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七年级上册英语单词默写打印版清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供七年级上册英语单词默写Unit 11.我的_2.名字,名称,姓名_3.是_4.时钟,计时器_5.我_6.是的_7.美好的,令人愉快的_8.(表示方向)到,向(间接关系)给_9.会,集会遇见,引见,对付_10.你,你们_11.什么;怎么,多么_12.你的,你们的_13.喂,哈罗_14.嗨,打招呼_15.他的_16.和_17.她的_18.问题_19.回答_20.看,注视_21.首先,第一的_22.名字_23.最后的;持续_24.姓氏_25.男孩_26.女孩_27.零_28.一_29.二_30.三_31.四_32.五_33.六_34.七_35.八_36.九_37.电话,打电话_38.号码,数字_39.电话号码_40.电话_41.电话号码_42.它_43.卡片_44.身份证_45.家庭_46.姓氏_Unit 21.这,这个_2.铅笔_3.钢笔_4.书_5.橡皮擦_6.尺子_7.箱_8.铅笔盒,文具盒_9.双肩背包_10.转笔刀_11.词典,字典,辞典_12.那_13.是的_14.不_15.不非_16.不是_17.借口,原谅_18.对不起。_19.谢谢_20.好,不错,可以_21.在,在之内_22.英国的,英国人的;英语_23.一,一个,一只,一件_24.怎样;如何_25.干,做_26.拼,拼写,拼成_27.棒球_28.手表;看,注视,照顾_29.计算机_30.游戏_31.电子游戏_32.钥匙_33.笔记本_34.环,戒指,铃声_35.呼叫,访问,打电话_36.在_37.这(那),这(那)些_38.遗失,损失,失败_39.创办找到(find的过去式)_40.失物招领处_41.请_42.学校_43.一套,一台_44.的,表示所属_Unit 31.姐妹_2.母亲_3.父亲_4.父母,父母亲 _5.兄弟_6.(外)祖母_7.(外)祖父_8.朋友_9.祖父母,外祖父母_10.那些_11.是_12.这些_13.她_14.他_15.伯母,姑,婶,姨_16.儿子_17.堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹)_18.女儿_19.伯,姑父,舅,叔,姨父_20.图画,照片,景色_21.亲爱的_22.为了_23.为而感谢_24.照片_25.这里_Unit 41.在哪里_2.桌子,餐桌_3.床_4.化妆台,化装师,碗柜_5.书架,书柜_6.沙发_7.椅子,席位,讲座_8.抽屉_9.植物_10.在之下,低于_11.他们_12.他们是_13.在之上_14.不做_15.知道,了解,认识_16.包_17.数学_18.闹钟_19.录像的_20.激光唱片_21.录像带,录音带,磁带,带子_22.录象带_23.帽子_24.拿,花费,记录,认为,搭乘_25.东西,事情_26.(表示方向)到,向(表示间接关系)给_27.妈妈_28.能,可以_29.带来_30.一些,少许,某一_31.需要_32.地板,楼层,底部_33.房间,空间_34.电视,电视机_35.书桌_Unit 51.有_2.英式足球_3.球_4.英式足球_5.网球_6.球拍_7.网球拍_8.乒乓_9.排球_10.篮球_11.球棒_12.做(单三)_13.让_14.让我们_15.玩,演奏,播放_16.很好地,适当地_17.声音,听起来_18.好的,优良的,上等的_19.运动_20.我们_21.许多人,许多_22.俱乐部_23.更多_24.班级,阶级,种类_25.有趣的_26.令人厌烦的_27.乐趣,玩笑,有趣的人或事物_28.困难的_29.轻松的_30.手表;看_31.看电视_32.有(单三)_33.很好的,伟大 好极了_34.收藏品,收集物_35.但是_36.运动,进行体育运动_37.只,仅仅_38.他(她,它)们(宾)_39.每,每个,每隔的_40.白天_Unit 61.喜欢_2.香蕉_3.汉堡包_4.西红柿_5.绿菜花,花椰菜_6.薯条_7.橙色的;橘子_8.冰_9.乳酪,奶油,面霜_10.冰淇淋_11.色拉_12.草莓_13.梨_14.有_15.啊呀,哦_16.可数名词_17.不可数名词_18.食物_19.蛋(俚语)人_20.苹果_21.胡萝卜_22.鸡,鸡肉_23.早餐_24.午餐_25.主餐,晚餐,晚宴_26.水果_27.蔬菜_28.赛跑的人_29.吃_30.很好地,适当地_31.奔跑_32.星,明星_33.许多_34.许多的_35.健康的_36.甜食_37.目录;列出_Review of units 1-61.家具_2.人,人们,人民_3.一_4.空白的;空白(处)_5.会话,谈话_6.别的,其他的_7.也_Unit 71.(价钱)多少_2.裤子_3.短袜_4.裙子_5.T恤衫_6.短裤运动短裤_7.毛衣_8.鞋_9.衬衫_10.销售,削价出售_11.美元_12.颜色_13.黑色的_14.白色的_15.红色的_16.绿色的_17.蓝色的_18.黄色的_19.大的_20.小的_21.短的,矮的_22.长的_23.职员,办事员_24.帮助_25.要,希望,必须_26.给你。_27.欢迎_28.例子_29.十,十个_30.十一_31.十二,_32.十三_33.十四_34.十五_35.十六_36.十七_37.十八_38.十九_39.二十,_40.三十_41.衣服_42.储存,贮藏,供给_43.来_44.买_45.非常_46.价格,代价,价值_47.每个,每,每一_48.任何人_49.提供,供应得起,给予_50.我们的_51.看见,看出,明白,知道_52.你自己_53.先生(的缩写)_54.卖,销售_55.从,从起_56.看一看_57.销售,销售中,出卖中_58.对不起_Unit 81.什么时候_2.生日_3.月_4.一月_5.二月_6.三月_7.四月_8.五月_9.六月_10.七月_11.八月_12.九月_13.十月_14.十一月_15.十二月_16.第十_17.第四_18.第十五_19.秒;第二_20.第三_21.第五_22.第六_23.第七_24.第八_25.第九_26.第十一_27.第十二28.第十三_29.第十四_30.第十六_31.第十七_32.第十八_33.第十九_34.第二十_35.第三十_36.日期,约会_37.快乐的,幸福的_38.生日快乐!_39.出身_40.年龄_41.旧的,老的_42.多大,多大年龄_43.演讲_44.竞赛,争论_45.聚会_46.旅行,摔倒,差错_47.篮球运动_48.排球运动_49.学校的上课日_50.美术_51.节日的,节日_52.中国的;汉语,中国人_53.音乐_54.年_55.年的,岁的_Unit 91.去,走_2.电影_3.去看电影_4.行动_5.喜剧_6.纪录片_7.惊险片_8.种类_9.单数_10.复数_11.歌剧_12.京剧_13.发现_14.某人,有人_15.谁_16.学生_17.容易受惊的_18.滑稽的,有趣的_19.悲哀的,伤心的_20.令人兴奋的_21.真正地,实在_22.经常_23.想,考虑,想像_24.学习,获悉,记住_25.大约;关于_26.历史_27.和一起,用_28.最喜爱的_29.男演员_30.新的_31.成功的_32.周末_33.太,也_Unit 101.吉他_2.参加_3.跳舞_4.游泳_5.唱,_6.国际象棋_7.油漆,绘画_8.说,说话,演说_9.不能,不会_10.小孩_11.我们的_12.