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模块一 Unit1 School life【考点透视】I 重点短语1. know know of: 知道有,听说过 know about: 知道的情况,了解,知道 prepare :准备2. prepare prepare for :为作准备 prepare sb. for / to do .:使某人为做好准备 in the end: 最后,= at last, finally3. end to the end: 到最后 by the end of: 到底为止 at the end of: 1) 在结束的时候 2)在的末尾处used to do sth: (过去)常常/ 习惯做某事4. use be used to (doing) sth.: 习惯于做某事 be used to do sth: 被用来做 U for / in fun:闹着玩儿地; make fun of sb.:取笑、拿某人开玩笑5. fun adj. 有趣的、愉快的; adj. funny n. 轻松、自在:do sth. with ease: 轻松地、不费力地做6. ease be at ease with sb. :与某人一起感到自在 vt. 解除: ease sth.使某人减轻: ease sb. of sth. n.U 经验, C(具体的)体验,经历7. experience vt. 经历 experienced:有经验的8. teach:教(书)、教授,后接双宾语:teach sb. sth. = teach sth to sb. 类似结构 buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.; give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.; show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.; tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb.made sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. .9. make sure + (that) + of sth.sure的短语:be sure of / about:对肯定、有把握; be sure to do:务必、一定要做; for sure:必定、一定,= surely 用于句首,作“虽然”解,引导让步状语从句,不与but / however连用,10. though 但可与yet / still / and yet连用, = although 用于句末,作“但是”解,起转折作用 n. (一)滴、点,降落、下跌:a drop of water, drops of rain11. drop vt. 掉/降下、戒掉(坏习惯)、跳过(学科、音) drop by:顺便到(某处)以下; drop的词组 drop in at:顺便拜访(某地),后接地名; drop in on:顺便拜访(某人),后接人; drop out (of):脱落、掉脱、退出 n. (可数)少量的、小块的,常用a bit of或bits of。12. bit adv. (时间、程度)稍微,后接形容词或副词。 a bit of a/an:颇有几分、有点儿bit的词组 bit by bit:逐渐的、徐徐的 do ones bit:尽某人之力/本分13. forget forget to do: 忘记做某事(这件事没做) forget doing sth.: 忘记做过的事。 类似结构remember to do sth.记得要做某事; remember doing sth.:记得做过某事stop to do sth.:停下来去干某事; stop doing sth.:停止做某事(停下不做了)mean to do sth.:打算做某事; mean doing sth.:意味着做某事 go on to do:接着做(另一件事); go on doing:继续做try to do sth:尽力做 ; try doing sth:尝试着做 compare A to B: 把A比作B(用于比喻)14. compare compare A with B: 把A和B相比(用于比较) Compared to / with , .:与相比,inform sb. of sth.:通知某人某事15. inform be well informed:消息灵通; keep sb. informed:随时向某人通报情况 inform oneself of sth.require sb. to do sth.16. require vt. require sth. of / from sb. Sth. require / want / need doing / to be done. require that(should) do sth. introduce sb.( to sb.) introduce sth. into / to a place17. introduce introduce sb. to sth. make an introductionn.:introduction make a self introductionan introduction to sth.a letter of introduction develop / form the habit ofdevelop an interest (of)18. develop vt. a developed countrya developing countrydevelop a roll of film n. developmentII 重点句型1. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable 2. It was difficult to remember all the faces and names.3. The more, the more4. Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.第一单元 一个令人愉快、令人兴奋的经历an enjoyable and exciting experience 对上课时间感到很满意子be very happy with the school hours 和某人在一起感觉很自在be at ease with sb. 和某人讨论某事discuss sth. with sb. 做某事的最好的办法 the best way to do sth. 赢得他人尊重 earn respect from others 听起来像我在中国的学sound like my school in China 为某事感谢某人thank sb. for sth. 注意某事pay attention to sth. 要求某人做某事require sb to do sth. 在学期末at the end of term 达到目标 achieve ones goals 参加集会attend assembly 获得高分achieve high grades 在过去的一年里in the past year 在午饭时间at lunchtime 免费给某人发E-mail E-mail sb. for free 放弃一些学科 drop some subjects 在学校的操场上玩play on the school field 在树下休息relax under a tree 想起某人think of sb 体验这种不同的生活方式experience this different way of life 通常大小,正常规模the average size 把某物捐献给某人 donate sth. To sb. 查字典 refer to the dictionary 从大学毕业 graduate from college 住在某人隔壁live next door to sb 有了做某事的兴趣 develop an interest in doing sth. 