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Linguistic Features and Translation Techniques of Business English 商务英语的语言特点及其翻译技巧外国语学院学生毕业论文题 目Linguistic Features and Translation Techniques of Business English商务英语的语言特点及其翻译技巧专 业 英 语 班 级 02335 学生姓名 赵巧珍 学 号 30 指导教师 余祥越 2006年 4月 27 日ContentsAbstract in English3Abstract in Chinese31. Introduction 42. Linguistic Features of Business English4 2.1. Definition of Business English4 2.2. Functions of Business English4 2.3. Lexical Analysis of Business English5 2.3.1. Use of Abbreviations 5 2.3.2. Use of Compounds6 2.3.3. Use of Formal Words6 2.3.4. Use of Technical Terms7 2.3.5. Use of Shoot and Simple Verbs8 2.4. Syntactic Features of Business English8 2.4.1. Sentence Length8 2.4.2. Use of Programmed Sentence Structure9 2.4.3. Use of Strong Opening Sentence10 2.5. Wording Features of Business English10 2.5.1. Use of the Present Tense11 2.5.2. More Uses of the Active Voice11 2.5.3. More Uses of the Direct Way to Express Meaning11 2.5.4. Use of Courteous Tone113. Translation Techniques of Business English12 3.1. Definition of Translation12 3.2. Business Translation at Present12 3.3. Standards for Business English Translation13 3.4. Translation Techniques of Business English14 3.4.1.Choosing the Exact Words14 Identifying the Basic Meaning and Extended Meaning 14 Identifying the Normal Meaning and Technical Meaning15 3.4.2. Omission and Supplement15 Omission of Unnecessary Words15 Omission of Cumbersome Words15 Adding Necessary Words and Expression164. Other Techniques 16 4.1. Transformation of Parts of Speech16 4.1.1. Translating Nouns into Verbs16 4.1.2. Translating Adjectives into Adverbs17 4.1.3. Translating Adjectives into verbs17 4.2. Translation of Abbreviations17 4.3 .Translation of Courteous Tone185. Requirements for Translators186. Conclusion19Bibliography 21Acknowledgements 22AbstractWith the deepening of globalization of the world economy, international business intercourse has been in a much more frequent trend. English has been involved in various fields in commercial activities, such as the technology transfer, foreign trade, international financing, transnational tourism and international transportation, are wholly called business English. English has become an indispensable linguistic communication means in the world economic field. So it is important for us to learn business English. Business English has its distinct features. This paper discusses its features from three aspects: lexis, syntax and pragmatics. These features should be fully understood and exercised flexibly in the course of translation of business English, which is the precondition of a proper and good translation. Meanwhile, there are many translation techniques, such as omission, supplement, transformation and so on. One should manage some translation techniques as to be a good translator. In order to help readers know more about translation techniques of business English, this paper also discusses some translation techniques of business English.Key Words: Business English; linguistic features; translation techniques 摘 要 随着经济全球化的深入,国际贸易日趋频繁。英语被广泛应用到各商业领域,如技术转让、跨国贸易、国际融资,旅游和国际运输等,所有这些统称为商务英语。英语已经成为世界上必不可少的交流工具。商务英语的语言有其鲜明的特点。本文从用词、句法和用语三方面探讨了商务英语的语言特点。充分了解和掌握这些特点,并灵活地运用到商务英语的翻译之中,是做好商务英语翻译的前提。同时,商务英语有很多翻译技巧,比如增词、减词和词类转换等。想成为一个好的译者,掌握一些翻译技巧是很有必要的。为了让读者更好的了解这些翻译技巧,本文着重探讨了一些商务英语的翻译技巧,希望对读者有所帮助。关键词: 商务英语;语言特点;翻译技巧LINGUISTIC FEATURES AND TRANSLATIONTECHNIQUES OF BUSINESS ENGLISH1. IntroductionBusiness English language is now widely used in the economy area. It is different from normal English language, which can be seen from lexical features, syntactic features and wording features. Based on these linguistic features, the translation methods of business English are different from normal ones. Here, some new translation techniques of business English will be introduced.2. Linguistic Features of Business English2.1. Definition of Business English Business English is a special term given to English by non-English speaking nations for international trade. It is usually called business English, Business Correspondence or Business Letter in the USA. In Britain, it is often called Commercial English or Commercial Correspondence or Commercial Letter. Business English refers to the English used in business correspondence and activities. To give it a more detailed definition, business English includes Ordinary Business English and Specialized Business English. The former covers various English books, magazines, newspapers and so on. Specialized Business English only includes documents, laws, regulations, letters, specialized theories and practice in business activities. Specialized Business English distinguishes from Ordinary Business English in some aspects, thus it is what this essay mainly focuses on.2.2. Functions of Business English There are many functions of business English, such as extending the companys exploration, building relationships with different countries adventures and so on. While the most important function of business English is communication. In business activities, we need to know the information of the goods including name, price, quality, quantity and so on. Both parties in a business activity need to establish trading relations first and make detailed agreements on many trading terms. All these need to be achieved by mutual communication.2.3. Lexical Analysis of Business English The business Englishs lexis is different from normal Englishs lexis, which can be seen from the following aspects.2.3.1. Use of Abbreviations The word abbreviation, strictly means a shortening or abridgment, commonly refers to a letter or a group of letters taken from a single word or phrase, and used for brevitys sake, to represent that word or phrase.In business English, abbreviations are very often used to save space and time. This conforms to the conciseness characteristic of business English. However, when we use the abbreviations, we should know their meanings and know where they are appropriate. In business English, most abbreviations have the fixed meanings.1) International Trade TermsFOB (=free on board) 指定装运港船上交货CI F (=cost, insurance and freight) 成本加保费加运费FCA (=free carrier) 货交承运人价格2) International Trade AbbreviationsF.A.Q (=fair average quality) 平均中等品质 D.W.T (=dead weight on) 载重吨位 PCT (=percent) 百分比3) Abbreviations and Simplified Words Commonly Used in Cables and Telexes PLS (=please) ASAP (=as soon as possible) DOC (=document)4) Country Codes CN (=China) US (=United States) UK (=the United Kingdom)5) International Organizations WTO (=World Trade Organization)6) Currency CodesCNY (=Chinese Yuan)USD (=United State Dollar)Abbreviations of business English have a special system in expression different from the one of daily English. If we flout the unique characteristics of business English abbreviations to render those frequently used abbreviations, it is impossible to serve successfully for the international trade. 