高二英语课件北师大版选修8《Unit 23 Conflict》SectionⅡConflictResolution&WarMemories

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高二英语课件北师大版选修8《Unit 23 Conflict》SectionⅡConflictResolution&WarMemories_第1页
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高二英语课件北师大版选修8《Unit 23 Conflict》SectionⅡConflictResolution&WarMemories_第3页
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,Section Conflict Resolution War Memories,新课导学 自主探究 板块,语言点一单词集释板块,语言点二短语荟萃板块,语言点三句型解构板块,课 时 跟 踪 检 测,Unit 23,Step 2,识记 .掌握,理解 .拓展,应用 .落实,识记 .掌握,理解 .拓展,应用 .落实,识记 .掌握,理解 .拓展,应用 . 落实,Step 1,Answer the following questions according to the text. 1How did Do Chuc survive the accident? _ _ 答案:He was wounded and almost unconscious but he was covered by a pile of dead bodies.,2In Story B, what do you think the writer was? _ 答案:A soldier. 3In Story C, what happened to the soldier? _ 答案:Both of his legs were lost. 4What did the patient do with the award? _ 答案:He refused the award angrily.,5In Story D, why did the men die without anyones help? _ _ 答案:Because the plane was on fire and there were bombs on the plane.No one could get close.,Fill in the blanks according to the text.,A根据词性和汉语意思写出单词 1 vi. 订阅(杂志和报纸) 2 n. 雕塑,雕刻 3 n. 指南针,罗盘 4 vt. 反驳,纠正 5 vt. 问候,致意 6 n. 代表,subscribe,sculpture,compass,contradict,greet,representative,7 vt. 说起,谈到 8 vi. 发誓 9 vt.&vi. 射击 10 vt. 向致敬 11 n. 相识的人,remark,swear,shoot,salute,acquaintance,B用所给词的适当形式填空 12I made an for my son to meet the new headteacher who was several days ago.(appoint) 13On her fathers death, she came into of a vast fortune, including a big factory her father .(possess) 14All the wanted to break away from the in ancient times.(slavery),appointment,appointed,possession,possessed,slaves,slavery,15He his property among his sons. But his eldest son was not satisfied with the .(distribute) 16Some complain about this kind of car because it too much fuel.(consume),distributed,distribution,consumers,consumes,1subscribe 教材原句 You subscribe to a magazine and you keep getting it late. 你订阅了一份杂志,你一直收到得很晚。 vi.订阅;同意,赞成,Which journals will the library subscribe to next year? 图书馆明年会订阅哪些报刊? To my surprise, he did not my proposal. 令我吃惊的是,他不赞同我的提议。 (2) vt.&vi.签名;捐助,subscribe to,Our manager subscribed his name to the document. 经理在文件上签了名。 He a large sum of money the local charity. 他向当地慈善机构捐了一大笔钱。 语境串记 We applied to subscribe to some magazines useful for our work. The department manager subscribed to it and subscribed his name to the application form. 我们申请订阅几本对我们的工作有用的杂志,部门经理同意了这一请求,并在申请表上签了他的名字。,subscribed,to,2appoint (1)vt.任命,委任 They have appointed a new headmaster at our school. 他们在我们学校任命了一位新校长。,Mary chairman of the committee. 玛丽被任命为委员会主席。 I was appointed to oversee the election. 我被任命监督该次选举。 (2)vt.确定,约定(时间、日期等) A date for the wedding is still to be appointed. 婚礼日期尚待确定。,was appointed (to be/as),appointed adj. 约定的 appointment n任命,委任;约定,预约,3shoot (shot, shot) vt.&vi. 射击;射中,射死 Hands up, or Ill shoot. 举起手来,否则我就开枪。 The hunter was punished for shooting a tiger. 猎人因射杀了一只老虎而受到惩罚。,He a bird but didnt shoot it. 他朝一只鸟射击,但没射中。,shot at,4remark 教材原句 One of their men, speaking in English, remarked that he had worked in England for some years and that he was fed up to the neck with this war and would be glad when it was over. 