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中财金融硕士考研英语作文句式总结感谢凯程考研李老师对本文做出的重要贡献金融行业的高收入,使它一直被认为是毕业生理想行业之一。总体来说,金融方向的研究生就业两极分化还是比较明显的。其实主要还是实践经验,现如今社会上知名的企业都是比较重视实践经验,特别是金融行业,实践经验可以说是起到了决定性作用,这种“实践”实际上从考研复习时就会得以体现。现凯程教育为大家带来重要信息点拨。1、身体健康类模板1: The picture . What is strikingly noticeable is , but it can be easily explained by shown in the picture. The discernable unhealthiness discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in the Chinas . One the one hand, . On the other hand, . As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to their poor health and short life-span, just as the picture tells us. The situation is rather depressing because , and it is largely owing to . To solve the problem, I think there should be a thriving social trend , and those who should be rewarded with good living and working conditions.2、职业道德类模板1: We can see from the picture that , but . If , he would surely express . There are three reasons to explain why it happens to . Firstly, , which resulted from . Secondly, though , . Consequently, . Thirdly, . I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon. Firstly, we need to endeavor to advocate . Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society. Only through the combined efforts can we eliminate this “tumor” forcefully and completely.3、人口增长类模板1: The picture depicts a scene in which . The scene is presented in an artistic and ironic manner. Crowds of people are crammed in . Further examination reveals that . Apparently, the picture symbolizes that humans, with such a huge population, may one day suffer from the exhaustion of earth resources. Take for example. Given the fact that , we find that . To make it worse, . If the conflict between population boom and shortage of resources is not properly controlled, we have every reason to hold a pessimistic perspective towards humans future on Earth. Perhaps eventually we would face the situation suggested by the picture, that is, . Accordingly, I strongly recommend that the whole globe launch aggressive programs to address this fatal contradiction.4、环境保护类模板1: This is a very interesting piece of cartoon, in thanks to . Hence, . Though being a little exaggerating, the cartoon illuminates a serious fact that , and for that matter, . A recent report also supported this view by . On the contrary, we are sad to perceive that . Therefore, in my opinion, it is already high time for the whole world to form a solid cooperation fighting against , because not a single government or person can be exempt from its harm. A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control .5、情感类模板1: As is shown in the picture above, . Obviously from we can surmise that . It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of . As a matter of fact, it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature. For instance, . Additionally, we can also hear many stories about . Not to mention those moving cases of . All in all, I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a . By , people not only harvest , but also gain that can never be purchased via money.6、人生价值类模板1: As the old Chinese saying goes, . It echoes with this picture in which . The title of the picture further points out that . The picture is meant to . As far as I am concerned, I think . This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of , where . A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of . , for example, . The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from .7、文化交流类模板1: It is a very eye-catching photo in which . What makes this picture extraordinary is , which clearly indicates . The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of , that is, , and therefore, . China, in particular, . The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by . While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary. is not only featured by , but more importantly, by . I firmly believe that is contributing, and will contribute more to the worlds peace, development, and prosperity.中财金融硕士考研辅导 英语阅读理解试题(二)Text 2All around theworld, lawyers generate more hostility than the members of any otherprofessionwith the possible exception of journalism. But there are few placeswhere clients have more grounds for complaint than America.During the decade before the economic crisis, spending on legalservices in America grew twice as fast as inflation. The best lawyers madeskyscrapers-full of money, tempting ever more students to pile into lawschools. But most law graduates never get a big-firm job. Many of them insteadbecome the kind of nuisance-lawsuit filer that makes the tort system a costlynightmare.There are manyreasons for this. One is the excessive costs of a legal education. There isjust one path for a lawyer in most American states: a four-year undergraduatedegree in some unrelated subject, then a three-year law degree at one of 200law schools authorized by the American Bar Association and an expensivepreparation for the bar exam. This leaves todays average law-school graduatewith $100,000 of debt on top of undergraduate debts. Law-school debt means thatmany cannot afford to go into government or non-profit work, and that they haveto work fearsomely hard.Reforming the system would help bothlawyers and their customers. Sensible ideas have been around for a long time,but the state-level bodies that govern the profession have been tooconservative to implement them. One idea is to allow people to study law as anundergraduate degree. Another is to let students sit for the bar after only twoyears of law school. If the bar exam is truly a stern enough test for awould-be lawyer, those who can sit it earlier should be allowed todo so. Students who do not need the extratraining could cut their debt mountain by a third.The other reasonwhy costs are so high is the restrictive guild-like