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八年级上英语检测题(一至五单元)苏教版 2012.8.9 I. 单项选择1. Jack often TV at home every day ? A: Do ; watch B: Is ; watch C: Does ; watch D: Does ; watches 2. I will meet my best friend the morning of may 1st . A: in B: on C: at D: to3. Jack and Tom are good friends . In some ways they the same. A: look B: look like C: look for D: look at 4.Would you like to see the film the Revolution of 1911 with me? I am sorry .I it twice. A: in B: on C: at D: to5. She a English teacher .A: maybe B: may be C: may D: be6.I hope buy a dictionary at school .A: him to B: he to C: him D: he will7. He does not know the name of the country , ?A: doesnt he B: does he C: isnt he D: is he8. Thanks for very much for me the nice presents .A: give B: given C: giving D: to give9. Li Ming and Danny are way to school.A: them B: their C: they D: theirs10. Please prepare a speech for the meeting .A: five minutes B: five minute C: fiveminute D: five minutes11.You shouldnt too much money on clothes .A: spend B: cost C: take D: pay12. Its cold here. Why not your coat ?A: put off B: try on C: take off D: dress 13. Do you know the Olympic game ? Yes, It is and I am about it .A: exciting ; excited B: excited ; exciting C: excited ; excited D: exciting ; exciting14. I think Li Ming is the same size Brian.A: with B: as C: at D: to15. We will go out if it rain .A: dont B: doesnt C: wont D: didnt16. It will me two hours to finish it .A: cost B: spend C: cost D: pay17. We didnt catch the train we left late .A: so B: because C: but D: for18. Mrs Bond is an old friend of .A: Jacks mother B: Jack mothers C: Jacks mothers D: Jack mother19. He asked for the computer .A: did I pay how much B: I paid how much C: how much did I pay D: how much I paid20. I hope the summer vacation will come soon . . Its really relaxing.A: so I did B: so do I C: so I do D: so did III. 填空1. 你能帮助我学英语真是太好了。 It is very kind of you .2. 你必须在明天八点半前到达博物馆。 You must the museum before 8:00 tomorrow morning .3. 沿着这条街直走并向左转。 the street and .4. 他直到写完作业才睡觉。 He go to bed he finished his homework .5. 会议一个小时候后开始。 will start . 6. He writes to his mother once a month. (就划线部分提问) does he write to his mother ?7. Jenny is in Class 2 . Brian is in Class2, too. (改为同义句) Jenny and Brian are in class.8. Stop talking, ? ( 完成反意疑问句)9. 睡觉前记得关灯。 Before you go to bed, the light. ( 四个空)10. 这件衣服很适合你! This coat ! III.完形填空It was one of the hottest days of the dry(干旱的)season. We had not seen 1 for almost a month. The crops were dying. If it did not rain soon, We would lose 2.At noon, when I was 3 making lunch ,I saw my six years old son ,Billy 4 towards the woods(树林).Minutes later, he ran back and then 5 walked towards the woods .This action walking carefully to the woods and running back to the house,went on for nearly an hour.Finally I could not take it any longer and decided to follow him. As I entered the woods ,I saw the most 6 sight(景象).Tow large deer appeared(出现) in front of him, and a little deer 7 on the ground, clearly suffering from exhaustion(中暑), was lifting its head to lip(舔) up the water cupped in the hands of my son.When the water was gone , Billy back to the house .I 8 him back to a water tap .Billy turned it on and knelt there ,letting the drops slowly fill up the “cup” formed by his hands 9 he stood up ,I was there in front of him .His eyes just filled with tears. “I am not wasting water ,mum . ”he said . “No, Billy , I am 10 of you!”All I can say is the rain that came later that day saved our farm ,just as one little boy saved a dying deer .( )1. A. the sunshine B. the sky C. the rainbow D. rain ( )2. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. everybody( )3. A. in the fields B. outside C. in the kitchen D. in the living room ( )4. A. walking B. coming C. climbing D. escaping (逃跑)( )5. A. just then B. once again C. after all D. at first( )6. A. scary(害怕的) B. beautiful C. amazing D. terrible (恐怖的)( )7. A. lying B. jumping C. running D. sleeping( )8. A. walked B. talked to C. shouted to D. followed(跟着)( )9. A. Because B. When C. If D. Tough( )10. A. sure B. tired C. proud(骄傲) D. afraid(害怕)IV.补全对话根据对话内容,补全对话,选项中有两项是多余的。A:Hello, Jim.1B: There isnt.A: Oh, but where is the supermarket?B: Do you want to go there?A: Yes I do.2B: Now let me tell you the way. Walk down the street.3A: Really? How can I get there?B: You can go there by bus.4A: Oh, I see. Thank you very much.B: 5Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?Its a bit far.Go straight on.Youre welcome.Is there a supermarket near your home?Im very hungry, so I want to buy something to eat.When you pass a bridge you can see the supermarket on your left.V.书面表达假如你是来自london的学生 Jane,已经来到北京一年了,现在北京第一中学学习。请给你在london的朋友写一封信,介绍一下你在北京的情况,例如:北京十分古老,美丽,冬天经常下雪,你经常和这里的同学堆雪人(make snowman),和这里的同学相处的很好(get on well with),学习很努力,上周还一起去了长城(the great wall),故宫博物馆( the palace museum),颐和园(the summer palace)等名胜,此外北京的食物很好吃,你们玩的很开心,希望你远在london 的朋友也来北京,你很想念他们等。字数在60-80间,注意格式。


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