鼓,鼓声_13.钢琴_14.喇叭,喇叭声_15.小提琴_16.或者,还是_17.音乐家_18.那么,当时,然后,于是_19.是,有,在_20.摇滚_21.乐队_22.表演_23.星期日_20092010学年度上学期期末考试评价七年级 英语(满分150分;考试时间120分钟)题号第一部分第二部分总分Part OnePart TwoPart Three得分第一部分听 力(四大题,满分30分).听音选图 听句子 根据你所听到的内容选择正确的图画顺序。每个句子读两遍。(6分) A B C D E F 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6. _II听对话 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。(12分) 第一节 听下列4段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。(6分)( )7. Who answers the phone?A. Lucy.B. Jim.C. Jims father. ( )8.What time do they usually have supper? A. 7: 15. B. 6:45 C. 7:45( )9.Whose bike is this? A. Its BillsB. Its Lucys.C. Its Janes.( )10. What does the girls mother do?A. Shes a nurse.B. Shes a worker.C. Shes a teacher.第二节 听下面2段对话,每段对话后有2个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。(6分)听第5段材料,回答11、12题。( )11. How much is the T-shirt? A. ¥208. B. ¥218. C.¥280( )12.Will the man buy the T-shirt?A. Yes. B. No. C. We dont know.听第6段材料,回答13、14题。( )13.Where is the man? A. In a school. B. In a restaurant. (餐馆) C. On a farm.( )14. What would he like to drink?A. A glass of apple juice. B. A glass of milk. C. A glass of water. .听短文 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(6分)( )15. Where is Alice from? A. the U.S.A.B. Canada.C. Cuba. ( )16. What does she look like?A. She has big eyes and long red hair.B. She has small eyes and short red hair.C. She has big eyes and short black hair. ( )17. How many brothers does she have?A. 3 B. 2 C. 1( )18. Whats her favorite food?A. hamburgers.B. hot dog.C. chicken.听短文填表格 根据你所听到的内容,按要求填写表格,每空填一词。短文读两遍。(6分)Welcome to our restaurantThere are a lot of things for you to 19_ and drink.FoodFish, chicken, rice, eggs and 20_DrinkApple juice, orange juice, 21_ and something else.Please come in. Our telephone number is 22_第二部分 笔试(120分)Part One: 语言知识运用(40分)I. 选择填空 从A.B.C三个选项中选出能填入句中空格的最佳答案。(15分)( )23. Mary is in _ red dress and her hair _ brown.A. /; isB. a; areC. a; is ( )24. I dont have _ apple juice, but I have _ orange juice.A. any; some B. some; some C. some; any( )25. -Do Lucy and Lily _ bikes?-Yes. Lucy _ a new bike, but Lily _ an old one.A. has; has; have B. have; has; has C. have; has; have ( )26. What is “VIP” in Chinese? A. 人民币 B. 中华人民共和国 C. 重要人物( )27. Susan can speak Japanese, _ she doesnt like it at all.A. butB. so C. and ( )28. -Sorry, I have no time to help you with your homework. I have to look after my sister.-_A. Youre welcome. B. Thank you. C. Thank you all the same.( )29. -I dont like this green coat.-_ the red one?A. What about B. Would like C. Why not( )30. Is this a photo _ your family?A. inB. with C. of( )31. _ jacket is this?I think its Kangkangs.A. Whose B. Whos C. Who ( )32. _ often helps _ with _ English.A. His; her; hersB. She; him; his C. She; him; her( )33. -_ do you like Sichuan food?-Very much. A. What B. Where C. How ( )34. -How many _ do you want?-Two, please.A. glasses of milk B. glass of milks C. glass of milk( )35.-May I speak to Jim, please?-Sorry, _ now.A. Im not Jim B. this is me C. he isnt at home( )36. -What time is it?-Its _.A. four four-five B. a quarter to five C. forty-five four( )37. That coat is nice and Ill _ it.A. try B. take C. wantII. 口语应用 (15分)(A) 情景反应 从栏中选出栏中每句话的正确答语。