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Lesson1 Always remember to say please .总要记得说“请”。一 场景:A:Help! Help! HELP! Help me ! I need food! I need water! I need a house, a wife! B:You must first say “please”! A:Okay, okay! PLEASE help me! PLEASE give me some food! PLEASE give me some water! PLEASE! A:Hey! I said “please”! B:Indeed , but you didnt say “thank you ”. 二、单词:help, food ,water, house, indeed 确实。Lesson2 How do I get to Nanjing road ?我去南京路怎么走?一、场景:Man:-Pardon me ,can you tell me how to get to Nanjing road?Boy:-Sure, you can take bus number 21 ,or subway line 1 .Man:-Which one is faster?Boy:-If I were you , Ill take the subway.Man:-Thank you !Girl:-Excuse me , do you know where the museum is ?Boy:-Easy, just go north on Shanxi road, its about 20 minutes from here. Themuseums on the left, you cant miss it.Girl:-Thanks!Boy:-You are welcome!二、单词:Bus公共汽车/subway地铁/fast 快/north北面/minute分钟Lesson3 Is Kevin home ?Kevin在家吗?.一、场景:Bird 1:-Im bored. Is there any way we can have some fun?Bird 2:-Easy, Just watch! Ding-dong! Is Kevin home?-Is Kevin home? Man:-Coming.-Bird2:-Ding-dong! Is Kevin home?Man:-No, hes-hes-hes not in.Bird1:-Ha!Ha!-No,hes-hes- not in. Hes not in. Hes not in.Boy:- Is Kevin home?Bird1:-Hes not in .Bird1 and 2:HaHaHa!-HaHaHaHa!-二、单词:Fun 快乐,娱乐/home/easy/way 方法,方式/watch看/ Lesson4 I dont like Peking Duck.我不喜欢北京烤鸭一场景Boy:-Hey, man.Is this your first time in Shanghai?Rooster:-Yeah.Boy: -Do you like the city? Rooster:-Yes I do.Boy:-How about Beijing? Rooster:-I havent been there yet.Boy:-Have you tried Peking Duck? Rooster:-Yeah, its great .Boy:-Hey, buddy, he said he likes Peking Duck. How about you?Duck:-Absolutely not! I do NOT like Peking Duck!二单词:buddy 好朋友, yeah,是的,absolutely绝对的, duck 鸭子, 城市cityLesson5 What a fat bird.多么胖的一只鸟啊!一、 场景:Penny:-Hey, how are you guys doing? 嘿,你们好!Bird234:-Fine! How are you?Bird2:-Im really bored.真无聊Im leaving.我要回家了See you around!待会儿见!Bird34:-Ok, see you later! 好啊,待会儿见! Penny:-Bye! 再见!Bird3:-Sorry , I have to go now. I have a class this evening. See you tomorrow! 抱歉,我现在得走了, 晚上我得上课。 明天见!Bird4:-So long! 再见!Penny:-Take care! 保重!Bird4:-Its its getting late. Im afraid I have to go now. Good night!天越来越晚了 我恐怕我得走了 晚安!Penny:-Good night! Sweet dreams! 晚安! 做个好梦!二、单词:guy伙计,bored无聊,Class课,late晚,dream梦Lesson6 Mmmm, delicious! 嗯, 美味啊!一、 场景:A:-Mmmm,delicious! Theres nothing like fresh mosquitoes! 嗯,美味啊! 没有比新鲜蚊子更好吃的了!B:-Those mosquitoes really look tasty! 那些蚊子看起来很好吃.A:-They sure are! You ought to catch some yourself! Theres plenty! 没错.但是你得自已抓.那儿还有很多!B:-Can you give me a hand? 你能帮助我一下吗? A:- Id love to. Kit, but Im kind of busy right now!Can you give me a hand?我很乐意. 小东西,可是我现在没空! -你能帮助我一下吗?二.单词:Delicious 鲜美的/mosquito 蚊子/tasty 好味道的/plenty 许多/fresh 新鲜的 Lesson7 I dont like the book.