河北省2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14课时 Units 3-4(九全)课件 冀教版.ppt

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河北省2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14课时 Units 3-4(九全)课件 冀教版.ppt_第1页
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河北省2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14课时 Units 3-4(九全)课件 冀教版.ppt_第2页
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河北省2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14课时 Units 3-4(九全)课件 冀教版.ppt_第3页
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第14课时Unit3 4 九全 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 careful careless carefully icy stranger themselves knives warning stuck stuck safety safely woke woken awake lay lain lied lied lying suddenly humorous musical musician loudly hung hung comparison expression training seriously reporter runafter passby takeoff putout keepaneyeoutfor bringdown asetnumberof makeone sliving onceuponatime knockdown eversince stickoutof atonce jumpup jumpout intime runaway allofasudden liedown compared with breakoutinblossom pullover hurtthemselvesbyfallingoff leave alone protect fromfalling arecloseto as aspossible withoutwarning asfastasyoucan neither nor Ittook torecover Onceuponatime somethingwrongwith wereplaying nolonger darednotcomeback carefuladj 仔细的 认真的 点拨 careful的用法 Becarefulofyourhealth 当心你的健康 Bemorecarefulwithyourwork 对你的工作要更加细心 Becareful Thecariscoming 当心 汽车要来了 拓展 careful的反义词为careless 其相应的副词形式分别为carefully 仔细地 carelessly 粗心大意地 典例 2018 梧州 Maryisasashersister theyalwaysplaneverythingwell A carefullyB carefulC morecarefulD morecarefully B expectv 期待 盼望 点拨 expect的用法 Tonydidn texpectthatresult 托尼没有料到那种结果 Mymotherexpectsmetotakecareofmyself 我妈妈期望我能照顾好我自己 典例 2018 抚顺 Shewasane mailfromherfriendthewholemorning butitdidn tcome A explainingB expressingC experiencingD expecting D althoughconj 虽然 尽管 不过 然而 点拨 although是连词 与though意思相同 二者都不能与but连用 但可与yet still连用 though常用在口语中 Althoughhewasill hestillworkedhard 他虽然生病了 但仍努力工作 典例 2017 黄石 ridingsharedbikes 共享单车 isanenvironmentallyfriendlywaytotravel manyofthebikesarethrowneverywhere A AlthoughB AsC UnlessD Until A根据句意可知 前半句与后半句为让步关系 故用although引导让步状语从句 故选A A lie lay Alittleboylayonthegroundandlied Acockhaslaidanegg 一个小男孩躺在地上撒谎说 公鸡下了一个蛋 典例 1 Look Thereisanoldman lie ontheground Let sgoandhelphim OK Iwillcall120 2 Shequickly lay outtheknivesandforksonthetableandthenwenttohelphermother lying laid toomuch toomany muchtoo 巧学妙记 toomuch muchtoo 去掉前词看后头 much可接不可数 too则修饰形或副 toomany要记住 后接名词必复数 Eatingtoomuchisbadforyourhealth 吃太多对你的身体健康有害 Therearetoomanythingsformetodoeveryday 我每天都有很多事情要做 It smuchtoocoldinHeilongjianginwinter 黑龙江的冬天太冷了 典例 2018 安顺 Mycousinisheavybecauseheofteneatsfastfood A toomuch toomanyB toomany toomuchC muchtoo toomuchD toomuch muchtoo C comparewith compareto 典例 2018 天水改编 Alwayscompareyourselfothers youmayhavetonsofpressure Ifeelthesameway Oneshouldbelieveinhimself A fromB forC withD to C Neverleavesmallchildrenaloneinabathtub 千万不要把小孩儿单独留在浴缸里 点拨 alone作副词 意为 单独地 独自地 相当于byoneself leavesb sth alone意为 让某人 某物独自 Don tleavethebabyaloneathome 