ownership structure of thebusiness. Except in the District of Columbia, non-lawyers may not own any shareof a law firm. This keeps fees high and innovation slow. There is pressure forchange from within the profession, but opponents of change among the regulatorsinsist that keeping outsiders out of a law firm isolates lawyers from thepressure to make money rather than serve clients ethically.In fact,allowing non-lawyers to own shares in law firms would reduce costs and improveservices to customers, by encouraging law firms to use technology and to employprofessional managers to focus on improving firms efficiency. After all, othercountries, such as Australia and Britain, have started liberalizing their legalprofessions. America should follow.1.a lot of students take up law as theirprofession due toAthe growing demand from clients.Bthe increasing pressure of inflation.Cthe prospect of working in big firms.Dthe attraction of financial rewards.2.Which of the following adds to the costsof legal education in most American states?AHigher tuition fees for undergraduatestudies.BAdmissions approval from the barassociation.CPursuing a bachelors degree in anothermajor.DReceiving training by professionalassociations.3.Hindrance to the reform of the legalsystem originates fromAlawyers and clients strong resistance.Bthe rigid bodies governing theprofession.Cthe stem exam for would-be lawyers.Dnon-professionals sharp criticism.4.The guild-like ownership structure isconsidered “restrictive”partly because itAbans outsiders involvement in theprofession.Bkeeps lawyers from holding law-firmshares.Caggravates the ethical situation in thetrade.Dprevents lawyers from gaining dueprofits.5.In this text, the author mainlydiscussesAflawed ownership of Americas law firmsand its causes.Bthe factors that help make a successfullawyer in America.Ca problem in Americas legal professionand solutions to it.Dthe role of undergraduate studies inAmericas legal education.中财金融硕士考研辅导 英语阅读理解试题(一)Text1In order to “changelives for the better” and reduce “dependency” George Osborne, Chancellor of theExchequer, introduced the “upfront work search” scheme. Only if the joblessarrive at the jobcentre with a CV, register for online job search, and startlooking for work will they be eligible for benefit and then they should reportweekly rather than fortnightly. What could be more reasonable?Moreapparent reasonableness followed. There will now be a seven-day wait for thejobseekers allowance. “Those first few days should be spent looking for work,not looking to sign on.” he claimed. “Were doing these things becausewe know they help people stay off benefits and help those on benefits get intowork faster.” Help? Really? On first hearing, this was the socially concernedchancellor, trying to change lives for the better, complete with “reforms” toan obviously indulgent system that demands too little effort from the newlyunemployed to find work, and subsidises laziness. What motivated him, we wereto understand, was his zeal for “fundamental fairness” protecting thetaxpayer, controlling spending and ensuring that only the most deserving claimantsreceived their benefits.Losinga job is hurting: you dont skip down to the jobcentre with a song in yourheart, delighted at the prospect of doubling your income from the generousstate. It is financially terrifying, psychologically embarrassing and you knowthat support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get. You are now notwanted; you support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get. You are now notwanted; you are now excluded from the work environment that offers purpose andstructure in your life. Worse, the crucial income to feed yourself and yourfamily and pay the bills has disappeared. Ask anyone newly unemployed what theywant and the answer is always: a job.But in Osborneland, your first instinct is to fall into dependency permanent dependency if you can get it supported by a state only too ready toindulge your falsehood. It is as though 20 years of ever-tougher reforms of thejob search and benefit administration system never happened. The principle ofBritish welfare is no longer that you can insure yourself against the risk ofunemployment and receive unconditional payments if the disaster happens. Eventhe very phrase “jobseekers allowance” invented in 1996 is aboutredefining the unemployed as a “jobseeker” who had no mandatory right to abenefit he or she has earned through making national insurance contributions.Instead, the claimant receives a time-limited “allowance,” conditional onactively seeking a job; no entitlement and no insurance, at 71.70 a week, oneof the least generous in the EU.1. George Osbornes scheme was intended toAprovide the unemployed with easieraccess to benefits.Bencourage jobseekers active engagementin job seeking.Cmotivate the unemployed to reportvoluntarily.Dguarantee jobseekers legitimate rightto benefits.2. The phrase, “to sign on” (Line 3, Para.2) most probably meansAto check on the availability of jobs atthe jobcentre.Bto accept the governments restrictionson the allowance.Cto register for an allowance from thegovernment.Dto attend a governmental job-trainingprogram.3. What prompted the chancellor to develophis scheme?AA desire to secure a better life forall.BAn eagerness to protect the unemployed.CAn urge to be generous to the claimants.DA passion to ensure fairness fortaxpayers.4. According to Paragraph 3, beingunemployed makes one feelAuneasyBenraged.Cinsulted.Dguilty.5. To which of the following would theauthor most probably agree?AThe British welfare system indulgesjobseekers laziness.BOsbornes reforms will reduce the riskof unemployment.CThe jobseekers allowance has met theiractual needs.DUnemployment benefits should not be madeconditional.


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