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Unit10 Id like some noodles.Section A 第一课时 (1a1c)【学习目标】1会读下列单词:would, would like, noodle, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, special.2理解下列重点句子:A: What would you like? B: Id like some noodles. A: What kind of noodles would you like? B: Beef and tomato noodles.3分辨可数名词和不可数名词: Countable nouns: bowls, dumplings, apples, strawberries, oranges, carrotsUncountable nouns : beef, meat, milk, mutton, waterCountable and uncountable nouns: chicken, salad, ice cream, cabbage, onion【预习与交流】旧知回顾1回忆我们学过的食品类的词汇,你能记得多少? 蔬菜 胡萝卜 西红柿 橙子 沙拉 水果 苹果 梨子 香蕉 草莓 冰激凌 汉堡包 2写出关于食品的新单词. 面条 羊肉 牛肉 卷心菜 马铃薯 豆腐 3将上面的单词按要求分类: Countable nouns可数名词: Uncountable nouns不可数名词: Countable and uncountable nouns既是可数名词又是不可数名词: 新知准备请根据提示写出单词。 1We have some _ (特色菜)today. Would you like to eat them. 2_(牛肉)is delicious. We all like eating it. 3We can get m_ from sheep(羊). 4_ and eggs come from chickens. 5Broccoli, carrots , tomatoes and p_ are vegetables. 单项选择( )1. -What size would you like, small or large?- _ .A. Small, please B. Medium, please C. Red, please( )2. -What _ sweater do you want? -Medium.A. color B. size C. kind of( )3. Shed like a small bowl of noodles. “Shed” means_ .A. she would B. she need C. she had( )4. There are few_ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some carrots and cabbage.A. meat B. fruit C. vegetables【自学与合作】 Task 根据section A 部分的内容及所给提示,完成下列句子。(1)- What noodles would like ?- Beef and tomato noodles ,please .(2)- What size do you have ?- We have , medium and small bowls .(3)I (想要) beef and carrots noodles .(4)Would you like (西红柿鸡蛋面)【英语文化背景知识】快餐店通常serve的食物:1.套餐(combo)通常看着图片就知道几号是什么套餐,点套餐时只要说Combonumberone,或是numbertwo就好了。有时店员会问Doyouwanttogolarge?如果你需要,他会给你大的薯条和可乐。2.汉堡(hamburger)老美说汉堡通常会说burger,如cheeseburger。在美国单点汉堡店员会问你goeswithcheese?所以也可以在点的时候就说withoutcheese,他就不会再问你了。有些比较好的餐厅还会问你肉要几分熟,有意思吧。3.薯条(fries)记得以前学英语时薯条是Frenchfries,在美国说fries就可以了。4.饮料(drinks)在快餐店的饮料就那么几种:a.可乐cokeb.减肥可乐dietcoke(diet)c.雪碧Sprited.橘子汽水Hi-C(ororangesoda)e.冰茶(icedtea)在美国的softdrink大多数是可以refill的,你可以在店里喝一杯,离去时再去refill一杯,相当划算。【释疑与评价】1.What would you like ? 你想要什么? Would like 意为 “想要”,与want同义,表示意愿,但语气比want婉转。其后常跟名词、代词或动词不定式做宾语,常用的短语:would like sth. “想要某物”,would like to do sth. “想要做某事”,would like sb to do sth “想要某人做某事”同步练习:选择填空(1) -What _you like ? -Id like mutton noodles. A. will B. do C. should D. would(2) -Would you like some coffee? - . A. Yes, I would B. Yes, please C. No, I wouldnt D. No, I dont【当堂检测】一、选择填空( ) 1. Would you like _ a cup of coffee? A. have B. having C. to have( ) 2. He likes _ and _. A. singing, to dance B. singing, dancing C. sing, dance( ) 3.-_ there any beef in the noodles? -Yes, there some.A. are ,are B. is,is C. is, are ( ) 4. Im full. I dont want anything _. A. to eat B. eat C. eating( ) 5. There are all _flowers in the garden. A. kinds of B. kind of C. kinds二、句型转换,每空一词1. Id like beef and potato noodles. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you like?2. Id like mutton noodles. