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2013-2014上学期期末英语复习一、单词闯关1、 (1)小孩(单数)_(2) 小孩(复数)_ (3)画画_ (4)卧室,睡房_(5)下一个_ (6)在旁边_(7)窗_(8)门_ (9)计算机 _ (10)粉红色(的)_ (11)花_(12)地图_(13)在(两者)之间_ (14)墙_2、 (1)长达(时间)_ (2) 分钟_ (3)合上,闭上_ (4)对的_(5)错的_ (6)现在_ (7) 打开,睁开_ (8)钟_(9)地板_ (10)沙发_3、 (1)欢迎(到来)_ (2)房子_ (3)来_ (4)进来_ (5)客厅_ (6)爱,喜欢_ (7)就在这里。_(8)哇_ (9)书房,学习_ (10)大的_(11)厨房_(12)美丽的_(13)花园_(14)厕所_4、 (1)大楼_(2)公寓_(3)学校_(4) 之后_ (5)放学后_(6)居住,生活_ (7)浴室_ (8)淋浴_ (9)淋浴(短语)_ (10)餐,饭_(11)用餐_(12)看_ (13)读,阅读_ (14)做_ (15)家庭作业 _(16)做家庭作业_ (17)种_5、 (1) 我们的 _(2) 有时 _(3) 工作 _(4) 吃 (5) 音乐 _(6) 美术 _ (7) 体育 (8) 图书馆 _ (9)游泳池 _(10)运动场 _(11)教师办公室 _ (12)体育馆 (13)课室 _ (14)饭堂 _ (15)上课 _ 6、 (1)或者 (2) 树 _(3) 十一 _(4) 十二 _ (5)十三 _ (6) 十五 _(7) 十八 (8)二十_ (9)三十 (10)四十 (11)五十 (12)八十 7、 (1) 班 _(2) 黑板_ (3)星_ (4)助动词_(5)每个_ (6)组_ (7)明白,看见_(8)让我想想_(9)胜利者 _ (10)中国的,中国人_(11)数学_8、(1)学科_(2) 最喜欢的 _ (3)最好_ (4)写_(5)故事_ (6)关于_ (7) 呢?_ (8)你呢?_(9)所有事情_ (10)学习_ (11)唱歌 (12)歌曲 (13)体育运动 (14)科学 _ _(15)了解 _(16)世界 9、 (1)T恤_(2)衣服_(3)(女)衬衫_ (4) 多_ (5)非常_(6)多少(钱)_ (7)百_ (8)元_(9)太_(10)贵的_(11)将_ (12)不会_(13)拿_(14)帽子_(15)夹克 _(16)大衣_(17)衬衣_(18)连衣裙_ (19)裙子_(20)灰色_(21)毛线衣_10、(1)帮助_(2)鞋子_(3)双;对_ (4) 一双_ _(5)我会_ _(6)他们(宾格)_ _(7)牛仔裤_ _ (8)任何事情_(9)别的_ _(10)全部_ (11)短袜_ (12)裤子_(13)短裤_ _11、 (1)职业_(2)当_(3)长大_(4) 善于_ _(5)画家_ (6)病的_ _ (7)护士_ _ (8)厨师_ (9)食物_ _(10)建设者_ _(11)建筑,建设_ (12)医生_(13)警 察_ _(14)记者 _ (15)新闻 12、 (1)工作_(2)工厂_(3)工人_(4) 像_ (5)他的_ (6)作家_ _(7)告诉_ _(8)故事_(9)她的_ (10)司机_(11)驾驶_ (12)学生_(13)妇女_ _(14)农民 (15)男人 (16)制造 (17)机器 二、重点句型(1) Whats in your room? (你的房间里有什么?) A new computer. (一台新电脑)(简单回答) There is a new computer in my room . (一台新电脑)(完整回答) (2) What colour is your computer?( 你的电脑是什么颜色的?) Its pink.(粉红色) (3) Where is the map? (地图在哪里?) Its on the wall.(在墙上) (5) Where is the kitchen? (你的厨房在哪里?) Here it is!(就在这里)(6) Where are the balls? (球在哪里?) Theyre near the window.(在窗附近).(7) Is there a window next to the door?(在门旁边有一个窗吗?) Yes, there is. (肯定回答) No, there isnt. (否定回答) (8) Are there any flowers on the window? ( 窗子上有一些花吗?) Yes, there are. (肯定回答) No, there arent. (否定回答) (9) Lets play a game. ( 让我们来玩游戏吧。) OK. (好吧。)(10) Welcome to my house. (欢迎到我家来。) Thank you! (谢谢!) (11) Please come in.(请进。) Thank you! (谢谢!) (12) Do you live in a flat? (你住在一间公寓里吗?) Yes, I do . (肯定回答) No, I dont. (否定回答) (13) Welcome to my new school!(欢迎到我的新学校来! Thank you! (谢谢!)(14)Let me show you our new school!(让我带你看看我们的新学校。) OK.(好吧。)(15) How many English teachers are there in your school? (你的学校有多少个英语老师?) There are thirteen(十三个。) (16)How many pencils do you have? 铅笔(你有多少枝铅笔?) I have ten pencils. / Ten. (我有十枝铅笔。)(17) How many stars does each group have? (每个小组有多少颗星?)Group One has sixty-five stars. (第一组有六十五颗。) (18) How many subjects do you have? (你有多少学科?) We have seven subjects. / Seven.(七科。)(19) Are they big or small? (他们是大的还是小的?) Theyre big. / Theyre small.(他们是大的。)/(他们是小的。) (20) Is your Chinese teacher a lady or a man? (你的语文老师是个女士还是男士?) My Chinese teacher is a lady. / A lady.(是个女士。) (21) Whats your favourite subject? (你最喜欢的学科是什么?) English. (英语。)(简单回答) My favourite subject is English.(我最喜欢的学科是英语)(完整回答) (22) What subject do you like best? (你最喜欢什么学科?) Maths. (数学。)(简单回答) I like maths best.(我最喜欢的学科是数学)(完整回答) (23) How much is the shirt?这件衬衣多少钱? Its fifty yuan.五十元(24) How much are the trousers? (这条裤子多少钱?)Theyre two hundred yuan.(二百元。)(25) Can I help you? (要买点什么吗?)Yes, please. (肯定回答) No, thanks. (否定回答) (26)Do you want anything else? 你还想买些其他东西吗? No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。(27) What do you want to be when you grow up?(你长大后想做什么?) I want to be an English teacher. / I want to be a painter.(我想做一名英语老师。 /我想做一名画家。)(28) Whats your fathers job? (你爸爸的工作是什么?)Hes a factory worker.(他是一名工厂的工人。)