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Units 1012.词汇(共15分)A.按要求写出下列词的相应形式。1.both(反义词)_2.all(同义词)_3.tooth(复数)_4.die (名词)_5.visit(名词)_6.fix(现在分词)_7.happy(副词)_8.we(反身代词)_9.necessary(比较级)_10.help(形容词)_B.根据汉语提示写出正确单词。11.Are you interested in_(跳舞)? 12.I found an old man_(躺)outside the park just now.13.The doctor saved lots of_(生命)all his life.14.How many_(病人)are there in the hospital?15.People enjoy Chinese food because it has different_(味道)and is usually very delicious.单项选择(共10分)1.One of the most popular _of _in the world is Chinese food.A.kind;foodB.kinds;foodC.kind;foodsD.kinds;foods2.Go down this street until you _the third traffic lights.A.will reachB.getC.arriveD.reach3.What is your brother doing now?He is speaking to _ boy.A.few B.littleC.a little D.a few4.Be careful when you _the road.A.crossB.acrossC.throughD.crossing5.He _read _write when he was very young.A.cant;andB.cant;orC.couldnt;andD.couldnt;or6.This pair of shoes is better than _,isnt it?A.that B.itC.that pair D.that one7.Theres nothing around the island,_?A.is itB.is thereC.isnt thereD.isnt it8._the umbrella with you.Its raining hard.A.Take B.GiveC.Bring D.Get9.His father got home very late yesterday._he got home very early today.A.Or B.AndC.But D.Then10.She was so tired.So she stopped_.A.to have a restB.to have rest C.having a restD.having rest.按要求改写句子(共10分)1.The man on the motorbike was traveling too fast.(改为感叹句)_ _the man on the motorbike was traveling!2.Your uncle left for Changchun two days ago.(改为反意疑问句)Your uncle left for Changchun two days ago,_ _?3.The old woman watches TV every day.(用when we came in替换 every day)The old woman_ _TV when we came in.4.They didnt have fish for lunch.They had meat.(合并成一个句子)They had meat for lunch_ _fish.5.The two women go to the cinema at times.(对划线部分提问)_ _do the two women go to the cinema?.情景交际(共5分)从栏中找出栏中各句相对应的答语。1.Sorry,Im late again.2.May I speak to your sister?3.Oh,dear! What shall I do?4.What is the name of the book?5.Help yourself to some meat.6.May I use your ruler?7.My computer is broken.8.What can I do for you?9.We won the boys400-meter race.10.Did he return the book?A.Id like a pair of scissors.B.Congratulations to you.C.Hold on.D.Let me help you repair it.E.No,thanks.Ive got enough.F.Certainly.Here you are.G.Business the Speed of Thought.H.It doesnt matter.I.Yes,he did it yesterday.J.Whats the matter,Mike?.用所给的动词的适当形式填空(共10分)Linda had a little accident yesterday.When she was walking along a river,she saw some ducks (1)_ (swim) in it.She stopped (2)_ (throw) some bread to them.She (3) _ (stand) near the river.She (4)_ (not be) careful and (5)_ (fall) into the river .As soon as Mr.White (6)_ (hear) the cry for help,he (7)_ (jump) into the river.Then he (8)_(swim) with Linda to the side of the river and (9)_ (say) to her ,“You must (10)_ (be) more careful next time.”.根据汉语完成下列句子(共10分)1.你能帮我修电脑真是太好了。_ very nice _ you _ _ me repair the computer.2.值班的人发现了一个奇怪的人。The man _ _ found a strange man.3.我发现划船很有趣。I found _ _ _ boat.4.他们是二十分钟前到达城里的。 They _ _ the city twenty minutes_.5.上车的时候,不要拥挤。 When you _ _ the bus ,you mustnt _ others.完形填空(共10分)London is such a wonderful city.It is very large.The Thames River runs 1 the city from west to east.So the city has 2 parts,the South and North.In the North are important buildings,shops,big parks and interesting places.The weather in London is good.In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot because the city is near the 3 .People say that London is a foggy city and it often rains.It is true.Last year,when I was in London I met one of the 4 fogs in years.You could almost not see your hand in front of your face.Cars and buses moved along 5 their lights on.When evening fell,the weather 6 even worse.The fog was as 7 as milk. 8 buses and cars 9 .I happened to (碰巧)have an important meeting on the other side of the town,but it was too hard to find a car,I had to get there 10 .1.A.about B.throughC.in D.along2.A.four B.sixC.five D.two3.A.sea B.sixC.lake D.mountain4.A.thick B.thickerC.thinnest D.thickest5.A.and B.withC.for D.to6.A.becomes B.gotC.turn D.grow7.A.white B.thinC.thick D.thicker8.A.All B.EachC.Every D.Neither9.A.moved on B.stoppedC.were broken D.returned10.A.by bus B.by carC.by plane D.on foot.阅读理解(共10分)Born in Texas(得克萨斯州)in 1893,Bessie Coleman drew she wanted to do something exciting with her life.Then Coleman saw her first airplane,and she knew she wanted to fly.But no school would teach her because she was a woman and a black woman.So Coleman went to Europe.At the age of twenty-eight,she became the worlds first black woman to hold a pilots license(拥有飞行驾照).Then she went home to fly in air shows(飞行表演).Soon she was called“Brave (勇敢的)Bessie.”Bessie Coleman had wanted to open a flying school for black women.Sadly,she never saw her dream come true.She was killed in a plane crash.But Coleman is still remembered today.A group of black flies call themselves the “Bessie Coleman Aviators.”1.The best title is_.A.Learning to FlyB.The First Black Woman Pilot(飞行员)C.Air Show of Long AgoD.How Women Learned to Fly2.Bessie Coleman was born in_.A.TexasB.EuropeC.New YorkD.Washington3.The best word to describe(形容)Bessie Coleman is_.A.carefulB.daring (胆大的)C.quietD.Texan4.The best “aviators” means_.A.teachersB.doctorsC.fliersD.fighters5.Which of the following sentences is not true?A.Bessie Coleman learned how to learn flying Europe.B.Bessie Coleman began to learn flying in 1893.C.Bessie held a pilots license when she was twenty-eight.D.Bessie didnt see her dream come true.


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