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邀请信 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 和 Tom 打 算 邀 请 你 们 的 美 国 朋 友 James 一 起 爬 八 达 岭 长 城 the Badaling 请 你 写 封 邮 件 告 知 你 们 关 于 这 次 活 动 的 安 排 内 容 包 括 1 爬 山 时 间 2 活 动 安 排 在 你 家 八 达 岭 山 附 近 集 合 骑 共 享 单 车 去 3 携 带 物 品 相 机 太 阳 帽 太 阳 镜 和 登 山 鞋 等 注 意 1 词 数 100 左 右 2 可 以 适 当 增 加 细 节 以 使 行 文 连 贯 参考范文 Dear James I m Li Hua How is everything going with you recently Just as a saying goes he who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man Tom and I are planning to climb the Badaling Great Wall this Saturday I d like to invite you to go with us We will first get together at my home at 7 30 as it is not far away from the Badaling Great Wall we decide to go there by shared bike The whole climbing will start at 8 am and last for about three hours Please wear climbing boots as we may walk a long way and don t forget to wear sun glasses and sun hat What s more don t forget to bring your camera I m sure the awesome view on the top of the Badaling Great Wall deserve a record Looking forward to your early reply Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 一 名 高 中 学 生 为 了 让 更 多 的 人 了 解 中 国 优 秀 的 传 统 文 化 你 校 近 日 将 举 办 中 国 传 统 文 化 展 The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair 请 给 你 的 外 教 Mr Smith 写 一 封 电 子 邮 件 邀 请 他 参 加 内 容 包 括 1 展 会 的 宗 旨 时 间 地 点 以 及 参 加 人 2 展 出 内 容 相 关 书 籍 图 片 实 物 等 参考范文 Dear Mr Smith I m writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture the staff all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome At the Fair related books pictures videos and objects will be exhibited through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also definitely feel the unique beauty of it If you re interested please come and enjoy it And I d be glad to offer any help Looking forward to your early reply Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 想 邀 请 你 的 交 流 生 朋 友 Lucy 暑 假 期 间 共 同 参 与 发 现 海 上 丝 绸 之 路 Discover The Maritime Silk Route 的 旅 行 请 根 据 提 示 给 她 写 一 封 电 子 邮 件 内 容 包 括 1 旅 行 的 方 式 和 时 间 2 旅 行 期 间 的 活 动 安 排 参考范文 Dear Lucy How time flies I haven t seen you for ages I really miss you I m writing to tell you about an activity to be held in the coming summer holiday I know that you have great interest in ancient China When I got the information that there will be a voyage called Discover The Maritime Silk Route I immediately wanted to invite you to join it with me The voyage will last for two weeks from June 17 and we will get on a big ship from Quanzhou which is the beginning of the route Finally we will finish the voyage in Japan During the voyage we can communicate with each other Besides the organizer will show us some excellent performance about the history in that time Looking forward to your early reply Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 校 英 国 交 换 生 Max 想 了 解 中 国 文 化 及 孔 子 请 给 他 写 封 邮 件 邀 请 他 参 加 关 于 孔 子 与 中 国 文 化 的 讲 座 内 容 包 括 1 时 间 地 点 主 题 2 你 对 该 活 动 的 看 法 参 考 词 汇 孔 子 Confucius 儒 家 学 说 Confucianism 参考范文 Dear Max I am more than delighted to know that you want to learn about Chinese culture and Confucius And I am writing to invite you to attend a lecture Confucius and Chinese traditional culture The lecture will begin at 9 o clock and end at 11 o clock on May 28th in room 501 of the first teaching building As a great thinker and educator Confucius was the founder of Confucianism and has made deep influence on Chinese culture There is no denying that the lecture is of great importance to us Not only will it enrich our campus life but provide us a wonderful chance to appreciate Chinese traditional culture I am looking forward to seeing you in the lecture room Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 央 视 节 目 经 典 咏 流 传 Everlasting Classic 风 靡 你 校 请 给 你 的 外 教 Henry 写 一 封 邮 件 邀 请 他 参 加 你 校 举 行 的 经 典 咏 流 传 活 动 内 容 包 括 1 时 间 和 地 点 2 内 容 和 诗 以 歌 3 活 动 意 义 参考范文 Dear Henry I m writing to invite you to participate in our school s upcoming activity Everlasting Classic Everlasting Classic a program of CCTV is one of the most popular programs in China It is to sing classic