他们之中有一个人会说英语,他说他在英格兰工作过好几年,他对这场讨厌的战争烦透了并且说如果战争结束他会感到高兴的。,(1)vt.& vi. 说起,谈到;评论 She remarked that she wouldnt do that again. 她说她不会再那样做了。 He was remarking on/upon the subject when I came in. 我进来的时候,他在评论这个问题。,remark that . 评论,就发表意见,评论,谈论,remark on/upon sth.,(2)n. 谈论,言论,评述,The film star didnt make remarks on the scandal. 对于丑闻,那位影星什么也没说。 He his wifes new hairstyle, which made her a little disappointed. 他对妻子的新发型没作任何评价,这令妻子有点失落。,made no remark on,5distribute vt.分发,分配 教材原句 Bill distributed the beer among us and we consumed the lot. 比尔将啤酒分给大家,我们喝光了。 They distributed food and blankets to the homeless villagers. 他们向无家可归的村民发放了食品和毯子。,He the stolen money his companions. 他将偷来的钱在同伙中分了。,distributed,among,distribution n分发;分配,分布;经销 distributor n. 经销商;分销商,6swear (swore, sworn) vt.&vi. 发誓,起誓 教材原句 I swear that it was the only time I let somebody see what I felt. 我发誓那是我唯一一次让别人看到我的真实感受。 I swore her to secrecy about what I had told her. 我要她起誓对我告诉她的事保密。,Remember, you have sworn to tell the truth. 别忘了,你宣过誓要讲实话。 I God that I will tell the truth. 我向上帝起誓,我以下所说句句属实。,swear by,7acquaintance n. 相识的人;相识;了解 She has many acquaintances in the business community after doing business for many years. 做了多年生意后,她在商界有不少熟人。,He has a passing acquaintance with a lot of different subjects. 他对许多学科都知道个一鳞半爪。 I several musicians around that time. 大约在那段时间,我结识了几位音乐家。,made the acquaintance of,.单词拼写 1The witnesses statements each other and the facts remained unclear. 2Dont without being attacked. 3He that it was getting dark. 4The children a large quantity of fast food every day. 5The players the fans before leaving the field.,contradicted,shoot,remarked,consume,saluted,6Who will be (委任) to help them with the project? 7He did not (同意) to my proposal. 8The teacher (分发) the new books to the pupils. 9He is not my friend, only an (熟人) 10We must pay more attention to the childrens (安全),appointed,subscribe,distributed,acquaintance,security,.单项填空 1As the famous expert _, the secret _happiness is to think about positive things and stay optimistic. Aretells; on Breminds; to Cremarks; of Drespects; in 解析:选 。句意:正如那个著名的专家所说的,幸福的秘诀就是想积极的事情并保持乐观的态度。 retell“ 复述”;remind “提醒”;remark “说起,谈论”;respect“ 尊敬”。由句意可知第一空用 remark。 the secret of. 指“的秘诀”,故第二空用of。,C,2At the beginning of each school term, new textbooks are _ among students. Acirculated Bdivided Cdistributed Dseparated 解析:选 。circulate“循环”;divide“划分”;distribute“分发”;separate“分离”。,C,3We dont want to _ him as chairman of the meeting. He is not fit for the position. Aconsider Btreat Crefer Dappoint 解析:选 。句意:我们不想任命他为会议主席,他不适合这个职位。consider/treat sb.as.“把某人当作”;refer to sb. as.“称某人为”;appoint“任命”。,D,4We had invited 100 people to the party, but only a _ came. Ahandful Bmouthful Cbasketful Droomful 解析:选 。句意:我们邀请了100人参加晚会,但是只来了少数几个人。handful表示“少数,一些”。,A,5Weve bought the house, but we cant _it before July. Abe in the possession of Bbe in possession Ctake possession of Dtake the possession of 解析:选 。句意:我们买下了这所房子,但要到七月份才算实际拥有。“某人拥有某物”应表达为sb.be in possession of sth. 或 sb. takes possession of sth.。A 项多了 the; B项少了 of; 而D项多了 the; 只有C项表达正确。,C,6It is a mistake she _ that she didnt mean to do it. Apromises Bswears Cwarns Dreminds 解析:选 。