高二英语课件北师大版选修8《Unit 23 Conflict》SectionⅢCommunicationWorkshop

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高二英语课件北师大版选修8《Unit 23 Conflict》SectionⅢCommunicationWorkshop_第1页
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,Section Communication Workshop,语言点一单词集释板块,语言点二短语荟萃板块,语言点三句型解构板块,课 时 跟 踪 检 测,Unit 23,识记 .掌握,理解 .拓展,应用 .落实,识记 .掌握,理解 .拓展,应用 .落实,识记 .掌握,理解 .拓展,应用 . 落实,写作讲座,佳作观摩,技法指导,专题练习,A根据英文释义写出单词 1 to bring something into a country from abroad 2 to give money to a sports event, theatre etc. as a way of advertising 3 to have something in your mind as a plan or purpose 4 to write a plan, report etc, which will need to be changed before it is in its finished form 5 the money that you spend on sth.,import,sponsor,intend,draft,expense,B根据词性和汉语意思写出单词 6 vt.(使)变强,加强 n力气;优势 adj.强的,强壮的 7 adj.不健壮的 n不健康,状态欠佳 adj.健壮的,健康的 n健康 8 n解放 v解放 9 n社会主义 n社会主义者 adj.社会的,社交的 10 vt.拥有 n拥有,具有,strengthen,strength,strong,unfit,unfitness,fit,fitness,liberation,liberate,socialism,socialist,social,possess,possession,1import vt.进口n.进口,输入的产品或劳务 教材原句 I am writing to you about the imported Tour de France exercise bike (serial number 39879) which I bought . 给您写信是关于我买的进口环法自行车(序列号39879)的事情 India imported a great amount of food because of its large population. 印度人口众多,因此粮食进口量很大。,Japan imports most of its coal other countries. 日本从其他国家进口大部分的煤炭。 Iran its oil other countries every year. 伊朗每年都向其他国家出口石油。,from,exports,to,2intend vt.想要,打算 教材原句 Unless I receive a positive reply within the next three weeks, I intend to take further action. 除非我在三周之内得到确定的答复,否则我会采取进一步行动。,I intend to get/getting there as soon as I can. 我打算尽快赶到哪里。 His mother a doctor. 他妈妈打算让他成为一名医生。 The book is intended for children aged 57. 这本书是专为5至7岁的儿童写的。 all new employees will receive training. 按计划所有新员工都要接受培训。,intends him to become,It is intended that,3expense n费用,开支 教材原句 The film All Quiet On the Western Front was made in 1930 at huge expense with what was then an enormous budget of one and a quarter million dollars. 1930年,电影西线无战事的制作耗资巨大,125万美金是当时一笔庞大的预算。 She always travels first class regardless of expense. 无论费用多高,她总是乘坐头等舱。,We were taken out for a meal at the companys expense. 公司出钱请我们外出就餐。 He built up the business his health. 他以自己的健康为代价逐步建立起这个企业。 She to make the party a success. 为使聚会成功她不惜一切代价。,at the expense of,spared no expense,4possess vt.拥有 The country possesses rich mineral deposits, which should be valued. 这个国家拥有丰富的矿产资源,这是应该珍惜的。,She exceptional powers of concentration. 她有高超的专注能力。 We didnt the car until a few days after the auction. 拍卖会过后几天,我们才真正拿到了那辆车。 She was found in possession of stolen goods. 她被发现藏有赃物。,was possessed of,take possession of,.单词拼写 1Im afraid he doesnt (拥有) a sense of humor. 2The pay he gets can hardly cover his (开支) 3We (打算) this article as teaching material. 4Several companies will (赞助) this TV programme.,possess,expenses,intend,sponsor,5Our friendship has (加强) over the years. 6These books are (不适合的) for children to read. 7I have no idea of what is in fashion, so my choice is quite (任意的) 8At one time in that country cucumbers were forbidden to be (进口) from Spanish.,strengthened,unfit,arbitrary,imported,.单项填空 1We must do something to _ the old house, or it might fall down. Astrengthen Bfasten Cfix Drepair 解析:选 。句意:我们必须做些事情来加固这座老房子,否则它可能倒塌。strengthen意为“加固”,与后面的might fall down相吻合。,A,2One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living _. Abills Bexpenses Cprices Dcharges 解析:选 。句意:一个月一千美元不是一笔财富,但是能够帮助支付我的生活费用。bill“账单”;expense“费用;支出”;price“价格”;charge“索价”。