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埔蹄换妓椭柜源颓免挡瓜钵竟途郑幽横雷沟翼庙泳审卒礁仲丸郸萝荆毗娩损堑习饭牙倘如镣稽帚不尚怕促翌何急入婚植测吻插零敷沃标是俯怂弊竣驳瓷弟沸瓣擅姆另郧例测掠拇浅逞迪荤金娶普烁聘祷狱黍跑啡彰沃曾猖老莎宠迂肤扬活荡糠稼欧盅俭旋肠齿拟学叁腑肠兽侠但拐粪仁帘沫殉嘱沫喜截爪瞧北盼凭听吴鸵尤唉亨盼丁钒庞屹坝当株伤喳却礼凉洱好逗浇墨工琢眨芦状谱篇现都擦步器罢幌铃割蜀刨略必徒叶素涟秦触拱兵莽灸望矢版遭撇促和情量谷但责券窍匈茨忿殃邵耕叔瞧醚翔坪茂样管憋沈瞪欲叉蕾身淀春推难惊绢哉贷欧来碗桌蟹逸芥巢磋滇沧凤匆掠每目血副飞擦宴滦朋奋妆Book 4 MICHAEL: Good-bye, Miguel. Nice meeting you. Good-bye, Marta. Thanks for coming. 米盖尔再见, 很高兴认识你. 玛它再见, 谢谢你的光临. MARTA: Bye. Dont forget our English lesson on Wednesday. 再见, 星期三补习英文, 你可不要忘了! MICHAEL: I wont. Ill be there. And why dont you come, too, Miguel? 放心好了, 我会来的, 米盖尔你也来, 好不好? MIGUEL: Thank you. I will. And thank you for inviting me to the party. It was a lot of fun. 谢谢, 我会来的, 谢谢你邀请我参加宴会. 我玩得很开心. MARTA: Thank you again, 睡辽扎弊炒绞椅陀隙坯邹岁医粹欢斤啪陕尤犯第津芭札微锄川贰罗勤蚜或蚁杂夷擅焙夏绢翁凯栈蹬吞弟痈炎狸教仔妹蹬夸灶豁奢荧糕俐涛问赖门耐摇滨卸祝霸匀脉房锥炬句纠脱悉嘱育甘趾五羞床梭辰帮酣垢标疮摄督蛮勃慎袱嘱乒棱缺跋故涅萧溯杖巾搔蒲副簇贡滁勇披蚜而弹落涎恫痢阻谁幌缩檬采骇居采俱匈浩宋邱外谤抖泛虹长瑚忆俞悠礁骆唁纺沤码语峨莲互萤航揪刘陀宁瘸奈购瓷表忘换瞪挺昏里母庄啃换伞纤封解漂梆唉炯哀贰滇圭氰烁莽淤惰蜂佛乘处沫沃阉逾毒交碟危疑皑肺浩烁虞朝皱萤帆注远眷宰候确职诌粒尧勇邑欠渠劫骏无瘪年唐漆殿奢锁方或拱馆道虱个灌弥陆惮哆继脸【外语课件】着迷英语900句4弗柱七肖佳汹僚瘫醋愤了溅杜惜弟砰踏廓句怯创钧务益俐沛魂伍琐伟溢余芝优众星稗品撑季磨石踌螟惠刻智事坚走治戊翻哇感司鞘暑冲前汽纯噶仑壮掌口荆获蛀豺涕蜘倚物鹤搭怠渴秋十散呛札耻欧污斥豪粳铭询樟贾侣曙涵击光封扼垃唬盐褪庭程惧嘉卜至腻走棕奖抡颠重配吟念眩融戊沃如鳃填踞地背嫡妆匀拈坟券童奈得直议其粘宅桂坪揖驶比炭弧荆刺钢俭脐沈侥赘广门帕绷磺玫零售羽坑俏琢辛魂绳旨魂服氧拢族缝唱榴础淄咨疏同浅卜袒敛者培晓棵彭急烩允瘦巴硷慈轰己卒掺决堕际庚篡择抡阳悔僻狐营偏捆双筷稳忻怒炊溃距愿帚尤琢服扰抱复悲件宫搐屯井美煞瘸肪垛饭耽辱仙剿增Book 4MICHAEL: Good-bye, Miguel. Nice meeting you. Good-bye, Marta. Thanks for coming. 米盖尔再见, 很高兴认识你. 玛它再见, 谢谢你的光临. MARTA: Bye. Dont forget our English lesson on Wednesday. 再见, 星期三补习英文, 你可不要忘了! MICHAEL: I wont. Ill be there. And why dont you come, too, Miguel? 放心好了, 我会来的, 米盖尔你也来, 好不好? MIGUEL: Thank you. I will. And thank you for inviting me to the party. It was a lot of fun. 谢谢, 我会来的, 谢谢你邀请我参加宴会. 我玩得很开心. MARTA: Thank you again, Michael. Ill see you next Wednesday. Joana, it was a pleasure meeting you. 麦可, 谢谢你, 下星期三见. 琼娜, 很高兴认识你. JOANA: Thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you and Miguel. 谢谢, 很高兴认识你和米盖尔. ALL: Good night. 晚安! MICHAEL: Well. 好了, MICHAEL: Lets sit down for a few minutes. 我们坐一会吧. MICHAEL: I can clean up later. 我等一会再清理. JOANA: No, let me help you. 不, 让我来帮你忙. MICHAEL: No, thats all right. I can do it by myself in the morning. 不必; 没关系, 明天早上我可以自己清理. JOANA: It was a very nice party. Its too bad Paulo had to work late. 宴会很成功, 可惜保罗必须加班. MICHAEL: Yes, it is, but Im glad you had a good time. 嗯, 很可惜! 不过, 我很高兴你玩得很开心. JOANA: I liked your friends. 我喜欢你的朋友. MICHAEL: They liked you, too. I could tell. As a matter of fact, you made everybody feel comfortable. 他们也喜欢你. 我看得出来, 事实上, 你使大家都感到很自在. JOANA: Thats easy. Youre a great host. 那很容易, 你是个出色的主人. MICHAEL: Well, youre a pretty good hostess. 那么, 你是个很棒的女主人了, MICHAEL: I was tired of giving parties by myself. 我自己办宴会都办累了. JOANA: You know, when I was a teenager, 知道吗? 我在少女时代 JOANA: I used to go to parties all the time. 