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2012新课标同步导学高一英语练习:2.3(人教福建专版必修1)(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).单项填空1From her_,I guess she must come from the West of America.AsoundBvoiceCaccent Dnoise解析:accent口音。句意为:从她的口音,我猜她一定来自美国西部。sound声音;voice嗓音;noise噪音,与句意不符。 答案:C2A_road goes_from our college to the city center.Astraight;straight Bstraightly;straightlyCstraight;straightly Dstraightly;straight解析:在现代英语中,straight既可用作形容词,也可用作副词,所以此题最佳答案为A。句意为:一条笔直的大路径直从我们学院通往市中心。答案:A3The army officer_his soldiers to fire as soon as the enemies came up.Arequested BcommandedCasked Dadvised解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:那位军官命令士兵们等敌人一走近就开火射击。command命令,指挥;而request表“请求,要求”;ask请求,要求;advise建议。相比之下,只有command命令意义较强。故选B。答案:B4He requested that he_to Dalian for sightseeing,and we all agreed with him at last.Awent Bwere goingCgo Dshall go解析:request后面的宾语从句要用should动词原形,其中should可以省略,而直接使用动词原形。答案:C5Though I took the same train_he did,I didnt meet him during the whole journey.Athat BasCwith Dto解析:the same train that he did“和他同乘一列火车”。the same.as指“与一样的火车”,但不是同一列火车。with和to都不引导从句。答案:A6What do you think_an important part in Jacksons life?Pop music.Aplays BtakesCmakes Dacts解析:固定短语play an important part in.“在中起重要作用”。答案:A7Did you see the singer star last night?_,we were left waiting in the rain for two hours.AWhats more BThat is to sayCIn other words DBelieve it or not解析:Believe it or not意为“信不信由你”。Whats more另外;That is to say也就是说;In other words换句话说。答案:D8Such a book_you showed me is difficult to understand.Athat BwhichCthe one Das解析:考查such.as结构。句意为:像你给我看的这样的书是很难理解的。as引导定语从句作show的宾语。答案:D9China Daily is_a newspaper;it helps us improve our English.Amore than Bno more thanCnot more than Dno less than解析:more than后接名词,表示“不仅仅是,不止是”。句意为:中国日报不仅仅是一份报纸,它还能帮助我们提高英语水平。B项意为“仅仅”,相当于only;C项表示“不多于”,用来指数量;D项为“不少于”,修饰不可数名词。答案:A10Oh,its you! I didnt _ you.Ive just had my hair cut,and Im wearing dark glasses.Arecognize BrealizeCnotice Dsee解析:由“Oh,its you!”可知,认出了对方,所以用 recognize。realize意识到;notice注意到;see看到。答案:A11After long and hard work,the police at last discovered the_of the baby found by the side of a road.Adialect BidentityCsituation Dcondition解析:identity身份。dialect方言;situation形势,局面;关系;condition状态,状况,情形。答案:B12I like the film Never Forget Beidahuang,which was_on the stories that happened in the northeast of China.Aheld BkeptCbased Dlooked解析:句意为:我喜欢情系北大荒这部电影,它是根据发生在中国东北的多个故事拍成的。be based on以为根据,符合题意。hold on坚持住;keep on坚持;look on观看,看待。答案:C13At_,they are busy on stopping the earth becoming warmer.Afirst BpresentCleast Donce解析:句意为:目前,他们都在忙着阻止地球变暖。at present现在,目前,与后面的现在进行时一致,符合题意。at first首先;at least至少;at once立即;马上。答案:B14When spring comes,the trees turn green_,which means the beginning of a new year.Afreely BwonderfullyCgradually Dreally解析:句意为:春天来了,树叶渐渐变绿,标志着新一年的开始。gradually逐渐地,逐步地,符合题意。freely自由地;慷慨地;wonderfully惊人地;极好地;really真正地。答案:C15If you want to remember more words,youd better make good_of your spare time to read English.Aprogress BdecisionCnoise Duse解析:如果你想记住更多的单词,最好充分利用业余时间读英语。make use of利用;使用,符合题意。make progress取得进步,取得进展;make a decision做决定;下决心;make a noise发出令人不愉快的声音。答案:D.阅读理解Have you ever considered all the English expressions that include words about clothes?Lets have a look.People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies.We sometimes say that people who are nervous have ants in their pants.Sometimes,people may get caught with their pants down.They are found doing something they should not be doing.And,in every family,one person takes control.Sometimes a wife tells her husband what to do.Then we say she wears the pants in the family.Pants usually have pockets to hold things.Money that is likely to be spent quickly can burn a hole in your pocket.Sometimes you need a belt to hold up your pants.If you have less money than usual,you may have to tighten your belt.I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much.I really take my hat off to them.Yet,when it comes to my own money,I spend it at the drop of a hat,which means I instantly spend it.Boots are a heavy or strong kind of shoes.People who are too big for their boots think they are more important than they really are.I dislike such people.My father is an important person.He runs a big company.He wears a suit and tie,and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms.Some people who do not know him well think he is too serious and never shows his feelings openly.But I know that my father wears his heart on his sleeve.