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ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 9 Be a Champion!0:00.357UNIT 2 第二单元0:01.369Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽0:04.138Lesson 9: 第九课:0:05.689Be a Champion! 成为冠军!0:07.675THINK ABOUT IT!0:09.734Do you know of any world records?0:13.262What are they?0:15.106Do you think you could break a world record one day?0:19.422Which record would it be?0:22.376What world records do Brian and Danny want to break?0:26.441Any Ideas? 有其他主意吗?0:28.160How can ordinary people break a world record? 普通人如何才能打破一项世界记录呢?0:31.849I have an idea. 我有个主意。0:33.185Our class could play soccer for a week without stopping! 我们班可以一个星期不停地踢足球!0:36.419How could we do that? 我们怎么能做到呢?0:38.505Wouldnt we get tired? 我们不会累吗?0:40.294And hungry? 不会饿吗?0:41.862We could take turns. 我们可以轮流着来。0:43.178Some of us would play, while some sleep and eat. 一些人踢球的时候,一些人睡觉吃饭。0:46.360Im going to drink lots of milk. 我要喝许多牛奶,0:48.841I will eat more fruits and vegetables. 吃更多的水果和蔬菜。0:51.353Some day I might be the worlds tallest dinosaur! 有一天我可能会成为世界上最高的恐龙!0:55.608Thats wonderful, Danny! 那真奇妙,丹尼!0:57.594I dont know if it will make you tall. 我不知道那是否可以使你长高。0:59.908But youll be healthy! 但能使你健康!1:01.780Hey, Danny! 嘿,丹尼!1:02.846I have two bananas for lunch. 我中午吃两根香蕉。1:04.711Would you like one of them? 你想要一根吗?1:06.309Thats very kind of you, 你真好,1:07.892but my mother gave me donuts for lunch. 但我妈妈给我油炸圈饼做午饭。1:10.655I dont need any bananas. 我不要香蕉了。1:13.022You hold a world record, Danny. 丹尼,你保持了一项世界记录。1:15.230Youre the worlds funniest dinosaur! 你是世界上最搞笑的恐龙!1:17.688Why? 为什么?1:18.620Did I say something funny? 难道我说了什么好笑的事了吗?1:21.645PROJECT1:22.851A NEW WORLD RECORD!1:24.760Could you run a hundred metres in eight seconds?1:29.053That would be a new world record.1:31.614If you were three metres tall, that would be a world record, too!1:37.288But youre not a champion runner.1:39.535And youre not three metres tall!1:42.046Sometimes, average people also break world records.1:46.753What kind of world record could you break?1:50.808Could you stand on one foot for a week?1:54.398Could you eat twenty apples in one minute?1:58.189Think of a world record you would like your class to break.2:02.357If you like, it can be a funny record.2:06.612Could everyone in your class get into one car?2:10.742That might be a new record!2:13.379Describe your idea to your classmates.2:16.404Find information about records in books or on the Internet.ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 10 Wheres the Highest Hotel?0:00.571UNIT 2 第二单元0:01.606Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽0:04.254Lesson 10: 第十课:0:05.797Wheres the Highest Hotel? 最高的酒店在哪里?0:08.250THINK ABOUT IT!0:10.115Do you like travelling?0:12.283Where have you travelled to?0:14.917What famous buildings or structures do you know?0:19.627Tell your class something about them.0:22.191China has many world records for its buildings and structures. 中国在建筑和工程方面有很多世界记录。0:26.193Worlds highest hotel. 世界最高的酒店。0:28.130Since 1999, the highest hotel in the world is the Grand Hyatt Shanghai in Pudong. 