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2013高考英语动词和词组精品教案概述 主要涉及的考点有:常见动词及动词近义词辨析;及物动词常被误为不及物动词;特定语境中常见动词的基本用法和辨析:develop发展冲洗;meet见面满足;cover覆盖涉及等;拼写形式不同而容易混淆的动词有:hang(hanged绞死,hung悬挂);lay(laid, laid)放置;lie(lied, lied)说慌;lie(lay, lain)平卧等。热点1 几个常见的谓语动词常见动词及其搭配是动词类的热点,非常值得注意。以下归纳几个常见动词,其目的就是要让考生在平时的学习过程中学会不断积累和总结。1.关于make(1)make当“做、制造”解时,可跟双宾语,间接宾语用for 引导。如:Hell make me a kite.=Hell make a kite for me.他将给我制作一个风筝。(2)make通常与一些表示动作的名词连用。如: make a study/trip/promise/movement/statement/dive/request/change/fire/demand/speech/report/face/plan/success/living/differencemake an explanation/experiment/excuse/effect/apologyto sb make preparations/progress/roomfor sb make ones way/bread tea coffee/up ones mind/no answer(3)make作使役动词时,表示 “使做某事、使成为“,可跟复合结构,其中的宾补可以是:形容词:They are trying to make our country beautiful.他们在努力使我们国家变得美丽。名词:I would make you king over the earth.我会使你灰飞烟灭地球之王。过去分词:What made him so frightened?什么使他如此害怕?省去to 的不定式:The boy made faces just to make the other students laugh.这个男孩做鬼脸只是为了使其他孩子发笑。注意:make在被动语态中一定要接带to的不定式。No one is ever made to be hero.没有天生的英雄。典例1The regulations were made_ children after the accidents.A. protect B. to protect C. protecting D. to be protected解析 B 在句中因为make用的是被动语态,故其后一定要接带to的不定式,作主语补足语。构成:make it +adj. +to do sth./that-clause使(做)某事成为。典例2The manager, _it clear to us that he didnt agree with us ,left the meeting room.(江西卷)A. who has made B. having madeC. made D. making解析 B 关于make用法的考查。根据句子结构分析可以判断,主句为:The manager left the meeting room.,中间的部分为分词短语作状语,且动作发生在主句left动作之前,而又并非现在完成时,故排除A。现在分词的完成式先于主句的谓语动词而发生,故选B。(4)make作“制造、组成”时构成的词组,常使用被动语态。成品+be made of +原料(看得出原料)成品+be made from+原料(难看或看不出原料)原料+be made into+成品成品+be made by+执行者制造者成品+be made in+地点物体组织+be made up of +若干成份典例3 The old cottage can be_ temporary(临时的)houses.A. made into B. made of C. made by D. made in解析A 此句句意为:这栋旧别墅可以改装成临时住宅。被动be made into符合句意。(5)make构成的两个常用词组:make up(for)弥补,虚构,缝制,化妆,整理等。如:make up jokes编笑话;make up a poem/a story/a song编诗歌/故事/歌曲。再如:They hurried on to make up for lost time.他们加速进行以补回失去的时间。The boy made up a story; it was not true.男孩儿编了个故事,这故事不是真的。She made up her face to look prettier.她化了妆以便看上去更漂亮些。典例4Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _jokes.(江苏卷)A. turning up B. putting upC. making up D. showing up解析C 动词搭配与辨析。turn up 找到,发现,出现;put up 举起,抬起,进行;show up揭露,露出,露面。而make up jokes为“编笑话”,与句意吻合。make full/good/the best use of 充分利用。We must make the best use of the fine weather.我们必须充分利用这好天气。Lets make use of this opportunity to practice our spoken English.让我们好好地利用这个机会来练习英语口语。2.关于consider(1)作“考虑”讲时,可跟名词/代词/从句或跟连接代词/副词+to do或跟动名词连用。Have you considered how to get there?你考虑过如何去那里了吗?He considered going to see them in prison.他考虑去监狱探试他们。(2)作“认为,把当作”讲时,consider+宾语+宾补,作宾补的可以是名词/形容词/不定式(不定式完成式)。如:I consider him to be a fool.我把他当作一个傻子看待。(3)注意结构:consider it + n/ adj. + to do sth.I consider it necessary to study English.我认为学英语很有必要。(4)consider(as)表示“把(某人或某物)看作”。如:Most people considered him as a hero.多数人把他看成一个英雄。