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L1 五大基本句型1. 主+谓 The sun rises . 2. 主+谓+宾 I love you . 3. 主+系+ 表 The roses are beautiful . 4. 主+谓+宾+宾补 English is driving me crazy . 5 . 主+谓+双宾 I sent you an e-mail . 句子基本结构:主谓宾定状补表L2频度副词的位置:实前be后或助后感叹句的两种结构:What +a/an (+adj.)+n.(+主语+谓语)!What a good girl (she is)! How + adj. / adv. + 主语+ 谓语! How lovely the girl is ! 瞬间动词的进行时表将来,常见的瞬间动词有:go, come, leave,arrive,land,meet, die, start, returnL3 表给予意思的动词后面可以跟双宾语,常见的动词有:give , bring , teach , show , send , make , lend , owe , tell , sell , read , write , offer , pass , choose , find , leave , get , play , hand , do , buy , order L4 常常和现在完成时连用的时间状语:since + 点时间 , for + 短时间, times , so far , up to now , 现完时态中如出现since + 点时间 或for + 短时间 ,则该句子中的动词应使用延续性动词。如:I have borrowed this book for two weeks (x) I have kept this book for two weeks . () L5 关于way 的短语总结in this way 以这种方法 , on the way (to) 在去的路 , in the way 挡路,out of the way 让路 , no way 没门,in a way 从某种程度上说 L6 关于call 的短语和knock 的短语Call on sb. 拜访某人, call at sb. 拜访某地 , call in 召集, call off 取消,call out 大喊, call up sb. 给某人打电话,call for 需要Knock at 敲 , knock sb. over 把某人撞倒 , knock sth. off somewhere , 把某物从某处碰掉, knock off the price 打折, knock off 下班 , knock sb. out 把某人打昏L7 When 当时候,表示点时间 或段时间 ,主句和从句的动作可同时发生,也可先后分别发生,谓语动词可以是短暂动词,也可以是延续动词。When he called , I was having a bath . When she was sleeping , I got his phone call . While 只表示段时间,主句动作发生在从句动作的过程之中,从句谓语动词是延续动词或表示状态的动词,强调同时进行的两个延续动作相伴随而发生,常对同类动作进行比较。常翻译成而. / 与此同时 I was reading my history textbook while he was playing the guitar . (与此同时) I like English while you like Math . (而) L8 比较级的常见用法:The + 比较级,the + 比较级 越就越 The more trees we planted , the less pollution we will have . 比较级+ and + 比较级 越来越 Our environment is becoming worse and worse . A is not as as B = A is not so as B , A 不如B 。 English is not as difficult as B. = English is not so difficult as B. L9 常见的表示时间的介词用法:At 表具体时间:at 8 oclock 固定搭配: at midnight , at noon , at teatime , at the weekend , etc . 节日前: at Christmas , at Easter , etc . In 表示一段时间: in ten minutes , in half and hour , etc . 年份前: in 1900 / 1939 / 1993 etc . 季节前:in (the) spring , in (the) summer , ( the is optional ) 一天中的时间段: in the morning /afternoon / evening ( at night ) On 星期前: on Monday , etc . 日期前 on April 27th 早,中,晚前面出现形容词:on Monday morning , 带day 的节日前:on Christmas Day , on Mothers day L10 被动语态要熟练地掌握8中基本时态的被动语态。一般现在的被动:主语+am / is / are + 过去分词+其它一般过去的被动:主语+was / were + 过去分词+其他它一般将来的被动:主语+will be + 过去分词+ 其它现在进行的被动:主语+ am / is / are + being + 过去分词+其它现在完成的被动:主语+ have / has been + 过去分词+ 其它过去完成的被动:主语+ had been + 过去分词+ 其它过去将来的被动:主语+ would be + 过去分词+ 其它过去进行的被动:主语+ was / were being + 过去分词+ 其它 双重所有格It is being repaired by a friend of my fathers . 双重所有格的结构时of + 名词所有格/形代+名词:Playing basketball is one of my hobbies . 或of+ 名代: Playing basketball is a hobby of mine . (要求大家能够熟练地转换两种双重所有格形式) make 的用法1) be made in + 产地These watches are made in France . 2) be made of + 可见原料The house is made of bricks . 3) be made from + 不可见原料Cheese is made from milk . 4) be made into + 成品The cloth was made into a dress . 