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Garri 4 Power Plant Turbine 2 Bearing Maintenance Program and ScheduleGARRI-4电站2#汽轮机轴瓦检修方案和进度计划书I. Maintenance Items检修项目No.序号Inspecting, Measuring and Adjusting Items检查、测量、调整项目1Inspect turning gear.检查盘车装置2Inspect Bear 1-4, turning gear oil inlet orifice, and make proper precautions.检查1#4#轴瓦、盘车进油孔,并做好防护措施3Visually inspect if the bearing alloy is intact or not, inspect, measure and adjust the contact of lower bearing pad block and the contacting between bearing and shaft, check the interference between bearings and regulate parameters to ensure that they would meet the erection standard of manufacturer.检查外观、巴氏合金是否完好,检查、测量、调整轴瓦下瓦垫铁的接触情况,轴瓦与轴接触情况,测量轴瓦间隙紧力,调整各数值达到汽轮机厂家安装要求4Check the contacting of Bearing 3&4 anchor bolts and lower bearing pad block and make adjustment if necessary. Measure the clearance and interference, check and adjust the contact between generator shaft and lower bearing.检查3#、4#轴瓦地脚螺栓、轴瓦下瓦垫铁的接触情况,必要时调整。测量间隙及紧力,检查、调整发电机轴与下瓦接触情况5Measure shaft journal swing degree, ovality and bending degree.测量轴颈晃度、椭圆度和弯曲度6Inspect, measure and adjust coupling rotor alignment.检查、测量、调整联轴器转子中心7Inspect, measure and adjust all bearing oil baffle clearance.检查、测量、调整各轴瓦油挡间隙8Assemble pipes, instruments and electrical system of bearing and bearing housing.恢复轴瓦、轴承箱管道、仪表、电气系统。9Trial run the turbine and detect the vibration.试运汽轮机,检测汽轮机振动情况II. + 0 ; x; T& 1 TManning: 1 supervisor, 6 technicians, 3 others.检修组织:检修负责人1人,检修技术员、技工6名,其他人员3人。III. Quality Objectives: Maintenance quality shall meet the manufacturer erection quality requirement. Through bearing and rotor alignment inspections, possible causes of high vibration which refer to improper bearing interference or rotor alignment shall be eliminated.质量目标:检修质量符合汽轮机厂家安装质量要求,通过对轴瓦及转子中心的检查,并消除因为轴瓦间隙紧力不当或者转子中心不正所引起的振动。IV. Preparations for Maintenance检修准备1. Such relative unit technical materials as drawings and instructions shall be prepared and complete. (provided by owner)有关机组的图纸、说明书等技术资料准备齐全。(业主准备)2. Special tools required for the maintenance shall be prepared and complete. (CMIC submits tools list and owner prepares tools, see Attachment 1 for the tools)检修专用工具、工器具、测量器具准备齐全。(CMIC报工器具清单,见附件一,业主按清单准备)3. Precautions shall be properly prepared. (CMIC and owner joints check)安全、防护措施准备妥当。(CMIC、业主共同检查)4. The crane and hoists shall be intact and functional, and shall be qualified after test. (CMIC and owner jointly inspect)机组的行车、起吊设施齐全好用,试验合格。(CMIC、业主共同检查检修)5. Required maintenance personnel shall be in position and familiarize the maintenance contents and quality requirement. (CMIC in charge of it)检修人员到位,熟悉检修内容和质量要求。(CMIC负责)+ + U5 C4 E% I, WV. Maintenance Procedures检修步骤1. Dismantle relative I&C equipment and its wirings and other equipment, tubes and wires that would affect the maintenance. Corresponding marks for the dismantled equipment or wirings should be made and open-ended oil tubes or pipelines should be well sealed.拆除机组上仪表专业的设备和连线,拆除其他影响机组检修的设备和管线,并做好标记,对敞口的油管线应进行捆扎密封。2. Loose the connecting bolt of bearing housing at turbine front end, pull out the positioning pin and remove the top cover of bearing housing.松开机头轴承箱连接螺栓,拔出定位销,将该轴承箱上盖吊走。3. Loose the connecting bolt of bearing housing at coupling end, pull out the positioning pin and hoist the beating top cover along with the turning gear assembly.