典例5 Many things_ impossible in the past are common today.A. considering B. to consider C. considered D. being considered解析C 动词consider的非谓语考查形式。剖析其结构:Many things are common today.为主句。considered 是过去分词短语作定语修饰many things, impossible在被动语态中为主语补足语。适用于“consider+宾语+宾补”结构。故选C3.关于keep(1)keep用作及物动词,表示“使继续处于某种状态”,其后的宾补可以是:现在分词 如:Dont keep your mother waiting.别让你母亲再等。过去分词 如:His clothes seemed to be just pulled on to keep him covered.他的衣服像是刚刚拖起来披盖在自己身上的。副词 如:This helps to keep the cold out.这有助于御寒。介词短语 如:He kept them in the classroom after school.放学后,他让他们呆在教室里。形容词 如:The nurses keep her very clean.护士们将她整理得非常整法。(2)keep作系动词,意为“保持、继续处于某种状态”。如:keep silent/quiet/cool/fit(3)keep doing 与keep on doing表示“决心、毅力、顽强意志力和强调动作的反复”时,多用keep on doing 。如:Dont give up hope, keep on trying.别放弃希望,要不断努力。表示持续状态常用keep doing 。如:Weve kept hoping to go to college. 我们一直希望上大学。keep/keep on一般都不能与表示短暂性动作、心理状态或结果的动词连用。如:常不用keep(on)standing/sitting/beginning/leaving 。典例6Keep _after meals, then youll be in good health.A. walking B. sleeping C. standing D. sitting解析 A keep doing的特殊用法。此种结构一般都不能与表示短暂性动作、心理状态或结果的动词连用。而sleeping ,standing, sitting都是表示短暂性动作的动词。故选A。(4)其它搭配keep back 阻止,落在后面keepout (of)使在外,不让入内keep away 不接近,避开keep from 阻止,抑制,避免于keep off 让开,不接近keep up 坚持,继续,保持,(斗争)不低落keep up with跟上,赶上,不落后于keep in touch with与保持联络典例7We read the newspaper every day to _the present affairs.A. keep up B. keep up withC. catch up with D. keep in touch with4.关于go(1)go的过去分词形式gone多用作表语,意为“(人)不在了、走了”,“(物)丢了、用完了”,如:The necklace was gone.这条项链丢了。Liu Mei is already gone.刘梅已经走了。比较:He is already gone.(强调无目的)He has gone.(强调有目的、方向)(2)go 有“说的”之意。常用于“the story goes据说;as the saying goes正如格言所说”。如:As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”正如格言所说,“有志者,事竟成”。典例8As a Chinese old saying_, “Good fortune lies within bad, bad fortune lies within good.”A. goes B. say C. is said D. is written解析 A 与本词条中的含义吻合即用在谚语前表示“说的、叫做”。(3)go为终止性动词,不与表示时间段的状语连用。(见时态和语态专题)(4)go to常与go to attend意义相同,多与一些表示活动的名词连用。如:go to college/a meeting/an English party/a concert/a dance/a film/a lecture/a dinner等。(5)注意区别:go on doing sth.继续做同一个动作go on to do sth.做完一个接着干另一个go on with sth.同一事件中断后又接着做He went on speaking of his war experiences.他继续说着他的战争经历。比较He went on to speak of his war experiences.(=He began speaking of themafter he had finished speaking of something else.)他做完了别的之后,又继续说他的战争经历。They went on with their work at the empty loom until late into the night.他们在一张空织布机上不停地工作直至深夜。(6)其它搭配go to rest/sleep/bed休息/睡觉go out for a walk/ride/swim/bath/drive外出散步/骑车/游泳/洗澡/兜风go shopping/fishing/shooting/swimming/walking购物/钓鱼/射击/游泳/散步go about着手做,从事go ahead 前进,进行go all out for sth./to do sth.全力以赴go in for sth.从事于,酷爱,参加go over仔细检查,润色(文稿),复习go through经历,经受go up 上涨5.关于agree(1)agree 一般用作不及物动词,因此,其后不能直接带宾语。如其后跟从句,则可作及物动词。可跟不定式,但不跟不定式的复合结构。(2)区别: 表示“同意某人的看法”。常说:agree with sb./what sb says。表示“适合、合适”。如:agree with This climate doesnt agree with me.这里的气候不适合我。表示“一致、协调”。如:The verb must agree with its subject in person and number.动词必须与人称和数保持一致。agree to 表示“同意(某人的建议、安排、计划)”。常可说:agree to a plan/an arrange ment/a proposal/a decision.agree on /upon表示“对取得一致意见”。