高一英语课件:4.3 Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》(山东专用外研版必修1)

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高一英语课件:4.3 Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》(山东专用外研版必修1)_第1页
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高一英语课件:4.3 Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》(山东专用外研版必修1)_第2页
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高一英语课件:4.3 Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》(山东专用外研版必修1)_第3页
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Section Listening and Vocabulary;Pronunciation,Writing, Everyday English and Function & Cultural Corner,Step One:Fast reading Read the text (P39) quickly and answer the following questions. 1In which countries is the countryside changing? _ 答案: In some countries in western Europe,such as France,Spain and Britain.,2Why do some villages remain? _ 答案: Because people from the cities have bought a “second home” in the village.,Step Two:Detail reading .Read the text (P39) again and choose the best answers. 1From the text we can infer_. Alife in the countryside never changes Bpeople in the countryside live a less lively life Cpeople find it easy to find jobs in the countryside Dpeople have no difficulty in living in the city 答案: B,2The writer hopes farmers will remain because he is worried that_. Athey cant afford to buy houses Bthe countryside will become worse Cthey make less money from their farms Dthey have no place to live in 答案: B,3The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to_. Ayoung people Bvillagers Ccity people Dvillages 答案: D,.Read the passage on P39 and tell the following statements True (T) or False (F) 1There are three reasons mentioned in the passage that some villages are disappearing.( ) 2People in the villages move to the cities to find work as the cities are richer than their villages.( ),3The farmers sell their land and find another job because they are tired of working on them.( ) 4Young people move to the towns for education.( ) 5Some villagers cant afford houses because people from the cities bring the price of houses up.( ) 答案: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T,.Read the text (P39) carefully and fill in the blanks.,答案: 1.disappearing 2.livelier 3.jobs 4.go up / rise 5.villagers 6.land 7.making money 8.sadder and uglier,(1)committee作主语强调整体时,指“委员会”,谓语动词用单数;强调个体时,指“委员们”,谓语动词用复数。 (2)有类似用法的词归纳如下:,1.The whole class_the teacher carefully. Aare listening to Bis listening to Care listening Dis listening 解析: 考查主谓一致。集合名词class指整体时,用单数,强调个体时则用复数。句意为:全班同学都在认真听老师讲课。 答案: A,exchange vt.交换,互换 exchange sth.with sb.和某人交换某物 exchange.for.用交换 (课文原句P37)There are museums,cinemas,theatres,art galleries,parks,coffee bars,clubs and many other places where people can meet and exchange ideas.,人们可以在博物馆、影院、剧院、美术馆、公园、咖啡店、俱乐部和许多其他地方会面并交流思想。 Every year,I exchange gifts with my friends at Christmas. 每年圣诞节我都和朋友交换礼物。 I exchanged an apple for an orange with her. 我用一个苹果和她换了一个桔子。,exchange n交换;互换 in exchange for作为交换 Would you like my skirt in exchange for your jeans? 用我的裙子换你的牛仔裤,你愿意吗?,2.I have offered to paint the house_a weeks accommodation (住宿) Ain exchange for Binstead of Cby means of Din place of 解析: 本题考查介词短语。in exchange for交换;instead of 代替;by means of通过;in place of代替,根据句意,只能选A。 答案: A,afford vt.买得起;有能力支付 (课文原句P39)The price of homes goes up and people from the area cannot afford to buy a house there. 房价上涨,(城区的)人们在那里买不起房子。,They walked because they couldnt afford (to take) a taxi. 他们因坐不起出租车而步行。 