,B,3Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _ the traditional customs. Aperform Bpossess Cobserve Dsupport 解析:选 。句意:尽管许多中国人在国外居住多年,但他们仍然沿袭传统的风俗习惯。perform“表演”;possess“拥有”;observe“遵守,遵循”;support“支持”。C项符合语境。,C,4I didnt think you were coming. Oh, I _ to stay at home, but I changed my mind. Awould have intended Bwas intending Chad intended Dhave intended 解析:选 。从答语中的后一分句“但我改变了主意”可知,此处用had intended to do sth.“过去本来打算做某事(但没有做)”,故选C。,C,5The report calls for a ban on the _ of dangerous wastes from foreign countries. Aexport Bimport Coutput Dproduct 解析:选 。句意:这篇报道呼吁禁止从国外进口危险的废弃物。import“ 进口”,符合句意。,B,1 好像 2 全速地 3 与联系/接触 4 盼望,期待 5 命丧黄泉 6join up 7rope off 8bring sth. on sb. 9look into 10sort out,as though/if,at full speed,in contact with,look forward to,pushing up daisies,参军,入伍;连接,用绳围起(隔开),给某人招来(不愉快的)事情,调查,解决(问题或困难);整理;挑选,1join up参军,入伍 教材原句 The film begins at the start of the war and shows examples of the enthusiasm for the war in 1914 which persuaded millions of young Europeans to join up and fight for their country. 电影的情节始于战争开始,展现了1914年欧洲的年轻人在对战争的狂热驱使下参军为国而战的生动事例。 On leaving college, my brother joined up. 我的弟弟大学一毕业就参军了。,We plan to join up with the other team at the top of the mountain. 我们计划与另一个队在山顶会合。 Education has been reluctant to join hands with business. 教育一向不肯与企业联手发展。 I am sure youll all wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage. 我相信大家会愿意和我一起共祝特德和劳拉喜结良缘。,join me in,2bring sth. on sb.给某人招来(不愉快的)事情 教材原句 He made me feel that Id brought these troubles on myself by buying the bike in the first place. 他使我感觉首先是我买这辆车给自己带来了麻烦。 The drought in the southwest of China brought heavy losses on the local people last year. 去年中国西南部的干旱给当地人带来了很大的损失。 I have no sympathy for you; you brought it all on yourself. 我根本不同情你这都怪你自己。,The sale of the house only about 45,000. 卖房子只赚了约4.5万英镑。 He left her three young children on her own. 他留下她独自抚养3个年幼的孩子。,brought in,to bring up,3look into调查 教材原句 And we will look into the subject of compensating you for your injury. 我们将对这个事件进行协调,赔偿你受伤的损失。 A working party has been set up to look into the problem. 已成立了一个工作组来调查这个问题。,People came out of their house and looked around. 人们走出家门环顾四周。 She her notes before the exam. 她考试前匆匆看了一下笔记。,looked through,4sort out解决(问题或困难);挑选;整理 教材原句 . what I suggest is that you come along to our office with a doctors certificate and we can sort out the money for your injury on the spot. 我建议您带着医生的证明来我们办公室一趟,我们将当场解决您受伤的赔偿金问题。 There is something wrong with the program. Ill try to sort things out and call you back. 程序出了点问题。我会设法解决,然后给你回电话。,The fishermen the little fish and put them back into the sea. 渔夫把小鱼挑出来,放回海里。 It is necessary that he (should) sort out the information for my reference. 他有必要整理出资料供我参考。,sorted out,The computer sorts the words into alphabetical order. 计算机按字母顺序排列这些单词。 She pretends that she doesnt really care. 她摆出一副并不真正在乎的样子。,sort of,.选词填空,1The little factory noise pollution the nearby villagers. 2 the papers and fasten them with a clip. 3Her grandfather when he was 17 years old. 4We have to the cause of the accident. 5Police the street to investigate the accident.,brings,on,Sort out,joined up,look into,roped off,.单项填空 1Our school will _ some new teachers next term as a result of increasing students. Abring into Bbring back Cbring in Dbring on 解析:选 。句意:由于学生人数增多,下学期我们学校将招聘一些新老师。bring in表示“引进”。,C,2(2011福建高考)Born into a family with three brothers, David was_ to value the sense of sharing. Abrought up Bturned down Clooked after Dheld back 解析:选 。考查动词短语辨析。句意:因为出生在有三个兄弟的家庭,David受到要重视分享的教育。bring up“养育,教养”;turn down“关小;拒绝”;look after “照料”;hold back“阻碍”。