2.3.2. Use of Compounds Many compounds are used in business English, which can be rarely seen in other written styles. Vacuum-packed 真空包装的 Encouragement policy 鼓励政策 Company profit 公司利润 Thereon 在其上 Whereof 关于此 Hereafter 今后,凭此2.3.3.Use of Formal Words Lets look at the following example first.1) This contract can only altered, amended or supplemented in accordance with documents signed and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties.Here, many formal words such as amend, supplement, documents, authorize, representatives are used.In business English, formal words are very often used to achieve a formal tone. Such examples are more often found in business contracts. For instance,1) The drawee is required to pay the bill a certain number of days after sight. Require is more formal than need.2) With regard to the payee, the drawer may use one of the following methods.With regard to is more formal than about. We may list more examples as follows: In the event of /if For the purpose of/for Prior to/before In favor of/for/to Supplement/add to Certify/prove In accordance with/by2.3.4. Use of Technique Terms Business English is closely related to the special field of knowledge. Therefore, there are a lot of technique terms in business English.Lets look at a dialogue first:A: I have been reviewing the budget and a few things worry me.B: What are they?A: I think we need to reduce some of our debt.B: How do you think we should do that?A: We should liquidate some of our investments. B: Which ones?A: Well, I dont really understand why we own part of XYZ incB: I have never really understand that either. We lose money each year.A: Then thats a potential place. I dont want to touch staff.B: I agree. We are under-staffed if anything.A: I want you to prepare a cash flow projection if we divest.B: Ill prepare something for you ASAP. (http:/www.englishpratice.com) In such a short dialogue, we can see many vocabularies of economy and trading, such as budget, debt, liquidate, investment, cash flow and so on. In order to completely understand this dialogue, we should first understand those technical terms. So, to learn business English, we should also learn the related knowledge.2.3.5. Use of Shoot and Simple Verbs Many business people feel that simple words are more impressive than those pompous ones. Readers may get lost in the maze of long words and often miss the meaning. So, shoot and simple verbs are often used in business English. For example, Prefer approval to approbation Prefer improve to ameliorate Prefer consider to give consideration to Prefer appoint to make an appointment of2.4. Syntactic Features of Business English2.4.1. Sentence Length Generally, long and complicated sentences are more difficult for the reader to understand than shorter, simple ones. Long sentences can make business letters clumsy and difficult to read and thus hinder clear communication. While short ones are easy to organize and are comparatively casual and colloquial. Short sentences are often used in daily and unofficial business correspondence. For example,1) 贵方根据什么条件供应备件? On what terms do you supply spare parts?2) 根据惯例,我方可给5%的折扣。 We are ready to offer you 5% discount according to usual practice. However, it is different in legal business documents such as contracts. The official legal documents emphasize the logic line. We need to express clearly not only the key meaning but also the exceptions or less vital issues. Thus it is unavoidable for those documents to use long and complex sentences. For example,1) By irrevocable, transferable, and divisible bankers acceptance letter of credit to cover the total value of each monthly (or lot of) shipment as stipulated above, to be available by drafts, atdays sight, to reach the sellersdays before the respective time of shipment stipulated above (or within days after receipt of the sellers advice) and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the relative time of shipment.A translator should bear in mind the stylistic requirements of different styles and choose the most proper expression.2.4.2. Use of Programmed Sentence Structure Lets look at some examples first.1)上述合同由于双方的良好配合,得以顺利执行,双方甚为满意,贵方要求继续合作,我方表示欢迎。Ordinary version: Because of both parties good cooperation, the above parties are very satisfied. We welcome your requirement to continue the cooperation.Professional version: Owing to the fact that through our close cooperation, the above-mentioned contract has been executed smoothly to the satisfaction of both parties, we welcome your offer to continue the cooperation.The context and communication function of business English compel people to use programmed sentence structure, which differs greatly from the Chinese logic and the common way in daily English translation. Thus the ordinary translation logic can not meet the needs of professional business English translation in this aspect.2.4.3. Use of Strong Opening Sentences In many business letters, we can see the sentences are always written strongly, going straight to the point and expressing the subject of the letter, instead of making some long-winded references to the correspondence received. Lets compare the following examples.1) Version 1: Long and WeakWith reference to your letter of December 2, 19we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with this