我不喜欢这本书一、场景:A:-This one is a red-hot best seller! Youve really got to check it out. I guarantee youll love it !这是一本最畅销的书!你可以去看看。我保证你会喜欢它的!B:-What a great novel! I love it! 多棒的一本小说啊!我喜欢!C:-This book is too long! 这本书太长了!D:-What a bore! 这太叫人讨厌了!Dog:-This book is utterly tasteless. 这本书一点没有味道。二、单词:Red-hot best seller最畅销的/guarantee 保证/novel 小说/bore 令人生厌的事/utterly tasteless 完全没有味道的Lesson8 Hes my favorite.他才是我中意的一、场景:A:-Hey, this is great!Woo-hoo! 嘿,这太棒了! 喔呼!B:-Hmph. I cant stand Elvis. 我受不了艾尔维斯.A:-You must be kidding!Why not?你在开玩笑! 为什么不喜欢?B:-Hes too boring . 他太无聊了.Hes so dull, it makes me nod off. 他是那么的乏味,让我犯困.A:-Ok, so what singer do you like? 那好,你喜欢谁呢?B:-The only kind of singer I like is one who wakes everybody up! 我喜欢那种能把所有人叫醒的歌手! O-O-O! 喔!喔!喔!二、单词:Interesting 有趣的/pop music 流行音乐/singer 歌手/ wake up 叫醒/great 棒极了Lesson9 Cheers! .Hiccup ( Jeff 公鸡)干杯!-呃一、情景对话:Jeff :-Hey,dude! How are you doing? Have a nice weekend! Cheers! Merry Christmas, buddy!嗨!老兄! 过得好吗? 过个愉快的周末! 干杯! 圣诞快乐, 伙计!Frog:-Merry Christmas!Jeff :-Happy birthday! 祝你生日快乐!Ox:-Happy birthday? 生日快乐?Jeff :-Have a great Valentines Day! Happy new year! And and Have a nice trip !祝你情人节玩得开心! 新年快乐! 祝. 祝你旅途愉快!二、单词:Weekend 周末/happy 高兴的,快乐的/merry 愉快的/birthday 生日/trip 旅行/ Lesson10 Do you speak English (language) ?你说外语吗?一、情景对话:A:-Hey , are you two free on Saturday? 嗨,你们俩星期六有空吗?B:-Yeah!What do you have in mind? 是的,怎么了?A:-Id like to take you to 我想带你们去C:-.take us to dinner? . Cool! I really enjoyed that bug pizza we had last time! 带我们去吃晚餐? 酷! 我喜欢我们上次吃的虫子披萨!A:-No, no! I want to take you to study a foreign language! 不,不! 我想带你们去学外语!B:-Study a foreign language ? 学外语?A:-Sure! Wouldnt it be great to speak another language? It would be so useful! 对! 能说外语很棒,不是吗? 外语真的很有用!B:-It would ? 是吗?A:-Yeah, just think how much fun it would be to sing in another language! 当然,想想,用外语唱歌有多有趣!C:-Really? Okay! 真的吗?好吧!B:-Yeah, lets try it! 好吧,让我们试试!Dog:-All right then, repeat after me! 好了,跟我读!汪,汪,汪!二、单词:Free 空闲的pizza 比萨饼foreign language 外语useful 有用的repeat 重复lesson11 You flatter me.你在恭维我。一、场景:A:-MY , dont you look smart today! 你今天看上去真帅!B:-Really? Why thank you ! I dont remember you telling me that before! 是吗? 哎呀,谢谢!过去我可从没听说过!A:-Oh, Ive always thought you were beautiful! That new home of yours is really gorgeous! 哦!我一直认为你很漂亮!你的新房子真是漂亮极了!B:-Really? Oh, you flatter me! 是吗?你在恭维我! You are such a sweet-talker!你的嘴真甜!A:-Congratulations on your new home! 恭喜你有了个新家!B:-Why, thank you very much! 哎呀,非常感谢!二、单词:Flatter 过分夸赞奉承/Smart 漂亮的/remember 记起想起/gorgeous 美丽的,豪华的 /sweet-talker油嘴滑舌的人/congratulations 祝贺/gorgeous 华丽的, 灿烂的!lesson12 what do yo do ?您的工作是什么?一、场景:A:-Today lets talk about jobs! 今天让我们来谈谈自已的工作!Excuse me , can you tell me what you do ? 请问您的工作是什么?B:-Me? Im a cab driver. 你问我吗? 啊! 我是个出租司机.This is a really tiring job, you know. 