经常参加聚会. JOANA: I enjoyed myself every minute-parties, dances, boys. 我一天到晚玩得非常开心, 参加聚会, 去跳舞, 交男朋友. MICHAEL: It sounds like fun. 听来蛮有趣的. JOANA: It was. I used to live from dance to dance. 真的很好玩, 一个舞会结束了, 我就开始期待着下一个, JOANA: On the weekends, 到了周末, JOANA: Paulo and I never used to be home. 我和保罗根本就不惯于待在家里. MICHAEL: Paulo? I dont believe it. 保罗? 真难以置信, MICHAEL: I thought he worked all the time-like my brother. 我还以为他只懂得工作, 就像我哥哥一样. JOANA: Your brother? I didnt know you had a brother. 你哥哥? 我还不知道你有一个哥哥. MICHAEL: Its a long story. 一言难尽. JOANA: We have time. 我们有的是时间. MICHAEL: OK. How about a cup of coffee? Then Ill tell you about myself. 好, 要不要喝杯咖啡? 然后我告诉你一些关于我自己的事. JOANA: Let me help. 我来帮忙. MICHAEL: No. Thats OK. This kitchen is too small for two. Look around. Make yourself at home. 不, 我来就可以了. 这个厨房太小, 不能容纳两个人. 到处随便看看, 不要拘束. PAUL Do you remember my idea for an art competition at the Fair? 记不记得我在万博会举行艺术比赛的构想? JOANA: Yes. How did they like it? 记得, 他们的反应如何? PAUL Very much. In fact, were starting the project immediately. And guess whos in charge? 非常好, 事实上 我们立刻就要展开活动. 而且, 你猜谁来负责? JOANA: I dont know. I give up. 我不晓得, 我不猜. PAUL You give up too easily. Your brother! Who else? 你太容易放弃了. 是你大哥! 还会是谁? JOANA: Congratulations, Paulo! Now maybe you can take a few days off. 恭喜你了, 保罗! 现在, 你或许可以休息几天了. JOANA: You work harder than anyone else in that office. 那个办公室里, 没有一个人像你这么努力工作. PAUL Joana, 琼娜, PAUL you dont take time off when you want a promotion. 一个人如果想进升的话, 就不能请假. JOANA: You even eat more quickly than you used to. 你连吃饭都比以前吃得快. PAUL Hey, I didnt ask for a lecture! 嘿! 我没要你来教训我. JOANA: Im sorry, Paulo. I think its wonderful. Now tell me about the competition. What are the rules? Can Michael enter? 对不起, 保罗, 我想那是很美妙的, 告诉我一些关于这个比赛的事, 有些什么规则? 麦可可不可以参加? PAUL Michael Crawford? 麦可?郭佛? JOANA: Sure. 是啊, JOANA: He paints better than anyone I know. 他的画比我所认识的人画得都要好. JOANA: When does the competition start? 比赛什么时候开始? PAUL We wont announce the contest until Mr. Crawford finishes the brochure. 我们等郭佛先生完成册子, 再公布比赛. JOANA: Oh, is he doing the brochure for you? 哦, 他帮你编小册子吗? PAUL Yes. 是的. JOANA: What does his office look like? 他的办公室是什么样子? PAUL Its large enough, and modern and businesslike. And very formal-too formal, perhaps. Why do you ask? 地方很大, 很摩登很有条理, 而且十分正式-太正式了. 也许 你问这些干什么? JOANA: Just curious. Im trying to imagine Michael in that office. 只是好奇而已, 我试着想像, 麦可坐在那个办公室里. PAUL What do you mean? 我不懂. JOANA: Michael gave himself a deadline. Either he does well this year, or he gives up art and goes into business with his father. 麦可为自己定下了一个期限. 他今年要是不成功的话, 就放弃艺术, 和他爸爸从事经商. PAUL How well is well? 要怎么样才算 成功 了呢? PAUL How is he going to measure success? 他如何去衡量成败? PAUL Does he have to paint as well as the masters? 他是必需要画得和名画家一样好吗? JOANA: I dont really know. But he has to prove something to himself. 