(29)Whats his job? (他的工作是什么?) Hes a teacher. (他是一名老师。) (30) Whats her job? (他的工作是什么?) Shes a driver. (她是一名司机。)(31)Do you want to be a teacher like your mother? 你想像你妈妈一样成为一名教师吗? Yes, I do . (肯定回答) No, I dont. (否定回答) 三、补全对话1、(is, Whats , draw, Its, There, to , colour)A: Children, I want you to _ your bedroom. B: There _ a big bed next_ the window in my room. _ in your room?C: _ is a new computer in my room.B: What _ is your computer?C: _ pink. 2、(OK, Theyre, is, arent, for, any, are)A: Look at my bedroom _ one minute. B: _.A: Is there a computer in my room?B: Yes, there _.A: Are there _ balls? B: No, there _.A: Where _ the balls?B: _near the window.3、( to, you, Hello, in, There, is )A: Hi, Jiamin. B: _, Ben.A: Welcome _ my house. Please come _.B: Thank _. Wheres your bedroom?A: Here it _. B: Oh, _ is a new computer in your room.4、( Yes, after, in, to, dont, games, Do, too,has )A: My flat is _ that building. B: It is very beautiful. I like the garden.A: _, I like _ play here _ school. _you live in a flat, _?B: No, I _. My house _ three bedrooms. I like to play computer _ there.5、( and, Where, Thank )A: Welcome to my new school! B: you!A: is your classroom?B: Its between the library the teachers room.A: Its very big and clean. 6、( or, are there, There are )A: How many classrooms are there in your school? B: 38 classrooms. A: Are they big small? B: They are big.A: How many English teachers are there in your school? B: There are 13.7、(in ,any , dont, of, many, are)A: Whats the box? B: There some pictures.A: How pictures are there?B: There are 12. A: Can I have a look?B: Yes, course.A: Do you have pictures in the box?B: No, I . 8、(best, to, about, write, have, many, What )A: How subjects do you have? B: We _ seven subjects.A: is your favourite subject?B: My favourite subject is Chinese. I like stories.A: What_ you? B: I like English_. 9、(much, Do, too, at, dont, take, like )A: Look this T-shirt. you like it?B: I like red.A: Here is a purple blouse. Do you it?B: Very much. How is it?A: Its two hundred yuan.B: Thats expensive . I wont it.10、(much, Theyre, help, please, take, want )A: Can I you?B: Yes, . I to buy some shoes.A: We have these black shoes and those brown ones.B: How are the black shoes?A: 150 yuan.B: Ill them.11、(for, at, a, an, when, want, be, up, help )A: What do you to be you grow up?B: Im good English, so I want to be English teacher.A: When I grow I want to a painter.B: I like to sick people. I want to be nurse.A: I want to be a cook. I want to cook nice 四、听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。 food people .12、(learn, job, is , Hes , be, about, like, her)A: Whats your fathers ?B: a factory worker.A: What your mother? Whats job?B: She a teacher.A: Do you want to a teacher _ your mother ?B: Yes, I do. I want to help children .1) My house is behind that big_.2) I want to buy a grey _for my mother.3) Is there a clock on the _?4) Sometimes I _ on the sofa in the living room.5) Mr Lin and her two dogs _in a small flat in that building.6) The kitchen is small but _.7) How many _ do you have?8) The photo is next to the _.9) There is a big _ in this picture.五、选用括号中所给的单词填空。1.I have a story book in _(I,my) car.2.What is that on _( you, your) desk?3.What is your _(friend, friends )job?4.Look at the woman in the photo. What is_(his, her) job?5.The little girl in front of the car is( I, me).6.I like _ (our, we) new school bus driver. _ (He, His) is very funny and very nice.7. These jeans are too big. I wont take (they, them).六、选择填空。( )1.A: Good morning, young lady. Can I help you? B:_. I want to buy a T-shirt.A. Yes, please. B. Yes, you can.( )2.I dont like these green socks. I like those _.


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