如:They both agreed on the plan,他们两个都同意这个方案。典例9 I dont _people smoking all day long.A. agree B. agree to C. agree on D. agree with解析 B 考查动词agree及词组辨析。agree为不及物动词,不带宾语;agree on/upon表示“对取得一致意见”;agree with表示“同意某人的看法”;agree to 表示“同意(某人的建议、安排、计划)”,符合句意。热点2 常见动词近义词辨析常见动词近义词很多,有必要掌握以下常见词类:1.关于win, defeat, beat和gain(1)win作“赢”讲时,其宾语常是:war, battle, game, match, argument, a victory, the prize,100 yuan, a race, honor for, the praise, the first place等,而不能是表示人的名词。(2) beat及物动词,后面的宾语是“对手”,表示结果。如:beat sb. in 在比赛、战斗、争论中击败某人。beat him at table tennis在乒乓球赛中击败他(3)defeat sb.在战斗、战争、比赛中击败对手。强调暂时行为。如:defeat the enemy in the war在战争中击败敌人(4)gain及物动词,表示“获得、赢得所需之物/利益或好处”。如:gain experience/wealth/a reputation/the time/the marks/the rank/the prize/ones respect/success/knowledge/ones living/happiness/a salary/an honor。典例1Our basketball team_ theirs by a score of 100:98.A. won B. defeat C. beat D. gained解析 C近义词辨析题。根据win不和theirs(their teams)搭配;defeat与sb.连接;gain常有“获得”,也不与theirs搭配。只有beat与“(击败的)对手”搭配,强调结果,故选C。2.关于fit, suit和match(1)fit作及物动词,表示“适合、配上、合身”。如:This coat fits her nicely.这件外套非常合适。The key doesnt fit the lock,这把钥匙不合这把锁。(2)作形容词,表示“适合、健康”常构成be fit for 。如:He is fit for the job,他适合这份工作。The water is fit to drink.这水适合喝。(3)作不及物动词,表示“吻合、合身”。如:Does the coat fit?这件大衣合身吗?(4)suit作适合,常强调颜色、款式等适合某人,而fit则强调大小合身。如:That color doesnt suit your complexion(肤色)。这颜色不适合你的肤色。(5)match表示“在(品质、颜色、设计等方面)与相配”。如:Carpets should match the curtains.地毯必须与窗帘区配。典例2The red tie you bought doesnt _my coat.A. fit B. fit for C. suit D. match解析D 近义词辨析题目。fit作及物动词,表示大小合身;作不及物动词,强调“吻合”;作形容词,则须用be fit for; suit 强调“款式合适”,只有match强调“与匹配”。故选D。3.关于cost, spend, take和pay(1)从意义上讲,都可表示“花钱”。如:“我花10元钱买衬衣”。这一句话可有四种翻译:The shirt cost me ten yuan.I spent ten yuan on the shirt.It took me ten yuan to buy the shirt.I paid ten yuan for the shirt.(2)结构搭配上的不同spend的主语只能是人。常用结构:sb. +spend(s)+time/money on sth./in doing sth.cost的主语只能是指事或物的名词、代词或名词性短语。常用结构:sth. +cost(s)+ sb. +time/moneytake的主语多为指物的名词。常用结构:It + takes +time/ money +to do sth.pay的主语是人,为买某物而付钱。常用结构:sb. +pay(s)+ money +for sth.典例3 I _the coat in the supermarket for 260yuan.A. cost B. paid C. pent D. bought解析 D近义词辨析题。用cost,则主谓搭配不当;用pay,则260 yuan作宾语;用spend,则与for 260 yuan搭配不当;应选用buy,其用法和搭配均与句意吻合。4.关于hurt, wound, injure和harm(1)hurt:表示“肉体或情感上的痛苦,强调疼痛感”。如:Many people were hurt when a bus and a truck collided.一辆公共汽车和一辆卡车相撞,许多人受了伤。(2)wound:表示“由于剑、刀、枪等锐器造成身体上较严重的外伤,特别是在战争中受伤”。如:The soldier was wounded in the arm.这个士兵的胳膊受伤了。(3)injure:表示“指意外事故或偶发事件造成的伤害”。如:There were two people injured in the car accident.有两个人在车祸中受了伤。(4)harm: 表示“引起疼痛、痛苦或损失,其对象可以是自己,也可以是其他人或物”。如:Our dog wont harm you.我们的狗不会伤害你的。Getting up early wont harm you!早起对你没有坏处。典例4There was an unexpected explosion in our street, but our building wasnt_ at all .A. hurt B. wounded C. harmed D. injured解析 C 近义词辨析题目。hurt强调“精神或肉体上的疼痛”;wound强调“刀、枪伤”;harm强调“危害、损失”;injure强调“意外伤害”。名意为:我们住的街道发生了一次意外的爆炸事故,但我们的大楼却丝毫没有受损。故用harmed合句意。重点 1 两种常错常考的可作谓语的动词1.