发现某人很难取悦 find sb hard to please 在这种情况下 in this case 不止一个答案 more than one answer 跟校长一起开会have a meeting with the headmaster 做决定 make decisions 把同作比较compare with 轮流 take turns to do sth 把某事通知某人inform sb. of sth. 吸引读者注意catch the eye of the reader 向某人朗读某物 read sth. out loud to sb. listen to sb. talking about sth.听某人谈某物 提出自己的看法 come up with your own ideas 模块一 Unit2 Growing pains【考点透视】I 重点短语 match sb. in / for1. match match A with B match / go with / suit n. a present for you adj. the people present at the meeting 2. present the present situation vt. present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb. at present = at the present time suppose sb. (to be) + n. / adj. 以为某人是3. suppose suppose + that 从句 be supposed to be / do:理应、应当 be not supposed to be / do:(婉转的禁止)不可以、不允许 动词go常可用作系动词,后接形容词或过去分词。4. go unpunished 类似结构:go mad / bad / white / angry / wronggo rotten / unfinished / disabled sb as / like sb:像一样对待某人vt. 同义结构:look on sb. as; regard sb. as have sb. as; take sb. for5. treat treat sth.(for sth):治疗某人(疾病) treat sb. to sth:款待、宴请(某人) n. 享受、乐事,做东、请客 n. treatment fill in the form n. in the form of / in .form take the form of6. form form A into B = form B out of Avt. form a class = make up a classform the habit of doing sth. n. formation7. be rude to:对粗鲁类似结构:be good to:对好; be friendly to:对友好be cruel to:对残忍; be kind to:对好心、善良 vt. 要价、收费:charge sb. money.8. charge 费用、价钱 free of charge n. be in charge of 负责、管理 be in the charge of = be in a persons charge take charge ofpunish sb. for sth.9. punish 类似结构:thank sb. for (doing) sth; praise sb. for (doing) sth.; reward sb. for (doing) sth.;scold sb. for (doing) sth. punishment:n. suffer punishmentforbade / forbad, forbidden, forbidding)10. forbid forbid (doing) sth. :禁止(干)某事 forbid sb. to do sth.= forbid ones doing sth. 类似动词:allow, permit, advise 11. explain explain sth. to sb. = explain to sb. sth / that explanation:n. give / offer / provide explanation of / for 相似用法:introduce . to sb. = introduce to sb. .leave sb. / sth. doing / done 12. leave leave sb./sth. as sb./sth. be 或leave sb./sth.+ adj. leave / forgetgive sb. a . lesson:给某人上课13. lesson have a . lesson:上 / 听课 teach sb a (good)lesson:(好好)教训某人一顿14. after all 结果、终究(表示结果与预想不同,通常置于句末)毕竟、究竟(仅仅为了导出原因,常置于句首) all的词组:in all:总共、总计; above all:最重要的、尤其first of all:首先; for / with all:尽管、虽然 mix A with B15. mix mix up:使充分地混合,把弄乱 mixed:混杂的、混合的 e.g. mixed marriage, mixed feelings n. mixture remind sb. of sth.16. remind remind sb. to do sth. remind sb. that reminderII 重点句型1. We thought you could act like an adult2. you shouldnt have run out of the room and 3. Eric runs in after it, followed by a dog, walking very slowly.4. Mom and Dad arrived back from vacation a day earlier than expected.5. Whats up?第二单元 为所共有 common to 调高声音, 出现 turn up 浪费 a waste of 不再 no more 空余时间 spare time 强迫(某人)做 force.to 迫不及待地要 cant wait to. 本应该,被期望 be supposed to 处置, 忍受 需要 do with 乱成一团 be a mess/ in a mess 委托 .负责 leave sb in charge 行为举止象 act like 不受惩罚 go unpunished 熄灭 go out 双臂交叉抱在胸前 have ones arm crossed 值得去做 deserve to do(常用否定形式表示“不配”) 对某人苛刻be hard on 既然now that 以.的形式in the form of 比以前任何时候都than ever before 对某事生气 be angry at 即使even if 象 一样对待 treat sb like 为 而争吵 argue about 起因the cause of 在许多方面不同 differ in many ways 非常不合身 fit badly模块一 Unit3 Looking good, feeling good【考点透视】I 重点短语 priceless:无价的、宝贵的;1. valueless:没有价值的、毫无用处的; worthless:毫无价值、无用。 be dressed in表状态 have on be in put on 后接衣服;2. “穿” 表动作 dress 接人作宾语。 wearing 作定语使用dressed inin agree with:1)同意某人(的话、意见、观点) 2) 与一致3) (气候、食物等)适合人3. agree agree on / about sth. agree to sth agree to do sth agreement:n.:come to / reach / arrive at / sign / break an agreement by agreement; in agreement; in agreement with sb. /sth.4. seldom adv. 不常、很少 有否定含义,用在句中,构成否定句。Seldom置于句首时,句子要倒装。 类似词:never、little、few、hardly、not等。 