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一星口语学习资料(针对2010年8月考试) 提示说词练习书上分类:部位:-eye, hand, foot家庭成员:-father, mother, sister颜色:-red, yellow, white职业:-teacher, doctor, nurse食品:-apple, banana, pear饮料:-coke, tea, water水果:-apple, banana, pear衣服:-jacket, skirt, shirt动物:-rabbit, tiger, lion交通工具:-bus, train, bike文具:pencil, ruler, eraser其它分类:脸上的部位:-eye, mouth, nose夏天穿的衣服:-skirt, shirt, T-shirt圆圆的可以玩的:-ball, football, basketball, volleyball女的家庭成员:-mother, grandmother, sister可以坐的家具:-chair, stool, sofa, bed可以发声音的家电:-telephone, radio, tape-recorder, TV set学校里有的东西:-classroom, class, desk, chair, blackboard, playground书包里有的东西:-textbook, pencilbox, pencil, ruler, rubber, paper上美术课要用的东西:-pen, paper, rubber, pencil公园里的植物:tree, flower, grass甜的食物:-cake, chocolate, candy, ice-cream肯德鸡里的食物:-hamburger, ice-cream, Coke软的食物:-hamburger, ice-cream, cake会叫的动物:-dog, cat, duck, cock, bird有四条腿的动物:-dog, cat, mouse, pig在马路上开的交通工具:-bike, bus, car, taxi黄色的水果:-banana, pear, orange大型动物:-elephant, bear, tiger小型动物:rabbit, chick, cat白色的动物:rabbit, cat, bear天气现象:sunny, rainy, windy自然界现象:sun, moon, star练习:请说出三种球类football, basketball, volleyball请说出脸上的三个器官nose, eye, mouth请说出三种职业worker, doctor, policeman请说出三种白颜色的食品或饮料rice, milk, ice cream请说出三种家庭成员mother, father, sister请说出三种教室里的物品desk, chair blackboard请说出三种天气hot, warm, cool请说出三种公园里看到的东西tree, flower, fountain请说出三种铅笔盒里的文具ruler, eraser, pencil请说出三种水果apple, orange, pear请说出三种饮料coffee, orange juice, Coke请说出卧室里的三种东西bed, desk lamp, desk模仿这是一个渐进的过程,从一个单词到一句话,再到一个较长的句子.这四句话把物品的形状,位置都描述的很清楚.考试的题目是变化多样的,它可能涉及到的单词以日常用品,学习用品,食物水果或者一些小动物和简单的人物为主.在这里他以a bottle为目标语,考试时可能是a clock, a bed等.考生在家多听磁带,熟悉语言音环境,这样考试的时候才能有出色的发挥.另外在描述物品或人物的位置时,会出现许多方位词和介词,考生可以参考听听做做项目中的词语。some bookssome colorful booksThere are some colorful booksThere are some colorful books on the big table.some vegetablessome green vegetablesSome green vegetables are in the carSome green vegetables are in the long big car.a boata big boatA big boat is on the seaA big boat is sailing on the sea.a busa yellow busThere is a yellow bus on the long roada buildinga nice buildingThere is a nice buildingThere is a nice building beside the roadsome picturessome big picturesSome big pictures are in the roomSome big pictures are in the small long room.The windowsclean the windowsMy mum is cleaning the windowsMy mum is cleaning the windows in the morning.a treea big treea bird is in the treea blue bird is in the big tree.a cata lovely catA lovely cat is eatingA lovely cat is eating a piece of cheese.a doga brown dogA brown dog is sleepingA brown dog is sleeping on the floor.a manan old manAn old man is smokingAn old man is smoking happily.a balla ball on the rightThe ball on the right is biggerThe ball on the right is bigger than the other one.fruitsome fruitsThere are some fruits in the bowlThere are some fruits in the bowl in front of the jar.提示说词:请说出三种天气windy、sunny、cloudy请说出三种冬天穿的衣服coat、jacket、gloves请说出三种公园里看到的东西seesaw、slide、swing请说出三种天上的东西bird、sun、star请说出三种鞋袜shoes、socks、stocking请说出三种铅笔盒里的文具pen、rubber、ruler请说出三种水果apple、banana、orange请说出三种食草类动物cow、sheep、rabbit说出三种颜色red、black、yellow说出三种味道是甜的食物candy、mango、jam说出三种饮料milk、orange juice、tea说出三种颜色是黄色的水果banana、pear、lemon说出三种可以在家里养的小动物cat、dog、bird说出三种幼儿园里面可以看见的东西blocks、swing、slide说出三种小家电telephone、radio、tape-recorder说出三种夏天穿的衣服skirt、T-shirt、shirt说出三种季节spring、summer、winter说出三项体育运动running、playing basketball、playing football说出三种交通工具bus、boat、plane模仿练习:1.a girla girl and two boysThe girl and two boys are playing The girl and two boys are playing on the playground hand in hand.2.the childrenthe children and parents The children and parents are having dinnerThe children and parents are having dinner together on the dining table.3.a boya smart boyThe smart boy is paintingThe smart boy is painting a beautiful picture on the canvas.4.a cupa cup of teaA cup of tea is on the tableA cup of tea is on the left hand side of the table.5.a beda nice bedThe nice bed is beside the wallThe nice bed is beside the wall in the bedroom.6.a planea big planeThe big plane is flyingThe big plane is flying fast in the blue sky.7.animalsa lot of animalsThere are a lot of animalsThere are a lot of animals in a big wild zoo.8.plantsa lot of plantsThere are a lot of plantsThere are a lot of plants in the park.9.a shipa big shipThe big ship movesThe big ship moves slowly in the Huangpu river.10.an applea big appleThe big apple is on the tableThe big apple is on the right side of the table.