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宾语从句复习导学案 沙丰凯学习目标:(使学生明确学习目标,一目了然,更有目的性。)1. 掌握宾语从句的不同引导词。 2.掌握宾语从句的语序。3. 掌握宾语从句中时态的一致。 4.掌握宾语从句中的特殊情况。教学过程:课前读词Read the words all together loudly. (通过读词,把学生的思维转化到英语学习当中。同时,划分了两大学习小组,引入竞争机制,并且让两组学生同时喊“were Number 1”,激发学生的学习动机,调动学生的学习积极性,学生在竞争中斗志会更强,学的会更有劲儿,为本节课奠定成功的基调。) 课内探究一自主复习: 根据学习目标,对照笔记复习宾语从句的有关知识。(让学生限时复习,然后老师做适当的点播,同时在黑板上板书宾语从句的要点。http:/wenku.baidu.com/view/daf08416a300a6c30c229fa6.html二学以致用:第一关:引导词http:/wenku.baidu.com/view/c4432444a8956bec0975e3c4.html 选词填空(that,where,whether,when ,who ,)1. Im sure _you are a good student.2. Betty doesnt know _the bus is.3. Im not interested in _he will go or not.4. -Do you know _the meeting will start? - At about half past eight.5. No one knows _is going to give us a report next week. (做题前和学生一起回顾如何找引导词,陈述句用that引导,一般疑问句用if或whether引导,特殊疑问句用特殊疑问词引导,并在讲题过程中,提问学生if和whether的异同,http:/wenku.baidu.com/view/daf08416a300a6c30c229fa6.html将练习和讲解有机地结合起来。)第二关:语序http:/wenku.baidu.com/view/c4432444a8956bec0975e3c4.html (做练习前先问学生语序是什么,让学生从理论知道,然后再在实践中应用,做完题做一小结,进一步巩固宾语从句的陈述句语序,这反复重复强调就加深了学生的记忆。)1. I cant understand _. A. what does Christmas mean B. what Christmas does mean C. what mean Christmas does D. what Christmas means2. I dont know _. Can you tell me, please? A. how the two players are old B. how old are the two players C. the two players are how old D. how old the two players are3. Do you know where _ now? A. he lives B. does he live C. he lived D. did he live4.Could you tell me _ the radio without any help? A. how did he mend B. what did he mend C. how he mended D. what he mended5. I dont know _ the day after tomorrow. A. when does he come B. how will he come C. if will he comes D. whether hell come小结:宾语从句的语序为_,即引导词+_+_+其他。第三关 : 时态http:/wenku.baidu.com/view/c4432444a8956bec0975e3c4.html (时态一直是学生的薄弱环节,在做此练习时,学生的第二个小题容易出错,也就暴露了学生一般过去时和过去进行时分辨不清,借此机会再给学生讲解强调一下,既纠正了学生的错误,又弥补了学生以前所学知识的不足。在纠正完答案后,再和学生根据所做的练习适时地点播宾语从句的特殊情况,包括时态和语序等等,达到强化记忆的目的。同时,请学生回答第5个小题中的could是不是表示过去,进而引出would,给学生强调,would和could开头的一般疑问句表示委婉语气,不表示过去。)1. I know they _ (return) the book already.2.Tony says that they _ (play) football yesterday evening.3. He said that they _ (come)here next week. 4. Miss Wang told me that the earth _(move) round the sun.5.Could you tell me when he _(finish )the book tomorrow?小结:1)当主句是一般现在时时,从句 _;当主句是一般过去时时,从句用“_”时态2)当从句是客观真理,自然现象,格言,谚语时,不管主句是什么时态,从句永远用_。三将下列两个简单句改为含宾语从句的复合句。(通过以上三关的各个击破,学生对于宾语从句有了进一步的掌握,也明白了自己在做题时哪些方面容易出错,趁热打铁,让学生总结一下合并句子时宾语从句的三要素是不是可以省略其中的一个要素呢?http:/wenku.baidu.com/view/daf08416a300a6c30c229fa6.html进一步提醒学生三要素缺一不可,并趁热打铁,让5 个学生到黑板上做这5个小题,学生做完后,在纠正答案时,和学生一起分析一下什么的句子是宾语从句,并找出主句和从句以及引导词等,让学生进一步认识宾语从句,达到强化的目的。)