,A,3If you cant _ the difficulty yourself, I will ask Tom to help you. Amake out Bsort out Cfigure out Dpick out 解析:选 。句意:如果你自己不能解决这个问题,我会让汤姆帮你。四个选项中只有sort out有“解决问题”之意。因此B项正确。,B,4(2011四川高考)I often _ the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet. Alook up Blook at Clook for Dlook into 解析:选 。考查动词短语。句意:我经常在词典里或者网上查找我不认识的单词。look up“查询,查找”;look at“看”;look for“寻找”;look into“调查”。故选A。,A,5Did you _ or were you forced into the army? Ajoin up Bbring up Cput up Dlook up 解析:选 。句意:你是自己参的军,还是被迫入伍的?join up“参军,入伍”;bring up“教育,抚养;呕吐”;put up“举起;张贴”;look up抬头看;查阅“。,A,1句型展示 In fact, the_more I use the bike, the_more weight I seem to put on, despite following the instruction manual carefully. 事实上,尽管我仔细按照说明手册做,我用自行车越多,体重增加的就越多。 典例背诵 The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his tail. 猴子爬得越高,尾巴越加暴露。,2句型展示 As_well_as falling off the bike and nearly breaking my arm, I pulled a muscle in my leg, which has caused me terrible pain and meant that I have had to take three days off work. 除了从自行车上摔下来,差点摔断我的胳膊之外,我还拉伤了腿部的一块肌肉,这给我带来了可怕的疼痛,而且意味着我必须休假三天。 典例背诵 Living things need air and light as well as water. 生物不仅需要水,还需要空气和阳光。,1In fact, the_more I use the bike, the_more weight I seem to put on, despite following the instruction manual carefully. 事实上,尽管仔细遵照说明书使用,可我越是骑自行车,好像越增肥。,(1)句中 the more., the more. 表示“越, 就越”。 前一个 the more 引导的句子相当于一个条件状语从句,后一个 the more 引导的句子相当于相应的主句。 The more a man knows, the more he is inclined to be modest. 大智若愚。 (2)the more .the less .越就越不 The more preparation you do now, the less nervous youll be before the exam. 现在你准备得越充分,考试前你就越不紧张。, fruit and vegetables you eat, chance you have of getting cancer. 吃的蔬菜、水果越多,得癌症的可能性就越低。 (3)“the比较级(主语谓语),the比较级(主语谓 语)”结构,常以省略的形式出现。 The more haste, the less speed. 欲速则不达。,The more,the less,点津 该句型中如果后面的主句用一般将来时,那么前面的状语从句通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you . 你越细心,你犯的错越少。,will make,2As_well_as falling off the bike and nearly breaking my arm, I pulled a muscle in my leg, which has caused me terrible pain and meant that I have had to take three days off work. 除了从自行车上摔下来,差点摔断我的胳膊之外,我还拉伤了腿部的一块肌肉,这给我带来了可怕的疼痛,而且意味着我必须休假三天。,(1)句式结构分析:,(2)as well as 在此作介词,相当于besides/in addition to,意 为“除之外(还)”,后面通常接名词或动词ing形式,尤其是位于句首时。 As well as knowing some Russian, she speaks English very well. 除了懂一点俄语之外,她的英语讲得很好。 (3)as well as 用作连词,连接两个并列成分,如名词、形容 词、动词、介词短语等,意为“不但而且,既又”。此时as well as 通常不位于句首,且强调的是其前的成分,而不是其后的成分。,She continued her own work as well as helped me. 她除了帮助我,还继续自己的工作。 It is unpleasant in summer in winter. 冬天不好过,夏天也不好过。 Li Ming as well as his classmates listening to music. 李明和他的同学在听音乐。 点津 当as well as连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词要和as well as前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致。,as well as,was,.完成句子 1你工作越努力,未来就越光明。 you work, your future will be. 2老师和他的学生每年都去乡下。 The teacher as well as his students every year. 3你练习得越多,你就会说得越流利。 , the more fluently you speak it.,The harder,the better,goes to the countryside,The more you practise,.单项填空 1_ the danger from the enemy action, people had to deal with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel and almost everything. AAs soon as BAs long as CAs far as DAs well as 解析:选 。句意:除了应付敌人的行动带来的危险外,人们还得应对衣、食、燃料以及几乎所有东西的短缺问题。as well as “除外”,符合语境。as soon as“一就”;as long as “只要”;as far as“远至;就而言”。,D,2At first I thought I understood what my teacher said, but the more he explained, _. A. the more I became confused BI became confused more Cthe more confused I became Dthe more confused did I become 解析:选 。考查“the比较级主语谓语,the比较级主语谓语”结构。