你知道这是个很累人的工作.A:-Pardon me, could you tell me what you do for a living? 对不起,请问你是什么工作?C:-Sure, Im a salesman ! 啊! 我是一名推销员.Say, if you need anything, just give mea call. 如果你想买什么的话, 别忘了给我打电话D:-Fresh milk! Fresh milk! 新鲜牛奶! 新鲜牛奶!A:-Sorry to disturb you, what , may I ask , is your job? 打搅您了,请问您是什么工作?D:-Who, me ? Im just a shop assistant. 我吗? 我是个商店售货员.Would you like some fresh, sweet milk? 您需要新鲜、香甜的牛奶吗?A:-Excuse me, sir, could you please tell us ,what is your profession? 耽误您一分钟,请问您的工作是什么?E:-Why, Im a surgeon. 我的职业是外科医生.F:-And me? Im a reporter, bringing you this story.我?我的职业是记者,现在在现场报道.A:-How about you? (那么您好,)您的职业是什么呢?二、单词:Cab driver出租车司机/ tiring令人疲惫的/ salesman推销员/ surgeon外科医生/ reporter记者lesson13 Bottoms up.干杯(庆贺)。一、情景对话:A:-Ive got some great news! 我要告诉你一个好消息。B:-Beat it! Im in a bad mood. 走开! 我今天心情可不好。A:-This is my lucky day! 今天是我走运的日子!I found a new job! 我找到个新工作。B:-A new job? Really ? 新工作? 真的?A:-Really! 真的!I wanted you to be the first to know! 所以我希望你第一个听到这个好消息。B:-Congratulations! 祝贺你! I wish you the best of luck in your new job! 祝你工作顺利!A:-Lets drink to that! 让我们为这个喝一杯!B:-To your luck! 为你的幸运!A:-Thank you! 谢谢!B:-And to our friendship! 还有我们的友谊!A:-To friendship! 为了友谊!B:-Wait! And to your health! 等等! 还有你的健康!A:-Yes, to good health. 对,为了健康。B:-And to.还有.A:-ToCheers! 干杯! 二、单词:News 消息/ job 工作/ health 健康/ friendship 友谊/ luck 运气lesson14 Its my first time .这是我第一次一、情景对话:A:-Im really nervous about this.我真的很紧张。Ive got butterflies! 我在发抖!B:-Dont worry, everyones afraid the first time! 别担心,第一次的时候,每个人都会害怕。A:-Are you sure everything is ready? 你确定这很安全?B:-Yes, Ive double-checked everything. 是的,我已经查过两次了。A:-Trust me! 相信我!Ok, go for it! 来,跳吧!Thats it! 就是这样!Youre doing great! 干得不赖!二、单词:Nervous 紧张的/ worry 担心/ afraid 害怕的/ double-check 复查/ trust 信任lesson15 I want to fly .我想要飞。一、情景对话:A:-Can I give you a hand? 我能帮你吗?B:-No, thanks. 谢谢。C:-Are you sure you dont need any help? 你真的不需要帮忙吗?B:-I dont want to risk my neck just to fly. Who wants to fly, anyway.我可不想为了飞而伤着自已。 谁想要飞啊。D:-May I help you ? 有什么要帮忙的吗?B:-Id like to book an airline ticket. 我想订一张机票。二、单词:Give you a hand帮忙/ risk危险,风险/ neck脖子/ Id like to 我想要/ airline ticket机票/lesson16 where Am I ?我在哪儿呀?一、情景对话:A:-Get your maps here, really cheap! Get your maps here, really cheap!要地图吗?很便宜!Excuse me, sir. Would you like to buy a map? 对不起,先生,您想买地图吗?B:-No, thank you. 谢谢,我不要。A:-Theyre real bargain, just four yuan each! 很便宜的,每张才4元。You cant find a good map that cheap anywhere else! 哪里去买这么好的地图。B:-Sorry, I dont need a map! 对不起,我不需要地图!A:-Sure you do!你当然需要!Come on, these are great maps!买吧,多好的地图啊!B:-Thanks anyway. 谢谢!Where where am I ? 我在哪里?A:-See, I told you you needed a map! 看!我说你需要地图吧!二、单词:Bargain便宜货/ need需要/ cheap便宜的/ anyway不管怎么样/anywhere else 别的地方lesson17 Lets rock nroll !一、 情景对话:A:-Theres a rock concert tonight at the club. 