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Unit 4 what would you do? 1 what if 如果将会怎么样 2. notin the slightest一点也不,根本不3. plenty of+可n./ 很多的 4. get along with与相处5.let down 使失望或沮丧 6. come up with 针对问题提出想法7. first-aidbook急救书 8. come out出饭,发表9. have/find a million dollars 拥有100美元 10. medical research医学研究11. wear a tie /necktie戴领带 12. worry about=be worried about 担心13. get pimples得了小脓疱 14.what if 如果.将会怎么样15. take an exam/test (later)参加考试 16. pass the exam通过考试17. fail the exam考试不合格 18. feel/be energetic感到有活力的19. feel/be confident感到自信 have confidence in sth/dong sth 对某事有自信20 a shy person一个害羞的人 21 without permission不允许22 permit (allow) sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 23 be permitted to do sth 被允许做某事24 bother sb 打扰某人 25 not.in the slightest根本不 not.at all根本不26 get/be annoyed at sb对某人生气 annoy ab 使某人生气27 fairly confident 相当自信 28 enough + 可或不可数n足够.29 a good listener 一个好的听众 30 represent our class代表31 let sb down 使某人失望 32 run up with sb赶上33 come up with提出 34.get the medical help取得医护帮助35.make sb + adj(comfortable) 使某人舒服 36.stay with sb 与某人呆在一起37.put sth under sth 把某物放在某物下 38.the burned area受伤的面积39.(cold) running water (冰)自来水 40.stop doing sth 停止做某事41.have a lot of experience有许多经验 42.be confident of sth对某物自信43.millions of成百上万 44.hundreds of 成百上千45.be dangerous of/doing sth做某事危险 46.talk to sb about sth 与某人谈论某事47.hide oneself from sb 藏起来不让人找到 48.internet friend 网友49.in a public place在公共场所 50.make a speech发表演讲51.in the front of (在内部)在前面 52.in front of (在外部)在前面53.talk a lot健谈54.get nervous紧张的55.look terrible 看上去糟糕的 56.lucky you 你非常幸运57.introduce sb to sb 把某人介绍给某人 58.do a personality survey 做一个性格调查59.speak in public 在公共场合说话 60.hardly ever 几乎不61.give a speech给一个演讲 62.do sth better 做某事更好63.have a cold 感冒64.borrow sth from sb 从某人那借某物65.without permission没经允许 66.ask for ones permission询问某人的允许67.be in a movie 拍电影 68.with a new student 和一个新学生69.have dinner at ones house在某人家里吃晚饭 70.pretty/rather/fairly confident 相当自信71.social situations 社会情况 72.what you want 你想要的内容73 catch up with sb 赶上,追上(学习) 74 the rest of sth 剩余的东西75 have a rest/break休息 76 have a first-aid book有一本急救书77 on a nearby shelf 在靠近书架的位子 78 My book come out yesterday.我的书昨天出版79 cover sth with sth 用某物盖住某物 80 be covered with sth被覆盖81 press sth hard用力挤压 82 go upstairs 上楼83 go downstairs下楼 84 fall downstairs从楼上摔下85 burn /hurt/injure oneself by accident 86 be burned被烧伤87 injure ones knee 某人的膝盖受伤 88 feel some pain感到有些疼89 feel painful 感到疼痛 90 offer sb sth 提供某人某物91 refuse sb sth 拒绝某人某事 92 refuse to do sth拒绝做某事93 be helpful 有帮助的 94 treat sb as sth 对待某人为95 give money to charity 给慈善机构捐钱 96 give money to medical research 给医学研究捐钱97 put money in the bank把前放入银行 98 watch it grow 看着它上涨增值99 buy snacks 买小吃 100 build a school建立学校101 buy a big house for my family 为我家买一个大房子 102 travel around the world游览全世界103 help other people 帮助其他人 104 newspaper article报纸文章105 do with=deal with 处理 106 give advice on sth different situations不同情况下给某物一些建议107 