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柳州专版 课时17Modules7 9 九上 PARTFOUR 第四篇教材过关篇 discuss review influence suppose well known adventure escape neighbour funeral dialogue memory ability record method courage borrow website mail textbook mainly technology powerful instructions properly printing development trade amount connection single direction replace result southern thinker dead death action decision pride ability fill powerful mainly spread properly introduction development fix mend lent direction similarity alive lively broke broken seat Asian unfair runaway payfor bytheway atatime getintotrouble noway standfor atfirst setup makesense stopsb from doingsth putup lookthrough byhand waitandsee takepridein sufferfrom inaway foratime thousandsof compare to Itismorethananadventurestory Isupposeheisn taswell knownasConfuciusorShakespeare WhatdoesHASstandfor It sthoughttobeoneofthegreatestAmericanstories Idohopetheywillwinthistime Itisapitythatnotenoughpeopledothat supposev 猜想 推测 相信 认为suppose的常见用法 1 suppose that从句 意为 认为 猜测 Hesupposesthathissoncan tfinishtheworkalone 他猜想他的儿子不能独自完成这项工作 2 besupposedtodosth 意为 应该做某事 YouaresupposedtoreturnthebookbyFriday 你应该星期五之前归还这本书 3 supposesb tobe 意为 猜想某人 AtfirstIsupposedhertobeadoctor 起初我猜想她是一位医生 4 suppose用于插入语 Whendoyousupposethemeetingwillbeheld 你猜会议将于什么时候举行 针对训练 1 Tokeepsafe everyonetowearaseatbeltinthecar A issupposedB supposesC supposed 2 YouaresupposedquicklywhentalkingtoeachotheronQQ A typeB totypeC totyping A B noway决不 不可能noway常用来表示不同意做某事或认为某事不可能发生 CanIborrowyourcar 我可以借用一下你的小汽车吗 Noway 那不行 归纳拓展 noway还可译为 没有办法 There snowayIcansolvetheproblem 我无法解决这个问题 针对训练 Myshirtneedswashing Couldyoupleasehelpmewiththat Mary Doityourself A NowayB NotreallyC Noproblem A putup张贴 公布Canyouhelpmeputupthepicture 你能帮我贴上这幅图画吗 归纳 由put构成的短语 putaway收好putoff推迟puton穿上 上演putupwith忍受putout扑灭 熄灭putdown放下 针对训练 Howbeautifulthemountainis I dliketoatentthere You dbetternot A putonB putoffC putup C die dead death dying Theoldmandiedin1999 那位老人死于1999年 Hisdoghasbeendeadfortwoweeks 他的狗已经死了两周了 Hismother sdeathwasagreatblowtohim 他母亲的去世对他是个巨大的打击 I llloveyoutomydyingday 我爱你至死不渝 针对训练 用die的适当形式填空 1 Lucyfeltverysad Herpetdog swasagreatshocktoher 2 ThefamousChinesewriterYangJiangfortwoyears 3 Themanwassavedbyakind heartedlady 4 ThegreatscientistStephenWilliamHawkingonMarch14 2018 death hasbeendead dying died alive living live lively lovely 针对训练 用alive living live lively或lovely填空 1 Heisoneofthegreatestscientists 2 Thegirltoldusastoryaboutthethingsintheforest 3 Ipreferashowtoarecordedshow alive lovely lively lively living live atatime atthetime atonetime attimes 针对训练 Payattention Onlyonepersoncanentertheroom A atonetimeB attimesC atatime C inaway intheway ontheway bytheway 针对训练 DoyoumissMrChen Yes Ido haveyoueverheardofhimsinceheleft A BythewayB OnthewayC Intheway A everyday everyday Ourfeelingsareofteninfluencedbydifferentthingsinoureverydaylife 在我们的日常生活中 我们的心情经常受到不同事情的影响 Idon tlikedoingthesamethingeveryday 我不喜欢每天做同样的事情 针对训练 做饭是她的日常工作 但她不喜欢每天做饭 Cookingisherjob butshedoesn tlikecooking everyday everyday ButIthinkI ddescribeConfuciusmoreasateacherandthinkerthanawriter 但是我更愿意把孔子描述为一位教育家兼思想家 而非作家 moreBthanA 是固定结构 意为 与其说A不如说B 在该结构中 肯定more后面的内容 而否定than后面的内容 more和than后面均可接名词 形容词或副词 Heismoreluckythanclever 与其说他聪明 不如说他幸运 Heismoreawriterthanathinker 与其说他是一位思想家 不如说他是一位作家 针对训练 对我来说 与其说吴老师是一位教师 不如说他是一位朋友 MrWuisafriendateachertome more than Itisapitythathisfootproblemstoppedhimfromcompletingthe2012LondonOlympicGames 遗憾的是 他的脚伤使他未能完成2012年伦敦奥运会的比赛 1 Itisapity that从句 意为 遗憾的是 that在句中引导的是主语从句 it作形式主语 2 stopsb from doingsth preventsb from doingsth keepsb fromdoingsth 此时的from不可省略 意为 阻止某人做某事 Noonecanstopusfromcarryingouttheplan 没有人能阻止我们实施这项计划 针对训练 Iwilltrymybesttostopmysonfromthesamemistake A makeB madeC making C butitwastheinventionoftheWorldWideWebthatmadeitreallyusefultopeople 但正是万维网的发明才使得它对人们真正有用 此句是一个强调句 被强调的部分是 theinventionoftheWorldWideWeb 强调句的基本结构为 Itis was 被强调部分 that who 其他 其中it没有实际含义 被强调部分可以是主语 宾语或状语 若被强调部分指人 且为句子的主语时 用who或that皆可 其他情况一律用that引导 归纳拓展 强调句的判断方法是将 Itis was that who 去掉 剩下的部分句意完整 即为强调句 Itwasthenaughtyboythat whobrokethewindow 是那个淘气的男孩打碎了窗户 针对训练 把我们抚养大的人是父母 parentshaveraisedusup Itis who that

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