今天晚上俱乐部有摇滚音乐会.B:-Man, I really wish I was going! 伙计,我好想去啊!A:-Big deal! 有什么了不起!B:-Youre not going? 你不准备去吗?A:-No, I couldnt care less. 对不起,我一点也不感兴趣.B:-Oh. Well, it sounds like everyone will be there. 哦,好吧,听说所有的人都会去啊.A:-SO WHAT ! 那又怎么样!B:-HEY! The concert is now OVER! 嘿! 摇滚音乐会到此结束!二、单词:Rock concert 摇滚音乐会/ club 俱乐部./ everyone 所有的人/ sounds like 听起来/ so what 那又怎么样? lesson18 long time no see !好久不见!一、 情景对话:A:-Hey, stranger! Havent seen you in a while! 嘿, 伙计! 好久不见!B:-Long time no see. 好久不见了.A:-Yeah, long time no see! How have you been? 是啊, 好久不见! 最近怎么样?B:-Are you all right? 你还好吗?A:-Hows your wife? 你太太怎么样?Are you still working for that horrible company? 你还在那个可怕的公司吗?Hey, are you free Friday? Lets get together! 嗨, 星期五有空吗? 我们一起过!Hey buddy! Great to see you! 嘿,伙计! 你好!二、单词:Work for 为.工作/ company 公司 / still 仍然 /free 有空/ buddy 家伙,好朋友lesson19 you are always stylish .你总是那么时髦。一、 情景对话:A:-Hey man, check out my new look! 喂! 老弟! 瞧我的新打扮怎么样?B:-Well, You are always so stylish! 你总是那么时髦!A:-But do you really like it ? 不过 你真的喜欢这样?B:-Like it? Of course! 喜欢? 当然!Am I not fashionable? Am I not chic? 你不觉得我很时髦吗?我不潇洒吗?You should get one, too!你也该打一个环! It would look great on you!看上去会很棒!A:-How awful! 真可怕!B:-Wow, thats really cool! Hey, can you tell me where you bought that?哦, 太酷了! 嗨,能告诉我你在哪里买的吗?二、单词:Check out 打量/ stylish 时髦的/ fashionable 流行的/ chic 别致的/ awful 可怕的Lesson20 No speeding, ok ?不要超速,好吗?一、 情景对话:A:-Taxi! TAXI! 出租车, 出租车!B:-Where to ? 请问您要到哪里去?A:-Take me to the Salad Hotel. 我要到色拉酒店.B:-The Salad Hotel? But .色拉酒店? 可是. Hey, Mister! 嘿, 先生!Were already at the Salad Hotel! 这里就是(我们已经到了)色拉酒店啊!A:-Huh? What? 啊, 什么? Oh, were here! 哦,到了! Wow, that was quick! 真是快啊! Here you go! 给你钱! Keep the change, pal! 不用找零了,伙计!By the way, next time no speeding, okay? Its too dangerous! 顺便提一句, 下次开车别太快了, 好吗? 很危险的!二、单词:Taxi 出租车/ already 已经/ speeding 超速行驶 / dangerous 危险的/ change 找零Lesson21 Dont bother me .一、 情景对话:Excuse me , Could you please tell me What time it is ? 对不起!请问现在几点钟?Its eleven oclock. 现在是11 点。Thanks. 谢谢你。Sorry, do you have the time? 对不起,你知道几点了吗?Yeah, its eleven fifteen! 知道,现在是11 点一刻。Thank you! 谢谢!Pardon me,can you do me a favor and tell me the time? 对不起,帮个忙能告诉我现在几点吗?Okay, okay 好了,好了But this is the LAST time! 我最后再说一遍!This is driving me crazy! 我快疯了!Its eleven thirty. Okay? 现在是.现在是11 点半. 好吗?Ive had enough of these. 我受够了Whoa! 哦No need to lose your temper! 别这么大脾气啊!I only asked for the time! 我只是问一下时间!Thank you! 谢谢Enough! ENOUGH! 够了! 够了!I dont know what time it is, okay? 我不知道现在几点钟I have no idea! 我不知道!What?! 啊?!Why, um, uh, its现在是Its .twelve noon! 现在是点Uhhhhhh 我的天啊二、单词:Pardon me 请原谅last time 最后一次crazy 疯狂lose yourtemper 发脾气have no idea 不知道Lesson22 nice to meet you .一、 情景对话:Hi, Im Helen. 嗨, 我是Helen.Your new neighbor. 你的新邻居.Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你.I think Ive seen you around! 