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单句复习1 复习提示:通过课本重点句子的理解和记忆,熟练掌握所学内容。 一、完成时态现在完成时(The Present Perfect Tense)构成:助动词have(has)+过去分词肯定否定疑问肯定答语否定答语I have worked.You/we/they have worked.He/she/it has worked.I have not worked.You/we/they have not worked.He/she/it has not worked.Have I worked?Have you/we/they worked?Has he/she/it worked?Yes, I have.Yes, you/we/they have.Yes, he/she/it has.No, I have not.No, you/we/they have not.No, he/she/it has not.用法:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响。 Have you had your lunch yet? Yes. Ive just had it. (现在我不饿了) 表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。 I havent seen her these days. They have lived here since 1993.与一般过去时的区别:一般过去时只表示过去; 现在完成时强调现在情况。例:I have seen the film. 我看过这部电影(我了解其内容)I saw the film last week. 我上星期看了这部电影(只表示我看了,不涉及现在)1. 在二十一世纪初世界人口就已经突破了六十亿大关。_2. 到目前为止,还没有人到过比月球还远的地方,但是无人飞船已经到过了宇宙中其它地方。_3. 人造卫星已经由很多国家发送到了太空中。_4. 中国人不想看到更多的水旱灾害,因此他们已经建了一个穿越这个国家北部地区新的“长城”。_5. 看起来它们已经在地球上生活很多年了,而且几乎没有发生过什么变化。_6. 从三岁时起我就在这里生活了。_7. 你去过月球吗?_8. 我这一生中还从没有见过这么漂亮的山。_9. 你加入“绿色中国”有多久了?_10. 自从加入“绿色中国”后你都做过些什么?_11. 这就意味着你已经做过有用的事情来改善环境。_12. 尽管我还没有得到一份好工作,但是冲浪使我很健康。_13. 我从来没见过三条腿的杯子。_14. 我今天学到了许多关于中国古代发明的东西。_15. 我在水下长达2小时。_16. 他们去看爷爷奶奶了。_17. 吉姆格林(Jim Green)在中国待了两年多了。_18. 很多鱼死了。_19. 他去新西兰出差了。_20. 我已经在城市冲浪比赛中获得了第一名。_二、被动语态构成: be动词的过去分词被动语态的适用情况(1)动作的施动者很明显,或不知道、不确切知道或忘记了谁是施动者而没有必要提到时。 例如: Youll be met at the station.(2)主动动词的主语是人们时。例如:Trees are planted here every year.(3)强调或侧重动词的承受者时。例如:She is liked by everybody.(4)出于行文时的需要时。例如:The film was directed by Kevin.(5)有些动词习惯上常用被动语态。例如:He is said to be a good actor.被动语态的不同时态(1)一般现在时 am/ is/ are动词的过去分词(2)一般过去时 was/ were动词的过去分词(3)一般将来时 will/shallbe动词的过去分词(4)现在进行时 is/am/are +being+动词的过去分词(5)过去进行时 was/ werebeing动词的过去分词(6)现在完成时 have/hasbeen动词的过去分词(7)过去完成时 hadbeen动词的过去分词带情态动词的被动语态由 情态动词be动词的过去分词 构成。例如:The bridge is very dangerous. It should be repaired.1. 不过,在接下来的一个小时内,会有15540多个婴儿降生到地球上。_2. 这些星星中有许多因为距离太远而看不到。_3. 几年之后,这些山脉将会郁郁葱葱。_4.音乐会期间,所有的呼机和手机都必须处于关机状态。_5. 这些蛋是在二十世纪二十年代由一队科学家在戈壁沙漠上发现的。_6. 这只大碗是用来保持酒温的。_7. 当碗里注满了热水,酒就会变温。_8. 世界上哪种语言说得最广泛?_9. 世界上有四亿人把英语当作第一语言。_10. 世界上四分之三的书和报纸是用英语写的。_11. 据说,有一天他爬到了一所房子的屋顶,顺着烟囱扔下去了一些钱。_12. 现在她弄丢的书通常能够还回到图书馆。_13. 全世界都必须做绿色长城这项工作。_14. 我们现在必须把树系在杆子上。_15. 所有观众必须着装整洁,不允许穿拖鞋进入音乐厅。_16. 它们已经发明出来几百年了。_17. 它们用于古代。_18. 现在它得到了全世界人的喜爱。_参考答案一、完成时态1. Now at the beginning of the 21st century the worlds population has passed six billion. 2. So far, no man has traveled farther than the moon, but spaceships without people have reached other parts of the universe.3. Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.4. Chinese people do not want to see more floods and droughts, so they have built a new Great Wall across the northern part of the country.5. It seems they have been on earth for thousands of years, and have changed very little.6. Ive lived here since I was 3 years old.7. Have you ever been to the moon?8. Ive never seen such a beautiful mountain in my life?9. How long have you been a member of Greener China?10. What have you done since you joined Greener China?11. It means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.12. Although I havent got a good job, surfing makes me very fit.13. Ive never seen a cup with three legs.14. Ive learnt a lot about old Chinese inventions today.15. Ive been down as long as two hours.16. They have gone to visit their grandparents.17. Jim Green has been in China for more than two years.18. Lots of fish have died.19. Hes gone to New Zealand on business.20. I have already won first prize in the city surfing competition.二、被动语态1. However, during the next hour, over 15,540 more babies will be born on the earth.2. Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away.3. In a few years time, those mountains will be covered with trees, too!4. All beepers and mobile phones must be kept off during the concert.5. These eggs were found in Gobi Desert by a group of scientists in the 1920.6. The big bowl was used for keeping the wine warm.7. When the bowl was filled with hot water, the wine would get warm.8. Which language is the most widely spoken in the world?9. English is spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language.10. Three quarters of the worlds books and newspapers are written in English.11. It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and dropped some money down a chimney12. Now her lost books are usually returned to the library.13. They must be built a green Great Wall all over the world.14. Now the tree must be tied to the stick.15. All members of the audience should be dressed neatly, and no slippers are allowed into the concert hall.16. They were all invented hundreds of years ago.17. It was used in the old days.18. Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.


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