ask sb for advice 向某人寻求建议 108 clean cloth 纱布109 a deep cut 一个深的伤口 110 hurry to do sth快速做某事111.how to get怎么样得到 112 annoy people使人们生气133.the rest of the student剩余的学生 134.the rest of 剩余的部分115.plenty/enough friends 许多朋友 116.a company of一群117.be easy to get along with容易交往/相处 118.rather than 胜于119.A rather than BA胜于B 120.would rather do A than do B宁愿做A也不愿做B121. think of思考122.say something bad说坏话123 have a problem有一个问题 124.English speech contest英语演讲比赛125.represent the class代表班级 126.come top 名列前茅127 in the school exams在校考试 128.a top student 一个尖子生129.let sb down 使人失望 130.be terrified of doing sth害怕做某事Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.1 belong to 属于 2 hair band 发带3 use up 用完4 belong to (sb) = must be sbs 属于某人的 5 have a picnic=go on a picnic=at a picnic 野餐6 (im)possible形-(im)possibly副 不可能/可能 maybe/probably/perhaps 可能 7 listen to symphony 听交响乐8 in a symphony hall 在交响乐大厅9 at an optometrist appointment/date与配镜师有约have an appointment/date with sb 与某人有约 =date with sb (They are dating. ) 10 have a math test on algebra 数学考试考代数11 be crucial to sb 对某人来说至关重要12 be crucial for sth 对某事来说至关重要13 Its crucial to do/that从句14 count 30% to the final exam 在期末考占30% 15 count from 1 to 100 从1数到100 16discount 打折17 final exam 期末考试18 finally=at last=in the end 最后19 be/get/feel anxious about sb/sth 对忧虑 20 be/get/feel worried about=worry about21 the owner of 。的主人 22 chase sb=run after sb to catch him/her 追赶某人 23 in the shy 在天空中24 a strange creature/animal一种奇怪的动物25 catch sth/the bus 赶上某物26 catch up with sb 赶上某人27 extreme fellow/kid/guy极端的人28 make noise(不可数) 制造噪音29 be noisy(adj) 吵闹的30 in the neighborhood (of.)在附近 31 footsteps in the hallway走廊上的脚步声32 the director of. 主管 33 escape (from +地点) 从逃跑34 The dog is barking . 那只狗在叫 35 strange smell 奇怪的味道36 smell strange 闻起来奇怪 37 lift a big stone 举起一块大石头38 pretend to do sh 假装做某事 39 pretend to be doing sth 假装正在做某事40 attempt to do sth 意图做某事 41 whose+n / which+n42 favorite author 最喜欢的作家 43little kid 小孩44 because of +n /doing sth因为 because +从句45 strange people 陌生人 46 next door neighbor 邻居47 little by little 一点一点的 48 capital letter 大写字母49 strange event 奇怪的事 50 used to 过去常常51 in our neighborhood在我们的附近 52 local school teacher当地学校的老师53 strange noise 奇怪的声音 54 extremely worried非常担心55 be interviewed 被采访 56 local newspaper 当地报纸57 call the police 打电话给警察 58 have fun 开玩笑59anything strange任何奇怪的东西60 at first 首先71 have ones own idea 有某人自己的主意 72 get in the window从窗户进来73 escape from+地 从逃跑 74 get off 下车 get on 上车75 be less of a problem to do sth 、做某事不成问题 It is less of a problem to help her.Unit6 I like music that I can dance to. 1、Yellow River 黄河 2、on display 展览;陈列3、remind of 提醒 4、to be honest 老实说;说实在的5、be bad for 对有害 6、stay away from 与保持距离7、be in agreement 意见一致的 8、barbecued meat 烧烤肉9、tag question 反意疑问句 10、music that I can dance to 随着音乐翩翩起舞dance to the music11、have great lyrics 极大抒情 12、music that I can sing along with 跟唱 sing along with 跟唱13、play different /all/some/many kinds of music 弹奏不同/各种/一些/种类的音乐14、write ones own songs /lyrics 写自己的歌/自写作词 15、loud and energetic 大声并且有活力16、be full of energy 充满活力 be full of = be filled with 充满17、play quiet and gentle songs 弹奏轻柔典雅的歌曲18、like sth/ dislike sth 喜欢/不喜欢sth prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢Aprefer to do A (rather than do B) =would rather do A than do B比起B来宁愿作A19、take sth/ sb to+地 带某人/某物去某地 20、remind sb of sth 使sb想起sth21、Brazilian dance music巴西舞曲 22、Heart String 心弦 learn sth by heart 用心学sth23、latest movie /book 最近的电影/书 24、over the years 多年来25、look for entertainments 寻找乐趣 26、have a few good features有一些优点27、be sure to do 确定做sth 28、one of 之一29、best known =the most famous 最杰出的 30、in the world today 在当今世界上31、the best loved sth/sb 最忠爱的人/sth 32、photos of people and the countryside a photo of people and the countryside 人物与乡村风景照33、interest sb 使sb感兴趣 be interested in= take an interest in 对感兴趣34、a world class sb/musician 世界级人物/音乐家 35、miss this exhibition 错过展览36、musical group 乐队 37、pretty strange 十分奇怪 a pretty girl 一个漂亮的女孩38、come and go 潮起潮落 39、have lots of energetic充满活力40、in the morning 在早上 on Monday morning 在星期一早上41、have a great time 玩得愉快 42、a good place to visit 一个参观的好地方43、lucky to be here 很幸运能在这儿 44、six-month English course六个月英语课程45、so much to see and do 许多可以看和可以做的事 46、a Chinese music concert 一个中式音乐会47、most of 中大多数 48、traditional music 传统的音乐49、suit sb fine 非常适合sb 50、go for +目的地 去某地51、lots of 许多 52、different kinds of 不同种类53、what to try 尝试什么 54、film festival 电影节55、go on a vacation 去度假 56、feel sick 感到恶心57、a movie poster 一张电影海报 58、taste good/delicious/bad/sweet尝起来美味/难吃/甜59、keep healthy= stay healthy保持健康 60、a group of young people 一群年青人61、get together 聚在一起 62、discuss this question 讨论问题63、be good for 对有好处 63、be good at=do well in 擅长于64、prefer(not)to do sth 更(不)喜欢做sth 65、fast food 快餐66、take care of 照顾 67、sweet desserts 甜品68、actually=in fact 实际上 69、in laboratory testing 实验室测验70、some types of oil 一些种类的油 71、in oil 用油 in ink 用墨水72、increase the risk of cancer 增大致癌机率 73、the risk of doing sth 做某事的危害74、even if 即使 75、eat nuts 吃坚果76、eat a balanced diet 饮食均衡 77、eat biscuits and hamburgers吃饼干汉堡包78 have a good balance 饮食平衡Unit7 Where would you like to visit?1.take it easy 从容,轻松2.Niagara Falls 尼亚加大瀑布3.Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 4.Notre Dame Cathedral巴黎圣母院5.in general 通常 6.Ace Travel 文中指一旅行社名7.provide with 给.提供 8.as soon as possible=as soon as you can 尽快地9.come true 实现 10.Id love to = want to do sth 想要11.sail across the Pacific 横渡太平洋 12.dream about things = dream of doing sth梦想做某事13.the finding of .的发现 14.hopes and dreams 希望与梦想15.hang out 闲逛 16.finish your education 完成你的学业17.have a good education 得到好教育 18.start work 开始参加工作19.so that 如此.以致 20.provide sth for sb = provide sb with /about sth 提供.