我想我在哪儿见过你!Welcome to the neighborhood. 欢迎成为邻居。Do you know where I can find an internet caf around here:? 你知道这附近哪里可以找到一个网吧?Ill be glad to show you. 我很高兴带你去.If you need anything just let me know. 如果有什么要帮忙的话,告诉我一声。二、单词:Neighbor 邻居/ neighborhood 居民区,小区/ internet 互联网,网络/ caf 咖啡馆/ glad 高兴Lesson23 Are you busy ?一、情景对话:Today I was fired! 今天我被解雇了!Im really bummed out. 我好伤心。Hey buddy! You busy? 嘿!朋友!最近忙吗?No, not anymore. 我不会再忙了,不会了。Man, you dont look so well. 朋友!你看上去不太好啊。Everything ok? 一切都好吗?No, its not. Leave me alone. 不,别理我。让我自已单独呆会儿I just want to some peace and quiet. 我只是想安静一下。Hey, dont get upset! 嘿,别生气啊!I told you . LEAVE ME ALONE! 我说过,不要理我!Let me go ! let me go ! 放开我! 放开我!Are you crazy? 你疯了吗?What a day! 多糟的一天啊!You can say that again! 你再说一遍二、单词:Fired 被解雇/ bummed out 伤心/ buddy 伙计/ get upset 生气/ areyou crazy? 你疯了吗?/Lesson24 Jeffrey does not live here .一、情景对话:Hi, is this Jeffrey? 嗨, 是杰弗里吗?Im sorry. youve dialed the wrong number. 对不起, 您打错了.Hello, may I speak with Jeffrey? 您好, 我能和杰弗里说话吗?Its urgent! 我有急事!Theres nobody here named Jeffrey! 这里可没有叫杰弗里的!Wohello, Jeffrey, its me. 嘿, 杰弗里, 是我!I dont know anyone named Jeffrey! 我不认识杰弗里!Youve dialed the wrong number! 你找错电话了!This is ridiculous! Good heavens! 这太荒谬了! 上帝啊!Listen to me: Jeffrey does not live here! Okay? 你听懂了吗? 杰弗里不住这儿!You got that? No Jeffrey! 这儿没有杰弗里!Do you understand? 明白了吗?Um , this is Jeffrey. 我是杰弗里.Who is this ? 你是谁?二、单词:Dial 拨(号码) / wrong 错误的/ number 号码 / speak 说/ urgent 紧急的Lesson25 Ill be rich .一、情景对话:Help! Over here! 救命,我在这里!Help! Save me! 救命!救救我!Thank heavens. 感谢上帝啊Im finally going to be rescued! After all this time! 经过这漫漫岁月, 我终于能够获救了!Good-bye old friend. 再见吧! 老朋友At last Im going to be saved. 我终于有够获救了You know what will happen after Im rescued? 你知道我离开这里后会发生什么事情?Ill be famous! 我会成为名人!And you know what that means? 你知道那意味着什么吗?.Reportes! Photos! Interviews! .记者! 照片!采访!Yes, I can see it now. 是的我已经可以想象!Fame and fortune! 声望财富!Ill be Rich! 我会很有钱!Well my friend. 啊!朋友,All that is waiting for me! 这些东西都等着我呢!But now, I have to go. 我现在不得不走了Okay, I really must go now. 好的,我真的要走了Ill miss you! 我会想你的!二、单词:Happen 发生 famous 著名的photo 照片interview 采访,面试rich 有钱的Save me 救救我!Lesson26 介绍一、 情景对话:A:Mike, this is Jean. 迈克, 这是简。Nice to meet you, Jean! 很高兴见到你, 简。And Jean, this is Mike. 简, 这是迈克。How do you do, mike? 你好, 迈克。Hey, whats your name? 嗨, 你叫什么?Robert. 罗伯特。Robert, good to meet you! 罗伯特, 很高兴见到你!Likewise. 我也一样。Well, where are you from? 你从哪来?Im from Argentina. 我来自阿根廷。And how about you? 你呢?Im . Im from Canada. 加拿大。Sorry! 对不起!二、单词:Name 名字/ good 好/ nice 棒/ meet 遇见Lesson27 Ill miss you .一、 情景对话:A:So long! 再见!I hope our paths cross again some day! 我希望还可以再见到你!B:Me, too! 我也是!Ohwait a minute! 哦等一下!Here, take my pet! 带上我的宠物!Its something to remember me by. 看到它你可以想起我.Take care! 