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人教版八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷D卷(23)一、 单项选择(10分) (共10题;共10分)1. (1分) Youve dropped c in the word succeed! Sorry, I forgot letter c is doubled.A . a; aB . a; theC . an; theD . the; the2. (1分)Please dont drink _ coffee. Its not healthy. A . too manyB . many tooC . much tooD . too much3. (1分)Jim had no why Lisa left the party without a word. A . needB . ideaC . mindD . chance4. (1分)By local doctors and nurses, we hope more people.A . train, helpB . training, helpingC . training, to helpD . train, helping5. (1分)_ no one wanted to watch the movie, I would go to the cinema myself. A . WhileB . UntilC . AsD . Though6. (1分)_ go to the zoo this Sunday morning? Good idea!A . Why notB . How aboutC . Would you like7. (1分)We dont like _. A . broccoliB . broccolisC . a broccoliD . broccolies8. (1分)Can you see the boys football on the playground? They are my classmates.A . to playB . playingC . playsD . played9. (1分)How far is it from the railway station to the hotel?Its about _ walk.A . ten minutesB . ten-minutesC . ten minutes10. (1分)Is Sam cleaning the room? . Hes making the bed.A . Yes, he isB . No, he isntC . Yes, she isD . No, she isnt二、 完形填空(15分) (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)完形填空,阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Food is very important. Everyone needs to 1well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food.This kind of food is 2.We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are 3in everything around them.They learn 4while they are watching and listening.When they are getting older,they begin to 5story books,science books.,anything they like.When they find something new,they love to ask questions and 6to find out the answers.What is the best 7to get knowledge?If we learn 8ourselves,we will get the most knowledge.If we are 9getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn well.When we study in the right way,we will learn more and understand 10.(1)A . sleep B . read C . drink D . eat (2)A . sport B . exercise C . knowledge D . meat (3)A . interested B . interesting C . weak D . better (4)A . everything B . something C . nothing D . anything (5)A . lend B . read C . learn D . write (6)A . try B . have C . think D . wait (7)A . place B . school C . way D . road (8)A . on B . with C . to D . by (9)A . often B . always C . usually D . sometimes (10)A . harder B . much C . better D . well 三、 阅读理解(35分) (共5题;共35分)12. (3分)阅读理解Nancy is an English school girl. She studies in a middle school. She has a little brother. His name is John. John is only four. Nancy likes him very much.Today is Sunday. Nancy wants to do her homework. She takes out her pencil-box and opens it. “Oh, dear! Wheres my pen?” She cant find her pen. She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom.“John! I cant find my pen. Can you see it? Oh, what are you doing with my pen? ”“Im writing to my friend, Peter.” John answers.“But how can you? You dont know how to write! ”“It doesnt matter. Peter cant read. ” John says.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1)How old is Nancys brother? A . Five.B . Four.C . Six.D . Three.(2)_ cant find her pen. A . NancyB . PeterC . JohnD . Friend(3)Wheres John? A . In the school.B . In a shop.C . In his bedroom.D . In her fathers car.(4)Which is NOT right? A . Nancy finds her pen in Johns room.B . John cant write.C . John is writing with her sisters pen.D . Peter can read.(5)John and Peter are _. A . friendsB . AmericanC . at schoolD . school girls13. (8分)(2017昌吉)阅读理解Do you know 2022World Cup will be held in Qatar(卡塔尔)And FIFA(国际足联) has made a big decisionThe 2022Qatar World Cup will be held in November and DecemberIt is the first time FIFA has moved the event from its traditional summer to winterAccording to the decision,the 2022World Cup will start on November 21The final will take place on December18,one week ahead of ChristmasThe tournament will last 28days,half a week shorter than usualFIFA said,This is an important step for usDecember18,2022is a Sunday,and its National Day in Qatar,so it fits perfectlyMany people disagree that Qatar has the chance to held the 2022World Cup,since summer temperatures is very highsometimes,the temperature may be about 50So the country