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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Look! Whos _ girl in a red skirt over there? Oh, she is my sister, Kate. She is _ honest girl.A . that; aB . this; theC . this; aD . that; an2. (2分)The people at the stop are waiting _ the bus. A . forB . withC . onD . at3. (2分)Turn the computer off, Peter! You _ play games so late any more. A . mustntB . needntC . have toD . might4. (2分)The computer is broken. it today? A . Will; repairB . Has; repairedC . Will; be repairedD . Has; been repaired5. (2分)Its a _ that he wont come to my party. A . prideB . pityC . turnD . matter6. (2分)How about planning a trip to Canada? _.A . It doesnt matterB . Thats all rightC . Good ideaD . Not at all7. (2分)It is said that_ number of the tigers in the zoo_ getting smaller and smaller. A . the, isB . a, areC . a, isD . the, are8. (2分)Sorry, Im late._ the film_?Yes.It_ for half an hour.A . Did; begin; has begunB . Did; begin; has been onC . Has; begun; has begunD . Has; begun; has been on9. (2分) How do you like the program The Voice of China? amazing program it is! Many people like to watch it.A . WhatB . How anC . What anD . How10. (2分)The game _ Travel in space sounds _ and we are all _in it.A . called; interested ; interestedB . called ; interesting; interestedC . calling; interesting; interestedD . calling; interesting; interesting11. (2分)The earthquake destroyed our home. With the help of the government, we have _ a new one. A . got toB . taken offC . found outD . set up12. (2分)_ is that girl? _ is my sister. A . Who; SheB . What; HerC . Where, SheD . How; Her13. (2分)The child without parents_ good care of by the teachers. A . are takenB . is takenC . takeD . takes14. (2分)Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital? Walk along this street and you wont miss it. Its _ the post office. A . near atB . next toC . closeD . in the front of15. (2分) Shall we go fishing at six oclock tomorrow morning? . Will seven oclock be OK?A . Sure, its up to youB . Sure, no problemC . Sorry, I cant make it二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)完形填空At a dark night, a man came to a lonely village. When he walked slowly, a yellow light suddenly 1at the end of the road. It came from a 2which was carried by a man. A villager near him said, Here Blind Sun comes.Blind? the man said, Thats too 3. A blind man has no idea of day and night, cant4the beauty of nature, or even doesnt know what the light is. Wasnt he funny to carry a lantern?As the lantern was coming near, the yellow light moved gradually to the man. The man asked, 5, may I ask you whether youre really blind?The blind man answered, Yes, the moment I stepped into the world, I cant see 6.The man asked, In that case, 7do you carry a lantern? The blind man smiled, At night all the people without light are just as blind 8me, so I light a lantern.The man said, I see, you light for others.But the man said, No, I do it for 9.For yourself? But there is no 10to do that. the man felt surprised again.The blind man explained, Were you everknocked by others 11the dark?The man nodded, yes, sometimes.The man said proudly, Believe it or not. I 12knocked anyone. Although Im blind, I carry the lantern, not only light for others, but let others see me, 13they wont knock me.After hearing that, the man was lost in thoughtIn fact, everyone has a lamp in himself, light it actively not only for others, but also for yourself! Never put yourself in a dark 14when you feel left out and find it hard to 15well with others, are you ready to light your lamp?(1)A . appeared B . fell C . went D . closed (2)A . basket B . toy C . lantern D . bag (3)A . easy B . clear C . useful D . strange (4)A . hear B . enjoy C . touch D . play (5)A . Excuse me B . Come on C . Im sorry D . Never mind (6)A . something B . nothing C . everything D . anything (7)A . how B . why C . where D . which (8)A . as B . like C . to D . of (9)A . yourself B . himself C . myself D . ourselves (10)A . time B . need C . way D . problem (11)A . such as B . instead of C . because of D . as for (12)A . always B . never C . often D . usually (13)A . after B . so C . if D . because (14)A . situation B . village C . dream D . country (15)A . turn on B . hold on C . put on D . get on 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)17. (6分)阅读理解Lost: I lost my red watch. I must find it. Call me at 685 6034.Jim Found: A computer game is in Classroom 7E. Is it yours? Please call me at 7324836.Jenny Found: Some keys are in the school library. Are they yours? Ask the teacher for them.Bob Found: Is this your dictionary? Please call me. My telephone number is 6573982.Dale (1)Is the dictionary Dales? A . Yes, it is.B . No, it isnt.C . Yes, this is.D . No, its Bobs.(2)What color is Jims watch? A . Red.B . Blue.C . White.D . Yellow.(3)You lost your computer game. You can call _. A . JimB . JennyC . BobD . Dale(4)You lost _. You can ask the teacher for them. A . a watchB . a computer gameC . some keysD . a dictionary(5)You can call Jenny at _. A . 6856034B . 7324836C . 657 3982D . 