几组拼写形式不同而容易混淆的动词hang hanged hanged(绞死) lay laid laid(放置)hang hung hung(悬挂) lie lied lied(说慌) lie lay lain(平卧)find found found(发现) fall fell fallen(跌倒)found founded founded(建立) fell felled felled(砍伐、击倒) fail failed failed(失败)典例1 The carpet where he _was warm and comfortable, so he slept soundly.A. was laying B. was lying C. had laid D.了had lied解析 B 易混淆词辨析题。动词lay表示“搁置、放”时,现在分词为laying,过去分词为laid;而lie作“躺”讲时,现在分词为lying,过去分词为lain,如其过去分词为lied,则含义为“撒谎”。此处为“躺的地方”,故用was lying。2.实为及物动词却常被误为不及物动词enter(误为enter into) marry(误为marry with)reach(误为reach to) mention(误为mention about)serve(误为serve for) address(误为address to)approach(误为approach with) salute(误为salute to)fit(误为fit for) benefit (误为benefit to)典例2She _John to get away from her step-mother.A. married B. married with C. married to D. was married解析A此句中的marry表示“嫁给”,为及物动词,可直接带宾语。重点2 五种基本句型中的动词使用简单句的五种基本句型,通常与及物动词、不及物动词和系动词密不可分。1.主语+不及物动词理解不及物动词在此句型中的常用法:(1)一般表达型。此类不及物动词常可与表示距离、持续时间、重量、价值等的副词修饰语连用。如:Boy, can you go any farther? Boy, can you go any farther? 伙计,你还走得动吗?The smoke from our fire rose straight up in the still air.我们生的火冒出的烟在无风的空气中袅袅上升。(2)主动形式表示被动含义型。此类常见的动词或短语有:read, sell wash, write, open, draw, wear, happen, take place, break out ,last ,go out ,run out ,cost, spread等。如:The tickets to the play sold well。那台戏的戏票很畅销。The accident happened outside my house.这个事故发生在我家房子的外面。典例1Food and drink are _,but the men are still cheerful and confident.A. running out B. going out C. spreading D. happening解析 A 不及物动词的考查。动词run out表示“被用完”; go out 表示“出去,熄灭”;spread表示“传播”;happen表示“发生”。根据句意:食物和饮料快用光了,但这些人仍旧很愉快和自信。2.主语+及物动词+宾语理解及物动词在此句型中带宾语的用法:(1)及物动词+名词或代词作宾语。如:He raised his arms above his head.他把手臂举过头顶。Will you be spending your holiday abroad this year?你今年准备到国外去度假吗?(2)及物动词+动名词作宾语。此类及物动词或动词短语有:avoid, mind, miss, suggest, finish, practice, imagine, enjoy, delay, escape, feel like, put off ,insist on ,give up, cant help, stick to等。如:I suggested taking a walk.我建议去散步。You must not give up studying.你不该放弃学习。(3)及物动词+不定式作宾语。此类及物动词有:afford, agree, ask, expect, hope, want, wish, manage, pretend, decide, determine, learn,offer, plan, refuse等。如:I hope to go to college.我希望上大学。The firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.公司无法支付如此巨额的工资。(4)既可接动名词又可接动词不定式的动词(见非谓语动词专题之热点)。3.主语+系动词+表格系动词在此句型中的用法:be, become, come, get, smell, taste, feel, sound, remain, stay, appear, go, turn, fall, run, keep等。(1)系动词+形容词作表语。如: That argument sounds reasonable,那个观点听起来有道理。(2)系动词+名词作表语。如:Later he became an acrobat.他后来成为一名杂技演员。(3)系动词+副词、介词短语或反身代词作表语。如:He is near,他在附近。典例2The cooking chicken in the pot _very good.A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes解析 A 系动词考查题。根据The cooking chicken正在煮的的鸡肉,推断出“闻起来很香”,故用smell。其它feel感觉起来;sound听起来;taste尝起来,均不合题意。4.主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(1)用to变换间接宾语的动词:bring, give, hand, offer, show, teach, throw, pass, pay, send, sell, return, tell, allow, lend等。如:Could you bring me the book? Could you bring the book to me ?请把那本书带给我好吗?(2)for变换间接宾语动词make,buy,choose,cook,find,get,order,paint,sing, spare,fetch等。He bought me a bottle of ink.或He bought a bottle of ink for me .他为我买了一瓶墨水。(3)用for和to或其它介词变换间接宾语的动词:do, leave, play等。