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3.Youre a good baseball player.你是一名很好的棒球运动员。 Why dont you play a game with us? 你为什么不和我们一起玩呢? I dont want to do it right now. 我不想马上做这个。4.Youre a good cook. 你是一名好厨师。 Why dont you make some pancakes? 你为什么不一做些薄煎饼呢? I dont want to do it by myself. 我不想自己做。5.We need one more runner.我们还需要一名赛跑运动员。 Whos the best runner? 谁是最好的赛跑运动员? Pete runs the fastest. Pete跑得最快。6.We need a basketball player.我们需要一名篮球运动员。 Whos the best basketball player?谁是最好的篮球运动员? Jim plays basketball the best. 吉姆篮球玩得最好。 Lesson 2 Can I Join You? 第二课,我能和你们一起参加吗?1、 单词practice/prkts/练习;prepare/prpe/准备;agree/ri:/同意;bring/br/带来;test/test/检验测试;proud/ prad/骄傲;cookie/ kk/小甜饼; during/dr/在.期间;excited/ksatd/令人激动的;without/ wat/没有;drummer/drm/鼓手;pack/pk/收拾行李,装箱;had better 最好 2、 句子1.May I come in?我可以进来吗? Yes,you may. 是的,可以。 What are you doing?你正在做什么? We are practicing for the talent show.我们正在为演唱会做练习。 Can I join you?我能参加吗? Sorry! Youre too young.对不起,你太小了。 Im a good pianist.我是一名优秀的钢琴演奏家。 Without a pianist, you cant make a good band. 没有钢琴演奏家,你们不能组成好的乐队。2.It doesnt sound right.听起来有点不对。Something is missing.好像缺点什么。Whats that sound?那是什么声音?Qiaoqiao is playing the piano.乔乔,正在弹钢琴。We need a pianist, dont we?我们需要一名钢琴家,是吗?Yes,we do.是的。What about you, Xiaoxiao?你说呢,肖肖?I agree with you.我同意你的想法。Id better bring him back. 我最好让他回来。3.We are practicing for the talent show.我们正在为演唱会做练习。I am making a cake for the birthday party.我正在为生日宴会制做蛋糕。What is Xiaoxiao doing?肖肖正在做什么?He is preparing for the test.他正在准备考试。What is Jenny doing? Jenny正在做什么?She is packing for the picnic.她正在为野餐打包裹。4. We need a drummer, dont we?我们需要一位鼓手,是吗?No, we dont.不,我们不需要。5. You want some more hot chocolate, dont you?你想再要些热巧克力,对吗?No, I dont.不,我不想。6.You want some more cookies, dont you?你想再要些小甜品对吗?Yes, I do.是的。-Lesson 3 What Happened to You?第三课,你怎么啦?1、 单词guy /a/家伙,小伙子(口) ;terrible/terbl/极度的,严重的; champion/tmpjn/冠军;winner/wn/获胜者;congratulation/knrtjulen/祝贺; race/res/赛跑;win/wn/赢;prize/praz/奖品;hug /h/拥抱 ; turn/tn/次序;weather/we/天气;subject/sbdekt/科目,学科;contest/kntest/比赛,竞赛; important/mprtnt/重大的,重要的; mistake/mstek/错误;down/dan/情绪低落;沮丧的;二、句子1.I have to go to the bathroom.我要去洗手间。 When is our turn?什么时候轮到我们? Were next.下一个就是我们。 Lets go.咱们走。 The winner is Betty Smith.优胜者是Betty Smith。 Lets give her a big hand.大家一起为她鼓掌。 Congratulations!祝贺。 You won the first prize.你获得了一等奖。2.How was the talent show? 演唱会怎么样?Not bad.It wasnt too bad.还不算太坏。There were so many bands.有很多乐队参加了演出。You look down.你好像很泄气的样子。What happened to you?发生了什么事?I made a terrible mistake.我犯了一个很大的错误。We didnt win the prize.我们没得到奖。Thats okay.没关系。Thats not important. 那并不重要。You did your best.你已经尽力了。You can do it better next time.下次你会做得更好。3.You won the race!你赢得了赛跑比赛。The champion is Jim Williams!冠军是Jim Williams!Lets give him a big hand.大家一起为他鼓掌。4.How was the contest?竞赛怎么样?It was good.挺好的。I won the first prize.我获得了一等奖。Thats great! Im proud of you.太棒了,我为你感到骄傲。-Lesson 4 How about a pizza?第四课,比萨饼怎么样?1、 单词volume/ vlju:m/音量;loud/lad/大声的;address/dres/地址;avenue/vinju:/ 大街;order/:d/点菜;dessert/dz:t/甜点;breakfast/brekfst/早饭;lunch/lnt/午饭;dinner/dn/晚饭;already/:lred/已经;usually/juul/通常;sometimes/smtamz/有时;never/nev/从不;terrible/terbl/太糟糕;a quarter/kw:t/一刻钟;turn up 把调高;二、句子1.I cant hear the TV.