another seat? P3:OK,no problem. S:Thank you,Miss. p2:Thanks a lot. S:You“re welcome. 一个乘客没有按指定座位入座。) 乘务员:对不起,先生。我能看一下您的登机牌吗? 乘客1:按我的座位号,我应该坐在中舱。但我今天早上起来后,头有点痛,肚子不舒服,所以我想坐靠近卫生间的座位。我能坐在这吗? 乘务员:我理解您。但为了确保飞机起飞时的配载平衡您应坐在指定的位置上。请您暂时回到指定的位置上好吗?等起飞后您可以回到这个座位上。 乘客1:好,我明白了。 . 乘客2:对不起,小姐。我问个问题行吗? 乘务员:问吧。 乘客2:那边的那位先生是我的一个朋友。我想知道我能不能坐在他边上。 乘务员:恩,让我去同坐在他边上的女士商量一下,和您换个座位。请随我来。 小姐,麻烦您一下好吗?那位男士想和这位乘客坐在一块。请您给换个座位好吗? 乘客3:行,没问题。 乘务员:谢谢您,小姐。 乘客2:多谢您了。 乘务员:不用客气。 S:Whose bag is it? P1:It“s mine.I don“t know where to put it.The overhead compartment is full and I“ve tried to put it under the seat,but it doesn“t fit.Can you help me? S:You know,nobody is allowed to leave baggage here as the aisle mustn“t be blocked.But don“t worry.Please carry the bag and follow me.Maybe there will be some rooms in the front cabin. (They come to the front cabin.The stewardess opens one of the overhead compartment and she finds a handcart in it.) S:Whose handcart is this,please? p2:Why?It“s mine.What“s up? Slease don“t put your handcart in the overhead compartment ,In case of turbulance,it might fall down and hurt somebody.Could you place it under your seat? p2:Sure. S:Thank you very much. Now your problem has solved. p1:Oh,my God! S:What“s happened! P1:Where“s my leather briefcase? S:Where did you put it?Is it in the overhead compartment or somewhere else? P1:I did put it beside me on my seat.It must have dropped on the cabin floor when I got up from my seat,I“ll go and look for it. S:No hurry.I“m sure you coule find it. S:Have you found it? p1:Yes. S:Where did you find it? P1:Just under the seat.That had me worried for a while.Thank you for your help. S:Not at all. 一个行李包放在过道上。) 乘务员:这是谁的包? 乘客1:是我的。我不知道放在哪儿,行李架已满,我试着放在座位下面,但放不下。您能帮我一下吗? 乘务员:您是知道的,不允许把行李放在这里,过道不能堵塞。但别着急,您提着行李随我来。前舱也许有地方放。 (他们来到前舱,乘务员打开行李架发现里面横着一辆手推车。) 乘务员:请问,这是谁的手推车? 乘客2:怎么啦?是我的。有什么事? 乘务员:请不要将手推车放在行李架上。万一遇到颠簸可能会掉下来砸伤人的。您可以把它放在座位下面吗? 乘客2:当然可以。 乘务员:谢谢。 现在您的问题解决了。 乘客1:噢,天呐! 乘务员:发生什么事啦? 乘客1:我的公文包在哪里? 乘务员:您把它放哪儿了?在行李架上或其他什么地方? 乘客1:我是把它放在座位边上的。准是在我站起来时掉在地上了,我去找找。 乘务员:别着急,我肯定您会找到的。 乘务员:您找到公文包了吗? 乘客1:找到了。 乘务员:您在哪找到的? 乘客1:就在座位下面。真让我急了一阵子。谢谢您的帮助。 乘务员:不用谢。


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