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ mutton noodles?3. Theyd like some beef noodles. (改为同义句) They _ some beef noodles.4. Gina would like some mutton noodles. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ noodles _ Gina _?5. The special is just for 3 dollars.(就划线部分提问) _ _ is the special?三、根据中文意思写出英语单词1. I like the in the restaurant.(特色菜)2. We have some bananas.(也)3. My brother Steve mutton.(喜欢)4. Apple juice is a kind of .(饮料)【拓展性作业】一、选择题( )1. -What _of noodles would you like? -Beef and tomato noodles, please. A. kind B. kinds C. a kind D. other ( )2. -What kind of noodles would you like? - Id like _, please.A. beefs and tomatoes noodles B. beef and tomatoes noodles C. beef and tomato noodles D. beefs and tomatoes noodle( )3. Some tomatoes _ in the bag. Some beef_ on the table. A. is; is B. are; are C. are; is D. is; are( )4. I often eat some _ and _ on Sunday evenings. A. tomatoes; fish B. tomato; fish C. tomatoes; fishes 二、按要求改写句子1. Id like some beef.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ _ beef?2. Those boys want four large bowls of rice.(改为同义句)Those boys _ _ four large bowls of rice.3. Mary would like tomato and egg noodles.(对画线部分提问)_ _ of noodles would Mary like?三、根据提示完成下列句子1. This is a bowl of_(面条) on the table.2. There are two _(土豆) in the basket.3. How much is the _(羊肉)?4. The _(牛肉) is on sale.学考链接( )1.-Ifeelstressedfromtimetotime.Couldyougivemesomeadvice? (2013江苏泰州)-_sharingyourworrieswithyourparents?A.Whydontyou B.Howabout C.Whynot D.Wouldyoulike( )2. I like_ a lot, and my mother usually cooks it in different ways.(2010 山西省)A. fish B. potatoes C. noodles( )3. -What would you like,sir? (2010 广西省定西市)- .A. Two pop B. Two bottles pop C. Two bottles of pop D. Two bottle of pop ( )4. I have a _ for breakfast everyday. (2010 山东省莱芜市)Ahot dog Bcookie Cdumpling Dhamburger ( )5. -Lucy, do you like _?(2010 山东省泰安市) -Yes. Most of my clothes are _. A. an orange, an orangeB. orange, orange C. oranges ,oranges D. orange, an orange第二课时Section A(2a-3c)【学习目标】:1.学习食物有关单词:large, medium, small, order, take ones order, size, bowl, one large bowl of, tofu 2.会表达下列的短语:“一大碗的”,“一中碗的”,“一小碗的 ”,3.学会订餐常用语言结构。4.重要句型:A: What kind of noodles would you like? B: Id like beef noodles.A: What size bowl of noodles would you like? B: Id like a medium bowl.【预习与交流】旧知回顾通过自学掌握下列短语一大碗面条 一小碗米饭 一中碗粥 多大尺寸 番茄鸡蛋面 鸡肉白菜面 羊肉土豆面 萝卜牛肉面 想要,愿意 新知准备1. 写出并读出下列单词或短语命令,订单_ 大的_ 豆腐_ 肉 _ 一大碗的_ 一中碗的_一小碗的 _ 订餐,订菜,订购_麻婆豆腐_ 宫保鸡_2. 你要什么类型的面条?_你要什么碗型的面条?_【自学与合作】Task1: 根据提示完成下列句子。(1)There is a bowl of_(面条) on the table.(2)There are two _(土豆) in the basket.(3)How much is the _(羊肉)?(4)The _(牛肉) is on sale.Task2: 翻译句子(1)你要多大碗的米饭?_ _ _of rice would you like?(2)-他想要多大碗的饺子? ? -他想要一中碗饺子。 . 【释疑与评价】1. specialspecial作形容词时,意思是“特殊的,特别的”在本课中special作名词,意思是“特色菜”。如:It is a special gift.它是一个特殊的礼物。We have some great specials.我们有一些很棒的特色菜。同步练习:选择填空We have some great _ on the menu today.A. special B. specials C. specially D. specialist2. also, too, as well和either(1)also较正式,通常位于系动词be、助动词和情态动词之后;与其他动词一起使用时,可修饰句子的任何部分,一般不用于句末。