句意:这是一个误会,她发誓不是有意这样做的。swear“发誓”;promise“许诺”;warn“警告”;remind“提醒”。,B,7In order to improve my English, I _ to quite a few English magazines and newspapers. Asubscribe Bget close Caccumulate Dlook forward 解析:选 。句意:为了提高我的英语,我订阅了几种英语杂志和英文报纸。subscribe“订阅(报刊、杂志等)”;get close“靠近”;accumulate“积累”;look forward“盼望,期待”。C项 accumulate 是及物动词,不符合题干搭配,B、D两项不符合句意,只有A项符合句意,故选A项。,A,8It was in the United States that I made the _ of Professor Jones. Aacknowledgement Bacquaintance Crecognition Dassociation 解析:选 。make the acquaintance of sb.意为“结识某人”,与句意相符。,B,1 保护,维护 2 与某人详细讨论某事 3 提议,提出 4 让步,屈服 5 从那时起,以后 6 派人去叫 7 请(某人) 8 有的天赋,stand up for,talk sth.over with sb.,put forward,give in,from then on,send for,call in,have a gift for.,9 减去 10by and by 11hold out 12call on 13look down on/upon 14keep ones word 15come about 16in surprise 17in peace 18take sb.in ones arms,keep off,不久以后,(在困境中)坚持,号召;要求介入,看不起,遵守诺言,发生,惊奇地,和平地,拥抱某人,1stand up for保护,维护 教材原句 Do you stand up for yourself? 你会自我保护吗? We stand up for the cause of liberty and justice. 我们拥护自由和正义事业。 Always your friends. 任何时候都要支持自己的朋友。,stand up for,It is acknowledged that Li Na stands out in the field of tennis. 一致公认,李娜在网球界很出色。 As is well known to all, PRC the Peoples Republic of China. 众所周知,PRC代表中华人民共和国。,stands for,2put forward提议,提出;把提前;推荐 教材原句 Do you talk it over with them and put forward a solution? 你跟他们仔细讨论并提出解决办法了吗? Newton put forward three laws of motion in the book. 在书中,牛顿提出了三个运动定律。 The warm weather the harvest . 温暖的天气已使收获期提前了。,has put,forward,She could hardly put up with that fellow any longer. 她几乎再也不能忍受那家伙了。 The sports meeting because of the bad weather. 因为天气不好,运动会延期了。,was put off,3give in让步,屈服 教材原句 Do you give in and lend them to her? 你会让步并(把鞋子)借给她吗? Stubborn as he was, he finally gave in. 他虽然很固执,但最后还是让步了。,The authorities have shown no sign of the kidnappers demands. 当局对绑架者的要求没有丝毫让步的迹象。 She the state secrets to the enemy. 她把国家机密泄漏给了敌人。 The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume. 花儿散发出芳香。,giving in to,gave away,4call in请(某人);收回 教材原句 Do you accuse your neighbour of stealing and tell her youll call in the police next time? 你会指责你的邻居偷窃,并告诉她下次你要报警吗? Your son isnt feeling well. Youd better call in a doctor. 你儿子感觉不太舒服,你最好去请医生来。 Cars with serious faults by the manufacturers. 有严重缺陷的汽车已被制造商召回。,have been called in,The government every one of us to protect our environment. 政府号召我们每个人都要保护环境。 The old photo album called up my memory of childhood. 那本旧相册唤起了我对童年的回忆。,called on,5keep off减去;(使)不接近;挡住 How are we going to keep the flies off this food? 我们怎样才能不让苍蝇飞到食物上去? He drew the curtain to keep the sun off. 他拉上窗帘遮住阳光。,It is important for us to keep up our contacts. 我们要保持联系这对我很重要。 Its hard to the changes in computer technology. 要跟上电脑技术的变化不容易。,keep up with,6hold out(在困境中)坚持;伸出;(供给品等)维持,持续 教材原句 They just hope that if they hold out for long enough things will get better by and by. 他们总是希望如果他们坚持的足够久,一切将会变得越来越好。 They held out against enemy for six months. 他们坚持抗击敌人达六个月之久。 She both her hands to show her welcome. 她伸出双手表示欢迎。,held out,Id that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment. 目前我不能出让那所房子,此刻房价正在急剧上涨。 The building work has been held up by bad weather. 由于天气不好,建设工作被耽搁下来了。,hold on to,7come about发生 教材原句 If you agree to do something, then make sure it comes about. 