人教版七下Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section A同步测试B卷.doc

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人教版七下Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section A同步测试B卷一、 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。 (共1题;共1分)1. (1分)Lin Tao went to Hainan_ship last month. 二、 用方框内动词的正确形式完成句子,每词限用一次。 (共2题;共20分)2. (10分)根据短文内容,选择适当的单词填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项只用一次,有两项剩余。 want best slowly until when happiness facing in still now high notMy Dear Azhaan, I want you to know that you remind me of myself in so many ways. You are like a better and Improved version(版本) of me. I look at you and I see myself. _your eyes. I wish I had that confidence(信心) and even some of your bossiness(霸气) at that age. Yet, Im also troubled on seeing this confidence _disappearing, because you are _many different things. I want you to know that your confidence is one of the_things about you. All of us admire your confidence. However, you are_confident enough these days, because you are beginning to dislike your own body. You are not fat. I agree that you could be a little healthier. You could eat a little less junk food. However, I dont know when youll begin to enjoy fruits, but I believe that you will. I think one of the moments of_for me was when you were born, and the doctor said, Congratulations, you have another baby boy, not because you were a boy but because you were healthy. Youre too young to understand this _no one realizes the importance of a normal life _it is away from them. What I_for you is happiness: the understanding that you are not perfect and that it is okay because none of us is!Stay confident and keep your head _, my little boy-who is growing up too soon!Love,Ammi3. (10分)选词填空。later trousers my singing first watched old in fathers whenMichael Jackson was born in Indian,America,on August 29,1958. He was the seventh of the nine children_his family.His father,Joe Jackson,set up the family band“The Jacksons”。It_became“The Jackson 5”.Little Michael always_his brothers practice singing. When he was about 5 years_, he joined the group and became the lead singer of “The Jackson 5”.Michaels first public show was at a school program in his_grade in 1963.Wearing black_and a white shirt, he sang Climb Every Mountain. Michael said,“Everybody gave me a big hand_I finished singing. I just couldnt believe it. I didnt think I had done anything special. I was just_the way I sang at home every night. I just open_mouth and sing”.Michaels father was very strict with his sons. With their_help,Michael and “The Jackson 5”Started collecting trophies(奖杯)at talent shows.三、 英汉互译。 (共1题;共20分)4. (20分)英译汉(1)the capital of(2)go through(3)much too(4)think about四、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (共1题;共5分)5. (5分)这个女孩既不喜欢唱歌也不喜欢跳舞,但她偏爱画画。(neither.nor) 五、 句型转换。 (共2题;共3分)6. (2分)Urumqi Subway Line One will be finished in one year. (对划线部分提问)_ _ will Urumqi Subway Line One be finished?7. (1分)My father and mother are in the picture.(改为同义句) _are in the picture.六、 看图回答问题。 (共1题;共5分)8. (5分)根据所给选项补全对话。A. what were you doing at this time yesterday?B. Ill also be there.C. What are you doing?D. What about you?E. Would you like to go with me?A: Hi, Joe, _B: Nothing much. Why?A: Id like to go swimming. _B: OK. I am thinking about it, too. My body is dirty. By the way, _A: I was watching TV at home. _B: I was in a shopping center with my parents. We enjoyed ourselves there.A: That sounds amazing. _next weekend instead of watching TV.B: Thats a deal. Ill call you then.A: Thats all right.七、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)9. (10分)阅读理解 Seven students live together in a large, bright room. The school wants students to learn to live together and think for others. Four counselors take care of them during the daytime. At least one counselor is on duty at all times.During the night, one counselor is on duty. In the morning, he or she helps the children get ready for school, have breakfast and go to their classroom.Young people learn to live together in the group. They learn about others, and they learn about themselves by watching others.(1)There are students in each room. A . 5B . 7C . 11(2)Some students live together . A . just for funB . to study wellC . to learn to live together(3)The word counselor here means . A . 住校生B . 辅导老师C . 寝室长(4)Which of the following is NOT true? A . A school dormitory(宿舍) is a place where some students live togetherB . There are four counselors in the schoolC . Four counselors must check the rooms during the night(5)The best title for the passage could be . A . The School DormitoryB . The CounselorsC . Students and Counselors第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。 (共1题;共1分)1-1、二、 用方框内动词的正确形式完成句子,每词限用一次。 (共2题;共20分)2-1、3-1、三、 英汉互译。 (共1题;共20分)4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、四、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (共1题;共5分)5-1、五、 句型转换。 (共2题;共3分)6-1、7-1、六、 看图回答问题。 (共1题;共5分)8-1、七、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、


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