我听不到电视的声音。Please turn up the volume.请把声音调大点。Its already a quarter to twelve.现在已经是差十五分十二点啦。What do you want for lunch?午餐你们想吃什么?Turn down the volume, please.请把声音调低点。The TV is too loud, now.现在电视声音太大了。Do you want a pizza for lunch?午餐你们想吃比萨饼吗?Yes. We usually eat pizza on Sunday.星期天我们一般吃比萨饼。2.How can I help you? 我能为你做点什么?Id like to order a pizza, please.我想订一份比萨饼。Could you tell me your address?可以告诉我你的地址吗?1325 Maple Avenue.枫树街1325号。Whats your phone number?你的电话号码是多少?345-9076.3.Its already ten to nine.现在已经是差十分九点了。Do you want pancakes for breakfast?早餐你们想吃苹果饼吗?Yes. We sometimes eat pancakes on Monday.是的,星期一我们有时吃苹果饼。Its already five to seven.现在已经是差五分七点了。Do you want some peaches for dessert?你们想吃点桃做为餐后甜点吗?No. I never eat peaches.不,我从来不吃桃。4.Happy Day Pizza.How can I help you?这里是快乐的日子比萨饼店,我能为你做点什么?Hi! Id like to order a pizza, please.你好,我想订一份比萨饼。Whats your address, please?请问你的地址在那里?1089 Sunshine Street.阳光大街1089号。-Lesson 5 What kind of pizza Do You Want?第五课,你想要哪一种比萨饼?一、单词size/saz/尺寸; medium/mi:djm/中号; large/l:d/大的;pair/p/对,双;slice/slas/片,块;cardigan/k:dgn/羊毛衫;cheese /ti:z/pizza/pits/芝士披萨; arrive/rav/到达; minute/mnt/分钟;else/els/另外;其他; shout/at/ 大喊; anymore/eni:m:/再;更;还;anything/en/任何事情;clerk/kl:k/店员,销售员;surprise/spraz/惊讶;leave/li:v/剩下;running shoes跑鞋二、句子1.What kind of pizza do you want?你想要哪种比萨饼?A cheese pizza, please.请来一份干烙比萨饼。What size?要多大的?Large, please.请跟我来份大号的。/Small, please.请给我来份小号的。Anything else?还要别的吗?No,thanks.不了,谢谢。Thats all.就这些。How long will it take to get here?到这需要多长时间?About 30 minutes.大概三十分钟。Well be there by one twenty.我们会在一点二十分之前到达哪里。Thank you for calling.感谢你的惠顾。2.Turn off the TV and have lunch.关掉电视过来吃饭。How many slices do you want?你要几片?Three slices,please.给我来三片。Isnt that too much for you?那不是太多了吗?I can eat that much.不,我能吃那么多。Im full. I cant eat any more.我饱了,我不能再吃了。3.What kind of clothes do you want?你想要哪种衣服?A cardigan, please.请给我拿一件羊毛开衫?What size do you want?你想要多大号的?Medium, please.请给我拿件中号的。What kind of shoes do you want?你想要哪种鞋?Running shoes, please.请给我拿双跑鞋。What size do you wear?你穿多大号的?Size 6.5. 6.5码的。4.Turn off the TV and have lunch, kids.孩子们,把电视关了过来吃饭。How many slices of pizza do you want?你要几块比萨饼啊?Three slices, please.我要三块。Isnt that too much for you?那不是太多了吗?No! I can eat that much.不,我能吃那么多。Do you want one more slice?还想吃一块吗?No, Im full. 不想,我饱了。I cant eat any more.我不能再吃了。5.How many slices of bread do you want?你想要几片面包?I want three slices of bread.我想要三片。6.How many pieces of cake do you want?你想要多少块蛋糕?I want two pieces of cake.我想要两块蛋糕。7.How many boxes of chocolate do you have?你有多少盒巧克力?I have two boxes of chocolate.我有两盒巧克力。8.How many pairs of shoes do you have?你有几双鞋子?I have four pairs of shoes.我有四双鞋子。-Lesson 6 I have to go back to Canada第六课 我必须回加拿大了。一 、单词calendar/klnd/日历; Sunday/snd/星期日;Monday /mnd/星期一; Tuesday/tju:zd/ 星期二;Wednesday/wenzd/星期三; Thursday/:zd/星期四;Friday/ frad/星期五; Saturday/ std/星期六;January / dnjur/一月; February/febrr/二月;March/m:t/三月; April/eprl/四月; May/me/五月;June/du:n/六月; July/dla/七月; August/:st/八月;September/sptemb/九月; October/ktb/十月;November /nvemb/十一月; December /dsemb/十二月;Someday/smde/总有一天; almost /:lmst/ 几乎;everything/evr/每件事; parents /pernts/ 父母亲;course/k(r)s/ 当然; hope/hp/希望; miss/ms/想念;touch/tt/联系; count/kant/数,计算; letter/let/信;packing/pk/ 打包; forget/fet/忘,遗忘;visit/vzt/访问; write/rat/ 写; send/send/ 邮寄; return/ritn/返回; finish/fn/结束,完成;二、句子1.Whats up? 