给.21.continue doing = go on doing 继续做某事 22.go to university 上大学23.according to the survey 根据调查 24.the most popular choice of job 选择最流行的工作25.computer programming 电子设计 26.all kinds of dreams 各种梦想27.to be volunteers 当志愿者 28.the 2008 Olympics 2008年奥运会29.go to the moon 登月 30.one day = some day 总有一天31.be willing to do 愿意做某事 32.achieve ones dreams 实现梦想33.have similar hopes 有相同的梦想 34.find a good job 找到一个好工作35.hold on 坚持 36.travel posters 旅游景点海报37.go on a vacation 去渡假 38.go trekking 徒步旅行39.trek through the jungle 徒步穿过热带雨林 40.go/walk through the park 穿过公园41.relax on a beach 去海滩渡假 42.beautiful views 漂亮的风景43.pay for 付钱 44.interests of places 名胜古迹45.be stressed out 紧张 46.Amazon jungle 亚马逊丛林47.consider doing sth 考虑做某事 consider sb to be sth 把.视为. consider sb as 认为.48.travel spotlight 旅游胜地 49.the capital of sth .的首都50.one of the liveliest cities in Europe 欧洲最有活力的城市之一51.fantastic sights 奇妙的景色52.one of the most famous churches in the world 世界上最著名的教堂之一53.in the church 在教堂 54.underground train = subway 地铁55.an expensive place 一个高消费的地方 56.travel with someone 与某人一起旅行57.translate things for sb 为某人翻译事情 58.pack light clothes 打包轻的衣服59.have lots of wonderful sights有一些美丽的风景 60.go out for half an hour 出去半小时61.answer the phone 接电话 62.call people back 回电63.out of the office 不在办公室 64.get some information 得到一些信息 65.find out 弄明白 66.vacation packages 旅行指南67.go on a nature tour 去亲近大自然的旅行 68.have a great whale watch tour 举行一次大型亲近鲸的旅游69.depend on 取决于 70.advertisement for vacations假日广告71.visit Hollywood 参观好莱屋 72.take a trip = have a trip 去郊游73.in the east of China 在华东 74.cook ones = cook meals by oneself 为自己煮饭75.save money 省钱 76.give me some suggestions for vacation spots 给我一些旅游景点好提议77.be away 离开 78.cook Beijing Duck 做北京烤鸭79.stay in an inexpensive hotel住在便宜的旅馆 80.how far 多远81.botanical park 植物园 82.amusement park游乐园Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks .1.chean up 打扫干净 2.chear up 使振奋3.give out 分发 4.put off 推迟5.set up 建立 6.think up sth 想出7.look after =take care of =care for 照顾 8.fix up=repair sth修理9.give away 赠送 10.put up = put sth on the wall 张贴11.hand out 分发 12.work out fine结局很好13.at once 马上 14.part of speech词性15.work outside在外工作 16.help homeless people 帮助无家可归的人17.chear up sb使某人振奋 18.give/hand out sth分发某物19.help sb with sth帮助某人某事 20.come up with a plan提出一个计划21.put up sth/advertisements 张贴广告 22.put off sth/making a plan 推迟某事23.write down sth 写下某事 24.set up a food bank 建立一个食物储蓄站25.call sb up 打电话给某人 26.put sth to use 把投入使用27.take after/be similar to s=look like sb与相象 28.give away sth to sb 赠送某人某物29.use up sth/run out of s =dont have any more sth 用完某物30.spend time doing sth =It take sb+ 时 to do sth 发时间做某事31.tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事 32.donate sth to sb =give away sth. to sb 向某人赠送某物33.be hungry 饥饿的34.less(后缀表否定)ful(表肯定) homeless无家可归的 nameless匿名的 careless粗心的 careful细心的35.a major/great commitment一个重大奉献 major in+学科36.at the elementary school 在小学 37.become/be a veterinarian 成为一名兽医38.coach a football team for sb 为某人训练一支足球队39.help disabled people 帮助残疾人 blind/deaf people 盲人/聋人40.Its ones pleasure to do sth 很乐意做某事 41.be able/unable to do sth可能/不能做某事42.shut up 闭嘴 43.support sb 支持某人44.appreciate sb感激某人 45. Volunteer Day志愿日 Clean-up Day 清洁日46.not only but also不仅而且47.be home to .