一般疑问句(要完整回答)Is he / she / it ?Is it a white rubber / long ruler?Is it cold / raining / hot / a fine day today?Is your coat red?Is it hot in Shanghai in summer?Is your father in bed now?Are you ?Are you a boy / girl?Are you a pupil?Are you happy?Are you going to the school today?Do you ?Do you like orange juice?Do you have a dog?Do bears have a long neck?Do you go to school on Saturday?Do you like to eat pizza?Can you / he / she / it ?Can your sister play video game?Can you drive a plane?Can birds fly?Can monkeys sit on trees?Is there / Are there ?Is there an apple on the table?Is there a radio in your bedroom?Are there many seats on a bus?Are there many animals in the zoo?积分 3985 爱心 57 警告 0 邀请能力 10 宝宝信息 查看详细资料模仿跟读复习1.A woman/A beautiful woman/The beautiful woman is cooking/The beautiful woman is cooking in a kitchen.2.A map/A map of Shanghai/There is a map of Shanghai/There is a map of Shanghai on the desk.3.A boy/A little boy/The little boy is doing homework/The little boy is doing homework in the classroom.4.Some girls/Some small girls/Some small girls are playing /Some small girls are playing in a beautiful garden.5.A dog/A lovely dog/The lovely dog is running/The lovely dog is running in the street.6.A skirt/A red skirt/A girl puts on a red skirt/My friend is a girl putting on a red skirt.7.A book/An English book/There is an English book/There is an English book on the chair.8.A postman/A fat postman is standing/The fat postman is standing under the traffic lights.9.A man/A old man/The old man is reading a book/The old man is reading a book in study.10. A cup/A cup of tea/There is a cup of tea/There is a cup of tea behind some small bottles.11.A sofa/A white sofa/The white sofa is near the door/The white sofa is near the door of the living room.12.A ruler/A short ruler is in the pencil box on the teaching table.13.A monkey/A small monkey/The small monkey is eating bananas/The small monkey is eating bananas under a big stone.14.Some students/Some young students/Some young students are walking/Some young students are walking down the street.15.An uncle/A fat uncle/The fat uncle is drinking/The fat uncle is drinking a glass of juice.16.Egg and milk/Some eggs and milk/There are some eggs and milk/There are some eggs and milk in a big green fridge.17.Special foods/Eat special foods/Eat special foods for good luck/Many people eat special foods for good luck in the New Year.18. A boy/A young boy/The young boy is playing/The young boy is playing/The young boy is playing on the zebra crossing.19. A dog/A fat dog/A fat dog is sleeping/There is a fat dog sleeping on the grass.20.The duck/The ugly duck/The ugly duck is jumping/The ugly duck is jumping into the river.21.Fishes/Some fishes/ Some fishes are swimming/Some fishes are swimming in the pond.22.A rose/A black rose/A black rose on the floor/Lily throws a black rose on the floor.23.Cleaning/Cleaning the cars/The man is cleaning the cars/The man is cleaning the cars over there.24.Boys/Three boys/ Three boys standing beside the door/There are three boys standing beside the door of classroom.25.The great wall/Go to the great wall/I will go to the great wall/I will go to the great wall tomorrow.