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初一英语重点总结(一)重点汇集BOOK 11.call at 打电话给某人;访问e.g. Please call Jenny _ 536-4428. (注:call sb. at phone number)2.冠词a与an的区别:a用于辅音音标前;an用于元音音标前。(判断的关键在于一个单词的首字母的发音音标)e.g.Is this _ ID card. (注:ID的首字母发音音标为【ai】,元音。) No. Its _ school ID card.(注:school的首字母发音音标为【s】,辅音)3.amisare三者的动词原型为be.三者相对应的人称为:第一人称I用am; 第二人称you以及第一人称复数we以及第三人称复数those、these、they复数名词如teacherstrees等用are;第三人称hesheitthisthat或单数名词如a boy an applethe bird等用is.当amisare三者位于不定式to或情态动词canmay后之时,要还原其动词原形 be.e.g. 1. A blue notebook and a ruler_ in the lost and found case. (注:两者或两者以上的可数名词都为复数。且除了Iyou的其他一切人或物都为第三人称。) 2. He wants to _ a doctor and he can _ soon.4. 第三人称hesheit单数名词如a boy an applethe bird等称之为第三人称单数,be动词使用形式为is,遇到动词动词后要加s或es形式;助动词用does。e.g. Where _ the boy come from? The boy _ from Japan. He _ a student.5. 助动词(dodoes)的作用是帮助行为动词构成疑问句或否定句,句中有了助动词就不能有be动词且句中的行为动词要用原型。情态动词(canmay)的作用是帮助动词构成疑问句或否定句,这里的动词可以是be动词也可以是行为动词,且句中的动词要用原型。e.g. _ Lucy _ (go) to see a movie at weekend?No, she _. But she can _(watch) TV at home.But she _(like) books better. Books can _ (is) her best friend6. 两个动词相遇不能用其原型。此时后者动词必须加ing或加不定式to(to后的动词用原型)。即:V+Ving或 V+to+V.其中一些特殊的动词后必须用ing形式,如enjoy doing have fun doing其中一些特殊的动词后必须用to do形式,如want to do.其中大部分的动词都是用to do形式,gocome等还有一些特殊的动词后必须用原型,如let sb do sth help sb do sth 当动词在介词之后时,必须用Ving形式。如ofaboutat等e.g. “Lets _ (go)_ (have) a trip on the hill. Boys can _(help) girls _(take) the bags. Then we play games _ (enjoy) ourselves, I think we have fun _(have) this trip. Tell your friends about _(bring) more food _(eat). Thank you for _(listen).7.形容词形物主代词有my(我的)your(你【们】的)his(他的)her(她的)its(它的)their(他们的)our(我们的),这些词后面必须跟名词, 它们相当于名词所有格。而名词性无主代词后绝对不可以跟名词。名词所有格有两种形式:名词s和名词+of+名词 如Mo Fans room=the room of Mo Fan the trees leaf=the leaf of the treee.g.1. This is _.A. a friend of mine B.mine friend C.a friend of me D.my a friend 2.I have a good friend, I teach_(she) Chinese and_(she) teaches me English.主语由Iwehesheitthey代词的主格形式充当,或者由人或物(如Tomthe housebananas)等具体的人物充当;宾语由meushimheritthem代词的宾格形式充当,也可以由人或物(如Tomthe housebananas)等具体的人物充当,宾格形式用于动词或介词之后作为宾语。e.g. 1.My family _ (be) all at home today. (注:该句中的family是一个集体名词,代表了整个集体,表示复数。还有其他的词如police)2._Jacks brother, I dont know _ name.A. Hes ; he B. He ; hes C. His; his D. Hes ; his3.The teachers,_ are talking about _ a girl.A. you; him B. he ; her C. you; she D .they; her4.She _ reading, she _ some stories. He is a friend of _(she).A. like; tell he B. likes; tells him C. like ; tells him D. likes; tell he8. thisthatthesethosethere的区别与用法。这些词都可以作为主语或者宾语。this(这个)的复数为these(这些);that(那个)的复数为those(那些)there指那儿的意思,there与be动词组合表示(那儿)有的意义。(其中be动词的单复数根据后面的名词决定。)e.g.翻译句子那是一所小学。那儿有许多我的好朋友。(注意:不要逐字逐句的翻译,要根据句子基本结构思考【主+谓+宾】、【主+系+表】等)那些是什么?它们是桔子。我家里有一些。9.一般疑问句与特殊疑问句。一般疑问句是指以be动词、情态动词、助动词开头的疑问句,问题的回答是yesno;特殊疑问句是指以whatwhowhenhowwhere how many peoplewhat languagehow old等等特殊疑问词开头的疑问句。陈述句改为一般疑问句:把be动词、情态动词、助动词提到句首,句子其他成分不变。e.g. Those beautiful flowers are that girls.(变一般疑问句并作否定回答)改为特殊疑问句即对划线部分提问,原则是把划线部分替换为对应的特殊疑问词,be动词、情态动词、助动词紧跟特殊疑问词之后,句子其他成分不变。e.g. There are 500 students in our school.(对划线部分提问) They often play football and read books in the school.记忆:这(那)是什么?what is this(that)?这(那)些是什么?what are these(those)?e.g. 这是一个苹果吗? 不,不是。它是一个梨子。_ _ an apple? _ , _ _. _ _ a pear. (注:一般疑问句用什么提问用什么回答。但是不能出现Yes,this(that) is.No,this(that) isnt. Yes,these(those) areNo,these(those) arent.等形式)10.thanks to 幸好;幸亏;由于 thanks for因而感谢e.g. 1.Thanks _ the photos _ your family.A. to; in B. of; of C. for; in D. for; of 2. .Thanks ?