的家 48.volunteer to do sth 志愿做某事49.each of them 他们中的每个人 50.plan to do sth 计划做某事51.in an animal hospital一家动物医院 52.be a professional singer一个职业歌手53.volunteer project 志愿项目 54.test paper 考卷55 make a pen pal website交一个网友 56.sport club 运动俱乐部57.a photo of sb 某人的一张照片 58.send sth to sb 送某人某物59.make it possible 使成为可能 60.fill sth with sth 使充满61.face the challenge 面队挑战 62.ues ones arm well很好的使用某人认的手63.answer the telephone接电话 64.open/shut doors 开/关门65.carry sth 搬运某物 66.be difficult for sb对某人来说很困难67.a friend of mine(双重所有格) =one of my friends 我的一个朋友68.get a specially trained dog 得到一只特别训练的狗 69.because of 因为70.kind donation 慈善募捐 71.train to do sth 训练做某事72.understand different instructions 明白不同的指示 73.fetch ones book取来某人的书74.be used to do 被用于做某事 75.an amazing dog一只迷人的狗76.bring home 带回家 77.feel lucky 感到幸运Unit 9 When was it invented ?1.be used for 用来做 2.light bulb 电灯泡3.microwave oven 微波炉 4.by mistake 错误的5.by accident 偶然意外 6.fall into 落入7.in this way 这样 8.knock into sb 撞上某人9.invent sth 发明某物 be (was/were) invented by sb 被sb发明 the most helpful invention 最有用的发明10.be used for doing=be used to do sth 用来做某事 used to 过去常常 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 use up 用光 the use of sth .的用途11. scoop ice cream 舀冰淇 heated ice cream scoop 舀冰淇淋的勺子12.shoes with adjustable heels 带有可调整后跟的shoes with high heels 高跟鞋13. battery-operated slippers/sneak 用电池操作的拖鞋operate on sb 给某人做手术 operation 手术14.do sth by mistake 错误的/巧合的做某事 make mistakes in sth 在某方面犯错误15.sprinkle salt on sth 把盐撒在.上面16.an ancient Chinese legend 一个古老的中国传说 ancient culture 古文化17.boil drinking water 煮开水 18.produce sth 制造某物 be produced 被制造19.pie plate馅饼盘子 flying disk 飞碟20. throw flying disk 扔飞碟 throw sth 扔某物 throw sth away 把某物扔掉throw sth about 到处乱扔 throw sth to sb 扔给某人 throw sth at 朝.扔21.one hundred years=one century一百年一世纪 early in the 21st century 在21世纪初22.including sth 包括某事 23.create sth 创造某物24. be made from 由.制成 be made of 由.制成25.on a hard wooden floor 在一个坚硬的木制地板上26.knock into sb 撞上某人 knock at the door 敲门27.divide sth into 把.分成.部分 28.the aim of sth .的目标29.get/throw a ball into the basket 把球投入篮筐 a basket of apples一篮苹果30.a metal hoop 一个金属环 31.be shot 被射死32.tour guide 导游 33.move/run towards 朝.方向移动/跑34.a developping country 一个发展中国家 a developped country 一个发达国家35.the popularity of .的流行 36.rise worldwide 引起全世界广泛传播37.NBA=National Basketball Association 国家篮球协会 38.equip sth with sth 用.来装备39.in 1891 在1891年 in the 1891s 在19世纪90年代40.have a history class 上一节历史课41.a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 some partners of mine 我的一些伙伴42.hand-held calculators 手提计算器 43.play indoors 在户内玩44.create a game 发明一种游戏 45.the safety of .的安全46.fall down 跌倒47.Its believed that 人们相信 Its heard that 人们听说 Its said that 据说 48.travel around China 游览中国 49.since then 自从那以后


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