保重啊! Keep in touch! 保持联络!A:Good-bye! 再见!B:Good-bye! Ill miss you! 我会想你的!A:Ill miss you, too! 我也会想你的!二、单词:Pet 宠物/ remember 记得,记住/ touch 接触,联系/ cross 交叉/ hope 希望Lesson28 Airport surprise .一、 情景对话:This is my friend. 这是我的朋友.Shes been abroad for two years. 她出国已经两年了.I really missed her. 我非常想念她.But today shes coming home! 今天她回来了!Im waiting here at the airport to surprise her when she arrives! 我等在机场是为了在她到来时给她一个惊喜!Oh, here she comes! 噢! 她来了!Welcome home! 欢迎回来!Its you! 是你!Im so glad you came to meet me at the airport! 我真高兴你能来机场接我!I missed you so much! 我非常想念你!二、单词:Be abroad 出国/ arrive 到达/ airport 机场/ surprise 使.吃惊Lesson29 what are you up to ?一、 情景对话:What are your plans for the afternoon? 你下午有安排吗?Im going to take photos of the river! 我要去拍河流的照片!What are you going to do on National Day? 我国庆节打算干什么呢?Well, Im planning to visit my sister! 嗯, 我打算去拜访我的姐姐.What do you intend to do this weekend? 你这个周末打算做什么?Go shopping, of course! 当然是购物啦!How about you? 你呢?What are you up to? 你准备做什么?Why, I have a date! 嗯, 我有约会!二、单词:Date 约会/ go shopping 购物/ National Day 国庆节/ plan 计划,打算/of course 当然Lesson30 sign language .一、 情景对话:Do you understand this piece of art? 你看得懂这件艺术品吗?Hmmmno, 嗯., 不,Im not sure what it means 我不确定.How about this one? 这个呢?UhI dont know. 嗯.我不知道.You have no appreciation of art! 你不懂得欣赏艺术!Okay, what does this one mean? 好吧, 那么这个是什么意思呢?Hey, I understand it! 嘿, 这个我懂.Actually, 实际上,it has a very important message! 它传递了一个非常重要的信息!Really? What does it mean? 真的吗? 什么意思?Its quite obvious! 非常明显!It says that the “mens room” is that way! 它说, “男洗手间”在那里!二、单词:Understand 理解/ art 艺术/ appreciation 欣赏/ obvious 明显的/message 信息Lesson31 Birthday party .一、 情景对话:This birthday party is a real eye-opener. 这真是个叫人大开眼界的生日晚会啊!Just look at that, music,你瞧那音乐,gifts, and 礼物和。And billsto pay. 和要付的帐单。Bills? Who cares? 帐单? 谁会在乎?Im going to have one just like this. 我也要办一个像这样的晚会。So whos going to organize your party? 那该谁来帮你办生日晚会呢?I dont care who organizes it. 我才不管谁来帮我办。I want a birthday cake the size of this house, and flowers as pretty as me.我就要像这房子一样大的蛋糕,像我一样漂亮的鲜花。And Im going to dress up in my birthday suit! 然后穿上我的生日礼服!What a beautiful flower! 多漂亮的鲜花啊!I just want a simple birthday party. 我只想要个简单的生日晚会。Really. 真的。A simple one, 简单单。if there is such a thing. 如果还有的话,二、单词:birthday party 生日晚会/ gift 礼物/ bill 怅单/ organize 举办/ birthday cake 生日蛋糕Lesson32 Tomorrow is beautiful(07-2)一、 情景对话:Good afternoon Mr. Wright,下午好瑞特先生,how are you? 你过得好吗?Im fine, how are you? 很好,你呢?Not bad, not bad. 还不赖Quiet day, isnt it? 多安静的一天啊!Yeah, 是啊。I hope its nice out tomorrow. 希望明天会好点。Jenny! Hey! 嗨! 珍妮!Hi, john! 嗨! 约翰!Hey! Whats up? 嗨! 最近怎么样?Not much, how about you? 没什么特别的, 你呢?Oh, just the usual. 哦,老样子。Take care! See you! 保重!再见!Catch you later! 一会儿见!I really hope its n


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