
上传人:wux****ua 文档编号:8688713 上传时间:2020-03-31 格式:DOC 页数:4 大小:30KB
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2020年中考英语题型专练:单项选择(八)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)There is so much homework to do. I feel very tired. Youd better have a break. A . lookB . restC . try2. (2分)Our village is holding a meeting to raise money for building the new hall. A . createB . stealC . collect3. (2分)Mr. _Mrs. White often go shopping _their daughter. A . and; andB . with; withC . and; withD . with; and4. (2分)These two dresses are both nice, but I prefer the purple one. A . wantbestB . likebetterC . enjoyless5. (2分)I am not sure which one to buy. Can you give me some advice? You should learn to make choices by yourself.A . decisionsB . suggestionsC . promises6. (2分)Anna used to pop music,but now she likes rock music A . listening-toB . listen toC . listeningD . listen7. (2分)Its a fine day today and the sun is shining.Yes. What about going out for a walk?A . giving out lightB . taking in airC . picking up heat8. (2分)When did your father _ your mother? About 15 years ago.A . get marriedB . marryC . marry toD . have been married9. (2分)Linda won the tennis matchIt her coach and parents A . satisfiedB . forgotC . beatD . hurt10. (2分)Dont worry. You will create an _ in English _. A . interested; little by littleB . interested; slowlyC . interest; bit by bitD . interest quick11. (2分)Are you going to the important party?Yes. And anybody who will attend it should formally.A . be dressedB . wearC . put onD . dress12. (2分)Jack usually to help at the underground station on weekends.Cool! Lets join him next Saturday.A . offersB . refusesC . forgets13. (2分)(2016徐州)I love _. I hope one day I can take part in one of them, answer all the questions and win a big prize! A . chat showsB . game showsC . cartoonsD . documentaries14. (2分)Where is your father, Helen?He is trying to a new shower in the bathroom.A . put inB . put outC . put downD . put through15. (2分) How many students will join in the sports meeting next week?About two hundred. They are all excellent athletes.A . take part inB . look atC . open up第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、


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