Id love to go on holidays but I cant afford the time. 我倒想去度假,可是抽不出时间来。,3.Arent you going to buy that house?It is modern,comfortable and above all,in a quiet neighbourhood. Yes,it is.But Im afraid we cant_such an expensive house. Aafford Blive Chope Doffer,解析: 句意为:恐怕我们买不起这样昂贵的房子。afford sth.买得起某物或抽得出时间做某事。 答案: A,survive (1)vi.活下来,幸存,残存 (课文原句P39)All these things mean that many villages in western Europe are fighting to survive. 所有这些意味着西欧的许多村庄正挣扎着以生存下去。 There was an accident and only a few people survived. 发生了一起事故,只有几个人幸存下来。,(2)vt.幸免于,从中逃生 Only a few people survived the accident. 只有几个人在这起事故中幸存下来。 (3)vt.比活得大 He survived his wife by 5 years. 他比他妻子多活了5年。,4.完成句子 在这次事故受伤的所有人中,只有一个婴儿活了下来。 Of all the people injured in the accident,_ _ _ _. 他很幸运得从大火中逃生。 He was lucky that he_ _ _ _. 答案: only a baby survived survived the big fire,5I dont think I could_another year as a teacher;its just too stressful. Asurvive Bsurvive from Clive for Dlive from 解析: survive指“从困境中活过来或挺过来”,是及物动词;作“活着;断续存在”讲是不及物动词。live for为而活;没有live from结构。 答案: A,contact (1)vt.联络;联系(某人) Contact your neighbourhood committee. 和你的居委会取得联系。 If you are free,please contact me. 如果你有空,请联系我。,(2)n.联络;联系 Have you been in contact with him recently? 你最近与他有联系吗?,6.完成句子 我和大学时代的朋友大都失去了联系。 I have_ _ _most of my university friends. 我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。 I finally_ _ _ _in Paris. 答案: lost contact with/been out of contact with made contact with her/contacted her,7We_with each other since we graduated from college. Ahave been out of contact Blose contact Cis out of contact Dhave lost contact 解析: 该句意为“自从我们大学毕业之后,我们彼此之间就失去了联系”。 答案: A,pay back 归还(借款等);报答,报复 (课文原句P36)I hope he pays me back next week. 我希望他下周还钱。 How can I pay you back for all your kindness? 我该怎么报答你的这番好意呢?,8.Mom,I cant see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school. Come on,dear.Years of hard work will surely_in the future. Amake sure Bpay off Cpay for Dpay back,解析: 句意为:妈妈,我觉得没有必要拼命学习学校里的所有课程。别这么说,孩子。多年的勤奋对你的未来肯定有帮助的。pay back还钱,向报复;pay off偿还,还清;make sure确定;pay for付钱。 答案: B,a great many许多,大量(后接名词复数) (课文原句P38)A great many things means a lot of things. “A great many things”意思是“很多东西”。,I have a great many labours to do today. 今天我有很多活要干。 There are a great many reasons why you shouldnt accept it.你不该接受它的理由有很多。 A great many of the flowers are white. 那些花大多是白色的。,表示“很多”的搭配:,9.完成句子 昨天大厅里有很多人。 There were_ _ _people in the hall. 他们许多人看过这部电影。 _ _ _ _them have seen the film. 答案: a great many A great many of,a number of 许多,大量,修饰复数名词,其谓语动词用复数形式。修饰number的形容词有large,small,great,表示数量的多少,一般不用more,less等修饰。 (课文原句P39)There are a number of reasons for this. 导致这种结果的原因有多种。,A large number of books are missing from the library. 图书馆有大量的图书丢失了。 辨析:a number of与the number of A number of teachers are present today,and the number of them is 300.许多教师今天都出席了,有300人。,10.Nowadays,a large number of women,especially those from the countryside_in the clothing industry. Ais working Bworks Cwork Dworked 解析: 主语是a large number of women谓语要用复数,所以只能选C或D;根据时间状语nowadays决定了只能使用现在时,所以选C。 答案: C,11A large number of students_the exam so far,but the number of the students who failed_great. Apassed;were Bhas passed;are Chave passed;is Dhave passed;are 解析: the number ofn.谓语动词用单数形式。 答案: C,There are times when I need to go out into the countryside to get away from the noise. 有些时候我需要到乡下去躲避噪音。 There are times when.有时候 There are times when I need the peace and quiet of the countryside.有些时候我需要乡下的安静。 There are times when I wonder what you are talking about. 有时我在想你们在谈论什么。,There was a time when.