松开联轴器端轴承箱连接螺栓,拔出定位销,将该轴承箱上盖连同盘车机构整体吊走。4. Loose generator bearing housing connecting bolt, pull out the positioning pin and hoist the bearing housing top cover.松开发电机轴承箱连接螺栓,拔出定位销,将该轴承箱上盖整体吊走;5. Mark turbine-generator coupling, check the original alignment, make original record and then disassemble the coupling.在汽轮发电机组联轴器上作好标记,检查原始对中情况,作好原始记录,拆联轴器;6. Measure clearance and interference of all bearings respectively and make original record. Meanwhile, check the abrasion of bearings.利用压铅丝的方法分别测量各轴承的轴承间隙及紧力,并作好原始记录,同时,检查轴承的磨损情况;7. As for turning gear, inspect the rotor with dial indicator and measure shaft journal swing degree, ovality and bending degree.盘车,用百分表检查转子测量轴颈晃度、椭圆度和弯曲度;8. Measure the clearance of all oil baffles.测量各油档间隙9. Check whether the contacting area of all bearings is over 70% or not and if the bearing surface is with damage or not. If the contacting of any bearing is not good, scraping shall be made.检查各轴瓦的接触情况,接触面积在70%以上,并检验瓦面损伤情况,如接触不好,应进行刮研;10. Inspect the abrasion condition of oil baffles and conduct corresponding treatment if necessary. As for the one with clearance exceeding the standard, replace with new one is suggested.检查油挡磨损情况,并进行处理;间隙超标的油挡,进行更换。11. Check the alignment in three-meter method and connect the coupling.使用三表找正法,复核找正,连接联轴器12. Clean turbine front and rear bearing housings.清理汽轮机前、后轴承箱;13. Install speed transmitting mechanism, as well as I&C tubes, wires, instruments and oil lines and check afterward. Close front bearing housing cover.安装转速表传动机构。汽机前轴承箱仪表管线、仪器及油路管线。检查合格,扣前轴承箱盖14. Clean the interface of turbine rear bearing housing and close bearing housing cover.清理汽轮机后轴承箱接合面,扣轴承箱盖。15. Clean the site and make maintenance record.清理现场,整理检修记录。16. Start up the unit for trial run.启动机组试运。VI. Turbine Maintenance Quality Criteria or Requirement汽机检修质量标准或要求See erection quality requirement in manufacturer instruction.见上海汽轮机厂说明书安装质量要求。VII. Maintenance Precautions检修安全文明措施1. $ A! l2 4 g5 ( ; V Prepare the work permit before initiate the maintenance work.作业前确认作业票,凭检修作业票才能检修。/ I% n2 R2 k( 8 a2. Check and confirm that such safety precautions as de-energizing and wire-loose are made.确认做好断电、拆线、等安全防护工作。! j) y- k, A: 2 V: I3. Personnel attending the maintenance should always follow orders and keep in mind that safety comes first.参加检修人员须服从统一指挥,树立“安全第一”的思想。4. Dismantled tubes and oil pipes shall be sealed timely to avoid debris admission.拆除的管口、油路管口应及时封堵,以防杂物进入。5. Safety precautions should be made enough throughout the maintenance to avoid mechanical hazard and interfaces of mechanical parts should be properly tendered.在检修过程中应做好各种保护措施,防止机械冲撞,保护好机件接合面和配合面。6. One designated personnel shall instruct the hoist and multi-personnel instructions shall be prohibited.起吊过程中,由专人指挥,严禁多人指挥。7. Any major fault or others issues found throughout the maintenance shall be reported to relative department or leaders for further discussion and solution. 检修中发现问题,尤其发现大的问题要及时向有关部门反映,商定对策。VIII. Maintenance Schedule (see Attachment 2)检修进度计划图(附件二))IX. Compile and Submit Maintenance Report整理、递交检修报告。X. Special Announcement:特别说明:1. Turbine high vibration might be caused by multiple factors and the common ones are bearing and alignment issues which are exact contents of the maintenance this time. If it turns out that the cause of high vibration is the bearing or alignment problem, which could be eliminated by CMIC personnel, turbine will be started up to detect vibration after the maintenance.