自1999年以来,世界上最高的酒店就是上海浦东的凯悦大酒店。0:34.680It is located on the top 35 floors of the 88-storey Jin Mao Tower. 它位于88层金茂大厦的顶上35层。0:39.807This tower is the tallest building in China and one of the tallest in the world. 这座塔是中国最高的建筑,也是世界上最高的塔之一。0:45.521What is the tallest building in the world? 世界上最高的建筑是什么?0:48.829Worlds longest structure. 世界最长的工程。0:50.687The Great Wall of China is more than 7 240 kilometres long. 中国的长城有7240多千米长,0:55.787It is the longest structure in the world. 是世界上最长的工程。0:58.041In some places, the wall is 9.75 metres thick. 在一些地方,城墙有9.75米厚。1:02.548The first person to walk the whole length of the Great Wall was Liu Yutian. 第一个徒步走完长城的人是刘雨田。1:07.187He walked for two years! 他走了两年!1:09.191Can astronauts see the Great Wall from space? 宇航员能从太空中看见长城吗?1:12.920Some people say yes; some people say no. 一些人说能,一些人说不能。1:16.519What do you think? 你是怎么认为的?1:18.252The Great Wall of China is famous around the world. 中国的长城举世闻名。1:22.216Worlds biggest dam. 世界上最大的大坝。1:24.074Since 1990, about 250 000 workers have worked on the Three Gorges Dam. 自1990年以来,约有250000名工人在修建三峡大坝。1:30.400The dam will cost about 205 billion yuan. 大坝将耗资约2050亿元。1:33.814China hopes to finish the dam by 2009. 中国希望到2009年能竣工。1:37.148Then the Three Gorges Dam will set a new world record. 那时三峡大坝将会创造一项新的世界记录。1:40.549It will be the worlds biggest dam. 它将是世界上最大的大坝。1:42.894The Three Gorges Dam will be about 2.3 kilometres long and almost 185 metres tall. 三峡大坝将有2.3千米长,差不多185米高。1:49.919Do you understand these words: tall, wide and thick? 你明白这些词吗:高、宽、厚?1:55.623Lets look at this book. 让我们看看这本书。1:58.106LETS DO IT!1:59.876Did you notice the numbers below?2:03.049Each number is part of the description of a building or structure.2:08.673Write down what each number describes and report to the rest of the class!2:14.41522:15.6602.32:17.67932:18.9649.752:21.533352:23.185882:24.5741652:26.5011852:28.4682052:31.01119902:32.90819992:35.04420092:37.5247 2402:40.793250 000ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 11 Dont Fall, Danny!0:00.836UNIT 2 第二单元0:01.855Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽0:04.645Lesson 11: 第十一课:0:06.280Dont Fall, Danny! 丹尼,别倒下!0:08.512After school, Jenny sees Danny. 放学后,詹妮看见丹尼。0:10.824He is standing on one foot. 他正一只脚站着。0:13.467What are you doing, Danny? 丹尼,你在做什么?0:15.950Cant you see? 你没看见吗?0:17.402Im standing on one foot. 我在单腿站立。0:19.735Yes, I can see, but why are you doing it? 是的,我看见了,但你为什么要那样呢?0:23.719I want to set a new world record. 我想创造一项新的世界记录。0:26.511I will be the champion of standing on one foot! 我将是单腿站立的世界冠军!0:29.837And how do you feel? 你觉得怎么样?0:31.637Im so tired! 很累!0:34.007How long will I have to do this? 我还得站多久?0:37.060Here comes Brian. 布赖恩过来了。0:38.798He has a book about world records. 他有一本关于世界记录的书。0:41.404Why dont we ask him? 我们何不问问他?0:43.228Hi, Brian. 嗨,布赖恩。0:44.631I have been standing on one foot for more than three minutes. 我已经单腿站立三分多钟了。0:48.565I want to set a new world record. 我想创造一项新的世界记录。0:50.972Do you know what the record is? 你知道世界记录是多少吗?0:53.405The record is eight hours. 世界记录是8个小时。0:55.353Dont stop, Danny. 丹尼,别停。