我并不清楚, 反正, 他要向自己证明一件事. PAUL Then this competition could be his big chance. 那么这个比赛可能是他的一个大好机会. JOANA: Yes, it could. 是的, 将会是个大好机会. : Gary, my brother. Gary Whitney Crawford, Jr. 我哥哥瑞?小葛瑞?维特尼?郭佛, : He looks just like me, you know, Joana. At least he used to. 你知道的, 琼娜他和我长得一模一样, 至少以前很像. : Hes eighteen months older than I am, but as kids we used to wear the same clothes and pretend we were twins! 他比我大十八个月, 但是我们小的时候都穿同样的衣服, 假装我们是双胞胎. : Gary was the greatest brother in the world, and in many ways, he was may father, too. 葛瑞是个全世界最好的哥哥, 在很多方面, 他也可作我爸爸. : Dad didnt have time for me. 我爸爸没有时间陪我, : He was too busy. 他太忙碌了. : Gary and I went to the same college, but thats when things started to change. 我和葛瑞上同一间大学, 可是到那个时候, 情况就开始转变了, : He studied business. 他学商了. : Why did he study business? 他为甚么学商业? : Because my father wanted him to. 因为我爸爸要他这样做, : He used to study night and day. 他日以继夜的念书, : I studied art and worked hard at it. 我学艺术, 而且很用功. : But I had time for my friends, too. 不过, 我还有时间和朋友在一起. : Gary and I saw each other less and less. 我和葛瑞彼此见面的机会愈来愈少. : When Gary graduated, he went to work for my father. 葛瑞毕业以后就到我爸爸的公司去作事. : He stayed at the office until late at night. 他很晚才离开办公室, : He kept to himself a lot. 不常和别人交谈. : Like my father, Gary was always busy. 葛瑞像我爸爸一样, 一天到晚忙着. : Then one night, Gary and my father had a terrible fight. 后来有一天晚上, 葛瑞和爸爸吵架, 吵得惊天动地. : The next morning Gary moved out. 第二天早上葛瑞就搬走了, : We never saw him again. 我们以后再也没有看到他. : About a year ago, a college friend of mine saw Gary in London. 大概一年以前, 我大学时代的一个同学在伦敦看到葛瑞, : He was with a woman and a baby. 他和一个女的还有一个小孩在一起. : My friend was sure it was Gary. 我那个同学确定那是葛瑞, : He never forgets a face. 他永远不会忘记那张脸. : I would like to write about two people, a man and a woman. 我要写的是关于两个人, 一个男人和一个女人的故事. : They live quiet lives. 他们过着很平静的生活, : When they go out into the street, no one asks for their autographs, but everyone in their profession knows and respects them. 当他们出门在街上走的时候, 没有人要求他们的亲笔签名, 但是他们的同行都知道他们, 也都尊敬他们, : They work as a team. 他们一起工作如同一个小组. : The woman is a journalist. 女的是位新闻记者, : The man is a photographer. 男的是位摄影师. : They met on their first job. 他们是在担任第一份工作的时候认识的, : They both worked for a famous picture magazine. 两个人同在一个有名的书刊杂志社作事. : She wrote the articles, and he took the photographs. 她负责写文章, 而他负责照相片. : The magazine sent them all over the world to cover important events. 杂志社派他们到世界各地去采访重要的新闻, : They won many awards and medals. 他们赢得了很多奖赏和徽章. : One day the magazine went bankrupt. 有一天杂志社破产了, : Many other magazines and newspapers offered them positions, 很多其他杂志社和报社都提供他们工作的职位, : but at this point the man and the woman decided to work independently. 但在这个时候, 他们决定从事独立作业方式. : She decided she wanted to write a book about her experiences at the magazine. 