5) be made by + 动作发出者The cookies were made by my mum . L11 不定式的用法(不定式是非谓语动词三种形式中,用法最广的一种,另外两种是动名词,和分词),它可以做除谓语之外的所有句子成分,例如:To see is to believe . (不定式做主语和表语) I want to see you . (不定式做宾语)I want you to see it . ( 不定式做宾语补足语) I have something to eat . ( 不定式做后置定语) Please come here to see it . ( 不定式做目的状语) L12 如何将瞬间动词变成延续性的:come / go - be at / in eg. I came to China two years ago . = I have been in China for two years . begin / start - on eg. The film began half an hours ago . = The film has been on for half an hour . borrow - keep , buy - have , close - be closed , die - be dead , get up - be up , join - be in , leave - be away from , open - be open , put on - wear L13 将来进行时和一般将来时的对比将来进行时是将来的一个计划,打算,一定会去做。I will be seeing you . 一般将来时是一种将来的意愿,不一定去做。I will see you tomorrow . L14 常常和过完连用的时间状语。before. , after ., when. , as soon as. (切记:过完常常和一般过去时连用) I had finished my homework before I ate my dinner . After I had finished my homework , I ate my dinner . When I had finished my homework , I ate my dinner . As soon as I had finished my homework , I ate my dinner . 注意几个不定代词的用法Neither of 两者都不(二选零,修饰主语时谓语动词用单数)Either of 两者中有一个(二选一,修饰主语时谓语动词用单数)Both of 两者都 (二选二,修饰主语时谓语动词用复数)None of 所有都不 ( 多选零,修饰主语时谓语动词用单数)One of 。之一 (多选一,修饰主语时谓语动词用单数)All of 。 所有都 ( 多选多,修饰主语时谓语动词用复数)L15 直接引语变间接引语的注意事项(注意几个变量)人称变: I am doing the dishes. she said . - She said she was doing the dishes . 时态变:I have done my housework . she said - She said she had done her housework . 时间状语变: I ate a hamburger yesterday . she said . - She said she had eaten a hamburger the day before . 语序变(陈述语序):Are you all right ? she asked . - She wanted to know if I was all right . What are you doing ? she asked . - She asked what I was doing . L16 条件状语从句的使用法则主将从现,主情从现,主祈从现。(时间状语从句有时也要遵照此原则) L17 情态动词表猜测的用法对现在事情的各种猜测 对过去事情的各种猜测对正在发生事情的各种猜测对当时正在发生事情的各种猜测must be (一定是)对现在事情的肯定猜测 must have done (当时一定是)对过去的肯定猜测must be doing (一定正在.) 对正在发生事的肯定猜测must have been doing (当时一定正在.) 对当时正在发生事情的肯定猜测cant be(不可能.)对现在事情的否定猜测cant have done(当时不可能.)对过去事情的否定猜测cant be doing(不可能正在.) 对正在发生事情的否定猜测cant have been doing (当时不可能正在. ) 对当时正在发生事情的否定猜测may/might be (可能. ) 对现在事情的不确定猜测may have done (当时可能.)表示对过去事情的不确定猜测may be doing(可能正在.) 对正在发生事情的不确定猜测may have been doing (当时可能正在.) 对当时正在发生事情的不确定猜测 L18 Have 的用法Have 可以作为助动词(现完/过完),实意动词(吃,喝,有,从事.活动),情态动词(have to ) 和使役动词(have sb. do sth. 使某人做某事,have sth. done 使某事被做) 来使用. (常见的使役动词还有let , make ) L19 情态动词may , might 表不确定猜测的用法L20 常见的动名词作宾语的动词有:consider , suggest / advise , look forward to ,admit , delay / put off , avoid , miss , keep (on) , practice , deny , finish , enjoy / appreciate , risk , cant help , mind , allow / permit , L21 含有情态动词的被动语态:must be done , will be done , can be done , should be done , could be done L22 动词+ 介词组成的短语beware of sth. 当心某物complain of sth. 抱怨某事dream of sth. 梦想某事hear of sth. 听说某事get rid of sth. 处理掉某事think of sth. 考虑/想某事be tired of sth. 对某事感到厌烦borrow sth. from sb. 从某人那里借某物differ from 与.不同escape from . 从.逃出来prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事protect sb. from sth. 保护某人免受.的伤害receive . from . 从.收到. suffer from . 遭受.的痛苦believe in 相信fail in . 在.方面失败experienced . in 在.方面有经验be interested in . 对.感兴趣call on sb. 拜访某人count on 相信depend on 依靠live on 考.为生rely on 依靠write on 写关于.的事 L23There be 的谓语动词除了be , 还可以用的更加生动,如:live , lie , exist , stand , remain / go / come 等等。There lived an old woman in the house years ago . There goes the bell . There comes the train . L24 在现在进行时中加入always , forever 这样的词,表示说话人的一种感情(愤怒,无奈,感激等等)The little boy is always telling lies . 这个小男孩总是撒谎。(表示讨厌)The villagers are continually helping the tourists . 村民们经常帮助外来的游客。(表示欣赏)The manager is constantly forgetting his appointments . 经理总是忘记他的约会。(表示抱怨)include 和 contain 的区别Include 是部分包括,contain 是全部包括


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