Chinese poems to the rhythm of modern music aiming to carry forward the classic culture with the times As the program spreads around our school our school is going to hold the activity in the hall next Friday evening to arouse the students awareness of Chinese classic culture and expand students after school life I know you have a great interest in Chinese traditional culture It is a fantastic opportunity for you to develop a further understanding on Chinese ancient culture I m looking forward to your coming Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 从 网 上 得 知 你 市 中 心 广 场 4 月 9 日 上 午 8 00 10 00 有 一 场 京 剧 露 天 表 演 你 打 算 邀 请 你 们 学 校 酷 爱 京 剧 的 外 教 Mr Green 参 加 请 给 他 写 一 封 邀 请 信 要 点 包 括 1 写 信 目 的 2 表 演 介 绍 3 期 待 回 复 注 意 1 词 数 100 左 右 2 可 以 适 当 增 加 细 节 以 使 行 文 连 贯 参考范文 Dear Mr Green I m writing to invite you to watch a Peking Opera performance to be given on April 9th from 8 00 a m to 10 00 a m in the Central Square of our city Now that you are a great lover of Peking Opera I m sure that you don t want to miss the chance Some famous Peking Opera performers will give a wonderful performance It is free to anyone who is interested in it Remember to come before 8 00 a m Please let me know whether you will come I m looking forward to your reply Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 正 在 你 校 学 习 汉 语 的 美 国 朋 友 Albert 对 中 国 古 诗 词 很 感 兴 趣 请 用 英 语 给 他 写 封 信 邀 请 他 一 同 观 看 中 央 三 台 播 放 的 经 典 咏 流 传 的 一 期 节 目 内 容 包 括 1 时 间 地 点 和 观 看 人 员 2 内 容 欣 赏 以 歌 曲 形 式 咏 唱 的 经 典 古 诗 词 3 提 前 了 解 中 国 古 典 诗 词 观 后 谈 感 受 参考范文 Hi Albert How is everything As you are into classical Chinese poetry I m writing to invite you to join us in watching an attractive variety show called Everlasting Classics at 7 00 p m on May 10th in Room 603 in the Office Building It is a hit program on CCTV 3 where a lot of classic Chinese poems are chanted in beautiful tunes We plan to exchange our reviews after watching the show together so you d better learn in advance some poems to be shown and their background The list of them is attached to the email handy for you to refer to I m looking forward to your participation and I believe you will enjoy it and learn a lot Best Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 想 邀 请 在 英 语 方 面 曾 帮 助 过 你 的 外 教 Mr Brown 一 起 观 看 中 国 武 术 Chinese Kung Fu 表 演 请 给 他 写 封 邮 件 内 容 包 括 1 感 谢 他 的 帮 助 2 表 演 的 时 间 地 点 和 内 容 3 武 术 的 影 响 参考范文 Dear Mr Brown I am very excited to tell you that I won the first prize in the English speech contest held last Saturday Without your help I would not have made such great progress in my spoken English In order to return for your kindness I am writing to invite you to watch the performances of Chinese Kung Fu The performances are scheduled to be held from 7 00 pm to 9 30 am on June 15th in our school s lecture hall Several styles including Shaolin Tai Chi and Qigong will be shown Nowadays Chinese Kung Fu is regarded as a traditional sport gaining more and more popularity and even stands as a representative for Chinese culture This traditional heritage has left far reaching influence on the Chinese lifestyle After watching the shows you will definitely feel the charm of Chinese Kung Fu and I have the confidence that you will be fond of it I m looking forward to your coming Yours Li Hua 假 如 你 是 李 华 学 校 邀 请 著 名 唐 教 授 到 校 举 行 茶 文 化 讲 座 请 你 给 外 教 Tom 写 封 邮 件 邀 请 他 参 加 内 容 包 括 1 讲 座 时 间 地 点 和 活 动 安 排 2 简 介 喝 茶 的 好 处 参考范文 Dear Tom I m Li Hua writing to invite you to the lecture on the history and spread of Chinese tea The lecture will be given by Professor Tang from University of Agriculture in the lecture hall of the Art Building on May 13th next Sunday It will last from 9 a m to 11 00 a m consisting of three parts listening to the lecture asking questions and discussion observing tea show and tasting different kinds of tea on the spot As for drinking tea it is good for your health It can refresh yourself and add your appetite Some tea even can reduce the risk of cancer and keep you slim Will it be convenient for you to attend the lecture I know you are fond of the Chinese traditional culture