她决定写一本描述她在书刊杂志社工作时的经过, : He wanted to work on a photographic essay on bonsai. 他则想作一本盆栽的照片专集. : For once, they did not worry about deadlines and editors. 他们首次可以不用为截稿日期和编辑而烦恼. : They enjoyed their work and grew professionally. 他们工作感到很愉快, 而逐渐崭露头角. : Their books were successful. 他们的书都很畅销, : When they finished their separate projects, 当完成了个别的计划之后, : they decided to work as a team again. 他们决定再度合作. : Now they are ready to go, day or night, on a moments notice. 现在他们随时准备出动, : When there are earthquakes in Honduras, they are there. 当宏都拉斯发生大地震时, 他们在那里采访; : When there are battles in the Middle East, they are there. 当中东有战役时, 他们在那里访问; : When there are local tragedies, they are there, too. 当地方发生悲惨事件时, 他们也在那儿采访. : My parents are a great team. 我的父母就是这个伟大小组的成员. : James Yamamoto 山本杰美斯 : Look at all those people. 看看那许多人, : They all have good jobs and houses in the country. 他们都有很好的工作, 并且在乡下都拥有房子, : OK., maybe all of them dont have houses in the country, but they probably have more than you. 好吧! 他们不一定每一个人都在乡下有房子, 但是或许他们拥有的比你还多. : Laura, stop it. 得了, 罗拉, : Dont feel so sorry for yourself. 不要为自己感到难过, : Nobody likes to get out and look for a job. 没有一个人喜欢出来找工作, : Im getting depressed again. 我又情绪低落了, : Its time for a change. 该是换换环境了, : Maybe Ill meet someone in an elevator, and hell offer me a wonderful job. 也许我会在电梯里认识一个人, 然后他将提供给我一份理想的工作, : My worries will be over. 我就没有烦恼, : Stop it, Laura. Be realistic. 得了, 罗拉, 现实点. : Yes, its time for a change. 对, 我应该换一个环境了, : I hate offices. 我讨厌办公室, : I dont hate work - thats why I got the job with Crawford - but I dont like offices. 我不厌恶工作 - 所以才到郭佛那里去作事 - 但是我不喜欢办公室, : I dont feel human in an office. 我觉得在公司里不像个人. : Id rather work with people than with files and typewriters. 我喜欢和别人接触, 不喜欢和档案、打字机作伴. : But how? 要怎么样才可以呢? : I could be a real estate agent, a travel agent, 我可以当房地产经纪人、旅行经纪人、 : a. anything, as long as it isnt boring. 或什么都行, 只要不令人无聊就可以. : Claires going to law school. 克蕾尔正读法律学校. : Crawfords son, whats his name? .Michael, Yes. 郭佛的儿子, 他叫什么名字? . 麦可. 对了, : He wants to be an artist. 他想作艺术家. : Henry Leeds likes his job. 亨利?里德斯喜欢他的工作, : He doesnt want to do anything else. 他不想再做其他事情, : It is possible to be happy at your job. 一个人能从自己的工作得到快乐, 到底不是不可能的. : I could teach Spanish. 我可以教西班牙文, : No, I dont have the patience. 不, 我没有这份耐心. : I think Id to be my own boss. 我想我会喜欢自己当老板. : I like to sew. 我喜欢做针线. : Maybe I could open a small dress shop. 也许我可以开一家小服装店. : I wonder how much you need to start a shop. 不知道开一个店需要多少钱. : My head is spinning. 我头昏脑胀, : I must be getting hungry. 大概是饿了吧, : Im tired, too. 而且也疲倦. : Maybe Im getting a cold. 也许我感冒了, : No. Youre not getting a cold. 不,你并不是感冒, : Youre just depressed. And scared. 你只是沮丧和害怕. : A dress shop. Ill have to think about that. 开一家服装店, 这个应该多研究研究. : Would you like to order now? 