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1、 连词成句:方法1,看末尾小括号是(.)的连陈述句;小括号是(?)的连疑问句。2,找开头字母是大写的那个单词为句子开头,陈述句一般是姓名(如Amy、Mike等)、代词(Im ,He,She,It,They,We,My father,My aunt,Johns father等)、There is .,There are.开头较多见。一般疑问句是Is /Are/Can/Do/Does+主语+动词+他.?和特殊疑问句What/Where/How/Why+is/are/do/does/can/should+主语+动词+其他.?两种情况。1、 I, go, usually, school,to, bike, by(.) 2、 park,They,subway,go,by,the,to(.)3、 this,go, the, Lets, to, afternoon,zoo(.)4、 the, Remember,traffic,rules(.)5、 go, school, How, to, do, you, school(?) 6、 get,I, to, How, park, Zhongshan,can(?)7、 there,near,a,Is,here,cinema(?)8、 the, is, please,Where,cinema(?)9、 far, here, from, it, Is (?)10、 walk,for, minutes,three,straight,Then(.)11、 my, party, on, birthday, come, twelfth, to,at, Saturday, Please, 6pm(.)12、 our,bus,school,stop,front,in,from,the,of,Start(.) 13、 building, white,the,left,on,Find,the(.)14、 take,No.8 bus,there,You, the,to, can,go(.)15、 be, want, a, one, science, I, day, teacher, to(.)16、 to, am, the, plant, going, I, shop,(.)17、 going, you, use, books, any, Are, to,(?)18、 buy,about, to, magazine, going, plants, Im, a (.)19、 am, supermarket, with, going, my, the,to,mother,I,(.)20、 going,go,read,home,books,I,new,and,am,to(.)21、 to,my,Suturday,am,visit,morning,I,grandparents, going,on,going(.)22、 going,to,grandparents,Are,visit,your,this,you,week-end(?)23. buy, I, going, am, book, comic, to, a (.)24. take, is, a, She, to, trip, going, week, next (.)25. this, Where, afternoon, going, are, you (?)26. are,in,the,What,to,going,you,buy,bookstore(?)27. is, be, scientist, She, going, to, a (.)28. What, sister, do, your, does ( ?)29. your, Does, in, live, friend, Beijing (?)30. Does, teach, your, math, uncle (?)31. have, a, happy, to, I, am, pen, pal (.)32. Sally,collecting,like, doesnt, stamps (.)33. like, They, a, bike, riding, diving, and ( .)34. does, do, What, mother, your(?)35. does, your, How, teacher, to, work, go(?)36. home,Sometimes,walk, he, to, work, go(.)37. does, Johns,father,Where, work(?)38. in, factory, works, a, car, Who(?) 39. Is, her, a, TV, reporter, sister(?)40. stream, water,There, in, is, the, some(.)41. water,How, can, become, vapour(?) 42. Where, from, does, the, come, rain(?)43. rain, comes, cloud, The, vapour,the(.)44. going, plant, to, the, Im, Sunday, flower, morning,on45. football, Does,like,brother,playing,your(?) 2、 用动词的适当形式填空(选择填空)1、 She like to _(drink) tea.2、 I _(read) books every day.3、 My mother and my father _(go) to work by bus.4、 My aunt _(go) to work by car.5、 Alice and her sister _(be) twins.6、 My brother wants to_(be)a scientist.7、 He _(look)like his father.8、 They _(look)the same.9、 Her sister Ann_(watch)cartoons on TV every evening10、 I _(write)an email to Alice every week.11、 My mother _(write) a letter to my sister a month12、 Im going to _(go) shoping with mother tonight.13、 My mother and I_(go) shoping this afternoon14、 We _(go)shoping every Sunday afternoon.15、 Does your brother _(like) playing football.16、 _(do)your parents _(like) rading books.17、 Mike _(like) _(dance) .18、 I _(like )_(sing) songs.19、 Mike and John _(wacth) TV in the room.20、 Sally _(watch) TV on weekends.21、 My parents _(teach) me English every day.22、 Miss Ye _(teach) us English .23、 I like _(write) e_mail to my friends.24、 My mother usually _(cook) at home.25、 Amy likes_(make) kites and _(fly) kites.26、 Look! John_(run) on the playground.27、 Listen! They _(sing) songs in the tree.28、 My uncle _(like)_(swim) on Sunday.29、 He can _(make) the bed and _(cook)dinner.30、 Sometimes I_(climb) mountains on Sunday.31、 How_(do) you go to the post office?32、 I like _(read) a book.Its interesting.33、 How many _(traffic rule) are there in our country34、 Look, there are many_ (policeman)in the street35、 The plant _(have) two _(leaf).36、 An accountant likes _(work) with numbers.37、 The plant gets_( lots of/many /much) sun.38、 There is _(some/many/lots of) water in the river


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