I am sure you ll enjoy it Looking forward to your coming Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 校 外 教 David 对 中 国 儒 家 文 化 很 感 兴 趣 本 周 六 你 们 学 校 举 行 一 场 关 于 孔 子 及 其 思 想 的 讲 座 请 给 David 发 一 封 电 子 邮 件 邀 请 他 来 听 讲 座 1 讲 座 时 间 和 地 点 2 内 容 儒 家 思 想 3 活 动 环 节 诵 读 孔 子 经 典 名 句 参 考 词 汇 孔 子 Confucius 孔 子 思 想 Confucianism 参考范文 Dear David I m writing to invite you to the lecture on Confucius and Confucianism which will be delivered by Professor Wang from Beijing University It will be held in Room 102 on the first floor of No 3 building on June 9th this Saturday As far as I know you re quite enthusiastic about the Confucian culture of China so you will develop a profound passion for it The lecture will last three hours from 8 a m to 11 a m The activity mainly consists of three parts two hour listening to the lecture half an hour s discussion and thirty minute Confucius classics recitation I will be very glad if you come Looking forward to your early reply Yours Li Hua 假 如 你 是 李 华 想 邀 请 你 的 英 国 朋 友 Leslie 一 起 参 加 你 校 举 行 的 弘 扬 中 华 传 统 文 化 戏 曲 进 校 园 展 演 活 动 请 给 他 写 封 邮 件 内 容 包 括 1 活 动 时 间 地 点 2 活 动 内 容 参考范文 Dear Leslie How are things with you Now I have a piece of good news to share with you There will be an activity about Chinese traditional operas at 2 00 p m on July 1 Knowing that you are interested in Chinese traditional culture I d like to invite you to join us The activity will be held on the playground in our school and all the teachers and students will attend On that day a culture show and many wonderful opera performance will be put on It s a chance for you to learn more about Chinese traditional culture I am sure it will broaden your horizons and that we ll have a great time Looking forward to your reply Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 得 知 外 教 Mr Hall 寒 假 不 回 国 想 邀 请 他 到 你 家 过 春 节 请 给 他 写 一 封 信 内 容 包 括 1 时 间 2 一 同 过 节 的 家 人 3 活 动 注 意 1 词 数 80 词 左 右 2 可 以 适 当 增 加 细 节 参考范文 Dear Mr Hall I m writing to invite you to come to my home to celebrate the Spring Festival on January 19 It s traditionally a time for family reunion so my parents and my brother will all be there We ll make dumplings together and have a big dinner We ll also play card games and watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV You may even get a gift from my parents If you re able to come I ll go and pick you up at your place Best Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 想 邀 请 你 的 英 国 朋 友 Henry 一 起 参 加 龙 舟 训 练 营 请 给 他 写 封 邮 件 内 容 包 括 1 训 练 营 时 间 地 点 及 参 加 者 2 说 明 你 打 算 参 加 的 原 因 3 询 问 对 方 的 意 向 注 意 1 词 数 100 左 右 2 可 以 适 当 增 加 细 节 以 使 行 文 连 贯 3 结 语 已 为 你 写 好 提 示 词 龙 舟 训 练 营 Dragon Boat Training Camp 参考范文 Dear Henry I m writing to tell you my exciting plan for the summer holiday I want to join a Dragon Boat Training Camp Knowing that you have a great interest in Chinese traditional culture I d like to invite you to come with me This camp to be held in the city park will open on July 20th It offers teenagers like you and me a chance to enjoy sports and learn about Chinese traditions and customs For foreigners so fond of Chinese traditional culture like you I m sure that is will broaden your horizons and that you will enjoy it I wonder if it is convenient for you to join me Hope to meet you at the training camp this summer Yours Li Hua 道歉信 假 定 你 是 李 华 希 望 英 国 朋 友 Mark 了 解 国 画 你 们 原 定 见 面 时 间 因 故 需 要 推 迟 请 给 Mark 写 一 封 邮 件 说 明 情 况 要 点 包 括 1 表 示 歉 意 并 说 明 原 因 2 重 约 见 面 讨 论 时 间 3 推 荐 先 参 观 国 画 展 览 参考范文 Dear Mark I hate to say sorry but there is a change in my school arrangements So I am afraid I won t be able to keep my appointment to discuss traditional Chinese paintings with you I sincerely apologize to you for any inconvenience caused by the unexpected change I suggest we put it off from 3 pm this weekend until the same time next Thursday Will that be fine for you Good news is that an exhibition of Chinese paintings is to be held this weekend Works by some nationwide famous painters will be included in the exhibits A visit there will definitely help better your understanding of the paintings