如:She likes playing the piano, and also likes singing.她喜欢弹钢琴,也喜欢唱歌。(2)too多用于口语,位于句末。如:She likes travelling, too. 她也喜欢旅行。(3)as well多用于口语,位于句末。如:I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well.我唱自己谱曲的歌,也弹吉他。(4)either用于否定句,位于句末。如:We know he is not in Beijing, either. 我们知道他也不在北京。同步练习:用also/too/either填空1.I dont like noodles,_.2.He is _ a member of the swimming club.3.She is a student. Im a student,_.温馨提示询问“种类”的句式(1)What _of?用来询问种类,后面的名词若是可数名词,常用复数形式;也可跟不可数名词。(2)Kind的相关短语辨析:what kind of 什么种类的;哪一种a kind of 一种;一类kinds of 各种各样的;不同种类的kind of 有点儿;有几分【当堂检测】一、单项选择( )1. -What size bowl of noodles would you like, small or large? - _ . A. Small, please B. Medium, please C. Red, please( )2. -What _ sweater do you want? -Medium. A. color B. size C. kind of( )3.Shed like a small bowl of noodles. “Shed” means_ . A. she would B. she need C. she had( )5. There arent any_ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some carrots and cabbage. A. meat B. fruit C. vegetables二、根据汉语提示或首字母补全句子1.May I take your _ (订单)?2.What _(大小,尺寸) bowl of beef soup would you like?3. Wed _ (也) like a gongbao chicken.4 I am hungry (饥饿的),Id like a l_ bowl of rice noodles.5. I am not very hungry, I just want a s_ bowl of rice.6.what k_ of soup would you like? I would like some vegetable and beef soup. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. There _(be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.2. I like _ (listen) to the pop music and watching TV. 3. They would like _(see) the animals in the zoo.4.Special 1 _ (have) onions and beef.5. How many _ (dumpling) would you like?6.There are some _ (tomato)and _ (porridge) on the table.【拓展性作业】一、选择填空( )1. -Would you like something to eat? -_. Im not hungry. A. Yes, Id like to B. Yes, Id love to C. No, thanks ( )2. -Do you want a big watermelon(西瓜) or a _ one? -A big one, please. A. thin B. small C. heavy ( )3. He is too hungry and he wants two _. A. bowl of noodles B. bowls of noodles C. bowls of noodle ( )4. -What _ coat would you like? -A medium one. A. size B. kind C. color( )5. -Lets do something at the party. What about _? -No, Id like _. A. to sing; to dance B. to sing; dancing C. singing; to dance二、 根据要求完成下列句子1. Can I help you? (同义句) _2.Anna would like a small bowl of rice (对划线部分提问) _3. Shed like a medium bag of apples.(对画线部分提问) _ _ bag of apples would she like?三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.There _(be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.2.Bob _( want) a small bowl.3.Alice _(would) like beef noodles.4.Id like a large bowl of _(noodle).5.Wed like (drink) some green tea .