六年级英语Module 1:Unit 1:I want a hot dog.(外研社)知识精讲.doc

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六年级英语第5-6单元测验卷听力部分一、 找出你所听到的单词或短语。(10%)( )1A. write B. light C. night( )2A. farm B. family C.father( )3A. pass B. last C. past( )4A. earphones B. telephone C. elephant( )5A. 6:45 B. 7:15 C.6:30( )6. A. so excited B. so happy C. so wonderful( )7. A. National Day B. Spring Day C. Mid-Autumn Festival( )8. A. watch the moon B. dress up C. sing and dance( )9. A. holiday B. festival C. December( )10. A. relatives B. favourite C. beautiful二、 根据所听问句,找出正确的答案。(5%)( )1. A. Its in October. B. Its in December. C. Its in January.( )2. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, they did.( )3. A. Eat mooncakes. B. Dress up. C. Wear new clothes.( )4. A. Last week. B. Halloween. C. Have a party,( )5. A. By bus. B. After lunch. C. At Easter. 三、 听短文,判断正误,正确写“T”,错误写“F” 。(5%)( )1. It was the National Day holiday last week.( )2. Mike watched the film and the film was very interesting.( )3. Ben visited a farm with his sister.( )4. Jim went skiing with his parents.( )5. Mike, Ben and Jim all had a happy holiday. 四、 根据所听内容,填入所缺单词。(10%)A: Ben. It National Day holiday last week. What you do?B: On Monday, I a film with my family. On Tuesday and I was at a camp. I football there. On Thursday, I to music. On Friday and Saturday, I my uncle and aunt. They are . On Sunday, I at home and TV.A: Wow. You were so busy.笔试部分五、选出与其余三项不同读音的单词。(5%)( )1、A.bright B. light C.eight D. tonight( )2、A. last B.taste C.cake D. race( )3、A.moutain B. cow C.know D. now ( )4、A.picked B. watered C.watched D. milked( )5、A.afternoon B. cartoon C.look D. balloon六、英汉互译。(15%) 1、在儿童节 2. 赏月 3. 去年 4. 装扮 5在一棵梨树下 6.拔胡萝卜 7. 摘许多苹果 8. 看电影 9.浇花 10. 挤牛奶 11. visit a farm 12. what else 13.collect eggs 14. get excited 15. delicious food 16. play with friends 17.make pumpkin lanterns 18. National Day 19.a popular holiday 20.walk in the mountains 五、 选择填空。(13%)( )1. There are some near my house. A. apple trees B. apples trees C. apples tree( )2. Spring Festival is in January February A. and B. with C. or( )3. People dress up costumes at Easter. A. in B. with C. as( )4. New Years Day comes Christmas. A. after B. before C. with( )5. I go to the party last weekend. A. am not B. dont C. didnt( )6. In summer we like . A. go swimming B. going swim C. to go swimming( )7. At Christmas people often give presents their friends. A. to B. with C. for( )8. May day is the 1st of May. A. in B. on C. at( )9. I usually to parties at Halloween. A. go B. went C. going( )10. you visit your relatives and friends last Spring Festival? A. Do B. Did C. Does( )11.David in the library last Saturday. A. were B. is C. was( )12.- is the Dragon Boat Festival? -Its May or June.A. Where, in B. When, on C. When, in( )13.I have a big lunch my family New Years Day. A. and, on B. with, on C. with, in( )14.Ben usually his homework every evening, but he it yesterday evening. A. does, didnt do B. do, didnt C. did, doesnt ( )15.- you sing and dance last Childrens Day? -No, I . A. Do, dont B. Does, doesnt C. Did, didnt ( )16.- sweater is this? -Sorry, I dont know. A. Whos B. Who C. Whose( )17.Su Hai sometimes TV in the evening. A. watched B. is watching C. watches( )18 Last Sunday, Wang Bing was happy a camp. A. on B. in C. at ( )19. -Did you like the film? -Yes, .A. I do B. I didnt C. I did ( 20. Last Sunday Gao Shan played football and Mike played violin. A. the, the B. /, the C. /, a( )21. -Were there any fruit trees on the farm? -No, . A. there are B. there was C. there werent ( )22.I had lots of last week. A. fun B. funs C. a fun ( ) 23.The students cleaned the house Yang Lings grandparents. A. for B. to C. by( )24.My earphones in my bag just now, but they not here now. A. are, are B. were, were C. were, are ( )25.Ben and Jack planted and trees. A. water B. waters C. watered( )26. touch it. You must stay away from it. A. Not B. Dont C. No六、句型转换。(5%)1. My shoes are next to the door. (对划线部分提问) your shoes ?2. Id like a cartoon as my birthday present.( 对划线部分提问) What _ you _ as _ birthday present?3. There were some ducks on the farm.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ _ _ ducks on the farm? Yes, _ .4. I go to school early in the morning.