语篇解读本文向我们介绍了一些英语中与衣服有关的表达 1What is this passage mainly about?AWhat pants mean in English.BSome special English expressions.CSome funny English expressions.DSome expressions related to clothes.解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,可知主要向我们介绍了一些英语中与衣服有关的表达,故选D。答案:D2Which of the following expressions can show someone is nervous?AGet caught with ones pants down.BHave ants in ones pants.CWear the pants in the family.DBurn a hole in ones pocket.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的We sometimes say that people who are nervous have ants in their pants.可知应选B。答案:B3If we say someone has to tighten his belt,we probably mean he_.Ahas done something wrong Bused to live a rich lifeChas put on the wrong pants Dis short of money解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段的If you have less money than usual,you may have to tighten your belt.可知应选D。答案:D4Someone who spends his money at the drop of a hat most probably_.Adoesnt save money Bearns much moneyCnever wastes his money Dspends more than he earns解析:推理判断题。根据前文的I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much.可知前面指的是那些会存钱的人,又根据yet的语境,可知后者是那种一有钱就会立即花掉的人,故选A。答案:A5We can use the expression “wear ones heart on ones sleeve” to describe someone who_.Agets angry easily Blooks very seriousCshows his feelings openly Doften wears a suit and tie解析:细节理解题。根据末段的Some people who do not know him well think he is too serious and never shows his feelings openly.But.的语境,可知题干中的表达可以用来形容那些不掩饰感情的人。答案:CIn order to know a foreign language thoroughly (完全地),four things are necessary.First,we must understand the language when we hear it spoken.Secondly,we must be able to speak it ourselves,correctly with confidence and without hesitation (犹豫)Thirdly,we must read in the language as much as possible.Besides,we must be able to write it.We must be able to make sentences that are correct in grammar.There is no short way to succeed in language learning.A good memory (记忆) is a great help,but it is not enough only to memorize the rules from a grammar book.It is no much use learning by heart long lists of words and their meanings,studying the dictionary,and so on.We must learn by using the language.If we are pleased with a few rules we have memorized,we are not really learning the language.We must “learn_through_use”Practice is important.We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.语篇解读本文主要讲了想完全通晓一门外语,要掌握四个方面的事情以及要想学好外语没有捷径可走,需要多加练习,在用中学 6The most important things to learn a foreign language are_.Aunderstanding and speakingBhearing,speaking,reading and writingCwriting and understandingDmemorizing and listening解析:学习一门外语最重要的是听、说、读、写四种技能,A、C、D三项都不够全面,故选B。答案:B7One can never learn a foreign language well only by_.Amuch practice Bstudying the dictionaryClearning through use Dusing the language解析:众所周知,学习语言只凭查词典是学不好的,所以选B。答案:B8Which of the following is the most important in learning a foreign language?AA good memory. BSpeaking.CPractice. DWriting.解析:在学习英语时,最重要的还是“练习”(practice)。古语说,熟能生巧(Practice makes perfect),故选C。答案:C9“Learn through use” means_.Awe use a language in order to learn itBwe learn a foreign language in order to use itCwe can learn a language well while we are using itDboth B and C解析:“在使用中学习”,强调学习的重要性。A项颠倒了学与用的关系,B项虽对,却不合题意。答案:C


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