外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册Module 5 Cartoon stories模块过关卷C卷.doc

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外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册Module 5 Cartoon stories模块过关卷C卷.doc_第1页
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外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册Module 5 Cartoon stories模块过关卷C卷一、 关键词语选择。 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)选出你听到的单词 A . the name ofB . the capital ofC . the centre of2. (1分)听单词,选出该单词音标的正确选项( ) A . /zisru/B . /hiru/C . /nru/3. (1分)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 A . 4%B . 40%C . 14%4. (1分)听句子,选答案( ) A . throw awayB . put awayC . take away5. (1分)What does Mary think of the shampoo? A . Mary doesnt think her friend should try it.B . Mary thinks it works well.C . Mary thinks it doesnt work as well as the ad said.二、 短对话理解。 (共5题;共5分)6. (1分)What can Tony do? A . B . C . 7. (1分)请看下面六幅图片,听五个句子,完成小题。 A. B. C. D. E. F. _8. (1分)Where does the boy advise the girl to get the information? A . B . C . 9. (1分)When will they meet? A . B . C . 10. (1分)Where is the girls new foreign teacher from? A . B . C . 三、 长对话理解。 (共2题;共5分)11. (2分)听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。 (1)What color is Peters schoolbag? A . Blue.B . Red.C . Yellow.(2)Peter has books in his schoolbag. A . twoB . threeC . four(3)The English dictionary is . A . AlicesB . PetersC . Helens12. (3分)听对话,回答问题 (1)What does Jack do now? A . A pilotB . A studentC . A teacher(2)How many countries has Jack been to? A . FourB . FiveC . Six(3)What is the name of the night zoo in Singapore? A . Disney ParkB . Night SafariC . Night Park四、 短文理解。 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题的三个选项中,选出最恰当的一项。(每小题1分) (1)Where is the highest building? A . Its in South Africa.B . Its in North America.C . Its in West Asia.(2)How many lifts are used to carry people up and down? A . 57.B . 47.C . 75.(3)According to the speaker, there are many hotels, and homes in the building. A . schoolsB . officesC . hospitals(4)What is on the top floor of the building? A . A small library.B . A small garden.C . A swimming pool.(5)In this passage, they find it really attractive means they find it really . A . beautifulB . noisyC . strange五、 单项填空。 (共15题;共15分)14. (1分)I _ some of my free time playing basketball for my school team. A . spendB . costC . takeD . pay15. (1分) What day is it tomorrow? _ Sunday.A . ItsB . This isC . That isD . She is16. (1分)The Smith family_ very happy. A . isB . areC . doD . does17. (1分)A smiling costs _ ,but gives much, so always keep smiling. A . somethingB . everythingC . nothing18. (1分)I often do my homework _ the computer. A . inB . toC . onD . for19. (1分)There are _ months in a year. The _ month is May. A . twelve; fiveB . twelve; fifthC . twelfth; sixthD . twelfth; fifth20. (1分)We cant our parents forever. Yes, we should learn to take care of ourselves.A . depend onB . make jokes aboutC . keep in touch with21. (1分)Was he a teacher? No, he_A . werentB . isntC . wasntD . was22. (1分)Would you like _ me _ this evening, Meimei? A . help; to wash clothesB . help; cook supperC . to help; with the supperD . to help; doing some washing23. (1分)When shall we go swimming, this Friday or Saturday? _ is OK. Ill be free this week.A . EitherB . AllC . EveryD . Both24. (1分)The other team lost to ours in yesterdays basketball final, _ I admired them for their excellent teamwork. A . sinceB . becauseC . although25. (1分) Where is your brother, Sally? I havent seen him for a long tire. He _ London to travel.A . has goneB . is going toC . has been toD . was going to26. (1分)We should pay attention to _ the teacher carefully. A . listen toB . listening toC . listenD . listening27. (1分)My father and mother both work Shanghai but they dont here now. A . in; liveB . on; live inC . in; live inD . on; live28. (1分)Damings hobby is collecting tickets. He them for two years. A . collectsB . collectedC . will collectD . has collected六、 完形填空。 (共1题;共1分)29. (1分)完形填空 Its 7: 00 on Sunday morning. Some students are in the post office. They are1a letter to their good friend Jeff now. He is a 13yearold English boy. He wishes(希望) to come to China and have a good time here, 2he doesnt know where the place is. These students write this letter to tell him. 3town is a beautiful place, so Jeff wants to visit it very much. He knows the town very early. There4a hotel in the town. Jeff can5in it. A6is near it. He can enjoy much nice food in it. He has lunch and supper in it, but he has to have breakfast outside. 7the restaurant and the hotel there is a park. There are many beautiful trees and flowers in it. He can ask the8for help when he has problems. He can go9the police station. He must love this beautiful town. These students welcome him to this10place. (1)A . writing B . reading C . looking D . making (2)A . and B . so C . because D . but (3)A . His B . Her C . Their D . Our (4)A . is B . are C . has D . have (5)A . study B . work C . drive D . stay (6)A . restaurant B . zoo C . library D . school (7)A . In B . On C . At D . Between (8)A . farmers B . police C . drivers D . students (9)A . from B . to C . with D . of (10)A . dirty B . boring C . dry D . nice 七、 补全对话。 (共1题;共1分)30. (1分)补全对话,其中有两项多余 (Alex meets Cindy at school on Monday morning.)A: Hi, Cindy! How was your weekend?B:Awful. You know, Alex, I was busy taking after-school classes for the weekend._A:Great. I went to the Science Museum and had a lot of fun there. Have you ever been there before?B:_ I do nothing but studying all the time on weekends.A:That sounds bad. You should relax yourself on weekends. And you can try something new instead.B:_By the way, can you tell me something about the museum?A:Its hard to say_ Youd better visit it if youre free.B:Oh, it must be a great way to spend weekends. Could you please go with me next Sunday afternoon?A:No problem. Lets make it._B:Catch you.A. Me too.B. No, never.C. Sorry, I cant.D. Catch you later.E. Thats a good idea.F. There is so much to see.G. How about your weekend?八、 阅读理解 (共4题;共15分)31. (4分)根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 Tina graduated from college. Several days later, she got a new job. She would work in the biggest company(公司)in her city. Her friends admired her very much.On her first workday, Tina arrived at 8:45 a. m. She took the lift to the 11th floor(楼层), and a clerk showed her where her desk was. As a green hand, she didnt know what to do, so she tried to talk to the girls who sat near her in the office. However, they were not friendly to her. After a while, a young boss came in. Tina was surprised that the boss was not the old man who interviewed her several days ago. The boss gave her a lot of reports to write. But when she began to write, she found that she had much trouble understanding the reports. She spent almost the whole day trying to do the work. At5:30pm., it was time to go home. Although most of the reports werent finished, she got into the lift. On the 10th floor, she was greeted by John, the old man who interviewed her several days ago. Tina! He said, Why didnt you work with us today? All of a sudden, Tina realized she mistook the 11th floor for the 10th floor. Oh, my God! She answered, After hearing this, John couldnt help laughing.(1)The underlined(划线的)words a green hand most probably mean . A . a person without experienceB . a person caring about the environmentC . a person doing well in growing vegetables(2)Tina was surprised because . A . she was not allowed to leave the companyB . the young boss wasnt the man who interviewed herC . the bosses in the two companies refused her in the interviews(3)Tina spent trying to finish the reports. A . almost the whole dayB . almost the whole morningC . almost the whole afternoon(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . Tina moved to another city for a new job.B . The girls sitting near Tina were unfriendly to her.C . Tina arrived at the company at 5:30 a. m. on her first workday.(5) can be the missing sentence in the passage. A . I forgot the interview date!B . I have finished all the reports!C . I have been in the wrong office all day!32. (4分)阅读理解I live in Mentone, a quiet, simple, restful place, where the rich never come. I met Theophile Magnan, a retired, rich, old man from Lyons yesterday. In the Hotel des Anglais. Theophile looked sad and dreamy, and didnt talk with anybody else. Which brought me back to the past.A long time ago, Francois Millet. Claude, Carl and I were young artists very young artists in fact.Yes, Francois Millet. The great French artist, was my friend.Millet wasnt any greater than we were at that time. He didnt have any fame, even in his own village.We were all poor though we had stacks and stacks of as good pictures as anybody in Europe painted. Once a person ever offered four francs for Millets Angelus, which he intended to sell for eight.It was a fact in human history that a great artist would never be acknowledged* until after he was starved and dead. His pictures climbed to high prices after his death.Then we made a decision that one of us must die, to save the others and himself.Millet was elected to die.During the next three months Millet painted with all his might, enlarged his stock all he could, not pictures, not sketches, studies, parts of studies, fragments of studies, of course, with his cipher * on them.They were the things to be sold.Carl went to Paris to start the work of building up Millets name. Claude and I went to sell Millets small pictures and to build up his name as well.We made Millet a master. I always said to my customer, I am a fool to sell a picture of Francois Millets at all, for he is not going to live three months, and when he dies his pictures cant be had for love or money.Claude and I took care to spread that little fact as far as we could.Carl made friends with the correspondents, and got Millets condition reported to England and all over the continent, and America, and everywhere.The sad end came at last, Millet died, not really. He became Theophile Magnan.The pictures went up. Theres a man in Paris today who owns seventy Millet pictures. He paid us two million francs for them. Do you still remember the Angelus? Carl sold it for twentytwo hundred francs. And as for the bushels of sketches and studies which Millet produced in the last six weeks, well, it would astonish you to know the figure we sell them at nowadays.We are no longer artists and Millet dead.(1)Why did the four friends decide to elect one of them to die? A . They wanted to be rich.B . They wanted to be famous.C . They wanted to save money.D . They wanted to be respected.