consider sth. / doing sth. sb. / sth. (to be) + adj. / n.5. consider that consideration:n. take sth. into consideration considering:prep.6. effect n. have / bring / produce no / great / little effect on vt.:affect: affect sb. / sth.look at .;look around; look back.;look on / to ; look aftervi. look for.; look down upon.; look forward to.; look on.; look7. look out; look up; look sb. in the eye / facelink-v. + adj. :look old / look like a nurse 类似词:smell / sound / feel / appear . die young / happy die of illness / hunger /cold / old age; die from accident / a wound sound / music / light / wind die away sth. die out8. die vi. be dying for water / knowledge be dying to study abroad / know the result . adj.:dying n.:death adj.:dead recovered ones lost money from recovered the losses9. recover recovered ones sight /hearing recover (oneself)from sadness / illness recovery:n.10. turn vi. turn up; turn down; turn off; turn on; turn out; turn over; turn to;n. in turn; by turns; take turns to do sth; It is ones turn to do sth.11. get + 过去分词:get hurt;get wounded; get burnt; get caught; get injured;get lost get dressed; get changed . vt.:risk (doing) sth.:risk ones life / fortune / the punishment / losing ones life / 12. risk getting caught in the rain n. at ones own risk; at risk; at the risk of; run / take / face the risk of doing sth. adj. a fit place, a fit person to do it, be fit for sth. / to do sth., 13. fit It is fit for sb. to do sth.vt. / vi.:sth. fit sb. / sth. n.:a nice fit.14. loss n. suffer a loss (of); make up a loss; at a loss vt. lose follow sb. to / into. follow a road / a path / a river / a street follows the time / the schedule 15. follow I dont quite follow you. follow ones advice / order / the instruction of the following year .as followsadj. be ashamed of doing sth. / to do sth. / that16. ashamed Ushame:feel shame at.; have no shame.;hang ones head for / from / in shame;to ones shame;for / from / out of shameII 重点句型1. Im taking weight-loss pills called Fat-Less.2. How / What about. ?3. So do school sports.4. Scientists suggest that teenagers spend at least 30 minutes exercising.5. I think you look great as you are.牛津英语模块一第三单元短语1) 体态好,身体美 looking good, feeling good2) 收到sb的音信 hear form sb 3) 对感到羞愧 feel ashamed of4) 多么羞愧 what a shame 5) 做是一种羞耻 its a shame to do sth6) 从肝脏衰竭中恢复 recover from liver failure7) 与我完全相配 be an exact match for me8) 把捐献 donate to 9) 为感到难为情 feel embarrassed about 10) 从吸取教训 learn (a lesson) from 11) 遵循sb的建议 follow ones advice12) 在节食 go on a diet/ diets be on a diet/ diets13) 秘密地 in secret 14) 保持健康 keep fit / stay healthy15) 造成,导致sth cause sth 16) 给sb带来/造成sth cause sb sth =cause sth to sb 17) 导致/促使 sb 做某事 cause (sb) to do sth18) 想瘦身 dying to be thin 19) 渴望/想要 sth be dying for sth20) 渴望做 be dying for21) 过去常常/曾经 去体育馆 used to go to the gym22) 一个星期三次 three times a week23) 运动,锻炼/ 计算,解决/制定/(结果)怎么样 work out24) 准备做 prepare to do25) 准备好去做 be (well) prepared to do26) 吃减肥药 take weight-loss pills27) 需要锻炼 need to exercise/ need exercise28) 在过去的两个月 in the last two months29) 在此刻 at the moment 30) 后悔吃减肥药 regret taking weight-loss pills31) 至少 at least 32) 损害你的健康 damage your health33) 像你现在的样子 as you are34) 偶然发现,遇见 come across35) 加入俱乐部 join a club36) 受伤 get hurt 37) 知道选哪个体育项目 know which sport to choose38) 出院 (go) out of hospital39) 增加力气 build up strength40) 独立,独自 on ones own41) 听起来很有趣 sound fun42) 的开放日 the open day for43) 在开放日 at the open day44) 最好的利用 make the most of=make the best of45) 利用 make use of46) 特别优惠 special offer47) 骂人 call sb names 48) 使振作/高兴,欢呼,喝彩 cheer (sb) up49) 试着节食 try dieting50) 吸收,理解,欺骗 take in51) 对表示绝望 give up on sth52) 使某人为某事做好准备 prepare sb for sth53) 感到放松 feel relaxed54) 把集中在上 concentrate. on 55) 适量的睡眠 a good amount of sleep56) 事实上 as a matter of fact = in fact57) 立即,马上 in no time 58) 增加体重 put on weight59) 分发 give out 60) 为负责任 be responsible for61) 建立在之上 base on/upon62) 把. 