_ my diligence, my English starts to be good.A. for B. to C. at D. of11.family name 姓 first name 名 family tree 家谱初一英语重点总结(一)练习1. Are _ Kates _?A. this; book B. that; book C. these; books D. those; book2. Wei Hua and I _ students.A. are B. is C. am D. be3. These are my brothers.(一般疑问句,作肯定回答)_ _ _ _?Yes,_ _.4. This is my family photo.(同义句改写)This is _ _ _ _ _.5. Is she your friend?(改为复数句)_ _ _ _?12.taketo 把带到. e.g. 翻译:请把这些东西带到学校去。 _.13.及物动词(vt.)与不及物动词(vt.)。如look是一个vi.,后面接名词的时候必须加介词,即必须是look at sth.;而see则是一个vt.,后面可直接跟名词,如see that man. 相应的及物动词例如有:give(give sth to sb=give sb sth) want(I want an apple.) eat(eat breakfast)等等;相应的不及物动词例如有:come(come from xian) go(go to school) 等等。e.g. Come _. _ look _ the map over there.Where?I cant _ it.A. to here; ; see B. here; ; seeC. to here; at; see to D. here; at; see14.a lot=very much非常 many 用于修饰可数名much 用于修饰不可数名词a lot of=lots of 既可以修饰不可数也可以修可数a little 一点儿(修饰不可数名词)little 一点也不(表示否定,修饰不可数名词)a few 一些(修饰可数名词)few 没有;很少(表示否定,修饰可数名词)e.g. My sister likes English _,she remembers _words. But I hate it, so I know _ words.A. much; many; little B. a lot; lots of; a fewC. a lot; many; few D. very much; much; a little 15.形容词(adj.)与副词(adv.)。形容词用于修饰名词,翻译的形式为“的”,如 relaxing(放松的) friendly(友好的) lovely(可爱的) happy(开心的),形容词修饰名词时位于名词之前;副词用于修饰动词或形容词,翻译的形式为“.地”,如carefully(认真地) quickly(快地;迅速地) well(好地),副词修饰动词时位于动词之后,修饰形容词时位于形容词之前。e.g. I have a relaxing and nice weekend, it sounds good! 我有一个轻松、美好的周末,听起来就兴奋。I think playing basketball is very _,so I play it _.A. interesting ;well B. interestingly; good C. interesting; good D. interestingly; well16.数词与序数词。数词:one, two, three 序数词:first, second, third onefirst twosecond threethird 其余的数词的序数词都相应的加“th”,如thirteenthirteenth thirtythirtieth。特别注意的是:序数词出现时其前边必须要有“the”(特殊情况除外,如物主代词后)。e.g. March is _ month of the year. A. three B. the three C. third D. the third17.“就近原则”与“就远原则”。 “就近原则”是指谓语动词的形式要根据靠近其的主语决定;反之“就远原则”。e.g. There _ (be)an orange and two apples on the table.(就近)My mother with I _ (watch) TV every day.(就远)小测1. These are _.A. apple tree B. apples trees C. apples tree D. apple trees2. The boy eats _ healthy food. A. many B. a lot C. a lot of D. lot of3. I need my math book. Can you _ it to me. A. spell B. bring C. call D. take4. Do you like action movies? _ ,I do._ I dont like thrillers. A. Yes; And B. Yes; But C. No; But D. No; And5.Eglish is interesting. Math is interesting,_. A. also B. and C. too D. but6. Jack wants _ the park. A. go to B. to go C. to go to D. goes to7. Jack _ like baseball _ volleyball. A. dont; or B. doesnt; or C. dont ; and D. doesnt; and8.I dont like action movies. I think theyre _. A. boring B. difficult C. interesting D. exciting9._kind of movies _ Lucy like ? A. What, does B. What ;do C. Whats; does D. Which; do10.Which is _ month of the year. A. the fifth B. sixth C. seventh D. fifth11.Do you like the red T-shirt? Yes, but I cant _ the price. A. buy B. take C. pay D. afford12.They have _ art festival _ each year. A. an; in B. a; C. an; D. a; in13.When _ your birthday? _ December 2.A. is; Its B. is; It on C. are; Theyre D. does; on14.They have a School Day at school.(改为一般疑问句) _ they _ a School Day at school?15.Her date of birth is March 16th.(改为同义句) _ _ is March 16th.16.The store sells many nice clothes.(划线部分提问) _ _ the store _?用所给词的正确形式填空17.She _(not) have a bicycle.18.Her name is Gina Brown. Gina is her _(one) name.19.That is a _(success) movie.20.作文。介绍一下你一天的生活。(50词左右)


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