引起汽轮机振动的原因由多方面,轴瓦、中心问题只是比较常见的原因。也是我方本次检修检修的项目内容,如果是因轴瓦或汽轮机中心问题,我们人员能消除,启动汽轮机检测各轴承振动情况。2. If the bending degree exceeds the limits is found during the maintenance, which is also one of the causes in high vibration, then open the casing and dismantle the rotor are required for overhaul and it is not part of the maintenance.如果在检修过程中,检测到轴弯曲度超标,这也是引起振动的原因之一,就需要开汽缸、拆转子进行大修。不在本次检修项目范围内。3. If the high vibration is caused by unbalance of rotor mass, then special tool for rotor dynamic test shall be applied and specialists shall be requested to adjust the balance of rotor mass, which is not in the scope of the maintenance. 如果是转子质量不平衡引起振动大,则需要专用的转子动平衡测试工具进行测试,聘请专家来调整质量平衡。不在本次检修项目范围内。Attachment 1, Tools List附件一 工器具清单Garri 4 Power Plant Turbine 2 Bearing Inspection Tools List苏丹吉里4电站2#机组轴瓦检查工器具清单No.序号Description名称Specification规格Unit单位Qty.数量Remark备注1Dial Indicator百分表0-10mmPiece块42Magnetic Stand磁性表座Piece块43Feeler塞尺0.02-1.00mmPiece把24Box Spanner梅花扳手30-32Piece把227-30Piece把224-27Piece把222-24Piece把219-22Piece把217-19Piece把214-17Piece把212-14Piece把210-12Piece把28-10Piece把25Adjustable Wrench活动扳手10Piece把212Piece把215Piece把26Double Open End Wrench双头开口扳手30-32Piece把227-30Piece把224-27Piece把222-24Piece把27Internal Hexagonal Wrench内六方扳手24Piece把220Piece把218Piece把216Piece把214Piece把212Piece把210Piece把28Piece把28Heavy Socket Wrench重型套筒扳手19-47Set套19Slogging Spanner敲击扳手45mmPiece把246mmPiece把210Dedicated Bearing Opening Tools Provided by Turbine Manufacturer随机拆轴瓦工具Set套111Lifting Eye吊环M10Piece个2M12Piece个2M14Piece个2M16Piece个2M18Piece个2M20Piece个2M24Piece个212Chain Hoist手动葫芦(倒链)3TPiece个25TPiece个110TPiece个113Sledge Hammer大锤8-Pound 12-Pound8磅 12磅Piece把one of each type各114Hammer手锤4-Pound4磅Piece把215Red Copper Bar紫铜棒40400mmPiece根1Red Copper Bar紫铜棒30400mmPiece根116Silicone Oil-resistant Sealing Grease耐油硅酮密封脂Barrel桶2017Red Lead Powder红丹粉kg0.518Digital Vernier Caliper数显游标卡尺0-300mm 0-500mmPiece把各119Cowbar撬棍500mmPiece根2Cowbar撬棍1200mmPiece根220Flat End Screw Driver平头改锥300mmPiece把221Cross Screw Driver十字改锥300mmPiece把222Dedicated Aligning Tools Provided by Turbine Manufacturer随机找中心专用工具Set套123Mirror镜子Piece面124Outside Micrometer外径千分尺0-25mmPiece把125Angle Grinder角相磨光机Set台126White Cotton Cloth白棉布2027Flour面粉kg2028Polishing Disc磨光片100mmPiece片2029Scissor剪刀Piece把130Stainless Steel PlateorRed Copper Plate不锈钢皮或紫铜皮0.03mmkg50.05mmkg50.10mmkg50.15mmkg531Flash Light强光手电Piece把232White Plastic Cloth白塑料布4m20mkg5033Three-edge Scraper三刃刮刀300mmPiece把234Flat Scraper平面刮刀300mmPiece把235Flat Dead Smooth File平面油光挫300mmPiece把136Three-edge File三角挫300mmPiece把137Circular File圆挫300mmPiece把138Hand Vice手虎钳Piece把139Metallographic Abrasive Paper金相砂纸Sheet张1040Screw Jack螺旋千斤顶3TSet台241Medical Proof Fabric白胶布Sheet张542Oil-resistant Rubber耐油胶皮kg5043Steel Seal钢印Set套144Square Wood Block方木块100100300mmPiece块1045Fuse熔断丝5A Reel卷346weave type steel wire rope sling插编钢丝绳吊索163000mm,承重10tPiece条447weave type steel wire rope sling插编钢丝绳吊索204000mm,承重20tPiece条248weave type steel wire rope sling插编钢丝绳吊索342000mm,承重60tPiece条249lift belt sling吊带承重3t,l=3000mmPiece条250U type lift ringU型吊环20tPiece个251U type lift ringU型吊环10tPiece个452U type lift ringU型吊环5tPiece个453U type lift ringU型吊环3tPiece个454dial indicator百分表0-10mm,d=30mmPiece块155slogging spanner敲击扳手36mmPiece把156coupling spanners拆联轴器螺栓专用扳手Piece把1附件一:计划进度表


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