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PM 030 Project Status ReportTemplate & GuideThis Guide is intended to be read in conjunction with the following template for the development of a Project Status Report. As such the Guide should be removed from the front of your final document.Version 1.0 (1 June 2001)What is a Project Status Report?The Project Status Report is a document that is used by Project Managers for formal regular reporting on the status of a project to the Steering Committee, Project Sponsor or Senior Manager, depending on the size of the project. It is important to remember that the role of the Steering Committee is to take responsibility for the business issues associated with the project.The Project Status Report should include, as a minimum, the following: Status of the project description, milestones for the last reporting period; milestones for the next reporting period; impact of achievement/non-achievement of milestones for the remaining period of the project. Budget Report - with respect to planned expenditure, actual expenditure and deficit/surplus. Risk management report - specifying any changes to the major risks identified since the previous report and modification to the strategies put in place to manage them, if appropriate. Issues Report - including areas of concern, specific problems, and any action/decision that needs to be taken by the Steering Committee. Recommendations.It is important to keep the report focused and to report on/against milestones and not percentage of work complete.Why would you develop a Project Status Report?A Project Status Report is developed by the Project Manager to provide regular progress reports to: the Steering Committee and/or Project Sponsor with information on the management issues of the project and for endorsement of any decisions/directions made in the report. the Inter-Agency Steering Committee (IASC) if the project extends across government; individuals or Committees who are overseeing progress of the project; and ensure that no additional work or scope creep occurs.When would you develop a Project Status Report?The frequency of status reporting will vary depending on the size of the project.With very small projects this may consist of fortnightly consideration of any issues that could affect progress and/or a meeting with the Senior Manager/Project Sponsor.For larger projects the status report forms an integral part of the project, as information for the reports is drawn from the project management processes in place for the project.What you need before you start: An agreed Project Business Plan or Project Proposal / Brief Knowledge and understanding of the project activities, schedule, issues, risks and budget, stakeholders, contractors and staff. Knowledge and understanding of issues management and risk management; Project budgetary information; Schedule of meetings.Other References you may need: Corporate/Business Plan for the Department/Business Unit. Tasmanian Government Project Management Guidelines. Departmental Project Management Guidelines.What you will have when you are finished:A complete Project Status Report that is ready for presentation to the Senior Manager, Project Sponsor or Steering Committee, depending on the size of the project.How to use this template.The template consists of a number of headings and simple tables that reflect the nature of the information that is to be addressed.The completed status report should be brief and to the point, so it quickly conveys the essential information.A number of different text styles have been used within the template, as follows: Text in italics is intended to provide a guide as to the kind of information that can be included in a section and to what types of projects it might be applicable. Text in formal font is intended as examples. Text enclosed in is intended to be replaced by whatever it is describing.AcknowledgementsElements of this template have been derived from documents prepared by the former Corporate Information Projects Unit (CIPU), of Department of Premier and Cabinet, and contributions from the Inter Agency Steering Committee (IASC).This template also contains elements of the Tasmanian Government Project Management Guidelines Version 4.0 (November 2000), and the Project Business Plan template prepared by the Department of Premier and Cabinet.File No.: Status Report No.Report for: (Optional) eg Project Manager: Project Scope: A brief description of the scope of the project.1. Project SummaryA brief statement of project performance not covered in the remainder of the report 2. Milestones scheduled for achievement since last report and performance against those milestones:MilestoneTarget DateAchievementDescription of milestonedd/mmm/yyyydd/mmm/yyyy3. Milestones scheduled for achievement over the next reporting period and changes in those milestones with respect to the previous plan:MilestonePrevious Target DateCurrent Target DateDescription of milestonedd/mmm/yyyydd/mmm/yyyy4. Impact of achievement / non-achievement of milestones for the remaining period of the project:MilestoneImpactDescription of affected/amended/changed milestoneBriefly describe any changes to the project schedule required as a result of the amended milestone(s).5. General Information:Include any general comments that may support/enhance/add to the above sections6. Budget:DatePlanned ExpenditureActual ExpenditureDeficit/Surplusdd/mmm/yyyy7. Project Risk Management Statement (Identify changes in risk status to previous report):* See Key belowRiskLikelihood SeriousnessGradeChangeBrief description of the major risks (A, B and Cs), changes in grading and new risks identified.Low/Medium/HighLow/Medium/HighA/B/C New8. Issues:Brief description of any business issues associated with the project that have arisen since the previous report and need to be addressed by the Steering Committee, Project Sponsor or Senior Manager etc.9. Recommendations:Brief statement(s) for the Steering Committee, Project Sponsor or Senior Manager to consider and/or endorse.* Key:GradeAHigh/HighBHigh/MediumCHigh/Low or Medium/MediumDMedium/LowELow/LowFurther information about risk grading is available in the Project Business Plan Template. (Note: A Risk Management Template is currently being developed.)


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