曾经有一段时间 There was a time when the black were treated as slaves in America.曾经有一段时期美国黑人被当做奴隶。,12.There was_time_I hated to go to school. Aa;that Ba;when Cthe;that Dthe;when 解析: 该句意为“曾经有一段时间,我痛恨上学”。第一空不表示特指,第二空when引导定语从句修饰先行词time,且在从句中作时间状语。 答案: B,Sometimes villages remain because people from the cities have bought a “second home” in the village,where they come and stay at weekends. 有时村子保留下来,是因为城市的人们在村子里买房作为第二个家,他们可以周末到这里来居住。 remain为不及物动词,剩下,剩余。此外remain还可作“停留,留下”之意。还可作系动词,意思为“仍然是,保持”。,You must remain in bed for three days.你必须卧床3天。 After the fire,nothing in the house remained. 大火过后,房子里空空如也。 Ten years later,Peter became a manager but Jack remained a worker.十年后,彼得成为了一个经理,而杰克仍然是个工人。,It remains to be seen whether/how/what/when从句 以后才知道,尚不确定。 remain to do sth.仍需去做 It remains to be seen whether the old man is fit to go abroad. 这位老人是否适合出国,要以后才知道。,13.It remains_whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals. ASeen Bto be seen Cseeing Dto see 解析: 句意为:Jim在决赛前是否能彻底康复还有待观察。whether引导的句子与see之间表被动,排除C、D两项;A、B两项中,B项表将来,符合本句要求,为最佳答案。 答案: B,14The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain_as the plane was making a landing. Aseat Bseating Cseated Dto be seating 解析: 此处remain为系动词,seated为过去分词作表语。 答案: C,15It was already past midnight and only three young men_in the tea house. Aleft Bremained Cdelayed Ddeserted 解析: 句意为“天已过午夜,仍有3人留在茶舍”,remainstay,呆,留;leave是及物动词。其余不合语境:desert放弃;delay耽搁。 答案: B,.单词拼写 1Many performances were of_(专业的) standard. 答案: professional 2Our government is trying to help the_(失业的) workers to find jobs. 答案: unemployed,3Youd better avoid the rush hour because the_(交通) is very heavy during that time. 答案: traffic 4My_(职业) is teaching.Whats your job,please? 答案: occupation,5Xian is a f_city full of ancient buildings as well as modern ones. 答案: fascinating 6I will c_you as soon as I come hack. 答案: contact,7If we could a_it,wed like to go abroad for our holidays. 答案: afford 8To our delight,he s_in the terrible earthquake. 答案: survived,.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. I met him at the meeting of an_ (organize) in which I am active. 答案: organization 2This article explains the main causes of_(employ) and offers some ways of enlarging_(employ) 答案: unemployment;employment,3Some untrained players play better than those_(profession) ones. 答案: professional 4I was_(fascinate) when stepping into the wonderful hole. 答案: fascinated,5You should know some basic aid so that you can_(survival) when an earthquake happens to you. 答案: survive 6I noticed a stranger walking around our_(neighbour) those days. 答案: neighbourhood,7When you take the medicine,please read the_(direct) first. 答案: directions 8If we dont treat animals well,someday,some animals will_(appear) 答案: disappear,.完成句子 1Weve got only 2,000 pounds_ _(目前为止)Were still 500 pounds short. 答案: so far 2Mr Smith and Mrs Jones and_ _ _(另外三位老师) were there. 答案: three other teachers,3The prisoners_ _ _(从逃走) their guards. 答案: got away from 4Readers will_ _ _ _(有同感) when they turn to the final page. 答案: feel the same way,5Prices_ _ _(上涨) a lot again. 答案: have gone up 6With the development of western China,_ _ _ _ _(大学生的数量) is increasing. 答案: the number of college students,7She is_ _ _ _ _(最年轻的学生之一) who have passed the exam. 答案: one of the youngest students 8In old society,many children dropped out of school because their parents_ _(负担不起) their schooling. 答案: couldnt afford,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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