不要让婴儿独自待在家里 典例 2017 包头 We dbetterwhenheisthinking ashepreferstosolveproblemsonhisown A lethimdownB cheerhimupC leavehimaloneD ringhimup C Ifyouareclosetothesea trytogetasfarawayfromthewateraspossible 如果你靠近大海 尽可能远离海水 点拨 1 close的用法 2 as aspossible意为 尽可能地 as和as中间用形容词或副词的原级 as aspossible可以与as assb can could互换 此时sb 与主句中的主语保持一致 Ifyouneedhelp pleasetellmeassoonaspossible 如果你需要帮助 请尽快告诉我 Pleasegivemeananswerassoonaspossible Pleasegivemeananswerassoonasyoucan 请尽快给我回复 典例 1 Someofthetiredstudentskeeptheireyes close atbreak 2 英译汉WillthebookbetranslatedintoEnglishassoonaspossible closed 这本书会尽快被翻译成英语吗 Shewatchedmeclimbhigherandhigher 她看着我爬得越来越高 点拨 higherandhigher意为 越来越高 为 比较级 and 比较级 结构 意为 越来越 Asthewinterisdrawingnear it sgettingcolderandcolder 随着冬天的临近 天气越来越冷了 拓展 1 多音节和部分双音节形容词或副词在表示 越来越 时 结构为 moreandmore 形容词 副词原级 IfindEnglishismoreandmoredifficult 我发现英语越来越难 2 The 比较级 the 比较级 表示 越 越 Themoreexerciseyoutake thehealthieryou llbe 你锻炼得越多 你就会越健康 典例 1 2017 齐齐哈尔改编 Ourcountryisgetting Weareproudofit A moreandmorestrongB strongandstrongC strongerandstrongerD strongestandstrongest 2 2018 黄冈 Howhardyouareworking Helen Wemust PresidentXisaidthatweare wewillbe A themorehard working theluckierB thehard working theluckyC morehard working luckierD themosthard working theluckiest C A Onedaythechildrenwereplayinginthegardenwhenagiantappeared 一天当孩子们正在花园里玩耍时 一个巨人出现了 点拨 这是一个含过去进行时的句子 过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行或发生的动作 其结构为 was were doing 与其连用的标志词包括 at 过去的时间点 atthattime moment thismorning when while thewholemorning等 Whatwasshedoingatnineo clocklastnight 昨天晚上九点钟她在做什么 WhenIgothome mymotherwascooking 当我到家的时候 妈妈正在做饭 典例 2018 临沂 Theyaboutacomedythistimeyesterday A weretalkingB aretalkingC havetalkedD willtalk A 根据句意或首字母提示填空1 Onceupontime therewasalittlegirlwholivedneartheforest 2 Itisquitentocheckthepaperbeforeyouhanditin 3 Tocompletethework hedranksomecoffeetokeephimselfalastnight 4 Waitbeforeyoubuythatwatch Let scthepricesinanotherstore 5 Itstartedouttobeabeautifulday Then allofas itbecamecloudyandbegantorain a necessary awake compare sudden 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Youneedtofindthe lead ofthisgroupfirst 2 Iwasso care thatImadethesamemistakeagain 3 Jimlaidoutthe knife andforksatthelunchtable 4 Thefamousbookshop lie onCharingCrossRoadinLondoninthe1940s 5 Whenthechildrenwereclimbingthemountains asnake sudden appearedandscaredthem 6 Schoolbus safe isabigprobleminChina 7 OurChineseteacher Mrs Wang isvery humor 8 Jennylikesmusicalotandshewantstobea music whenshegrowsup 9 Theydon tliketoeatout Theyoftencookmealsby they athome 10 Themoretreesweplant the beautiful ourcitywillbe leader careless knives lay suddenly safety humorous musician themselves morebeautiful 连词成句1 yesterday what to boy the happened 2 was I by hit car a 3 life the doctor saved my 4 silly again don t do the things 5 necessary rules to it s more about the know Whathappenedtotheboyyesterday Iwashitbyacar Thedoctorsavedmylife Don tdothesillythingsagain It snecessarytoknowmoreabouttherules


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