has an idea to move it to winterAt last FIFA gave the chance to QatarAlthough the change is good for the players,there is still much opposition The biggest opposition comes from the major European leagues(欧洲联赛),because the new time will be just Europes club seasonFIFA said they will try their best to make things go well(1)Traditional World Cup is usually held in A . SpringB . SummerC . AutumnD . Winter(2)How long will the 2022World Cup will last? A . Thirty daysB . Twentyeight daysC . Thirtyone daysD . Twentyfive days(3)Qatars National Day is on A . November 21B . November 18C . December21D . December18(4)Why did Qatar want to hold the 2022World Cup in Winter? A . Because FIFAs director asked it to do soB . Because the countrys National Day is in WinterC . Because its summer temperatures is too highD . Because winter is good for Ski racing(5)What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined wordopposition? A . 反对B . 鼓励C . 疑惑D . 支持14. (8分)阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。My name is PeterI am 12I have one brother and one sisterMy brother is 15 and my sister is 9I have a friendHe is an English boyHis name is TanakaHe is in my classI have a dog, tooIts name is BillyBilly is 2I like sportsI play basketball, soccer and volleyball after class(放学后)I have one pencil case, two English books and three Chinese books(1)Peter has _A . one brother and one sisterB . two brothers and two sistersC . a Chinese friendD . a dog and a cat(2)Billy is _A . Peters friendB . Peters dogC . Tanakas dogD . Tanakas friend(3) Does peter play sports after class?_A . Yes, he doesntB . Yes, he doC . Yes, he doesD . No, he doesnt(4)Peter likes _A . computerB . ballsC . pensD . photos(5)Peter and Tanaka are _A . brothersB . sistersC . friendsD . Chinese15. (10分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。BGardening is popular in many parts of the world. It brings us sweet smelling flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables. But you can get more from your garden.Gardening helps to keep healthy. Todays people sit indoors for too long and dont get much exercise. When you garden, you have to move around. Its a good chance for you to exercise your body by watering flowers or doing some digging. Besides, when you are in your garden, you can feel the warm sunshine. This means you are getting Vitamin D. It helps your bodies use calcium (钙), which is necessary to keep your bones (骨骼) strong.It gets them off computers, televisions and phones. Gardening can be a great teacher to teach children about nature and healthy eating. It can also help them to understand the meaning of “No pains, no gains.”Gardening is a great way to meet people and build relationships. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. So it is a perfect time to communicate with your neighbors. Most people love to talk about their hobbies, and so do gardeners. They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens.(1)When its _, you can get Vitamin D in your garden. A . sunnyB . cloudyC . snowyD . rainy(2)According to the passage, _ is one of the gardening activities. A . watching TVB . watering flowersC . walking dogsD . playing with phones(3)Which of the following can be the missing part in Paragraph 3? A . Gardening will be good for your bones.B . Gardening may help people to feel happy.C . Gardening is a great activity to do with children.D . Gardening can be a good way to meet neighbors.(4)The best title of the passage may be “_”. A . Outdoor ActivitiesB . Advantages of GardeningC . Healthy Eating HabitsD . Relationships with Neighbors16. (6分)阅读理解When you work long hours and Sundays are no longer a day to rest, feeling overworked(工作过度) can become the new normal. Take sportsmen as examples and do the same yourself, so youll know if youre overworking.Check your resting heart rate (率). Every day, before you get out of bed, take your pulse (脉搏). Usually your heart rate will stay within a few beats every minute. But when youre overworked, the rate increases. If your heart rate is up in the morning, get a little more rest or sleep that night.Check your emotions. Getting angry easily? If you cant put your finger on a clear reason, there may be something wrong with your emotions. Hoping to change the condition wont help. The only way out is a break.Check your weight. If you lose or increase more than 1% of body weight from one day to the next, something is wrong. Maybe yesterday you were too busy and failed to notice you didnt eat and drink enough. Or maybe you failed to notice that you were eating too much.