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Teaching Plan for Reading of Unit 8 of 7A Teaching Objectives:1. To locate specific information by scanning the text2. To predict overall meaning from students own background and knowledge3. To guess the meaning of specific words from the context4. To read for specific information and to think about related wordsTeaching difficulties: They are light and comfortable. It populars among young people.She looks modern and beautiful. Teaching methods: task-based approachTeaching aids: computer, PowerPointTeaching procedures: .Warm-up 1. Ask students to give the right words in the boxes to review different clothes.2. Ask students to choose correct materials for different clothes. Lead in Tell the students that people wear different styles of clothes. Then show three different styles pictures to students, describe the clothes . Presentation Task 1 speed reading 1. Ask students to scan the whole reading and answer a question: Where is the fashion show? In the school hall. 2. Then ask students to tell True of False according to their memory.Task 2 listening1. Ask students to listen to the recorder of the whole passage to practice their listening and finish the Part B1&B2 on page 95 individually. Then check the answers with their partner because this part is so easy.2. Ask students to find the right words for the following items together. 1) Sports clothes and trainers are light and comfortable. They are _ among young people.2) Simons tie is red and _. It matches his clothes.3) Amy is wearing a yellow _blouse.4) Daniel is wearing a blue _.5) Young people all like to wear _.6) Sandys red blouse is made of _.Task 3 intensive reading Listen to Kittys talk about Simon and Sandy , finish PartB4.Explain the word-trainer: Here trainers means sports shoes. In American English they are called sneakers. Trainer can also mean a person who trains people or animals for sports or work.Task 4 practicingDoing some exercise to consolidate the understanding.1. Finish an interview with groups.2. Translate some useful expressions: 举行一场时装表演一条蓝色的牛仔裤看着既神气又时髦年轻人最喜欢的发型给我们你的建议叫某人做某事 Task 5 speaking Ask students to listen to the recorder again and try to read after it. Then try to describe Simon, Amy, Sandy and Daniel without books in their own words to practice their speaking. Task 6 discussion Ask students to remember that in different occasions, you must wear different clothes. Set three different occasions: doing sports, having a party and going to the beach. And give them some pictures of different kinds of clothes. Ask them to choose the most suitable clothes for each occasion and describe with their own words. HomeworkWe are going to have a spring trip to West Lake (西湖) next week. Please describe the clothes youll wear that day on your paper.教学后记:资料来源:英语教师俱乐部QQ:824560647资料来源:英语教师俱乐部QQ:824560647


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