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2013高一年级期末语法重点期末汇总1.定语从句:定语从句注意事项:1)如何确定用关系副词还是关系代词?定语从句的成分是否完整,若完整,则选择关系副词,若不完整,则选择关系代词;2)关系代词前的介词如何选择?将先行词放入从句,判断应该使用的介词。1.1普通题目1. We went through a period _ communications were very difficult in this rural area. A. which B. whose C. in which D. with which2. Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, _ is a stupid thing to do in such weather.A. this B. that C. what D. which1.2介词+关系代词1. What we all know is that the old scientist, _ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties. A. for whom B. for him C. for whose D. for which2. Peter has many friends,_can help him . A. few of which B. few of whom C. few of that D. few of them3. We all like our English teacher, _ we have learned a lot.A. of which B. of whom C. from whom D. from that1.3 the reason做先行词1. The reason _ he was being late was _ he overslept this morningA. why; thatB. why; because C. which; thatD. which; because 2. I certainly cant accept the reason_ you gave me for your being late. Actually,I knew the traffic was perfect this morning.A. why B. that C. what D. as2.被动语态:一般将来时的被动语态 will be done(is going to be done)现在进行时的被动语态 is/are being done现在完成时的被动语态 have been done1. - Have you moved into your new house? - No. It _at present. A. will be decorated B. is being decorated C. is decorating D. was decorated2. -The windows in the classroom are so dirty.-I know. They _ for weeks.A. havent cleaned B. wont be cleaned C. werent cleaned D. havent been cleaned3. Why not take this road? Its a short cut. I am afraid we cant. It _.A. is repaired B. is being repaired C. has repaired D. is repairing4. So far the final exam papers _by teachers.A. have been checked B. have checked C. checked D. have been checking 3.非谓doing,done用作形容词:doing翻译为“令人xx的”;done是被修饰词的感受。With+sth.+to do/doing/done 事情等着需要做(被动)/事情正在进行(主动)/事情应经做了(被动)。1. Visitors were _at the _pictures that the guide showed.A. amazed; amazingB. amazed; amazedC. amazing; amazingD. amazing; amazed2. With a lot of problems_, the new president was having a hard time .A. to solve B. solved C. solving D. had solved.3._ the global financial crisis (金融危机), the Chinese government has taken many measures(措施)_ peoples life to deal with it. A. Facing with, related B. Faced , relating toC. Faced with , relating D. Facing , related to4.冠词:固定搭配1. Wild animals have been overhunted, and as _ result, some of them are among the animals in _danger.A. a; theB. a; /C. the; a D. / ; the 2. The restaurant is in _ charge of my uncle. That is to say , my father is in_charge of it.A. /; the B. the; / C. the; the D. /; /泛指特指1. Take your timeits just _ short distance from here to _ restaurant.A.不填;the B. a; the C. the; a D.不填;a2. If you go there by _train ,you can have quite a comfortable journey ,but make sure you get _fast one.A. /; / B. /; a C. the; a D. the ; / 5.语法小点:5.1强调句强调句的特点:去掉it iswasthat句子的剩余部分仍然是一个完整的句子。not until句型的强调句结构:it is/was not until+从句部分+that+主句部分1. It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry. A. when; thenB. not; untilC. not until; thatD. only; when2. It was six oclock pm _my mother came back from work.A. that B. when C. while D. as3. It was in the village _ he once lived _ he got his junior education. A. where;that B. where;whereC. that;where D. that;that4. It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry. A. when; thenB. not; untilC. not until; thatD. only; when 5. It was not until dark _ he found that it was the correct way to solve the problem.A. that B. whatC. which D. when6.Was_ at the battle(战斗)on June 8,1940, _ was led by Captain Johnson_Peter lost his life.A. it,when,that B. it,which,that C. that,that,who D. it,which,when 5.2 suggest“建议”:suggest+that从句(should+do,其中should可省略)类似的词常考到的是: suggest, advise, demand, require, propose, insist, order, request (表示建议,要求,命令,想法的动词)1. It is suggested that another school _ in our city.A. should buildB. be set up C. will be set upD. will build2. Janes pale face suggested that she _ ill, and her classmate suggested that she _ to see a doctor.A. be; went B. was; went C. be; go D. was; go5.3 Theres no doubt that1. There is no doubt _our class will win the football match.A. if B. that C. whether D. about5.4 so,such的用法要点:so的词序为so+ adj. + a(an) + n. such的词序为such +a(an) +adj. + n.1. Yesterday it was _ that all of us stayed at home.A. such cold a day B. such a cold day C. so cold a day D. B and C2. She is _that we all want to make friends with her.A. a such kind girlB. such kind a girlC. so kind girlD. so kind a girl期末改错错误汇总1. 时态错误We becamefriends shortly after we meet each other. meet metI told my friend Lucy and encourage her to write articles for newspapers.encourage encouraged When they came here, I will show them around my university and the city as well. camecomeMy parents had done a lot for me, and I think it is high time that I did something special to express my thanks. hadhave2. 形容词与副词Although her Englishis a little hardly to understand, we enjoy chatting and we usually talk a lot about our own families. hardly hardShe said her articles were not well enough. well good Sometimes things are not as difficulty as you imagine. difficulty difficult One smile speaks loud about your wish to make the friends than any word. loud louder My classmates are trying very hardly to get train tickets to go home. hardly hard3. 名词单复数We enjoy chatting and we usually talk a lot about our own family. family familiesIn my village a lot of children have left school for many different reason. reason reasonsI think every children should have the opportunity to receive education. children childOne day they will play important part in the construction of our country. anShe was glad to find one of her article in a newspaper. article articlesOne of the most beautiful car was a RollsRoyce Silver Ghost. car carsMaybe the following advices can help you. advices advice4. 并列连词Were both surprisedthat Chinese culture or Russian culture are so different. or andI told my friend Lucy and encouraged her to write articles for newspapers, and she said her articles were not good enough. and but5. 名词所有格With the help of Katia, a roommate of me, Ive soon got used to living without my parents around. me mineKatiawill introduce me to some of her friends, one of who has beento China several times. who whomYou may fail but you wont feel sorry because you have tried you best. you your When they come here, I will show they around my university and the city as well. they them期末词汇考点汇总1.词义辨析:relief, safety, defense, care;protect, keep, prevent, stopfrom; pay, charge, cost, spend; journeys, trips, tours, travels2. 短语辨析:1. more than, no more than, less than, no less than2. in order to ,so as to3. as a result, as a result of4. in charge of, in the charge of6. in return, in turn, by turn7. break (up down away in)8. die(down away out of)9.do with deal with10.above all, in all, at all, after all3.单拼:单拼:感激appreciate、幸存survive、值得worth、假装pretend、志愿者volunteer、承认admit、就个人而言personally、属于belong、装饰decorate、献身于devote、户外的outdoors感激,幸存,志愿者,装饰,属于,承认,值得,设计 咬 影响 个人的 怀疑 幸存 值,感激 幸存 假装 设计 影响 感激 志愿者 承认 音乐家 成功 怀疑 个人的 叮咬 成功 音乐家写作高分句型1.议论文表示观点Thereisnodoubtthat.Ibelieve/claim/insist/arguethat.Iamforsbsdoingsth.infavorofinsympathywithIamagainstsbsdoingsth.opposedto2.说明理由Thereasonwhy(果)isthat(因)3.理由一二三高级表达Foronething;Foranother;Besides/Apartfromthat/Whatsmore4.记叙文Whensb.sdoingsth,sb.didsth.Bythetimesb.didsth.,sbhaddonesth.Itwasnotuntilsb.didsth.thatsb.didsth.应用文(好马爱吃回头草)


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