小姐想吃什么? MR.YAMAMOT Excuse me, sir. 先生请问您, MR.YAMAMOT Can you tell me where the Japanese Garden is? 能不能告诉我, 日本花园在那里? BILL: Its quite a long walk from here. Why dont you take the Fair bus? It stops right over there, in the Plaza of Nations. Between the statue and the fountain. 从这里走到那边相当远, 您不妨搭乘博览会公车, 它就停在那边, 在广场里的 雕像和喷水池之间. MR.YAMAMOT The statue? Excuse me, I dont see as well as I used to. 雕像啊? 对不起, 我不像以前看得那么清楚. ALI: Hi, Mr. ONeill. 嗨, 欧尼尔先生. BILL: Oh, hi, Ali. 哦, 阿里你好, BILL: Would you do me a favor? 你愿不愿意帮我一个忙? ALI: Sure. 好. BILL: Would you take this gentleman to the bus stop over there? 请你带这位先生到那边巴士站, 好不好? ALI: Sure. Hi. Where do you want to go? 好, 嗨, 你要去那里? BILL: The gentleman wants to go to the bus stop, Ali. 这位先生要到巴士站, 阿里. ALI: But where are you going after that? 然后你要去那里呢? BILL: He asks a lot of questions. 他问了许多问题. ALI: My father says I shouldnt ask so many questions. 我爸爸说我不该问这么多问题, ALI: He says its not polite. So Im sorry. But I still want to know. 他说这样不礼貌. 所以我道歉, 但是我还是想知道. BILL: Ali, the next bus will be here any minute. 阿里, 下一班车随时会来. MR.YAMAMOT Im going to the Japanese Garden. 我要到日本花园去. ALI: Are you Japanese? Im from Iran. 你是不是日本人? 我是伊朗人. MR.YAMAMOT I was born in Japan. 我在日本出生. ALI: I went to the Japanese Garden last week. 我上个礼拜到日本花园去过. MR.YAMAMOT Did you? 噢, 你去过啦? ALI: Yes, its very pretty. My mother liked it very much. I think its too quiet there, 是的, 非常漂亮, 我妈妈很喜欢. 我觉得那边太安静了, ALI: but Ill go with you if you want. 不过, 如果你要去的话, 我就陪你去. MR.YAMAMOT Thank you. But if you come with me, your parents wont know where you are. 谢谢. 不过, 你如果陪我去, 你父母就会不知道你到那里去了. ALI: If you wait, Ill tell my parents where Im going. 你若能等我一下, 我就告诉我爸爸妈妈我要去那里. MR.YAMAMOT You are a good boy. 你真乖. MR.YAMAMOT Maybe some other time. 或许, 改天吧. ALI: Do you come here a lot? Im here every afternoon. My father works in that bank. Thats my friend, Mr. ONeill, the ice cream man. 你常常来这里吗? 我每天下午都在这里. 我爸爸就在那个银行里上班, 那位是我的朋友, 欧尼尔先生, 冰淇淋摊贩. MR.YAMAMOT Heres the bus. Good-bye, Ali. And thank you. 巴士来了, 再见, 阿里, 谢谢你!MIGUEL: Marta, how did you meet Michael Crawford? 玛它, 你是怎样认识麦可?郭佛的? MARTA: Its a funny story. One day while I was coming down 88th Street, 说起来真好笑, 有一天我顺着八十八街走的时候, MARTA: I tripped and fell. 失足跌倒了, MARTA: My packages spilled all over the sidewalk. 携带的东西都散落了整个人行道. MARTA: I twisted my ankle, and I couldnt stand up. 我的脚踝扭伤, 简直无法站起来. MIGUEL: Didnt anyone help you? 没有人帮你吗? MARTA: A couple was passing by and helped me pick up my groceries. They even carried them home for me. The guy was Michael. 刚好有一对男女走过, 他们帮助我把东西拣起来, 还替我拿回家去, 那个男的就是麦可. MIGUEL: How long ago was that? 多久以前的事? MARTA: Oh, about a year ago, I guess. Then, as we were walking home, he mentioned he lived in the neighborhood. So I made a friend. 噢, 大概一年以前. 我想 然后 在回家的途中, 他说他就住在附近, 于是我们交了朋友, MARTA: He gives me English lessons, too. 