1. Does Mr. Brown enjoy living in China? Could you tell us? 2. Where is the hospital? I wanted to know. 3. Would you please tell me?Which is the way to the park?4. He told me. The sun is bigger than the earth.5. He didnt know. How old is her father?四通过刚才的练习,你有什么收获?做宾语从句练习时应注意什么?http:/wenku.baidu.com/view/daf08416a300a6c30c229fa6.html宾语从句大练兵,看谁做的又快又好。自我检测一1.She asked the teacher_or not he could come.A.if B.that C. what D. whether2.Can you tell me_you are from?A. when B. where C. which D.if3. Do you know _Lucy has arrived? A. if B. this C.what D. which4. Icant decide_to go the party.A.whetherD.ifC. why D. that5I dont know _he will come tomorrow. _he comes,Ill tell you. A. if, Whether B. whether , Whether C. if, if 6. Could you tell me_the park is ? A. where B. How C. whether 7. Can he tell me_? A. what does he want B. what did he wantC.What he wants D. does what he want8.-Can you tell me_?-He is in the library.A.what he isB.how he isC. where he is D. where is he9.Excuse me,_? A. where is the Peoples Park B. where the Peoples Park is10.Could you tell me _? A. which istheway tothepark B. which theway istotheparkC. where the way is tothepark D. wheretheway istothepark自我检测二用词的适当形式填空:1.Mr Wang says he _(fly)to Beijing next week.2.Do you know where Sally _(go)yesterday? 3.The teacher told us that the moon_(go)around the earth.4.If he _(win)the match,his parents will be proud of him.5.If you dont know the answer,please_(ask) Mr Wu for help.(检测部分本着由易到难的原则设计练习,形式多样,具有梯度性,因为学生愿意做单项选择题,让学生体会成功的快乐,学生做完后,让他们小组讨论解决不懂得问题,小组讨论解决不了的老师再点播。如在学生讨论时第九个单选有的小组问为什么不选B,我提醒他们,“想一下宾语从句的定义”,学生会恍然大悟,然后再在班里集体强调什么是宾语从句,让学生再次对宾语从句进一步认识。接下来趁热打铁做检测二,给学生限定时间,让他们有紧迫感,提高做题效率。同时,用多媒体出示答案,既节省了时间,又能让学生一目了然,不会写错单词。)五拓展提高:根据汉语完成句子 1)你知道他是否住在这吗?Do you know _ _ _here ?2)我想知道你昨天上学为什么迟到了。I want to know _ _ _ _ _ _ yesterday .3)请告诉我你刚才发生什么事了。Please tell me _ _ _ _ _ just now 。(拓展提高部分有一定的难度,对于优秀学生来说,是能够做对的,此题是为了考察学生的综合应用能力,学生要细心仔细才能做对,对于中等生来说会认识到自己和优秀生还有一定的差距,会更努力的学习,对他们来说是一种鞭策,同时也是对宾语从句的进一步应用。)六课堂小结(http:/wenku.baidu.com/view/c4432444a8956bec0975e3c4.html本部分再一次回应学习目标,让学生回顾所复习的内容,老师再次点播一次,进一步明确了复习内容,对照目标再自我检测一下学习情况。)【课后提升 】1.梳理学案,整理笔记。 2.编5个宾语从句的练习题。(对于学生来说很重要,留下几分钟让学生整理笔记,整理本身就是一种复习,防止下课后整理学生会忘记;而让学生编5个宾语从句的题,更是达到了学以致用的目的,也为宾语从句在书面表达中的应用打下了坚实的基础。)教后反思:本节课引入了竞争机制,学生思维活跃,积极回答问题,调动了各种感官进行学习。但我用的课堂用语较少,并且对学生的表扬力度还不够。同时,小组合作运用的较少,如果在上课前给学生总结一下初中英语复合句的三种情况,然后出几个句子让学生找出其中的宾语从句,效果会更好。)


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