特殊疑问句练习:What?Whats your English / Chinese name?Whats your fathers / uncles name?What does your father/your mother do?What color is your coat /your bag/your jacket?What color is the sheep?What color is the grass?Whats your favorite food/animal/season/subject/drink/fruit?Whats the weather like today?What day is it today/yesterday/tomorrow?What do you to eat for dinner?What are the seasons of a year? What does a monkey like to eat?Where?Where do you live?Where does your grandmother live?Where is your home?Where are you now?Where is your school/ kindergarden?Where are you from?Where do you often eat hamburgers?特殊疑问句Where ?Where do you live?Where is your home?Where are you now?Who?Who is your English teacher?Who is your best friend?Who is your English teacher?What ?What does your father do?What color is your coat?Whats your favorite food?Whats the weather like today?What day is it today?How many?How many seasons are there in a year?How many people are there in your family?How many days are there in a week?How?How are you today?How old are you?Which?Which food do you like, hamburgers or pizza?Which months are we in?Which class are you in?选择疑问句:Is your father tall or short?Are you a student or a teacher?Are you going to go there by plane or by train?Do you like apples or bananas?Can you read or write?主要介词:in、on、above、under、between、from、to等等方位词:表面on-on the box, above the box前面 in front of-in front of the box后面 behind-behind the box左面 left / left hand side右面 right / right hand side两侧 on the two sides of下面 under-under the box主要的动词有:open打开、 close关上、draw画、count数、write (down) 写下来、pick up拿起、put down放下、put (in / into、on、back ) 放入 / 放到上面 / 放回、take out拿出、give (to) 把给、go (to) 去、turn to转变、give out分发翻译练习:打开你右边的盒子告诉老师里面是什么?拿出三颗糖给老师把剩下的放到左边的盒子里把盒子都关上左边的盒子里有四个乒乓球右边的盒子里有五颗糖open the pencil-box打开铅笔盒, open the text book翻开书本close the pencil-box关上铅笔盒, close the text book关上书本draw a picture on the paper在纸上画一幅画, draw a ball on the paper在纸上画一个球count the cards数卡片, count the paper数纸张write a number on the paper在纸上写一个数字, write down your name on the paper在纸上写下你的名字pick up the red pen from the table从书桌上拿起一支红色钢笔, pick up the text book from the desk在桌上拿起一本书put down the blue pen on the desk把蓝色的钢笔放到桌上put the pencil in/into the pencil-box把铅笔放进铅笔盒里, put the pencil-box on the right-hand side of the schoolbag把铅笔盒放在书包的右边, put the picture back on the desk把画放回到桌子上take a pencil-box out of the schoolbag从书包里拿出一个铅笔盒, take a long ruler out of the pencil-box从铅笔盒里拿出一把长尺give the red ball to the teacher把红色的球给老师go to the door走到门前, go to the little house走到小屋前turn to page 10(把书)翻到第10页give out these cards分发卡片除了以上所列的实物之外,还可能出现例如水果(苹果,香蕉等),玩具(积木,洋娃娃等),食物(面包,可乐等),文具用品(练习本,卷笔刀等), 服饰(围巾,帽子等)等其他实物,所以学生必须熟记教材中所出现的所有单词积分 3985 爱心 57 警告 0 邀请能力 10 宝宝信息 查看详细资料主要介词:in、on、above、under、between、from、to等等方位词:表面on-on the box, above the box前面 in front of-in front of the box后面 behind-behind the box左面 left / left hand side右面 right / right hand side两侧 on the two sides of下面 under-under the box主要的动词有:open打开、 close关上、draw画、count数、write (down) 写下来、pick up拿起、put down放下、put (in / into、on、back ) 放入 / 放到上面 / 放回、take out拿出、give (to) 把给、go (to) 去、turn to转变、give out分发熟悉基本动作:open/close/turn to/placedraw/ count/ write/ erase/wipe outpick up/ put down/ put back/ take out/putinside/takefrom熟悉基本方位词:in/on/above/under/between/in front of/behindleft-hand side/right-hand side掌握一些基本图形的画法:star/square/circle/sun/moon/rabbit/car/windowapple/pear/orange/peach/banana/grapesSet1Are you ready? Now lets begin.Take five pens out the bagPut three pens on the left of the bagPut two pencils back into the bagTake the green ruler out the bagGive the ruler to the teacherSet2Are you ready? Now lets begin.Take four pencils out the bagPut three pencils on the right of the bagPut a pencil back into the bagTake the blue ruler out the bagGive the ruler to the teacherSet3Are you ready? Now lets begin.Open the pencil-box, please.Take out the red pencil from the pencil-box.Put it on the left-hand from the pencil-box.Two for you and one for the teacher.OK. Thats the end.Set4Are you ready? Now lets begin.Please count the book on the table.Put the English book on the left-hand side on the table.Then, please put the picture book on the right-hand side on the table.Open the picture book and turn to page 15.Put the math book between the picture book and the English book.OK. Thats the end.How?How are you?How do you do?How do you feel today?How old are you?How many months are there in a year?How many seasons are there in a year?How many days are there in a week?How many pupils are there in your class? How many people are there in your family?How many people can sit in the taxi?Which? Which sport/season/food/animal do you like?Which season are we in?Which months are we in? Which class are you in?Which school are you in?Who?Who is your English teacher?Who is your best friend?