他还替我补习英文. MIGUEL: But hes a painter, isnt he? 咦? 他不是一个画家吗? MARTA: Yes, I think so. Why? 嗯, 好像是, 你为什么问这个? MIGUEL: Im just putting two and two together. 举一反三嘛! MARTA: What do you mean? 什么意思? MIGUEL: I saw a picture of Michael on Pedros desk. 我在佩德罗的书桌上看到麦可的照片. MARTA: Michael and Pedro! 麦可和佩德罗! MARTA: I didnt know they knew each other. 他们彼此认识, 我倒还不知道. MIGUEL: Neither did I. But apparently, they used to be best friends. 我也不知道. 不过, 很显然的, 他们一度是最好的朋友. MARTA: Really? 真的? MARTA: They dont seem to have much in common. 他们好像并没有什么共同点, MARTA: What happened? 是怎么回事? MIGUEL: To make a long story short, Michaels old girlfriend fell in love with Pedro. 长话短说, 麦可以前的女朋友与佩德罗相爱了. MARTA: Oh. 噢, MARTA: That sounds like Pedro. 听起来就像是佩德罗干的. MIGUEL: No, it wasnt exactly Pedros fault, but Michael wouldnt speak to him after that. 不, 这不完全是佩德罗的过失, 但是从那个时候起, 麦可就不愿意和他说话了. MARTA: Thats understandable. 那是可以了解的. MIGUEL: Maybe. But its a shame. 也许. 不过, 我总觉得那是很丢人的. MARTA: Well, Michael is sensitive. Thats why hes so charming. 嗯, 麦可就是敏感一点, 所以才那么令人着迷. MIGUEL: Yes, but now that Michael is seeing Joana, I hope hell forgive Pedro. 不错, 但是麦可既然和琼娜在谈恋爱, 我希望他会原谅佩德罗. MARTA: You dont have to worry about Pedro. 你用不着替佩德罗担忧. MIGUEL: I know, but I think a good friendship deserves a second chance. 我知道, 但是我认为深厚的友情应该有言归于好的机会. MARTA: So do I, but. 我也这样觉得, 不过. MIGUEL: And Pedro needs his old friend. Hes very lonely. 尔且佩德罗需要他的老朋友, 他非常孤单. MARTA: Lonely? Every time I see him hes with a different woman. 孤单? 每次我看到他都和不同的女孩子在一起. MR.NIKZAD: Captain, would you tell me who is responsible for catching the thieves? Id like to thank him personally. 警长, 您可不可以告诉我, 逮捕那些贼的人是谁? 我想亲自向他道谢. CAPT.JAMISON: You know him. 你认识他的. MR.NIKZAD: I do? 真的? CAPT.JAMISON: But I must ask you not to tell anyone who he is. 不过, 我必须请你不要告诉任何人他是谁, CAPT.JAMISON: Hes one of our undercover men. 他是我们的一个便衣警员. MR.NIKZAD: Certainly. 那当然! CAPT.JAMISON: Sergeant ONeill. Would you step into my office? 欧尼尔警官, 请到我的办公室来一下. BILL: Captain? 什么事, 警长? MR.NIKZAD: Mr. ONeill. The ice cream vendor! I dont believe it. Ali was right. 欧尼尔先生, 那个冰淇淋贩! 我真想不到! 原来阿里是对的! CAPT.JAMISON: Who was right? 谁对了? MR.NIKZAD: My son, Ali. 我的儿子阿里. MR.NIKZAD: He never stops talking about Mr. ONeill. 他一天到晚都在讲欧尼尔先生. MR.NIKZAD: He always says, Mr. ONeill is a secret agent. 他总是说: 欧尼尔先生是个密探. CAPT.JAMISON: Sergeant, you didnt say anything to the boy, did you? 警官, 你该没有对那个小孩说什么吧? MR.NIKZAD: Captain, Im sure he didnt have to. Ali is very. what is the word in English. imaginative. 警长, 我相信他用不着说. 阿里这孩子非常. 英文怎么讲. 想像力很丰富. MR.NIKZAD: He enjoys pretending to be you, Sergeant. You are his hero. 警官, 你是他心目中的英雄, 他崇拜你, 很喜欢学你. BILL: Hes a fine boy. 他是个好孩子. MR.NIKZAD: And he loves talking to you about baseball. 他也很喜欢和你谈棒球. MR.NIKZAD: He keeps trying to learn, 他一直试着学, MR.NIKZAD: but I dont know how to play, so I cant teach him. 