0:56.830In seven hours and 57 minutes, youll be the champion! 7小时57分钟后,你就会成为冠军!1:01.062Thats so long! 太久了!1:02.887Ill be too late for supper! 我吃晚饭会晚的!1:05.344Were having pizza at our house. 我们家要吃比萨。1:07.838Later, Ill bring you a piece. 一会儿我给你拿一块。1:09.948Thats very kind of you, Jenny, but my mother is cooking chicken tonight. 詹妮,你真好,但我妈妈今晚要做鸡肉。1:14.515I love chicken! 我喜欢吃鸡肉!1:16.811Well, you cant walk there on one foot. 噢,你不能用一只脚走回去。1:19.368Ill walk there on two feet. 我要双脚走回去。1:21.341Supper is more important than a record! 晚饭比一项记录更重要!1:24.680Special Animals 特殊的动物1:27.187Worlds largest animal 世界上最大的动物1:29.334The blue whale. 蓝鲸。1:30.860On average, it weighs more than 26 tons. 平均体重有26吨多。1:34.211Thats very, very large! 那真是非常,非常大!1:36.519Thats huge! 是个庞然大物!1:38.021The largest blue whale on record weighed 212 tons. 所记录的最大的蓝鲸重212吨,1:42.303It was more than 27 metres long. 长27米多。1:45.244The average blue whale is about four times as big as the biggest elephant. 蓝鲸的平均体积大约是最大的大象的四倍。1:49.886The elephant is the biggest land animal in the world. 大象是世界上最大的陆地动物。1:53.721Worlds smallest animal 世界上最小的动物1:56.364The bumblebee bat. 大黄蜂蝙蝠。1:58.275Its such a small animal! 它是那么小的一种动物!2:00.559It weighs only 17 grams and is about 2.8 centimetres long. 体重只有17克,长约2.8厘米。2:06.739The bumblebee bat lives in Thailand. 大黄蜂蝙蝠生活在泰国。2:09.780Worlds oldest animal 世界上最老的动物2:12.088The giant tortoise lives the longest of all animals, including humans. 象龟是所有动物(包括人类)中活得最长的。2:16.941Giant tortoises can live to be two hundred years old. 象龟能够活两百年。2:20.714They live on islands in the Indian Ocean and on the islands of west of South America. 它们生活在印度洋和南美洲西部的岛屿上。2:26.348Worlds fastest animal 世界上跑得最快的动物2:28.979The worlds fastest animal is the cheetah. 世界上跑得最快的动物是印度豹。2:32.054It can run one hundred kilometres per hour. 它能以每小时100千米的速度奔跑。2:35.467Cheetahs live in Africa and Asia. 印度豹生活在非洲和亚洲。2:38.237LETS DO IT!2:39.927Read the second part of this lesson,2:43.307use your imagination to create a new animal.2:47.527What does it look like?2:49.608What does it eat?2:51.918Would this animal be famous?2:54.992Draw a picture of your animal and write a description.ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 12 Lets Go the Farthest!0:00.344UNIT 2 第二单元0:01.400Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽0:03.692Lesson 12: 第十二课:0:04.831Lets Go the Farthest! 让我们走得最远!0:09.912This road goes farther, 这条路更远,0:12.033That bridge is longer, 那座桥更长,0:14.259That building is higher, Than all the others. 那个建筑比其他所有的都高。0:18.539Lets go the farthest! 让我们走得最远!0:20.705Lets run the fastest! 让我们跑得最快!0:22.988We can be stronger, Than all the others. 我们可以比其他所有的都强壮。0:27.436This tree trunks thicker, 这棵树干更粗,0:29.566That bird flies faster, 那只鸟飞得更快,0:31.746That animals smaller, Than all the others. 那种动物比其他所有的都小。0:36.040Lets go the farthest! 让我们走得最远!0:38.138Lets run the fastest! 让我们跑得最快!0:40.439We can be stronger, Than all the others. 我们可以比其他所有的都强壮。0:49.251This bird is a falcon. 这只鸟是猎鹰。0:51.885It is the fastest bird in the world. 它是世界上飞得最快的鸟。0:55.135This is a bridge. 这是一座桥。0:57.381Do you know what is the longest bridge in the world? 