高二英语测试报:U3第三部分课件 Word power(牛津译林版必修4)

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高二英语测试报:U3第三部分课件 Word power(牛津译林版必修4)_第1页
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高二英语测试报:U3第三部分课件 Word power(牛津译林版必修4)_第3页
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Unit 3 Tomorrows world,Word power,Abstract nouns,1. Many wild animals _ because people have destroyed their living environment. We have to take some actions to prevent the _ of wild animals. (disappearance; disappear) 2. The new motorway between the two cities has finally _. Its good news for people who have to travel a lot there. The manager made a speech at the _ ceremony of the supermarket. (open; opening) 3. Thanks to his _, we are all saved, and all of us think he is such a _ person. (kind; kindness) 4. The man carried the boy to _ as the train come over, and the boy was _ at last. (safe; safety),disappearance,have disappeared,opened,opening,kindness,kind,safety,safe,Finish the sentences with the right words:,Whats an abstract noun?,a noun that refers to an idea, an action, a general quality or something that we cant see or touch directly.,an abstract noun,Such as disappearance, opening, kindness and safety.,Group 1: verbs abstract nouns,training/feeling,pressure/failure,performance/entrance,preference/difference,movement/development,discussion/connection,information/presentation,Group 2: adjectives abstract nouns,kindness,safety,reality,Try to think about more similar examples!,careless, ill,cruel,popular,Tips: We sometimes need to change the final letter(s) of a word before adding the suffix:,-e+tion,-de+sion,-e+ure,-t+ce,-y+iness,Additional information,Most abstract nouns are uncountable, only a few of them are countable: hope a hope; idea an idea; situation a situation,More examples:,1. He had been a talented musician in his youth. 2. The fight was started by a gang of youths. 3. He has the power to make things unpleasant for us. 4. The USA is among the world powers. 5. The woods are considered to be an area of natural beauty. 6. She had been a beauty in her day.,年轻,年轻人,能力,强国,美丽,美人,Exercise (P46),1. development 2. failure 3. connections 4. improvements 5. achievement,Words related to computers and the Internet,Try to recognize the different parts of computers in the picture.,Use some of the words in the picture and the words in the box to complete the poster:,Answers: 1. keyboard 2. mouse 3. data 4. CPU 5. e-mails 6.surf 7. download 8. software,Practice,more words related to computers,1. If we have no _, we cant enjoy the beautiful music by computers. 2. If we want to surf online, we just need to connect the computer with cables by _.,Choose the right words to complete the sentences:,scanner, sound card, CD-writer, network card,sound card,network card,3. Your photos are so beautiful, and I can use the _ to copy them into my computer. 4. Sometimes the information in the floppy disk is easy to be destroyed, so we can use a _ to store the information for a long time.,scanner,CD-writer,Language points,以为结果,1. 他的工程以失败告终。 2. 两队各进一球, 战成平局。 3. 他触犯了法律, 坐了大牢。,1. His project ended in a failure. 2. Either team made one goal and the match ended in a tie. 3. He broke law and ended (up) in prison.,end in,高考链接,2. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent _ at the end of last March. (2010山东) A. has been launched B. having been launched C. being launched D. to be launched,高考链接,Homework,Revise what you have learned in this period. Preview Grammar.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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