如:Will you do me a favor?或 Will you do a favor for me ?你能帮我忙吗?典例3 Smoking will_harm to you .Please get rid of it.A. do B. give C. make D. find解析 A 接双宾语的动词考查题。此句的harm为直接宾语,to you为间接宾语。句意为:吸烟对你有害,请戒掉烟吧。从搭配而言,常说do sb.harm 或do harm to sb。故选A。5.主语+及物动语+宾语+宾补(1)接名词作宾补的动词:find, think, elect, name, call, appoint, consider, make, leave等。They usually call the baby Dick,他们经常把婴儿的名字称为迪克。(2)接形容词作宾补的动词:keep, get, lay, drink, push, paint, set, turn, drive, let, call, cut, break, open, hold等。如:She will make him happy.她将使他幸福。Please cut the stick short.请把这根棍子砍短点。(3)接副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等作宾补的及物动词:leave, put ,see, notice, watch, observe等。He left me waiting in the rain.他让我在雨中等。典例4 I found _impossible _him _his mind.A. this, to make; change B. it; to make; to changeC. this; to make; to change D. it; to make; change解析D 及物动词及宾语补足语考查题。根据句子结构分析法可以判断:第一空为形式宾语it,第二空为真正的动词不定式作宾语,第三空为使役动词make后省去to的宾补change。故选D难点 动词词组的使用与辨析动词词组的使用和辨析是动词考点中的重点也是难点,考查形式涉及多项选择题中的语法和 和词汇知识题、多项选择式完形填空题、短文改错题多种题型。典例1Kathy _a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up解析 A动词词组辨析题。pick up 获得,学到,捡起,使恢复精神;take up开始从事,吸收;make up弥补,虚构;turn up找到,出现。根据句意:凯西通过与当地孩子们玩耍而学到了不少西班牙语。故选A。典例2Helen always helps her mother even though going to school _most of her day.(广东卷)A. takes up B. makes up C. saves up D. puts up解析 A考查动词词组的辨析。海伦总是帮助她的母亲,即使上学占用了她一天中的大部分时间。四个短语的意思分别为:take up占据,填满;make up形成,构成或组成某物;save up储存,储蓄;put up 张贴(海报、通告等),提出(意见)供讨论。根据句意判断take up 合题意。典例3 You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _the books when youve finished them.(全国卷)A. put on B. put down C. put back D. put off 解析 C 考查动词词组的辨析。此句句意为:你可以从书架上随便拿书去读,但是读完以后请把书放回原处put on 穿上,伪装;put down写下,平定;put off 推迟,搪寒;只有put back放回原处合句意。典例4His mother had thought is would be good for his character to_from home and earn some money on his own.(北京卷)A. run away B take away C.keep away D.get away解析 D 考查动词词组的辨析。四个选项都符合语法要求,再看本句句意:他母亲原本认为他离开家自己赚钱对锻炼他的性格有好处。get away from home的意思正是“离开家”。小试牛刀1. Every minute should_to work for the motherland.A. make use of B. be made of C. be made use of D. make of 2. The first color TV set was considered by most people_this century.A. having been invented it B. one of whom inventedC. who had invented it D.to have been invented3.In face of failure for the moment ,its the most important to_a good state of mind.A. keep on B. keep at C. keep up D. keep out4.After the five ,very little of the house _standing .A. remained B. kept C. rested D. left5.We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _very well.A.worked out B.tried out C.went D.carried on6. Alice ,_careful with your pronunciation.A. is B.do be B.does be D.do7.The teacher asks the students to talk in English out of class just as they_in class.A. are B.were C.do D. did8. In a way I can see what you mean, even though I dont_ your point of view.A. permit B.share C. agree D. recognize9.They _us by two to one in the game yesterday.A. beat B. defeat C. gained D. won10. This doesnt_me. Do you have a larger one? Sorry, but the color