(1)How many ways are mentioned to check if were overworking? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(2)When should we check our heart rate? A . In the morning.B . In the afternoon.C . At noon.D . At night.(3)What is the best way to deal with the problem of overwork? A . Doing more sports.B . Drinking more water.C . Having more rest.D . Eating less food.四、 口语应用(5分) (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)从方框中选出适当的句子,完成对话,有两项为多余选项。A:Why not call a taxi to go there with your friends?B:Our sightseeing bus will take you around the city.C:How can I get there?D:Could you introduce me a nice place to see over the weekend?E:Hope you will have a great time there.F:How much does it cost?G:Its the right time to go thereM:Good morning. Can I help you, madam?W:Yes, please._M:OK. Qingdao is a nice place to visit._The weather is neither hot nor cold.W:Sounds good._M:You can get there by train.W:Shall I visit places of interest by bus in Qingdao?M:Sure._W:Really perfect._M:280 yuan each person. It includes train tickets, park tickets, hotel and meals.W:Well. Its nice. Id like to book(预定) the tour for two.五、 任务型阅读(9分) (共1题;共9分)18. (9.0分)阅读下面文章,然后从文后所给的A-D四个选项中选择正确的小标题,将其序号填入题,并回答(2)题。When you are travelling by plane, there are some passengers you just dont want to have next to you.Perhaps you normally like them , but when you are sitting next to them on a plane it is a different thing. They usually spend all flight moving around and dropping their toys on the floor, and when they are drinking their orange juice ,it ends up on your trousers. Then they decide they want to play with you. So you cant have the little sleep.You can realize this type as soon as you sit down. They immediately start talking about the plane , or the weather, or they ask you a personal question. It is very difficult not to talk to these people . Youll probably have to keep talking until the plane landed.These are the people with white faces who sit down and immediately ask for something to drink. Every five minutes they call a flight attendant(服务生)to ask if there are any problems with the plane. They also tell you about air accident. The best thing to do is to pretend to sleep.These people are not necessarily very big. But they have a terrible habit of taking up all their room, and some of your room too. They usually sit with their arms and legs in your space.(1)_;_;_;_A.Small childrenB.Space takersC.Conversation makersD.Nervous guysE.Careless parents(2)Which is the best title for this passage?A . Lets Take a PlaneB . Not Next to Me, pleaseC . Return Room to MeD . Dont Play with Me六、 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。(10分) (共5题;共10分)19. (2分)My brother usually goes to school on foot. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your brother _ _ school?20. (2分)Are you reading,Kate? (补全否定答语)No,_21. (2分)In Lilys opinion, Tim cant finish the work by himself. (改为同义句)_ _ Tim cant finish the work by himself.22. (2分)Many old people are living here.(改为there be句型)_ _ many old people _ here.23. (2分)句子翻译(1)对你来说不要轻易放弃是很重要的。(2)我想知道为什么鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。(3)和朋友分担你的烦恼能让你更容易享受生活(4)扬州是一个拥有2500多年历史的文化古城。(5)这家店的书太多了,我都无法决定选哪一本。七、 短文填空(16分) (共1题;共16分)24. (16分)Do you think that smoking will do_ (harmful) to your health.八、 书面表达(20分) (共1题;共20分)25. (20分)根据以下提示写一篇短文,介绍自己。Name:Jerry GreenAge:13From: EnglandHobby: play footballFavourite colour: greenPhone numer:586-8965第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择(10分) (共10题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空(15分) (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解(35分) (共5题;共35分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、16-1、16-2、16-3、四、 口语应用(5分) (共1题;共5分)17-1、五、 任务型阅读(9分) (共1题;共9分)18-1、18-2、六、 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。(10分) (共5题;共10分)19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、七、 短文填空(16分) (共1题;共16分)24-1、八、 书面表达(20分) (共1题;共20分)25-1、


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