corporation in the line of canned goods. In compliance with your request, we are sending you by air a catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference. Version 2: Concise and Strong As requested, were pleased to enclose a list of our canned goods and the pamphlets.2) Version 1: Long and WeakTo give you a general idea of our products, we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing various products being handled by this corporation with detailed specifications and means of packing. Version 2: Concise and StrongWe enclose a complete set of leaflets for you to have a general idea of our products. From the above examples, we may notice that strong opening sentences are more straightforward and concise. Americans business people maintain that the spoken style used in business letters produces a friendlier atmosphere. Just like examples of version 2, the strong opening sentence bears colloquial characteristics, which are direct, short, and clear. This kind of opening sentences enables the readers to grasp the main purport of a letter within a short time.2.5. Wording Features of Business English2.5.1. Use of the Present Tense Business English often uses the present tense to emphasize an actual, principled and effective mode. Other tenses are used as necessary complementarities. For example,1) If you have children, do make a point to buy a bottle for them. A bottle of 300 tablets will last a month, and it pays in every way to make an investment in health and body building. If you feel as we do that this is a fair and advantageous proposition, please simply fill out the enclosed order card and mail it in the postage-paid envelope provided.2.5.2. More Uses of the Active Voice In business English, the active voice is more often used than the passive voice. As the active voice emphasizes either party involved in a business activity. For example,1) Although we are appreciative your trial order for 100dozen Vocuum Flasks, we regret that we are unable to consider your request for payment under D/A terms, the reason being that we generally ask for payment by letter of credit.2.5.3. More Uses of the Direct Way to Express Meaning Lets compare two examples first.1) Version 1: Record your check-in and check-out times at the office.Version 2: Your check-in and check-out times are to be recorded at the office. From the above two sentences, we can see that version 1 is more direct than version 2 but have the same effect to express the meaning.2.5.4. Use of Courteous Tone Ive pointed in the prior part that one of the most important functions of business English is communication. As for communication, people should pay attention to the politeness. Especially, in business letters writing, courteous tone is always adopted. Following examples will prove it well. 1) We are very much pleased to advise you that we have dispatched by s.s “Brisbane” to Accra the goods under the captioned S/C, and trust that the shipment will prove to be satisfactory to you.It is a pleasure to go into business with you. We very much appreciate the efforts you have made in introducing our commodities into your market. The development of trade will be of great help to the enhancement of friendship between the peoples of our two countries. We sincerely hope that the successful execution of your first order will lead to more business in future. It is a part of a business letter. We can see many verbs and phrases show the courteous tone, such as advice, appreciate, sincerely hope, and be pleased to and so on. 3. Translation Techniques of Business English3.1. Definition of Translation Translation is a means by which communication is possible between nations using different languages. Communication among different nations is increasing day by day and the role of it is becoming even more important. Lets look at two definitions of translation:Catford: “Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).” Nida: “Translation consists in the reproduction in the receptor language of the message of the source language understood the original message. Translation is defined from different angles. Some focuses on nature, while others may focus on equivalence or something else. At least, translation involves two languages and requires a wide range of knowledge. Translation is the faithful representation in one language of the thought content, feeling and style relating to another language. This situation requires a large number of translators to improve their professional skills so as to have better versions and to meet the needs of increasing communication.3.2. Business Translation at Present With the deepening of globalization of the world economy, international business intercourse has been in a much more frequent trend. English has been involved in various fields in commercial activities, such as the technology transfer, foreign trade, the introduction of foreign investment, international financing, transnational tourism and international transportation, are wholly called business English. English has become an indispensable linguistic communication means in the world economic field. And it is reported in statistics that nearly 90% of those who use English as their first language or second language approach daily with business English. As a tool in cross-national commercial affairs exchange, business English has been encountering a conflict in translation between the supply and demand. On one hand, translators in all lines have all their hands full and busy because of the gradual expansion of international exchange and cooperation and more onerous tasks involved in C-E or E-C business translation; on the other hand, by means of some modern media, such as e-commerce and internet, used in international business relation, translators are requested to provide quickly and correctly with commercial messages of high quality, much less time to make a serious consideration of wording. Under such a condition, translators are required to improve their speed and quality of translation through conversance with commercial knowledge and pro


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