五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2 It’s too big for you课件 外研版.ppt

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五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2 It’s too big for you课件 外研版.ppt_第1页
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五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2 It’s too big for you课件 外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module5 Unit2It stoobigforyou Revision 快速说出下列单词的反义词 看谁说得快 big heavy fat tall easy nice small thin light short hard broken Lookandsay ThisisaT shirt Ithasgotaonit blue wolf Lookandsay Theseare Theyareand apples big red Lookandsay Thisisabag Ithasgotfour red wheels Look listenandsay It stoobigforyou Look Mynewhead It stoobigforyou too It sniceforme Newwords panda n 熊猫 Ithasgotapandaonit 它上面有一只熊猫图案 Newwords white adj 白色的 Trythiswhiteone 试一下这件白色的 Newwords lovely adj 可爱的 That slovely 那件很可爱 单词拼拼看 ovllye lovely htwie white npaad panda Matchandsay black lovely white panda 熊猫 白色的 黑色的 可爱的 WhatdoesLinglingwanttobuy WhatcanyouseeontheT shirt ShewantstobuyaT shirt It sgotapandaonit Answerthequestions 3 WhatdoesAmythinkoftheblueone 4 Whatdoesthesalesassistantsay It stoobigforLingling Trythiswhiteone Answerthequestions It stooforyou big It stooforyou small 说一说 说一说 It stooforyou It stooforyou light heavy 说一说 It stooforyou It stooforyou 1 1 123456 12345 easy hard 5 WhatdoesAmythinkofthewhiteone 6 WhichonedoesLinglingbuyatlast That slovely LinglingcantakeittoChina Thewhiteone Answerthequestions Butit stoobigforyou 但是这件 衣服 对你来说太大了 It stoo for 对 太 LanguagePoint 例子 Thisshirtistoosmallforyou 这件衬衫对你来说太小了 It sgotapandaonit 它有一只熊猫图案在上面 hasgot 有 拥有 LanguagePoint 例子 Thisbookhasgotanelephantonit 这本书有一只大象在表上面 on 在 表面上 YoucantakeittoChina 你能带着它去中国 can情态动词 后加动词原形 China LanguagePoint 例子 IcansingChinesesongs 我会唱中文歌 形容词 Chinese 根据所给词适当形式填空 1 Shecan play thepipa 2 Ihavea China class 3 It have gotapandaonit 4 Mymother buy meanewbag buys Chinese has play Practice TheblueT shirtis nice good Ithasgota tiger panda onit Butit stoo big small forLingling ThenLinglingtriedthe white blue one Itisvery lovely bad Shecan take make ittoChina nice panda big white lovely take Retellthestory Lookandwrite thenpointandsay easy heavy hard big light small It seasyforhim It shardforhim It ssmallforit It sbigforit It sheavyforher It slightforhim It seasyforhim It shardforhim Listenandread Thensaythepoem Mynicewhitekite Mynicewhitekite It slightandit sright It slightandit sright It snottoobigandit snottoosmall It snottooheavy notatall Mywhitekiteissonice Comeandflyit Don tletitfall A Isitwhite B No itisn t It syellow A Isitlight B No it sheavy A Isitsmall B Yes itis A It sthesmallbox B Yes youareright Askandfind A Isit B Yes itis No itisn t Askandfind Haveatry 根据给出的图片 小组二人 用以下句型进行对话 Doandsay Chooseapresentforyourfriend sbirthday Thisbagisbigandnice Let stakethisone Thisbagisbig butitlooksold Let smakeabirthdaycardforhimtoo 运用下列句型给你的朋友挑选生日礼物 A This is B Yes No it s A Howabout B Good Let s Haveatry Listenandrepeat oa boat coat 小船 大衣 oy toy boy Listenandrepeat 男孩 玩具 Listenandrepeat school afternoon oo 学校 下午 u l oo book good 书本 棒的 Listenandrepeat 判断 goodschool afternoongood boytoy boatcoat 判断下列红色标注的字母组合发音是否相同 对 错 重点单词 lovelypandawhite 重点句子 Butit stoobigforyou It sgotapandaonit Summary 1 给父母介绍两种物品 用It s for 2 收集更多的形容词 Homework Unit2It stoobigforyou Module5 lovely可爱的panda熊猫white白色的It stoo for It sgot on xx小学x年级x班 xxx


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