学考链接:1. -Would you like some drinks, boys? ( 2010 四川省眉山市)-Yes, _ , please. A. some oranges B. two boxes of chocolate C. some cakes D. two boxes of cola2. -Can I help you? (2010 山东省滨州市) -Id like _ for my twin daughters.A. two pair of shoesB. two pairs of shoe C. two pair of shoe D. two pairs of shoes3. -Can I have some more ice cream, Mum? (2010 江苏省扬州市) -Sorry. There is _left in the fridge.A. noneB. nothingC. no one D. anything4. -Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight? (2010 四川省自贡市) -Id love to ,but _of us couple has tickets. Do you have some?A. bothB. neitherC. none5.-Could you please tell me _in todays newspaper? (2010.四川省自贡市) -Sorry,_.A. something special; special nothingB. special something ;special nothingC. something special; nothing special英语小幽默Bring me the winner - Waiter, this lobster has only one claw. - Im sorry, sir. It must have been in a fight. -Well, bring me the winner then.第三课时Section B (1a 2a )【学习目标】1.复习巩固学过的词汇并掌握新的词汇:dumpling, porridge, onion, fish, pancake 2.继续学习如何预定食物,并会表达自己的喜好和选择。- I like dumplings, fish and orange juice.- I dont like onions, green tea or porridge.【预习与交流】旧知回顾写出下列词组:番茄鸡蛋面_ 鸡肉白菜面_羊肉土豆面_ 萝卜牛肉面_ 一些饮料_新知准备翻译1. 橙汁_ 2. 绿茶_ 3. black tea _4. 肉 _ 5. 汤 _ 6. 粥 _7. onion _ 8. 饺子_ 9. order form_【自学与合作】1. We have large, medium and small bowls.辨析large与big的区别用法:(1)large与big都可表示具体事物面积和体积的大小,通常可以互换,big多用于口语中。例如:在我们学校里有一个大操场。 (2)当表示物体重量、人的身体高大或长大时,只能用big。例如:他是一个大男孩。 。(3)在表示数量时,用large不能用big,构成词组:a large number of“大量,许多”。 例如:在教室里有许多学生。 【释疑与评价】1.并列连词and/or的用法区别(1)and和or都用作连词,连接两个并列成分,表示“”。and一般用于肯定句中;or常用于否定句和疑问句中。(2)选择疑问句中的并列成分要用or连接。 同步练习:用and或or填空(1)He likes reading _ playing chess.(2)She isnt good at singing _ dancing.(3)Is the camera new _ old ?温馨提示It作形式主语的用法In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday.在中国,过生日时吃蛋糕渐渐流行起来。It is important to eat healthy food.吃健康的食品很重要。“It is+表语+to do sth.”句式结构中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式,此句式可与“Doing sth. +is+表语”句式结构进行同义句转换。【当堂检测】一、根据汉语提示,写出单词1. Id like some _(饺子). What would you like?2. Would you like some _(绿茶).3. I usually have _(粥) for breakfast.4. Hed like some _(米饭)and _(鱼).二、单项选择.( )1. Do you want this afternoon ?A. go swimming B. going swimming C. go to swimming D. to go swimming( )2. There is a House Dumpling in our city .A. with B. has C. of D. in( )3. I apples very much , but now I an orange .A. would like ; like B. like ; like C. would like ; would like D. like ; would like ( )4. I often have some and for breakfast . A. eggs ; porridge B. egg ; porridge C. eggs ;porridges D. egg ;porridges( )5. - Whats your ? -Its NO.6 on Center Street . A. phone number B. place C. address D. house( )6. There is no milk chicken on the table . A. and B. or C. but三、选词填空salad, medium, order, juice, address Maria arrives home very late. She is tired. So she telephoned Pizza Express to _ some pizzas. She doesnt want a big one. She wants a _ size pizza and one small orange _. She says she likes _, too. She tells them her _. They will send her pizzas in half an hour.四、完成句子1. 这条街上有家饺子店。There is a _ _ _ in this street. 2. 你想要什么粥?_ _ _ porridge _ you _? 3.他不喜欢牛羊肉。He _ like beef _ mutton. 4.你想要多大碗的汤?_ _ bowl of _ would you like? 【拓展性作业】一、 单项选择:( )1.