和比较 compare with63) 把比作 compare to64) 与做比较 compared with(做状语) 65) 连同 随同 along with 66) 大量 a large amount of 67) 做调查 make/conduct/ do a survey68) 从长远角度 in the long term69) 受欢迎 be popular with/ among70) 一则感人的故事 a touching/ moving story71) 冒险做某事 take the risk of doing/ risk doing72) 在高中 in Senior High73) 取得伟大成就 make great achievements模块二 Unit1 Tales of the unexplained【考点透视】I 重点短语: 1. run into撞上;偶然遇见(某人);跑进(房间等);(液体)流入;陷入(困难等);(金额)总计达相关短语:run across偶然遇上(某人);跑过,横跨(道路等) meet with +sb. 和某人会面(商讨问题等); + sth. 遭遇到(不愉快的事) knock into偶然遇到(某人)撞在上;将打入2. step up 走上(阶梯等);加速、加快;促进、增加、改善 vi. & vt.相关短语:step on踩、踏 step aside站到一边、让路、让工作给某人(for sb.) step down辞职、下台、从(车子等)下来 search for3. search search for in search of in ones search for到期(应偿付、付给或举行等)My salary is due tomorrow.4.due定于(某时)到达/做(某事)Mary is due to leave at two oclock. due to(1)(作表语/定语)应属于、应给予A great of money is due to you. (2)(作表语/定语/状语)由于、归功于He arrived late due to the storm. 比较: due to / because of / owing to / thanks to 穿上 (take off) put on your coat播放 put on his favourite CD 5. put on上演 put on performances增加(速度、体重、班次等)put on weight装出,假装 put on a look of not caring 装出一副不在乎的样子6. show up vi. 出现、露面 = turn up;vt. 暴露、揭发;vi. & vt. 突出、显眼7. white-skinned 白皮肤的 注意其构成法:adj. + n-ed。 如:warm-hearted; blue-eyed;good-tempered;middle-aged;cold-blooded8. rule out: (可分开用)排除、拒绝考虑、划线去掉 (常以possibility为宾语)9. look into 朝里面看调查、检查浏览(书籍等)、快速翻查 = look through10. possibility “可能性”。 后常接of短语或that引导的从句。编造、虚构 make up a story构成 Seven members make up a group.11. make up弥补、补足 make up (for) lost time化妆、打扮 make up ones face和好、和解 Why dont you make (it) up with her?配制 make up a bottle of cough medicine make out 勉强分辨出理解 (事物)顺利进行(with) carry out实施、履行 The plan should be carried out immediately.12. carry on继续、进行 Despite all the noise, he carried on reading.carry away拿走、冲走;吸引住(某人)I was carried away by her songs.carry off运走;获得(奖赏)She carried off the first prize.at a time 一次、每次=each time We cant do two things at a time.at one time 曾经、一度 =once 同时at any time 随时 注:Any time. (口语)哪里,哪里;随时效劳 (用于对别人道谢的回答)13. at no time在任何时候都不 At no time have I said such a thing!at all times 老是、总是 = alwaysat times 有时、偶尔 = sometimesin time 来得及总有一天in no time立即,立刻 = soon in return (for) 作为回报14. He didnt expect anything in return for his help.in turn 依次地、轮流地反过来、转而15. similar be to; in a way on average = on an average = on the average the average of 的平均数16. average above / below average 在一般水平以上/ 以下 up to (the) average 达到平均 the average age / temperature 平均年龄/ 温度17. make ones way (to) (辛苦地)前进、行走(通过努力)发迹、成功 继续活着18. live on以为主食 They live on fish and rice.靠生活 He lives on $80 a week.II 重点句型 Possibly well meet again soon.1. There is some possibility that well meet again soon. It is possible that well meet again soon.2. You looking tired. What have you been doing all the morning?第二部分:重点短语1. be full of2. run into3. step up 4. search spsearch for sth/sb5. a fifteen-year-old boya girl aged nineat the age of nineat ones thirties6. go straight to7. put on his favourite CD8. around midnight9. the full moon10. pull back the curtains11. see /heardoingsee/hear do 12. a flash of light13. show up14. aboard the UFO15. make up amazing stories.16. land on17. set foot on18. evidence of life19. space shuttletracking shiplaunch tower20. solar system21. respond to sth22. draw conclusions23. make suggestions24. get into shape25. play against26. offer awards to sb27. six feet tall28. 33 centimetres in length29. be similar to30. be known as/for31. dozens of 32. move with amazin


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