(5分) I ( )38.What color are these shoes? A. I cant find my new bag.( )39. Whats up with you? B. Elephants.( )40. Can you spell it please? C. Theyre pink.( )41. What are your favorite animals? D. Yes. Rice and chicken, please.( )42. May I take your order? E. Yes, B-I-K-E, bike. (B) 补全对话 从方框中所给的选项中选择正确句子补全以下对话。(10分)A: Hello! This is Tom. 43 B: Hello, Tom! This is Jane speaking.A: 44 B: Yes. Whats up?A: 45 B: Sure. Id love to.A: 46 B: All right. See you then!A: 47 A. Are you free this Sunday?B. Please dont forget to bring some food and drink.C. See you.D. May I speak to Jane?E. Would you like to go to Fenghuang Park with me?43. _ 44. _45._ 46._47._.完形填空 从每小题A.B.C.D四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)Hello, everyone. Look at this 48 . The girl 49 is Maria. She is 50 .She has 51 hair. Michael is strong. He is in 52 black cap and blue shoes. He has blond hair. Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt. Her 53 is red. The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang. His pants 54 blue. They 55 , but they are good friends. Mrs. Lee is 56 photo, too. She is their 57 teacher. They like her very much.( ) 48. A. mapB. photosC. photoD. pictures( ) 49. A. in a yellowB. in yellowC. is in yellowD. in the yellow( ) 50. A. longB. tallC. oldD. wide( ) 51. A. brown shortB. a brown shortC. short brownD. the short brown( ) 52. A. aB. C. theD. an( ) 53. A. noseB. hairC. mouthD. head( ) 54. A. areB. isC. hasD. have( ) 55. A. look like different B. look different C. have differentD. looks different( ) 56. A. in theB. has aC. likes theD. in a( ) 57. A. likeB. like bestC. a favoriteD. favoritePart Two :阅读理解。(45分)AJim Green is a student at No. 14 Middle School. He has classes from Monday to Friday. He has many things to do after class. On Monday and Wednesday he helps his friends with their English. On Tuesday he makes model planes. On Friday afternoon, he plays basketball. He likes it best. He goes to the park with his parents and sisters on Saturday. On Sunday, he has a good rest at home and does his homework. 根据短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的写T,不符合的写F。( )58. Jim has classes from Monday to Saturday. ( )59. Jim helps his friends with their English after class on Monday and Tuesday. ( )60. Jims favorite sport is playing basketball.( )61. On Saturday Jims parents go to the park with their children. ( )62. Jim has a good rest at home and does his homework on Sunday. B Jacksons Clothing StoreClothes(衣服)Color(颜色)Price(价格)shoeswhite, blue¥49pantsblack¥75skirtred, white¥68T-shirtred, green, black¥80capblack, red¥26根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。( )63.-Which is the cheapest (最便宜的) of all? -_ A. A skirt. B. A T-shirt. C. A white cap. D. Pants( )64.- How much are two skirts and three caps? - _ A.