Looking forward to your reply Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 因 故 不 能 如 期 参 加 你 校 国 际 部 组 织 的 丝 绸 之 路 Silk Road 游 学 活 动 请 给 国 际 部 负 责 人 外 教 Henry 写 一 封 道 歉 信 参考范文 Dear Henry I m Li Hua one of the students who are supposed to participate in the travelling of Silk Road next month I really appreciate you arrange such a wonderful travel for us to enlarge our knowledge of Chinese history However I m writing to make an apology Much to my regret I can t attend the travelling due to my ankle injury which is caused in a basketball match According to the doctor s requirements I have to stay in bed for three months for the sake of my recovery I m sorry for that Anyway please believe I m not absent from the travelling on purpose If there s any inconvenience or financial loss caused by my absence please let me know Thanks for your understanding Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 在 北 京 的 美 国 留 学 生 朋 友 Peter 观 看 了 中 国 宝 藏 National Treasure 和 2018 年 春 晚 后 对 中 国 的 文 物 非 常 感 兴 趣 与 你 相 约 本 周 六 早 点 去 故 宫 博 物 院 参 观 丝 路 山 水 地 图 Map of Silk Road Landscape 和 其 它 藏 宝 但 你 因 故 不 能 赴 约 请 写 一 封 邮 件 给 他 内 容 包 括 1 表 示 歉 意 2 不 能 赴 约 理 由 3 改 约 时 间 4 下 次 的 安 排 参考范文 Dear Peter I m sorry to tell you that I can t go to Palace Museum with you at 9 a m this Saturday as scheduled It happens that a job interview which is vital for my future career will be going on at exactly that time and lasts for 3 hours including a test Therefore I am writing to you to express my sincere apology Will it be convenient for you if we change it at 9 o clock next Sunday If it is OK I will make an appointment online in advance We ll have a careful look at the amazing Map of Silk Road Landscape first which I know you ve dreamed a lot After that I will lead you to other national treasures including delicate vases and ancient weapons You can also tell me what interests you most so that we can have a more enjoyable journey Looking forward to hearing from you Apologize again Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 和 美 国 留 学 生 TOM 通 过 网 络 互 相 帮 助 学 习 彼 此 的 母 语 但 你 现 在 学 习 忙 无 法 继 续 共 同 学 习 请 给 他 写 封 电 子 邮 件 说 明 此 事 内 容 为 1 肯 定 对 方 取 得 进 步 2 表 示 致 歉 并 说 明 原 因 3 希 望 得 到 他 的 谅 解 参考范文 Dear Tom I am really sorry but I have no choice but to stop our online language learning for a while Words fail to convey my deep regret Since we knew each other you have made much progress in Chinese so have I in English But I m afraid I have to stop our communication online for a time Faced with a significant challenge the College Entrance Examination I will devote myself to my study and have no time to surf the Internet I promise I ll spare no effort to help with your Chinese learning after the exam I would be grateful if you could understand my situation and forgive me Looking forward to studying with you online as soon as possible Yours Li Hua 感谢信 假 定 你 是 李 华 在 你 的 美 国 朋 友 Jonah 的 鼓 励 和 建 议 下 你 的 英 语 最 近 取 得 很 大 进 步 现 在 请 你 写 一 封 感 谢 信 并 请 他 帮 忙 推 荐 几 本 英 文 小 说 最 后 邀 请 他 来 中 国 参 观 参考范文 Dear Jonah How is everything going recently I am writing to express my thanks to you for your generous help Without your encouragement and valuable advice I couldn t have made so much progress in my English learning And now I want to read some English novels in my spare time to improve my English reading skills Would you like to recommend some excellent English novels to me You have told me that you are very interested in Chinese culture I sincerely hope that you can come to visit China and I will show you around some places of interest Best wishes to you Yours Li Hua 假 设 你 叫 李 华 临 近 毕 业 你 给 高 中 英 语 老 师 Miss Li 写 一 封 感 谢 信 内 容 如 下 1 表 示 感 谢 2 你 的 近 况 3 你 对 大 学 的 展 望 以 及 上 大 学 后 的 打 算 参考范文 Dear Miss Li How is everything going I m writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for your kind help with my study With your help I have made great progress in English I m Senior Three now Devoted to my study every day I have learned much knowledge which will definitely promise me a good performance in my college entrance exam I hope that I can be admitted into my