如果你同意做某事,那么就确保它会发生。 How did it come about that he was late for such an important meeting? 这么重要的会议他怎么会迟到呢?,I am wondering when the book will come out. 我在想这本书什么时候出版。 Is that the best excuse you can 那就是你能想出的最好借口吗? She came across some old photos in a drawer yesterday. 她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。,come up with?,8in surprise吃惊地 教材原句 Then, in surprise he watched as the soldiers set up a machine gun. 接着,他吃惊地看到士兵们架起了一挺机关枪。 The boy jumped up in surprise at the sudden noise. 突如其来的响声使这个男孩吃惊地跳了起来。,To my surprise, he passed the driving test at the first attempt. 令我惊讶的是,他第一次就通过了驾驶考试。 The soldiers the enemy while they were still sleeping. 当敌人还在睡觉的时候,战士们突然发动了攻击。,took,by surprise,.介、副词填空 1It s high time that we stood up our rights. 2Youll find it helpful to talk things with a friend. 3She put some good proposals for education reform. 4The mother gave and bought a toy for her child. 5Police have been called to help look for the missing boy.,for,over,forward,in,in,6The boy enjoys singing and has a gift music. 7The town was surrounded, but the people held until help came. 8How did it come that humans speak so many different languages? 9I wish you wouldnt look down this job. 10She took her daughter her arms and cried.,for,out,about,on/upon,in,.单项填空 1(2011浙江高考)He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of _ at a hotel for the night. Aputting down Bputting off Cputting on Dputting up 解析:选 。考查动词词组辨析。句意:他决定一路开车回家而不是在旅馆住宿。put up (at .)“投宿,(在)过夜”,符合句意。put down“写下,镇压”;put off “推迟”;put on “穿上;上演”。,D,2He is a man easy to give _ others. Ain to Bup to Coff to Dout to 解析:选 。句意:他是一个容易向别人屈服的人。give in to sb. “向某人屈服/让步”,其他短语不符合句意,且都不与to连用。,A,3A notice was placed by the river bank warning people to _ the thin ice. Akeep off Bkeep out Ckeep away Dkeep on 解析:选 。keep off“避开,不接近”;keep out“不进入”;keep away离开,后面必须加from才能跟宾语;keep on“继续”。根据后面的宾语“薄冰”可知是“远离”。,A,4I think your bookshelf is too high. I cant reach a book on top even when I _ my hand. Ahold back Bhold on Chold out Dhold down 解析:选 。hold back“阻止”;hold on“坚持”;hold out“伸出”;hold down“压制,抑制”。根据句意可知是“伸出手”。,C,5Most of the citizens didnt know what had _ just now. Acome through Bcome into Ccome along Dcome about 解析:选 。句意:许多市民不知道刚才发生了什么事。come through“经历”;come into“进入”;come along“进展”;come about“发生,产生”。只有D项符合句意。,D,6The government is trying to _ the rights of the disabled for employment and entertainment. Amake up for Bstand up for Clook forward to Dput up with 解析:选 。句意:政府在努力维护残疾人在就业和娱乐方面的权利。stand up for“维护”;make up for“ 弥补”;look forward to“ 盼望”;put up with“ 忍受”。,B,7The doctor has _ a new idea on the treatment, which is well thought of by his companions. Athought of Bput forward Cspoken up Dregarded as 解析:选 。根据题意,此处应表示“提出一个新的治疗方案”。thought of“认为”;put forward“提出”;speak up“大声说出”;regard as“把当作”。,B,8Why do you look at me _ surprise? Because I am surprised _ your behaviour. Aon; by Bin; at Cat; for Don; with 解析:选 。句意:“你为什么这么惊奇地看着我?” “因为我对你的行为感到吃惊。”with/in surprise“惊奇 地”;be surprised at/by“对感到吃惊”。,B,1句型展示 The first time she asks her brother to change channels she is patient. 第一次要求她哥哥换频道时,她很有耐心。 典例背诵 The first time I saw Jiu Zhaigou with my own eyes I was spellbound by its beauty. 