confused的比较级是more confused,故答案选C。句意:起初我认为我理解了老师所说的话,但是他解释得越多,我就越糊涂。,C,投诉信,假如你是图片中的顾客,请根据图片所提示的内容,给商家经理写一封信,陈述自己的遭遇,并要求合理的索赔。 注意:文章开头和结尾已给出。 参考词汇:进口奶粉imported powdered milk,Dear Manager, Much to my regret, I write this letter to have a complaint against one of your shop assistants concerning bad service in the course of our shopping yesterday. _ _ _ _ Yours respectfully, A faithful customer,Dear Manager, Much to my regret, I write this letter to have a complaint against one of your shop assistants concerning bad service in the course of our shopping yesterday. Yesterday we bought a bottle of imported powdered milk from your supermarket.However, when it was opened, to our great surprise, we found that an ugly worm was “swimming” inside the powdered milk.Immediately, we took the bottle to the shop assistant who sold the,powdered milk, hoping to get a satisfactory explanation.Things became worse when we asked for a sincere apology and another bottle of imported powdered milk.The shop assistant told us that he would meet our demands unless we could provide enough proof saying the worm was from Holland, as the letters on the bottle say it was made in Holland.What a joke!,Now we ask you to look into this matter.We demand that the shop assistant make an official apology to us and a new bottle of powdered milk be delivered to us as soon as possible. Yours respectfully, A faithful customer,文章第一段开门见山地提出抱怨的理由,第二段陈述了事情的经过及自己的遭遇,最后一段向对方提出要求。,1文章使用较多高级词汇和关联词,如:imported (句),to ones surprise (句),satisfactory (句),delivered (句),as soon as possible (句),however (句),immediately (句),now(句)等。 2文章使用较多高级表达方式。如句中使用了时间状语从句when it was opened .; 句中使用现在分词结构hoping to get a satisfactory explanation作状语; 句中使用了感叹句What a joke!等。,投诉是人们在日常生活中受到欺骗或不合理、不公平的对待时的一种积极有效的反应方式,而写投诉信是人们无法直接陈述或不便于直接陈述时所采取的必要手段。投诉信除了具有一般书信的格式外,还要注意以下几点: 1投诉信通常是写给厂家、商店、消费者协会、报界、商 店的上级主管部门,揭发产品质量的低劣、服务态度的糟糕,抱怨不应出现的情况或问题等,以求得解决的信件。,2写投诉信要实事求是地把问题讲清楚,态度要冷静,要 写得有理有据,令人信服。做到有礼貌,不能恶语伤人。 3引出主题。说明投诉原因,给出具体的信息,包括产品 名称、销售服务、在何时何地购买物品及物品出现的问题等。附上保证书和收据的复印件。 4给出投诉要点。 5说明你的要求。如果没有满足你的要求,清楚地说明你 想要进一步采取什么样的行动。,1I am writing to point out some problems with . 2There are some problems that exist in . 3What I want to say is that there is something wrong with . 4I was so disappointed when I knew . 5I request that you should take effective measures to deal with the problems. 6Taking into account all the factors above, I request that . 7If you cant deal with the problem, I will go to court/go to the consumers Association/take legal action .,假如你是市一中的学生,名叫王红。你要给本市一家报刊的编辑(editor)写封信,反映你校受污染的问题,呼吁有关部门采取措施,保护环境,防止污染。请你用下面的素材写一封100词左右的信。 你校位于山脚下,一条小河从旁边流过,院内树木四季常青,鲜花争艳,景色美似花园。但两年前,附近建起一家化工厂,排出大量污水、废气,造成校园污染,严重影响了师生健康。请有关部门出面解决这一问题。,注意:信的格式已经给出,不计入总词数。 No. 1 Middle School March 5, 2012 Dear Editor, _ _ _ _ Yours ever, Wang Hong,参考范文 No. 1 Middle School March 5, 2012 Dear Editor, Our school lies at the foot of a mountain with a small river passing by. It used to look like a beautiful garden. There used to be green trees and all kinds of flowers in our school yard all year round. But great changes have taken place since a chemical works was built near our school two years ago. It produces poisonous gases and pours a large,amount of waste water into the river. The terrible pollution is harmful to students and teachers as well as to the surroundings. Its time for us to take steps to protect our surroundings and prevent them from being polluted. Yours ever, Wang Hong,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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