(2)Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage? A . The writer lives a busy life in Mentone.B . Millet was finally made a famous artist.C . Millet painted best among the four friends.D . The story was written in memory of Millet.(3)What made the four friends plan succeed? A . That they didnt want to be artists any longer.B . That Millets pictures were sold at very high prices.C . Peoples attitude towards the artists who were starving.D . Peoples desire to own precious art works at low prices.(4)Is Millet living or dead? Why?(请用约40词回答) 33. (4分)阅读理解 World Book Day is coming. Whats your favorite book? Here are the answers of four students in Sunshine Middle School. My favorite book is A Friend like Henry. Its about how a family dog helps a boy deal with his autism(自闭症). When I felt sad, my best friend gave me this book. It cheered me up.David Reading in the holiday is an interesting thing. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is my favorite book. Its about a captains travels under the sea. The story is very interesting and the pictures are fantastic. This book can make you relaxed.Tony I like reading the Four Great Classical Novels of China although Im a foreigner from Sydney. I cant wait to tell the book Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三国演义). I learned a lot about the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu. If you are interested in history, dont miss it.Bob In my opinion, The Little Prince is the best one. In this book, a young prince falls to the Earth from a small planet and experiences a lot. Its not just a fiction, and it also tells us about the correct values.Mary(1)Why does David think A Friend like Henry is his favorite book? A . Because it can cheer him up.B . Because it is fiction.C . Because it is a gift from his father.D . Because it is about travels under the sea.(2)If Sarah likes books with fantastic pictures, which book should she choose? A . A Friend like Henry.B . Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.C . Romance of the Three Kingdoms.D . The Little Prince.(3)As for the book Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which of the following is NOT TRUE? A . It can make people feel relaxed.B . It is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of China.C . It talks a lot about the three kingdoms in China.D . It will be loved by the people who are interested in history.(4)We can learn about _ from The Little Prince. A . Chinese historyB . correct valuesC . making friendsD . keeping dogs(5)What do you think the passage probably is? A . A letter.B . A notice.C . A story.D . A report.34. (3分)任务型阅读 Kitty came into my life twenty years ago. When my son, Josh, and I were walking by The Stock Exchange store in our hometown, we saw a basket full of little cats in the window. We talked about getting a cat as a friend to our new little dogs, Asja. It was easy to choose. _She has attractive eyes and the sweetest face.In her new home in the woods, Kitty spent many afternoons climbing trees and playing with the bushes. She easily made friends with Asja. _Kitty was Joshs cat. _My love to her came as a surprise because I had never had a cat as a child. I loved to pick her up, holding her into my arms. I danced with her around the room while listening to my favorite music. Every time I took out my yoga mat, she was right under my nose, making her appearance known.Now Kitty is no longer here with us. The house feels very different. Many times during the day, I find myself stopping to remember if she needs to be fed, or if her water needs to be changed. _ I now realize just how much a part of my life she really was.Kitty stayed as long as she could-twenty years, three months. And as lucky as I was to have her for so long. There will never be a time when I will not miss my Kitty girl. _A. She is always in my heart.B. They shared the basement apartment for many years.C. Kitty was the most beautiful one among the little cats.D. At bedtime, I remember that she is no longer there for a good night kiss.E. However, she became more and more my cat as Josh grew into adulthood.九、 单词拼写。 (共5题;共5分)35. (1分)You can park your car in the_(地下的)parking. 36. (1分)The park is _(靠近)to the school. We can walk there. 37. (1分)The soldier looks very _(健康). 38. (1分)We all c_Albert Einstein a genius 39. (1分)We can often see some _( 衣着入时 )ladies at the airport. 十、 书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)40. (1分)假如你是Li Hua,请根据以下六幅图片,给你的美国网友Peter介绍你上个周末的主要活动。 要求:不少于60词;文中不要出现真实的姓名、校名等。TimemorningafternooneveningSaturdaySundayDear Peter,Yours,Li Hua第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 关键词语选择。 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 短对话理解。 (共5题;共5分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 长对话理解。 (共2题;共5分)11-1、11-2、11-3、12-1、12-2、12-3、四、 短文理解。 (共1题;共5分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、五、 单项填空。 (共15题;共15分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 完形填空。 (共1题;共1分)29-1、七、 补全对话。 (共1题;共1分)30-1、八、 阅读理解 (共4题;共15分)31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、33-1、33-2、33-3、33-4、33-5、34-1、九、 单词拼写。 (共5题;共5分)35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、十、 书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)40-1、


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