第一次亲眼看到九寨沟,我就被它的美丽迷住了。,2句型展示 This patient still had fresh scars from his first visit to us and this time hed had_both_his_legs_blown_off . 这个病人还带着第一次在我们这里住院时留下的新伤疤,而这次他的双腿被炸掉了 典例背诵 Mr Smith had his house broken into while he was away on holiday. 史密斯先生外出度假时,他的房子被人破门而入。,1The_first_time she asks her brother to change channels she is patient. 第一次要求她哥哥换频道时,她很有耐心。 1)名词短语 the first time 在句中起连词作用,引导时间状 语从句,意为“第一次的时候”。 The first time I saw him, he was working hard. 我第一次见到他时,他正在努力地工作。 I saw him, I knew we would become good friends. 第一次见到他时,我就知道我们会成为好朋友。,The first time,2)表示时间的名词短语有时可以引导时间状语从句。常见 的有三类: (1)由time构成的名词短语: every / each time 每次 the first / last time第一次/最后一次 next time下一次 I was in trouble, he would come to help me out. 每次我遇到麻烦,他总会来帮我。,Every/Each time,(2)the瞬间名词,相当于as soon as, 表示“一就”; 如the moment/instant/minute/second等。 The moment the missing boy saw his mother, he burst into tears. 走丢的孩子一看见妈妈,便嚎啕大哭起来。 (3)the其他名词: the morning/night/day/week/month/year等。 The day he went abroad, they got divorced. 他出国的那天,他们离婚了。,2This patient still had fresh scars from his first visit to us and this time hed had both his legs blown off . 这个病人还带着他第一次在我们这里住院时刚留下的新伤疤,而这次他的双腿被炸掉了 (1)had both his legs blown off 是“have sth. done”结构。 “have sth. done”结构的意思主要有:遭遇某事;让别人做某事;使某事被做,侧重于强调宾语是do所表示动作的承受者。,I had one of my feet injured when playing football. 踢足球时,我的一只脚受伤了。 Ill have my bad tooth pulled out tomorrow. 我明天将(让医生)把我的坏牙拔掉。 have构成的其他常见结构: (2)have sb./sth. doing sth.“让某人/某物一直做某事”(现在分 词作宾补,do所表示动作由have的宾语发出),(3)have sb./sth. do sth.“让某人/某物做某事”(不带 to 的不定 式作宾补,do 所表示动作由 have 的宾语发出) (4)have sth. to do“有某事要做”(不定式作后置定语,do 与 sth.为动宾关系;do 所表示动作由主语发出;不定式虽为主动形式,但表示被动意义) (5)have sth. to be done“有某事要做”(不定式的被动式作后 置定语,do 与 sth.为动宾关系;do所表示的动作不是主语发出的),Im going to Beijing next week. I have a lot of things . 下个星期我要去北京,我要随身带很多东西。 Im going to Beijing. Do you have anything to be taken to your son? 我要去北京了,你有什么东西要我带给你儿子吗?,to take with me,.翻译句子 1我将于下周一之前完成这项工作。(have sth. done) 2他每月理一次发。(have sth. done) 3我一听到声音,就知道爸爸回来了。(the moment),Ill have the work finished before next Monday.,He has his hair cut every month.,The moment I heard the voice, I knew father came.,4这个老板每天让工人们工作八小时。(have sb. do) 5第一次和他谈话时,我就知道他会成功。(the first time),The boss has the workers work for eight hours,every day.,The first time I talked with him, I knew he would,succeed.,.单项填空 1(2011陕西高考)Claire had her luggage _an hour before her plane left. Acheck Bchecking Cto check D. checked 解析:选 。考查非谓语动词。句意:在飞机起飞前一个小时Claire 对行李进行了安检。check 与 luggage之间是动宾关系,所以应用过去分词形式表示被动,构成“have 宾语过去分词”结构,表示“ 找人做”或“ 使被 ”。,D,2Do you often have someone _ your clothes? Yes, I often have them _. Awash; to wash Bto wash; washed Cwashed; wash Dwash; washed 解析:选 。句意:“你经常让别人给你洗衣服吗?”“是的,我常让别人洗衣服。”have sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,sb.是do所表示的动作的发出者;have sth. done“让别人做某事”,them指 clothes, 与 wash 是动宾关系。故本题选D。,D,3 Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? Yes, I gave it to her _ I saw her. Awhile Bthe moment Csuddenly Dif 解析:选 。答句句意:是的,我一见到她就把钱给她了。the moment表示“一(就)”,在此引导时间状语从句。while引导时间状语从句时,从句谓语动词必须是延续性动词;suddenly不引导从句;if表示条件。,B,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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