¥88.B. ¥120.C. ¥188. D. ¥214( )65.In the store you can buy (买到) _.A. black pantsB. a blue skirtC. a green cap D. two white T-shirts ( )66. You like red and you only have ¥52. You can take_.A. a skirtB. a pair of shoes C. a T-shirt D. two caps( )67. You only have 150 yuan. You can buy_.A. two T-shirts and a pair of shoes B. a skirt and a pair of pants C. a skirt and two pairs of shoes D. a T-shirt and two skirtsC There are four people in the twins family. They are the twins, their mother and their father. The twins names are Lucy and Lily. They are fourteen. They are in the same class in No. 3 Middle School and they are all good students. Their father Mr. King is a teacher. Hes thirty-nine. He teaches English in a school near his home. Their mother, Mrs. King is a doctor. She works in a hospital. Now, they are all at home. They are very happy. 根据短文内容, 从题中所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选择最佳答案。( )68.There are_ people in the twins family. A. three B. four C. five D. six( )69.Mr. King is a_. A. worker B. teacher C. doctor D. student( )70.Mrs. King works_. A. in a school B. in a factory C. in a hospital D. at home( )71.How old is Mrs. King?A. Thirty. B. Thirty-nine. C. Thirty-two D. We dont know. ( )72.The twins are in_ Middle School. A. number one B. number two C. number three D. number fourD Dear Alice,Im very happy to get your letter this morning. I want to tell you something about my life. Im in New York now. My parents are both workers in a factory here. They are busy every day. So I often stay at home and do my homework. Sometimes I go out to play basketball with my friends. I have many friends here. They are all kind to me. They often ask me to go to their homes. And sometimes I have dinner with them. They like Chinese food very much, so I often cook for them. My English is poor, I often speak English with them. They help me a lot. They like to learn Chinese, too. So I often teach them Chinese. Jane is my favorite friend here. She can speak Chinese very well now. Its very nice to be here with them. Are you happy in China now? Please tell me about you soon. Yours Liu Hua ( )73. Who is in China now? A. Liu Hua B. Alice C. Jane D. We dont know.( )74. What does Liu Huas father do? A. He is a doctor. B. He is a cook. C. He is a teacher. D. He is a worker.( )75. Where is New York? A. Its in China. B. Its in England. C. Its in America. D. Its in Canada.( )76. How is Liu Huas English? A. Its poor. B. Its OK. C. Its nice. D Its good.( )77. What does the word “factory” mean in Chinese? A. 农场 B. 牧场 C. 工厂 D. 戏院EThere is a zoo in Beijing. We can see many animals in the zoo. Elephants are very big. We like to see them. They can live for about sixty years. Tigers are from Jilin, China. They walk(散步)in the cages(笼子). Look! There are lions rooms. They are the kings of the animals. Pandas only live in China. They are kind and cute. They eat bamboo. Can you see the little monkey? Yes, it is in that tree. I like it very much, because its very clever. But Tom says he likes pandas best. On Sundays, many people come to the zoo to see the animals.根据短文内容,用适当的单词填空,使句子的意思完整正确。每空填一词。(5分)78. There are many _ in the zoo. 79. _ can live for about sixty years.80. Pandas only live in _.81. The monkey is very _, so I like it very much.82. Toms favorite animals are _. Part Three : 写(35分)I.词汇应用 根据中文提示,完成下列句子,使句子意思完整,语法正确。每空限填一词。(7分) 83. There are _ _(40位农民) on the farm.84. _ (为什么不) go out and have a good rest? 85. My mother often _ _(起床) at five in the morning.86. Please _ _ ( 随便吃) to some fish, kids. 87. How about _


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