- _? - Yes, Id like some milk. A. Where are B. What do you do C. Can I help you D. How can you get the milk( )2.Some oranges _ in the bag. Some chicken _ on the table. A. is, is B. are, are C. are, is D. is, are( )3.- Would you like some _ ? - Oh, yes, just a little. A. apples B. carrots C. cakes D. beef( )4.- What _ do you have ? - We have small, medium, large bowls. A. kind B. size C. color D. other( )5.Hed like a bowl of _ noodles. A. tomato and egg B. tomatoes and egg C. tomatoes and eggs D. tomato and eggs二、找出与画线部分意思相(同)近的选项( )1. He would like a medium bowl of noodles.A. would B. wants C. loves D. likes( )2. This is a big box.A. large B. high C. heavy D. tall( )3. We have some great special dumplings.A. 特色的 B. 专门的 C. 一样的 D. 不同的( )4. We also go to the park on Sunday.A. but B. and C. or D. too( )5. I want to order a ticket.A. 命令 B. 顺序 C. 规矩 D. 预定三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. What would you like _ _ (have)?2. Most men dont like to go _ (shop).3. Would you like _ (some) fish?4. Waiter, Id like a _ (large) bowl.5. I cant stand _ (beef)and _ (onion) noodles.四、 句型转换:1.Id like some onions. (改一般疑问句) _ you like _ onions? 2.Would you like to go to the zoo with us? (同义句) _ you _ to go to the zoo with us?3.Sally would like a pizza with beef on it. (划线提问) _ kind _ pizza _ Sally like?4.Theyd like large shoes. (划线提问) _ _ shoes would they like? 5.Hed like a medium bowl. (改一般疑问句)._学考链接:( )1. Bananas, apples and oranges are all _.(2012株洲)A. fruits B. vegetables C. drinks( )2. -What a hot day! I am a bit thirsty. (2012衢州)-Would you like some _?A. noodlesB meatC. water D. bread( )3.-Would you like some _?(2012泰安)-Yes, a little please.A. appleB. bananaC. orange D. milk( )4.-Wouldyoulikesomenoodles?- .Iamnothungrynow.(2013广东湛江)A.YouarewelcomeB.Yes,pleaseC.No,thanksD.Hereyouare( )5.-Wouldyoulikesomemilk?(2013安徽)-_.A.Yes,please.B.Thesametoyou.C.HelpyourselfD.Mypleasure.英语名言 All things require skill but an appetite. 除了吃,所有的事情都需要技能。第四课时 Section B 2b selfcheck【学习目标】1.复习巩固学过的词汇并掌握新的词汇:world, around the world, answer, different, cake, candle, age, make a wish, blow, blow out, if, will, the UK, candy, lucky, popular, get popular ,cut up, idea, bring good luck to 2.巩固学生对单元功能和语法结构的理解,通过阅读短文了解不同国家的饮食文化。【预习与交流】旧知回顾翻译下列句子你想要什么碗的饺子? 请给我来个小碗。 今天就来吃饺子。 新知准备翻译1. 全世界_ 2. 许愿 _ 3. 生日蛋糕_ 4. 吹蜡烛_ 5. the number of_ 6. 切碎 _ 7. symbol _ 8. 受欢迎 _ 9. 与不同_ 10. bring good luck to _ 【自学与合作】 写出下列单词的复数形式1.hamburger_2.onion_3.noodle_4.bowl_5.dumpling_6.soup_7.woman_8.special_【释疑与评价】1.可数名词的定义及用法。(1)凡表示可以计数的事物的名词,叫做可数名词。可数名词有单、复数之分。单数形式通常为可数名词本身,可以用不定冠词a或an修饰。(2)可数名词还可以用基数词或some,many,a lot of等修饰,表示数量。如:one picture一张照片,ten pears十只梨,many apples许多苹果,a lot of potatoes许多土豆2.不可数名词的定义及用法。(1)凡表示不可以计数的事物的名词,叫做不可数名词。不可数名词无复数形式,不能用不定冠词、数词或many等修饰,但可以用some,a little, much,a lot of等修饰。如:some tea一些茶,a little muttun一点羊肉,much money许多钱,a lot of sugar许多糖(2)抽象名词和物质名词一般是不可数名词。如:heat, news, water, bread(3)不可数名词可以用量词来表示其数量,这些量词中的名词是可数名词,有单复数之分。注意:无论量词


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