( 用this morning 改写下列句子) I _ to school early this morning.六、选词填空。(3.5 %)Mid-Autumn Festival Spring Festival Christmas May DayNew Years Day Easter Childrens Day Halloween National Day Dragon Boat Festival 1. is in December. People have beautiful Christmas trees in their homes and give presents to each other.2. is the first day of a year. People usually go to parties. 3. There are dragon boat races at .4. is in January or February. People visit their relatives and friends and eat a lot of delicious food.5. People usually make colourful eggs at . 6. People eat moon cakes at . Its usually in September or October. 7. At , people usually dress up in costumes and go to parties.七、在B栏里找出A栏相应的答句。(10%) A B( )1. Whats your favourite holiday? A. Its near my house.( )2. Whens Halloween? B. Only three.( )3. What do people do at Dragon C. They usually watch Boat Festival? dragon boat races.( )4. Did you watch the moon last Saturday? D. Spring Festival.( )5. What did you do last week? E. Its in October.( )6. What date is it today? F. Childrens Day.( )7. Do you like footballs? G. Yes, we did.( )8. What holiday comes after Christmas? H. I visited a farm.( )9. How many students are there? I. Its the first of March.( )10.Wheres the park? J. No, I dont. 八、找出错误的选项并改正。(5%)( )1. What did you do at Spring Festival? A B C( )2. Yang Ling were at home last night. A B C( )3. Did your go to the park last Sunday? A B C( )4. We can eating moon cakes on May Day. A B C( )5. Are you like oranges? A B C九、完形填空。(5%)Marys family 1 all at home. Her father, Mr Smith, is sitting 2 a chair near the window and 3 a newspaper. Mary is in 4 room. She is listening 5 the radio. Peter and John, Marys 6 , are not playing. They are 7 their new bikes. 8 is Mrs Smith? She is in the 9 . She is 10 the flowers. Kate, Mays sister, is helping her mother. ( )1. A. am B. is C. are( )2. A. in B. under C. between( )3. A. read B. reading C. looking( )4. A. Mary B. her C. his( )5. A. to B. for C. at( )6. A. brother B. friend C. brothers( )7. A. buying B. looking C. cleaning( )8. A. Where B. What C. When( )9. A. garden B. school C. kitchen( )10.A. looking B. watering C. water阅读短文,选择正确的答案5%Spring Festival is the most important holiday in China. Its in January or February. Everyone in China likes it very much. When Spring Festival comes, everybody goes back home and meets the family. Before Spring Festival, children help their parents clean their house and do some shopping. The parents cook a lit of delicious food. On Spring Festival Eve, the members of each family get together and have a big dinner. During Spring Festival, people visit their relatives and friends. All of them have a great time at Spring Festival.( )1. Spring Festival is in_. A. January B. February C. January or February D. December ( )2. What do children usually do before Spring Festival?A. Clean the house. B. Do some shopping. C. Make lots of food. D. Both A and B.( )3. When do the family get together and have a big dinner? A. On Spring Festivals Eve. B. On the first day of the new year. C. On New Years Day D. On the second day of the new year.( )4. What do people usually do during Spring Festival?A. They cook delicious food. B. They visited their relatives and friends.C. They try to go back home. D. They do some shopping.( )5. Who likes Spring Festival? A. Children. B. Parents. C. Relatives and friends. D. Everybody in China.阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,用T或F表示。5%New Years Day is coming. Everybody is getting very excited. Nancy is talking with her friends abort holidays. She went to a party last year and had a big lunch with her family. Liu Tao visited his uncle and aunt with his parents and ate a lit of delicious food last Spring Festival. Jim likes Halloween best. He dressed up in costume and went to a party with a pumpkin lantern last Halloween. Gao Shans favourite holiday is Dragon Boat Festival. He watched dragon boat races and ate rice dumplings.( )1. Nancy didnt go to a party last year.( )2. Liu Tao visited his friends last Spring Festival.( )3. Jims favourite holiday is Halloween.( )4. Gao Shan likes Dragon Boat Festival very much.( )5. New Years Day is coming. Everybody is very happy.


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