is different. Does it _you?A. fit; suit B. suit; fit C. fit; fit D. suit; suit11.It was the man_ on the bed with his eyes open who_the book open on the desk just now.A. lain; lay B.lying ;laid C.lay; lay D.lying ;lied12. People in the west _it a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.A.make B.have C.do D.change13.More and more people are willing to_part of their incomes to the school children in the poverty areas.A.give in B.give away C.give out D.give up14.Their water supply has been_ because of the earthquake.A.cut out B.cut off C.cut down D.cut away15.He_the book and decided that he wouldnt buy it.A. looked into B.looked on C.looked after D.looked through答案与解析1. C 考查make词组搭配题。根据句意:为祖国工作,应当充分利用分分秒秒。应考虑表示“利用”的make use of ,与表示“时间”的every minute之间存在动宾关系,因此,make use of 须用被动形式。故选C。2.D动词consider 的非谓语考查形式。符合“consider+宾语+宾补”结构,根据句意判断此句的宾补在consider之前已经发生,故用不定式的完成式。3. C keep词组考查题。keep on 继续,保持;keep at 坚持做,不放弃;keep up 保持(良好状态),坚持;keep out 关在门外,不准入内。只有C项合题意。4 A 涉及keep 的用法题。由于standing表示静止状态,故不可用kept standing ,又rested,left与standing 在搭配和含义上有错误,故选remained standing ,相当于过去进行时。5.C go进展,进行;work out 结果是;try out 考验,提炼;carry on 继续开展;it 指代our art exhibition,but的转折语气说明它进展得很好,C项合句意。6.B do表示强调。用在祈使句中,置于be careful之前,可理解为“务必”。7. C 考查替代词do 的用法。主句的谓语动词为asks,从句的替代词应为do。8. B 考查近义词辨析。share 为及物动词表“分享”,可带宾语your point of view。而agree为不及物动词,不可带宾语。其它两项意思不符题意。9. A 近义词的辨析题。强调以 “by two to one”的结果“击败对手”。故用beat。10. A 近义词辨析题。fit 作及物动词,常跟人,表示大小适合某人;作不及物动词,强调“吻合”;作形容词,则须用be fit for结构搭配;suit强调“款式合适”。根据句意,选A。11.B 易混词考查。根据句子结构分析可知,这是一个强调句。强调作主语的the man,其后的lying on the bed with his eyes open在句中作定语修饰the man.12. A 考查接宾语和宾补的动词。根据句子结构分析:此处的it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语为动词不定式短语to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends。常用下列句式:动词+it +n/adj.(宾补)+(for sb.)+不定式(真正的宾语)。13 B 考查动词词组的辨析。give away赠送,分送;give in 屈服,投降;give out 用完,用尽;give up 放弃。14 B 考查动词词组的辨析。cut off (被迫)切断,断绝,合句意。而cut out(主动)切掉;cut down砍倒;cut away切掉/离,均为干扰项。15 D 考查动词词组的辨析。look through 浏览;look into调查;look on 旁观;look after照顾。唤起迅捷激情 震撼学子心灵2012高考英语完形圣经秘诀教案透过已知信息推断未知信息不易策略,扫描选项,在万变中找到不变的规律!简易策略,瞻前顾后,化繁为简,化难为易!变易策略,左顾右盼,以变制变,熟能生巧!首尾段首尾句,边做边看选项中与中心同现词或复现词!扫描选项 同义词 / 同类词排除 高频答案词 相反项有解 同现思路 瞻前顾后 复现 逻辑结构 左顾右盼 P原则 关联结构技巧归纳: 感情色彩 时态暗示法 动词综合法(主语/宾语是人是物? 及不及物?过程还是结果?.), . (略) 共20多项法则,交叉都指向同一个答案才最准确!满分策略: 五四运动法 串线交叉法 主线贯穿法, .(略) 节选教案试看!瞻前顾后同现复现逻辑结构同现中心同现是指段落的首段的中心词或段落中反复出现的名词或名词词组,在被选空格内的句子中也重复出现或与其意思倾斜向;词汇同现是指属于同一词汇搭配范畴或者某一领域的词汇在文章中共同出现,达到语义衔接的目的。一般来说,上下文中词汇的范畴越小,上下文的衔接关系越紧密。首段首句一般都是中心句,名词是核对重点!Then , mountain - climbing began to grow popular as a sport. To some people, there is something greatly _28_ about getting to the _29_ of a high mountain: a struggle against nature is finer than a battle _30_other human begins. And then , when you are at the mountain top after a long and difficult _31_, what a _32_ reward ( 奖品 ) it is to be able to look _33_ on everything within _34_! At such time , you feel happier and prouder than you can ever feel down _35_. 与首尾句名词


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