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初中英语动词不定式与动名词专项练习一、动词不定式的用法1)作主语 To learn English well is not easy. 或 It is not easy to learn English well.2)作表 My wish is to become a teacher.3)作宾语Most of us like to watch football matches.4)作宾语补足语 He told me to be here on time.5)作定语I have nothing to say about that thing.6)作状语He stopped to have a look.否定形式:not + to + 动词原形构成例如:He asked me not to make such a mistake.2、动词不定式与疑问词连用:例如:(1) He doesnt know how to use the machine. (不定式作宾语) (2) How to use the machine is a question. (不定式作主语)(3) The question is when to go there. (不定式作表语)3、省to 的动词不定式1)使役动词 let, have, make:2)感官动词 see, watch, look at, notice, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补,省略to。3)would rather,had better + do4、不定式的特殊句型:1)tooto:太而不能 He is too excited to speak.2)enough to do:足以做 The child is old enough to go to schooll3)Why not +动词原形表达向某人提出建议 Why not take a holiday?4)so as (not) to do: 表示目的Go in quietly so as not to wake the baby.二、动词的-ing形式: 1动词的-ing形式用作动名词:1)动名词作主语 Walking is good exercise. 走路是很好的运动2)动名词作表语 My favorite sport is swimming. 我最喜欢的运动是游泳。3)动名词作宾语 She cant help crying at a sad movie. 她看了忧伤的电影禁不住要哭。有些动词和动词短语后只能接动名词作宾语。例如:, finish, mind, practice, be good at, do well in, cant help(禁不住), keep on, feel like, look forward to, enjoy ,finish, be busy ,advise ,suggest等2动词的-ing形式用作现在分词:-ing分词通常用作宾语补足语,表示动作正在发生或者正在进行。这种用法通常用在下列动词中:see, hear, find, smell, watch, find, listen to, look at, notice,例如:1)There we found him watching TV. 我们发现他在那儿看电视。2)I heard someone knocking at the door. 我听见有人在敲门。1. She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a big rock. A. to have rested B. resting C. to restD. rest2. Do you know the boy _ under the big tree?A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying3.The students are busy _ ready for the exam now. A. getting B. get C. got D. to get4. - Look! The lights in the classroomare still on. - Oh, I forgot _.A. turning them offB. turn them offC. to turn them off D. having turned them off5. He didnt feel like _ out for a walk, because he had caught a cold. A. to go B. goes C. goneD. going6. Youd better _ at home all the time. Its bad for your health. A. dont stay B. no to stay C. not stay D. not staying7. The mother asked the boy _ down the ladder, but he went on _ instead.A. come; climbing B. to come; to climb C. to come; climbing D. coming; climbing8. Is there any time_ to the museum? A. going B. to goC. goes D. gone9. The teacher asked the students to close the windows _the wind from _the papers away.A. to stop; blowing B. stopping; blowing C. to stop; blow D. stopped; blow10. We should do as much as we can _ water.A. for saving B. to save C. save D. saved11. What is the best way do you think _ the wild animals? A. protectingB. to protecting C. protectedD. to protect12. I think it kind _.A. of him to help me B. for him to help me C. that he help me D. of him helping me13. Its too hot today. Why not _ your coat?A. take on B. to take off C. take off D. taking off14. Boys, dont forget _ the windows before you leave the classroom. A. closingB. closed C. to closing D. to close15. Would you please _ any noise? The baby has just fallen asleep. A. make B. to make C. not to makeD. not make16. - Would you please try _ lateagain? - Sorry, I wont be late again.A. not to be B. to be not C. not be D. be17. Yesterday I heard a story _ by my friend. A. told B. telling C. to tell D. tell18. We cant help crying after _ the sad news. A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear19. - Would you mind _ for a few minutes? - No, not at all. A. wait B. to wait C. waited D. waiting20. I find _ him all about it.A. necessary to tell B. that necessary to C. necessary it to tellD. it necessary to tell21. Its very nice _ you to _ me about it. A. for; tellB. of; say C. to; speak D. of; tell22. The son wants his mother _ him up at six oclock every day. A. to ring B. ring C. ringsD. ringing23. - I often use Hotmail to send e-mails.- Really? Would you please show me_ it? A. how can I useB. what can I us C. how to useD. what to use24. Tell the boy _ out of the window. A. not to lookB. to not look C. dont lookD. not look25. Did you hear her _ in the next room just now? A. singingB. sing C. to sing D. sang26. How long does it take you _ your homework every evening?A. finish doingB. finishing to do C. to finish doing D. finish to do27. Remember _ the lights when you leave the office. A. to turn off B. turning off C. turn offD. to turning off28. Her hope _ the 2008 Olympic Games.A. to take part inB. is to take part in C. taking part inD. will take part in29.The room isnt big enough _ so many people. A. holdingB. hold C. to holdD. holds30. Youd better not spend more time _ computer games. A. for playingB. in playing C. to playD. plays31. It is better to teach a man fishing than _ him fish. A. giving B. to give C. givesD. give32. My sister is interested in _ in her free time.A. watch TVB. reading books C. listening music D. plays basketball33. I have caught a cold and I dont feel like _ anything. A. to eat B. eating C. ateD. eats34. I saw him _ into the small store. A. wentB. going C. to goD. has gone35. He raised(提高) his voice(嗓音) to make everybody in the room _ him clearly. A. hearB. to hear C. hearingD. heard36. I didnt go to the park yesterday because my mother asked me _ my sister at home. A. to look atB. to look for C. looking afterD.to take care of37. Their wish is _ a house of their own.(他们自己的) A. to have B. for having C. have D. of having38. The teacher agreed _ us_ the test papers home. A. to let, take B. to let, to take C. letting, take D. let, take39. When he saw I was in a hurry, he offered _ me his bicycle.A. lending B. lent C. to lend D. in lending40. I dont like_ people _about their neighbours.A. hear, talking B. to hear, talking C. to hear, to talk D. hearing, talkedB 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、正确。1. Li Lei is asking his uncle_(help) him think of a foreign name.2. - Hi! Li Hong. I didnt see you at theparty. - Oh, I was busy _(get) ready forthe coming exams.3. Its too cold. Lets make a fire _ (warm) ourselves up.4. The girl _(stand) under the tree is my cousin Kate.5. You dont need _ (worry) about your friend. He is safe at home.6. Why did you keep your brother _ (wait) for a long time that evening?7. I found the door _(close) when I got home.8. When they met again, they were too excited _(say) a word.9. Through the window, I saw some boys _(play) basketball.10. He didnt finish _(write) the book until last week.11. - How long did it take you _(do)your homework yesterday? - About half an hour.12. Let me _(help) you _(water) the flowers.13. My watch doesnt work. It needs _(repair).14. _(take) good care of the vegetables, and they will grow better.15. How much time did you spend _ (watch) TV last night?16. I prefer _(read) books at home rather than _(go) shopping on Sundays.17. Its going _(rain); youd better _(take) an umbrella with you.18. I often hear people _(say) “_(see) is _(believe)”.


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