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总分选题(10%) 语言表达(10%) 格式规范程度(10%) 结构合理、逻辑性强(30%) 内容完整、分析得当(40%)2014-2015学年第一学期商务研究方法期末报告:The Impact of Chinas Foreign Trade on Environment中国对外贸易对环境的影响研究学号:20090000姓名:张三 班级:2009级工商管理7班摘 要例一:成功品牌延伸的关键影响因素有哪些?它们之间的相互影响如何?在理论和实践上都还是未解的难题。本文在文献综述基础上,建立了企业成功进行品牌延伸影响因素的理论框架,以上海家化、云南白药和晨光文具作为研究对象,运用规范的案例研究方法,通过实地访谈、二手资料收集、数据编码、编码关联性分析等研究过程,对中国情境下如何成功进行品牌延伸进行了系统研究。研究发现:(1)品牌延伸成功影响因素包括母品牌特征、延伸产品与母品牌关系、延伸产品营销环境、延伸产品特征共4个层面的10个因素;(2)各影响因素的重要性不同,其中核心影响因素为延伸产品营销支持、延伸产品与母品牌契合度、母品牌实力和延伸产品目标顾客因素;(3)各影响因素不是孤立的,存在相互影响关系。关键词:品牌延伸 成功因素 案例研究例二:本文采用CGSS(2006)数据,评估了政府质量对居民幸福感的影响。研究发现:(1)政府质量显著影响了居民幸福感,其对居民幸福感的促增效应远远高于经济增长。(2)政府效率、公共物品供给和财产权利保护等政府质量的分项指标都显著影响了居民幸福感,它们对居民幸福感的促增效应依次递增。(3)政府质量显著影响了低收入居民的幸福感,但对高收入居民幸福感的影响微弱。上述发现意味着,提高政府质量不仅能够在整体层面增加居民幸福感,而且还能缩小低收入和高收入居民间的幸福(福利)差距,促进社会公平。关键词:政府质量 政府效率 财产权利 公共物品 主观幸福感摘要中应说明本文所研究问题、采用方法、所得结论,需完整独立;关键词3-5个。ABSTRACTThe gross domestic product in China reached 39.8 trillion CNY in 2010, exceeding that of Japan, China has become the second largest economic entity at one stroke with the America being the first largest, this marks that the overall economic strength in China makes a step forward. Meanwhile, China is not only Keywords:Foreign Trade Carbon Emission格式和毕业论文不同的,以此格式为准(如没有毕业论文中的Chapter 1,Chapter2等,改为1. Introduction),其他部分可以参考毕业论文格式。注意直接引用要注明来源,否则视为抄袭。引用来源可以放在脚注中。According to the data from the Statistics Bulletin for National Economy and Social Development in the Peoples Republic of China in 2011 issued by the State Statistics Bureau on 22nd, February, 2012, the total export-import1Introduction According to the data from the Statistics Bulletin for National Economy and Social Development in the Peoples Republic of China in 2011 issued by the State Statistics Bureau on 22nd, February, 2012, the total export-import(各级标题下第一段顶格书写,以后各段空两个英文字符) According to the data from the Statistics Bulletin for National Economy and Social Development in the Peoples Republic of China in 2011 issued by the State Statistics Bureau on 22nd, February, 2012, the total export-importFigure1.1 Total import and export of goods in ChinaSource: According to the data from the Statistics Bulletin(图名在下,注意所有图表的内容都需要翻译成英文)According to the data from the Statistics Bulletin for National Economy and Social Development in the Peoples Republic of China in 2011 issued by the State Statistics Bureau on 22nd, February, 2012, the total export-importTable 1.1 Total imports and exports of goods and its increment speed in 2011 (表名在上,注意所有图表的内容都需要翻译成英文)Index Absolute numberThe percent increase from the previous year Total imports and exports of goods3642122.5Total exports of goods1898620.3General trade917127.3Processing trade835412.9Source: Data from the National Bureau of Statistics website2. Literature Review (一般来讲,第二部分需为文献回顾,正文内容太多的情况下,可以放在第一章导论里)According to Zhang San(2000), the total export-import3. 3.1According to3.24. 5. 6. ConclusionReferences1 张三.进出口贸易实务M.合肥:合肥工业大学出版社, 2006.2 闫云凤,杨来科. 中国出口隐含碳增长的影响因素分析J.中国人口,2010, (8):48-52.3 Amir, R. and Nannerup, N. Asymmetric Regulation of Identical Polluters in Oligopoly ModelsJ. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2005, 30(1):35-48. Appendix如果图表很多或数据量很大,可以放在参考文献后的附录中。


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