怎么啦?Come on in.快进来。I have something to tell you.我有件事要告诉你。What is that?是什么事?I have to go back to Canada with my parents.我必须和我的父母一起回加拿大了。When are you leaving?你什么时候走。On July 10th.七月十号Thats this Friday.就是这个星期五。Three more days to go.还剩三天。Im going to miss you.我会想念你们的。2.I hope you can visit me someday.我希望有一天你们能够来看我。Well visit you.当然,我们会去看你的。Did you finish packing?你收拾好行李了吗?Yes, I did.是的,我都收拾好了。Lets keep in touch.咱们保持联系。Dont forget to send us a letter.别忘了给我们寄信。3.When are you coming?你什么时候来?On December 21st.十二月二十一号。Thats next Wednesday. One more week to go.就是下个星期三。还有一个星期。When are you going?你什么时候去?On March 14th.三月十四日。Thats this Saturday. Five more days to go.就是这个星期六。还有五天。4.You were very kind to me.你们对我太友好了。Thank you for everything.谢谢你们给我的这一切。I hope you can visit me someday.希望有一天你们来看我。Of course! 当然!Well visit you.我们会去看你的。Did you finish packing?你整理好行李了吗?Yes, I did. 是的,我都整理好了。I should go say good-bye to my other friends.我要去同其他的朋友们告别。Bye. Lets keep in touch.再见。咱们保持联系。Dont forget to send us a letter.别忘了给我们寄信。5.Did you finish writing a letter?你写完信了吗?Almost. I have to write the address.差不多了。我必须写上地址。Dont forget to write the zip code. 别忘了写上邮政编码。6.Did you finish reading?你读完了吗?Yes, I did. I came to borrow other books.是的,我读完了。我来借些别的书。Dont forget to return them.别忘了归还。-Lesson 7 A Letter from Jenny第七课 Jenny的一封信1、 单词mail /mel/ 邮件;telephone/telifun/电话;envelope/ envlup/信封;yesterday/jestd/昨天;autumn/ :tm/ 秋天;hometownhmtan/家乡;weather/ we/天气; windy/wndi:/刮风的,多风; party /p:t/ 聚会; turkey/tk/火鸡; story/st:r/ 故事; inside/nsad/在里面; last/ l:st/ 上一个;最后的; pardon/ p:dn/原谅、宽恕; believe/ blv/相信; together/te/ 一起 ; aloud/lad/大喊; Thanksgiving Day感恩节 ;2、 句子1.Is there any mail for me?有我的邮件吗?There is a letter from Jenny.有一封JENNY来的信。Pardon me?谁的?Jenny wrote a letter to you. Jenny给你写了一封信。Let me see.让我看看。2.Please read it aloud.请大声读一读。I see something inside the envelope.我看到信封里面有什么东西。Its a picture of Jenny.是JENNY的照片。3.There are some letters for you.有些你的信。4.Do we have any fruit?我们有水果吗?No, we dont have any.不,我们没有水果啦。5.Were there any phone calls?有电话打来吗?No, there werent any.不,没有。6.Did you buy any books?你买书了吗?Yes, I bought some story books.是的,我买了些故事书。7. October 27,2001 二零零一年十月二十七日Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao,亲爱的肖肖和乔乔。Its a little windy in Ottawa.现在渥太华有点刮风。Whats the weather like there?那边的天气怎么样?It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday.昨天是感恩节。We had a big party last night.昨天晚上我们开了一个很大的宴会。My family got together and had turkey dinner.全家人聚到了一起,共同品尝火鸡晚餐。I miss you guys.我很想念你们。Why dont you visit me during the vacation?假期来我这做客怎么样?Ill be waiting for your letter.我等待着你的回信。Your friend, Jenny你的朋友,JENNY。8.Whats the weather like there in autumn?那里的秋天天气怎么样?Its a little windy.有点刮风。9.Whats the weather like there in spring?那里春天的天气怎么样?Its sunny and warm.阳光充足而且天气暖和。10.Hows the weather there in winter?那里冬天的天气怎么样?We have much snow.我们这下很多雪。11.Hows the weather there in summer?那里夏天的天气怎么样?We have lots of rain.我们这下很多雨。


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