其余考题提示说词请你说出三种冬天穿戴的衣物请你说出三种穿白色服装的职业请说出三种会游泳的动物请说出三种学校教室里的东西请说出三种课程Set1. Are you ready? Now lets begin.Please count the book on the table.Put the English book on the left-hand side on the table.Then, please put the picture book on the right-hand side on the table.Open the picture book and turn to page 15.Put the math book between the picture book and the English book.OK. Thats the end.Set2. Are you ready? Now lets begin.Open the small box and take out a red ball.Put it into the big box.Take out the two yellow balls from the big box.Put one on the small box.Put another one under the big box.OK. Thats the end.Set3. Are you ready? Now lets begin.Put a piece of paper on the desk.Pick up a red pencil from the pencil-box.Please draw an apple on the paper.Put the paper in the book.Give the book to the teacher.OK. Thats the end.Set4. Are you ready? Now lets begin.Count the cards on the desk, please.Please put 3 cards between the boxes.Please put another 3 cards on the pencil-box.The rest of it, put it down on the ground.Say “bye-bye” to the teacher.OK. Thats the endSet5. Are you ready? Now lets begin.Open the box, please.Take out all the pencils from the box on the desk.Put 3 pencils back to the box, please.Take out the white eraser and put it on the tight-hand of the pencils.Take out the long ruler and put it on the right-hand of the eraser.OK. Thats the end.Set 6:Are you ready? Now lets begin.Open the small box and take out a red ball.Put it into the big box.Take out the two yellow balls from the big box.Put one on the small box.Put another one under the big box.OK. Thats the end.Set 7:1. Are you ready? Now lets begin.Open the pencil-box, please.Take out the red pencil from the pencil-box.Put it on the left-hand from the pencil-box.Two for you and one for the teacher.OK. Thats the end.Set 8:Are you ready? Now lets begin.Take the two pencils out of the big book from the schoolbag.Draw an orange on the paper with the orange pen.Under the orange, draw a tree with the green pen.On the right hand of the tree, write your Chinese name.Please give the paper to the teacher.OK. Thats the end.Set9:Are you ready? Now lets begin.Pick up an exercise book from the table.Put it into the bag.Take out a picture book from the bag.Open the book and turn to page 28.Close the book and put it onto the table.OK. Thats the end.快听快答:1. What does your mother do? My mother is a teacher / doctor / nurse.2. How are you feeling today? I feel happy.3. How old is your brother/sister? He / She is seven years old.4. How is the weather like today? Its hot/rainy/sunny/ windy / cloudy.5. What day is it today? Today is .6. Do you like bird or cat? Bird / Cat7. Do you like banana or orange? Banana / Orange.8. Can you draw some pictures? Yes, I can / No, I cant.9. Is it autumn now?- NO,it ist.10. How many ears does a dog have?(two)11. Can you see seasaws in the classroom?(Yes, I can / No, I cant.)12. What color is rice?(write)13. Where can you see a fountain?(in the park)14. Who makes breakfast for you?(My mother)15. Is it very hot today? (No, it isnt)16. How many legs does a table have? (four)17. Can you see stars on the window? (No, we cant)18. In which season do we use scarves? (In winter/fall)19. Where can you see tigers? (In the zoo)20. how many windows in the classroom.积分 3985 爱心 57 警告 0 邀请能力 10 宝宝信息 查看详细资料窗体底端


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