你知道世界上最长的桥是哪座吗?1:01.125How long is it? 它有多长?1:02.849It is more than three kilometers long. 有3公里多长。1:06.112LETS DO IT!1:07.743Use a ruler to measure objects in your classroom.1:12.062Make some comparisons with other objects.1:15.886Try using the following phrase:1:18.871The _ is longer / shorter / thicker / thinner than the _.ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 13 Whos the Champ?0:00.577UNIT 2 第二单元0:01.596Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽0:04.283Lesson 13: 第十三课:0:05.858Whos the Champ? 谁是冠军?0:07.494THINK ABOUT IT!0:09.224How does it feel to win something?0:12.878Tell about a time when you won or achieved something important.0:18.169What records does Danny think he can break?0:21.710Who Will Win? 谁会赢?0:23.305At school, Mr. Jones is helping the class make a list of records. 在学校,琼斯老师正在帮同学们制作一份记录表。0:27.711Who can think of another record we can use? he asks. Jenny? “谁能想出我们可以用的其他记录?”他问,“詹妮?”0:32.147How about a record for the longest hair? says Jenny. “头发最长的记录怎么样?”詹妮说。0:36.429Thats great, says Mr. Jones. “那很好,”琼斯老师说。0:39.178No, it isnt! says Danny. “不,”丹尼说。0:41.453Im a dinosaur. I dont have any hair! “我是恐龙,我没有头发!”0:44.870Can you think of any other records, Danny? asks Mr. Jones. “丹尼,你能想出其他的记录吗?”琼斯老师问道。0:48.782We could find out who has the longest tail, says Danny. “我们可以找出谁的尾巴最长,”丹尼说。0:52.940All right, Danny, says Mr. Jones. “好的,丹尼,”琼斯老师说。0:55.720Well write that down. Does anybody have any other idea? “我们把它写下来。还有谁有别的主意吗?”0:59.724Almost everyone does. 几乎每个人都有。1:01.556We could see who is the youngest, says one student. “我们可以看看谁最年轻,”一个同学说。1:05.581And who is the oldest! says another. “还有谁最大!”另一个说。1:08.432The fastest runner! “跑得最快的!”1:10.159The highest jumper! “跳得最高的!”1:11.749Who lives farthest from school? “谁离学校最远?”1:14.052Who has visited the most countries? “谁参观过的国家最多?”1:16.700I have some more! shouts Danny. “我还有一些主意!”丹尼叫嚷起来。1:19.371Yes, Danny? says Mr. Jones. “什么,丹尼?”琼斯老师说。1:22.158Who has the greenest skin? 谁的皮肤最绿?1:24.239Who has the fewest ears? 谁没有耳朵?1:26.276Who has worn a hat for the most days? 谁戴帽子的时间最长?1:29.875PROJECT1:30.976CLASSROOM CHAMPIONS!1:33.397Its hard to break a world record.1:36.386But you might be a champion in your classroom!1:40.050In class, think of some records.1:43.316Who can run the fastest?1:45.461Who is the tallest?1:47.520Who can spell the most English words?1:50.800With your classmates, choose and write down a list of records.1:56.075Then, find out who holds the records in your class.ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 14 So Many Records!0:01.179UNIT 2 第二单元0:02.618Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽0:05.374Lesson 14: 第十四课:0:07.038So Many Records! 如此多的记录!0:09.444THINK ABOUT IT!0:11.160Have you ever tried to ride your bike backwards?0:15.327Is it possible?0:16.833Whats the biggest melon youve ever seen?0:20.276How much do you think it weighed?0:23.211Why does Danny ask about a 56-kilogram donut?0:28.552Danny, Brian and Jenny are looking at Brians book of world records. 丹尼、布赖恩和詹妮正在看布赖恩的关于世界记录的书。0:33.912Thats such a thick book, says Danny. “那本书那么厚,”丹尼说,0:36.984And its so heavy. “还很重。”