dream university one with good equipment and learned professors When I m in college I won t bury myself in books the whole day Instead I ll take an active part in many after class activities where I can develop my social skills and potential Additionally it goes without saying that I will try my best to make more friends I firmly believe that only in this way can I make my college life colorful Thanks again Wish you a good day Look forward to your early reply Yours truly Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 寒 假 时 期 在 White 教 授 的 指 导 下 完 成 了 有 关 中 美 文 化 交 流 为 主 题 的 演 讲 给 White 教 授 写 封 邮 件 以 表 达 谢 意 参考范文 Dear Professor How are you doing I am Li Hua one of your students from China I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your help which you gave me when I was preparing for the speech concerning cultural exchange between China and America I still remember the days when you gave me some guidance With your help I did not only get the first prize but also let me know more about American culture I could not finish it wonderfully without your help I sincerely hope that you have healthy body and lead a happy life Again please accept my sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 们 学 校 和 一 所 美 国 中 学 签 署 了 教 师 交 流 协 议 在 过 去 的 一 年 里 你 们 的 英 文 老 师 是 来 自 这 所 中 学 的 Sue Wood 不 久 前 她 返 回 美 国 任 教 请 你 根 据 下 列 写 作 要 点 和 要 求 给 Sue 写 封 电 子 邮 件 1 对 她 表 达 感 谢 之 意 2 介 绍 她 离 开 后 你 自 己 及 班 里 发 生 的 事 情 3 希 望 了 解 她 的 近 况 参考范文 Dear Sue I m Li Hua one of your students in China It s almost a month since you left us We all miss you and are very grateful for what you did for us We are busy as usual We had an English speech contest the other day I won the first prize This again reminds me of all your kind help Do you still remember the trees we planted together on the hill behind the school Yesterday we went there and watered them The tree you planted yourself is growing well and the whole class decided to name it Sue Wood Will you come back to see Sue Wood How is everything with you lately We hope to know more about you and your American students Hope to keep in close touch All the best Li Hua 推介信 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 的 美 国 朋 友 Jack 想 学 习 汉 语 你 推 荐 他 去 孔 子 学 院 请 给 他 写 封 邮 件 内 容 包 括 1 推 荐 理 由 2 相 关 课 程 如 中 国 历 史 传 统 文 化 等 参 考 词 汇 孔 子 学 院 Confucius Institute 参考范文 Dear Jack I m more than pleased to know that you are eager to learn Chinese Confucius Institute may be a good choice which is intended for the Chinese learners who are not native Confucius Institute provides various interesting subjects You will learn Chinese history and traditional culture as well as Chinese writing Also you have more chances to talk with classmates in Chinese Besides teachers will introduce some Chinese traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival Dragon Boat Day and Mid Autumn Day Some relevant activities will be held during different festivals such as making dumplings or eating zongzi where you can not only enjoy delicious meals but also have a good knowledge of Chinese life I hope you will find my recommendation helpful and attractive Yours Li Hua 假 定 你 是 李 华 你 刚 从 英 国 为 期 五 天 的 旅 游 回 来 感 谢 好 友 Rick 的 款 待 得 知 他 对 中 国 的 传 统 节 日 非 常 感 兴 趣 端 午 节 即 将 到 来 请 你 写 一 封 信 向 他 介 绍 中 国 的 端 午 节 要 点 包 括 1 感 谢 他 的 招 待 2 介 绍 中 国 的 端 午 节 时 间 意 义 风 俗 等 3 欢 迎 他 来 中 国 并 邀 请 他 来 观 看 龙 舟 赛 参考范文 Dear Rick How is everything going Thank you so much for your hospitality and kindness when I went on a five day trip in London Dragon Boat Festival is approaching Knowing that you show great interest in Chinese traditional festivals I am writing to introduce it to you The Dragon Boat Festival one of the most traditional festivals in China falls on the May 5th in the lunar calendar People celebrate it in memory of Qu Yuan who was a Chinese poet Besides people in China will also hold a variety of activities to honor him such as holding dragon boat racing eating glutinous rice dumplings and so on If there is a chance welcome to China I also would like to invi


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