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冀教版七年级英语下册Unit3 Lesson16 We Are with You说课稿授课教师:江改艳一 教材分析1.本次说课的内容是七年级英语下册Unit 3 Lesson 16 We Are with You 第一课时,本课的主要内容是Jason Glen 和他的家人在开学第一天家里的一场大火中失去了一切,同学和老师们听到这个消息后,主动要求帮助Jason和他的家人,通过筹钱,从里拿衣服和食物帮助Jason.本单元的情感目标是要学会关心和帮助别人。同时掌握一些重点词组的用法,像:come up with, be afraid of, raise and so on.2. 知识目标:Words: terrible, happen, lose, fire, raisePhrases: be with sb., come up with, car wash, cookie sale能力目标:Listen to the tape and master the key information while listening.Can read the text correctly and fluently.情感目标:Be ready to help others when people in need3. 教学重点:Master the key words and phrases4. 教学难点:Key sentences:1. We are with you. 2.Dont be afraid. 3.They come up with a plan4. The school had a car wash and cookie sale. 5. In just three days, the school raised 1200.二说教法根据学生特点,采用图片导入法,充分利用多媒体技术,引发学生学习兴趣。本课主要采用讲授法,启发式教学,小组合作的形式来教学。二 说学法学生主要采用自学与小组合作的方式进行学习。三 说学情根据七年级学生的年龄特征和知识掌握程度,应该以学生为主体,教师为主导进行上课,对于学习程度较差的学生,应该以掌握基础单词和简单句型为主,对程度好点的学生,应该以英语语言交际方面的运用为主。四 说教学过程第一步:互动交流,热身导入Today we will learn lesson 16, now let us learn the new words together.Lead in by showing a picture of fire. And then ask the students two questions:What do you know about fire? If a fire happens, what should you do?二.听力练习,初步感知l 1. It was a very hard timethem.l 2.In just three days, the school 1200.判断正误:1. Jason Glen and his family didnt lose anything in the big house fire.( )2. On the second day of school, something terrible happened. ( )三. 诵读课文,以读促知Ask the students to read the text loudly and then find1.12岁 _ 2.可怕的事情_ 3.坏消息 _ 4.站起来_ 5.害怕的 _ 6.想出来 _ 7.筹钱 _ 8.赚钱 _ 四. 教师点拨1.Jason Glen is a 12-year-old boy from Riversible High School.杰森格伦是河畔中学的一个12岁的小男孩。12-year-old 是合成形容词,这种合成形容词的特点是中间要用连字符连接,名词不能用复数,且数词只能用基数词。构成形式:基数词+单数名词+形容词。Eg: It is an eight-metre-tall tree.2.On the first day of school, something terrible happened.上学第一天可怕的事情发生了。(1)辨析:happen 和 take place.happen常可表示“碰巧;恰好”之意。特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”。既可指愉快的事,也可指不愉快的事。如:New things are happening all around us.take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”是常态性的发生,经常的发生. 此外还有“举行”之意。如:The meeting will take place next Friday (2)something terrible 意为“可怕的事情”。形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词之后。There is something wrong with my bike.四:能力提升,学以致用1.The teacher tells me to write an _composition.A.800-word B.800-words C.800-words 2.I cant _a good idea for increasing sales(增加销售量)。Acome up with B. think about C. come over D. come on3.It is easy _ English.A. learn B. learned C. to learn D. learns4.What_yesterday evening , David?A. happened B. took place C. happens D. takes place五.情感升华,启迪心智我们在班级里,以及日常生活中应该有同情心,乐于帮助有困难,有需要的人,使我们的生活更和谐更幸福。


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