0:39.409Yes, Brian says. “是啊,”布赖恩说,0:41.474Its huge. It weighs almost three kilos! “它是挺大的,几乎有三千克重!”0:45.260Im trying to break a world record, says Danny. “我要设法打破一项世界记录,”丹尼说,0:49.099I would love to be in a book like that. “我也想被载入史册。”0:52.706Maybe we could find an unusual record. 也许我们能找到一项不同寻常的记录。0:55.691Then you could try to break it. 然后你可以设法去打破它。0:57.651It isnt easy, says Jenny. “没那么简单,”詹妮说,1:00.383People all over the world are trying to set new records. “全世界的人都在努力地创造新的记录。”1:04.288They look in the book. 他们在书上找着。1:06.137Heres one, says Brian. “这有一个,”布赖恩说,1:08.449Its a man who can ride his bicycle backwards while playing the guitar. “是一个能边弹吉他边倒骑自行车的人。”1:13.238That is very unusual, says Danny, “那很不寻常,”丹尼说,1:17.096but its impossible for me to break that record. “但我不可能打破那项记录。1:21.040I cant play the guitar. 我不会弹吉他。1:22.888And I tried riding my bicycle backwards once. 我也曾试过倒骑自行车。1:26.697It wasnt a good idea. 那可不是个好主意。”1:29.009How about the worlds biggest cabbage? says Jenny. “世界上最大的卷心菜怎么样?”詹妮说,1:34.104Somebody in England grew one that weighed more than 56 kilograms. “英国有个人种出了一棵56多千克重的卷心菜。”1:39.986Thats such a large cabbage, says Danny. “那么大的卷心菜,”丹尼说,1:44.198I dont think I could lift it. “我想我可举不起来,1:46.510I also dont think I could grow it! 我也觉得我不会种!”1:49.458Keep looking, Brian, laughs Jenny. “接着看,布赖恩,”詹妮笑道,1:52.975We have to find an unusual record for Danny to break. “我们得给丹尼找个他能破的不寻常的记录。”1:57.188Let me see that book, Brian, says Danny. “让我看看那本书,”丹尼说,2:00.678Is there anything about a 56-kilogram donut? “有关于56千克重的油炸圈饼的记录吗?”2:05.328LETS DO IT!2:06.884With a partner, ask and answer the questions below.2:11.386Try to write three more questions and discuss the answers.2:16.498What are the longest rivers in the world?2:20.221What are the highest mountains in the world?2:23.872Which country has the largest area in the world?2:28.601Which country has the largest population?ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 15 My Favourite Record0:00.650UNIT 2 第二单元0:01.615Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽0:04.268Lesson 15: 第十五课:0:06.260My Favourite Record 我最喜欢的记录0:08.577To: 收信人:0:09.519Li-Mingnet.cn0:12.771From: 发信人:0:13.541dannyintersaurus.com0:16.751Subject: 主题:0:17.724Class Records 班级记录0:19.330Date: 日期:0:20.16612/10 10月12日0:21.5183:46 PM 下午3:460:24.176Dear Li Ming, 亲爱的李明,0:25.696This week in school, we made a list of records for our class. 这周,我们在学校给我们班做了一张记录表。0:30.155My favourite record was best paper airplane. 我最喜欢的记录是“最好的纸飞机。”0:33.956Mine flew farther than Jennys airplane. 我的比詹妮的飞得远,0:37.022But Brians flew the farthest. 但布赖恩的飞得最远。0:39.141He was so proud. 他是那么的自豪。0:41.399My friend Sandra won the record for largest book. 我的朋友桑德拉获得了拥有最大书的记录。0:44.878How large was it? 它有多大?0:46.536It was 60 centimetres tall, 40 centimetres wide and almost 21 centimetres thick! 它有60厘米长、40厘米宽、将近21厘米厚!0:54.673It was full of her familys photographs. 里面装满了她的家庭照片。0:57.589Brian has a book about world records. 布赖恩有一本关于世界记录的书。1:00.228Some records are amazing! 一些记录很令人震惊!1:02.532One man pulled a train with his teeth! 