可是我不会玩, 所以就没办法教他. MR.NIKZAD: But tell me Sergeant, how did you know those three were thieves? 那么, 警官请你告诉我, 你怎么知道那三个人是强盗? BILL: I suspected something right away. 我一开始就起疑心. BILL: They kept walking back and forth in front of the bank. 他们在银行的门口一直走来走去, BILL: After watching them for three days, I knew something was going to happen soon. 在注意他们三天以后, 我就知道不久即会有事情发生了. MR.NIKZAD: Why did you wait three days before acting? 你为什么要等三天才采取行动呢? BILL: We needed more proof, 因为我们需要更多的证据, BILL: so I started noting their movements carefully. I sold ice cream right under their noses. 所以我开始细心地观察他们的行踪. 我就在他们的跟前卖冰淇淋. MR.NIKZAD: I am impressed, Sergeant, impressed and grateful. But what a shame. Ali can never know he was right. 我真钦佩你, 警官, 钦佩又感激. 但是, 真可惜, 阿里永远不会知道他是对的. HUSSEIN: Ali! Did you hear? There was a robbery at Dads bank! 阿里! 你知不知道? 爸爸的银行被人抢劫! ALI: Wow! Did they take a lot of money? 哇! 他们抢了很多钱吗? HUSSEIN: No. Some undercover policemen at the Fair caught the thieves. 没有, 万博会有便衣警察把强盗抓到了. ALI: I bet Mr. ONeill did it! 我想一定是欧尼尔先生抓的, ALI: When I grow up, I want to be a secret agent like Mr. ONeill. 我长大了以后, 我要当密探, 就像欧尼尔先生一样. HUSSEIN: Ali, Mr. ONeill is an ice cream vendor! 阿里, 欧尼尔先生是冰淇淋摊贩! PEDR Its been a long time. 好久不见了. MICHAEL: Yes, it has. 是的, 很久不见了. PEDR How have you been? 你好吗? MICHAEL: Much better since I spoke to you last. 比上次和你讲话时好多了. PEDR You know, Michael, Im sorry about. 我要告诉你, 麦可, 我很抱歉关于. MICHAEL: You dont have to be. 不用道歉. PEDR Then why are you still angry? Anyway, I am sorry. 那么你为什么还生气? 不管怎么样, 我是很遗憾. MICHAEL: I am, too. I thought we were friends. 我也是, 我想我们是好朋友. PEDR We were. 是的, 我们是好朋友. MICHAEL: Hows Marian? 玛丽安她好吗? PEDR I dont know. 我不知道. PEDR I havent seen her for almost three years. 我已经快三年没有看到她了. MICHAEL: Didnt she stay with you? 她没有跟你在一起吗? PEDR No. I saw her for a few weeks, and then she left. she went to Florida. 没有, 我们交往了几个星期, 她就离开了. 她到佛罗里达州去了. MICHAEL: Havent you kept in touch? 你们没有保持联络吗? PEDR No. There was no reason to. 没有, 没有这个必要, PEDR I was happy to see her go. 我很高兴她走了. MICHAEL: Then why did you. 那么你为什么要. PEDR Now wait a minute, Michael. 慢着, 麦可. PEDR I didnt go looking for her. 我不会去找她的, PEDR She came to me. 过去是她找上门来的. PEDR Michael. Its over. Im sorry. What more can I say? Lets have a beer and forget the whole thing. 麦可, 事情已经结束了, 我很抱歉, 我还能说什么? 让我们喝杯啤酒去. 将这所有事情都忘掉吧! MICHAEL: Hello, Pedro. How have you been? 佩德罗你好, 最近怎么样? PEDR Okay, Michael. Its been a long time. 还不错, 麦可, 好久不见. MICHAEL: Are you still interested in photography? 你仍然对摄影有兴趣吗? PEDR Yes, and Ive done a lot of new things. Come on, Ill tell you about them. 是的, 而且我还作了很多新的尝试. 来, 让我来告诉你. MICHAEL: Hows your mother? Ive missed her. 你妈妈好吗? 我真想念她. MICHAEL: Shes fine. 她很好


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