有一个人用他的牙齿拉动火车!1:05.463One man lifted a bus! 有一个人举起了一辆公共汽车!1:07.621By the way, its your birthday soon, isnt it? 顺便问一句,你的生日快到了,是吗?1:11.325Shall I mail you some birthday cake in an envelope? 我要用信封给你邮寄些生日蛋糕吗?1:14.810Danny 丹尼1:16.212To: 收信人:1:16.805dannyintersaurus.com1:19.666From: 发信人:1:20.498Li-Mingnet.cn1:23.614Subject: 主题:1:24.785Re: Class Records 回复:班级记录1:27.192Date: 日期:1:28.03313/10 10月13日1:29.65610:02 PM 晚上10:021:31.982Hi, Danny, 嗨,丹尼,1:32.949It was such a nice surprise to see your e-mail! 看到你的邮件真是惊讶!1:35.934You havent sent me an e-mail since last spring! 自从去年春天,你就没有给我发邮件了!1:39.075You want to mail me birthday cake? 你想给我邮寄生日蛋糕吗?1:41.103Thats very kind of you, but you cant mail cake in an envelope. 你真是太好了,但你不能用信封邮寄蛋糕。1:45.364Please send me a birthday card! 请给我寄张生日贺卡吧!1:47.425I liked reading about your class records. 我喜欢看关于你们的班级记录。1:50.080Brians airplane won! 布赖恩的飞机赢了!1:51.753Thats great! 太好了!1:53.006I was surprised to read about the man who pulled the train. 读到有人拉火车我很吃惊。1:56.106That train must have weighed more than one thousand kilos! 那列火车想必重达1000多千克!1:59.370Well, its time for me to go to bed. 好了,我该睡觉了。2:01.719Ill brush my teeth very well tonight. 今晚我要好好地刷刷牙。2:04.217Some day, I might have to pull a train with them! 有一天,我可能要和他们一起拉火车!2:07.646Li Ming 李明2:08.996Danny had fun with his class records. 丹尼因他们的班级记录而快乐。2:11.469Did you have fun with yours? 你会因此而快乐吗?2:13.750LETS DO IT!2:15.906Have you ever been on a trip?2:19.323Have you ever gone to visit relatives?2:22.624Write a short passage to tell something about one of these trips.2:28.405When and where did you do?2:31.341What did you do?2:33.498How did you go?2:35.719Who did you go with?2:38.240Why did you go to that place?2:41.604Was it a good trip or a bad one?ti:UNIT 2 Biggest, Longest, Widest Lesson 16 Unit Review0:00.594UNIT 2 第二单元0:01.581Biggest, Longest, Widest 最大,最长,最宽0:04.305Lesson 16: 第十六课:0:05.785Unit Review 单元复习0:07.539I.0:08.413Building Your Vocabulary0:10.854A.0:11.719Match the two columns.0:14.910B.0:16.301Fill in the blank with the proper word.0:19.615The first letter is given.0:22.449C.0:23.537Complete the passage with the proper words.0:27.572II.0:28.459Grammar in Use0:30.604Fill in the blank with the proper adjective form.0:35.624III.0:36.582Speaking the Language0:38.690Complete the following dialogue.0:41.852IV.0:42.916Putting It All Together0:45.056A.0:45.970Reading comprehension0:48.390Recreation 娱乐0:50.304All over the world, people like recreation. 世界上所有人都喜欢娱乐。0:54.368We can not work all the time if we are going to stay healthy and enjoy life. 如果我们要保持健康,享受生活的话,我们就不能一直工作。1:00.454Everyone has a way to relax. 每个人都有放松的方式。1:03.562Perhaps the most popular way is to take part in sports. 也许最流行的方式是做运动。1:08.466There are team sports, such as basketball and football, 既有团队运动,比如篮球和足球,1:12.853and individual sports, such as swimming and running. 也有个人运动,比如游泳和跑步。1:17.380Skating and hiking are the most popular recreation for people who like to be out doors. 滑冰和徒步旅行在喜欢户外运动的人群中最受欢迎。1:24.778Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to ta


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