732438618. (8分)阅读理解 One day, you open the fridge and find some moldy (发霉的)food. But before you can throw it away, your mother stops you. She doesnt want to waste food. She cuts off the moldy part and eats the rest. Is it safe to do this?Mold (霉菌)can grow on almost all kinds of food. Mold is usually green, white, black or grey. Mold makes food soft and changes its color. Moldy food tastes quite bad一一and its not safe to eat.If you find mold in soft food, just throw it away. Soft food, such as bread, tomatoes or hot dogs, usually contains water. This allows mold to easily grow below its surface. Bacteria (细菌)can also grow along with it.But its easy to remove mold from hard food. The mold cant grow very deeply inside this kind of food. According to the BBC, you should cut about 2.5 cm around and below the mold to remove it. Its OK to cut the moldy parts out of hard food and eat the rest. But if the food is completely covered with mold, you should still throw it away.Most kinds of mold are bad for us. But some kinds of mold can be used to make food. For example, penicillium (青霉菌)can be used to make many types of cheeses, such as blue cheese. These cheeses are safe to eat-and theyre quite delicious as well.(1)Mold can only grow on some special food. (2)Mold makes food soft and changes its color. (3)If you find mold in soft food, just cut off the moldy part and eat the rest. (4)The mold cant grow very deeply inside hard food. (5)From the passage we know that not all kinds of mold are bad for us. 19. (8分)阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Just as I came back home, I heard a sound coming from the bedroom upstairs-it was from my favourite violin.Thief!I rushed upstairs and saw a boy in dirty clothes pulling my violin down. At first sight, I found a new pair of shoes missing. It seemed he was surely a thief.However, when I saw his eyes full of fear, my anger disappeared. I smiled and asked, Are you Mr. Rams student Rubens? Im his butler (男管家). Ive heard Mr. Ram say his student will come. It must be you.Has my teacher gone out? the boy said, I think Id better visit him again in a while.I nodded and asked him, Do you like playing the violin?Yes, but Im too poor to afford one. the boy replied.Then, Ill give you this violin. The boy looked at me surprisingly, but he picked up the violin. While going out of the room, he suddenly saw a huge photo of me playing the violin at the Grand Theatre of Sydney on the wall. His face turned pale. He stood there for a moment and ran out. He must have understood what had happened because no master (主人) would put up the butlers photo on the wall of his living room.A few years later, at a music competition in Melbourne, I was invited to be the judge (评委). Finally, a violin player called Merritt won the first prize.After the prize-giving, Merritt ran to me holding a violin box, his face red, and asked, Mr. Brian, do you still know me? You gave me the violin, which I have treasured ever since! Today, I want to say sorry and give back this violin to you without regretHe was just the Mr. Rams student!(1)The write, felt _ when he saw the boy pulling his violin down. A . AfraidB . angryC . sadD . disappointed(2)In fact, the boy was _. A . Mr. Rams studentB . a visitor to the Ram familyC . the butlers friendD . a thief to the writers home(3)The boys face turned pale probably because he realized _. A . the writer was a great musicianB . he would be punished by the writer soonC . the master had come back homeD . the writer was just the owner of the house(4)The passage mainly wants to tell us that _. A . Its never late to say sorryB . the future is what we make itC . kindness can bring one powerD . success depends on trust and support20. (8分)阅读理解 The class teachers thought that hobbies were important to children. So she encouraged all her students to have one, and sometimes she arranged hobby shows for their parents to see. One morning, the teacher told the class to have a holiday and get their hobby things to school before 5 pm. A hobby show would be held the following afternoon. So in the afternoon, the students with nothing to show did their lessons at school as usual, while the lucky ones had a holiday to go home for their hobby works. When the afternoon lessons began, the teacher was surprised to see that Tommy was not there. I dont believe Tommy has a hobby, she thought. However, at a quarter to five, Tommy arrived with a beautiful collection of butterflies(蝴蝶)in glass cases. The teacher liked the samples(标本)very much and put them on a desk in the classroom. But, to her surprise, Tommy picked them up again and began to leave. What are you doing, Tommy? she asked. Those things must stay here until tomorrow afternoon. Thats when the parents are coming to see them. I know that, answered Tommy, and I will bring them back tomorrow, but my big brother doesnt want them to be out of our house at night. But, arent the butterflies yours? asked the teacher. No, answered Tommy. They are my brothers.But Tommy, you should show your own hobby here, not somebody elses!I know that, answered Tommy. What surprises her most was the answer. My hobby is watching my brother collecting butterflies.(1)What time did Tommy get back to school that afternoon? A . 6:15.B . 4:45.C . 5:15.D . 5:45.(2)What would NOT happen the following afternoon? A . The parents would enjoy the show in the classroom.B . Tommy would bring the butterflies back.C . The teacher would encourage her students for hobbies.D . The butterflies would fly away.(3)Which was the teachers greatest surprise? A . Tommy was not at school as usual.B . Tommy picked the butterflies up again and began to leave.C . Tommy said his hobby was watching his brother collecting butterflies.D . Tommy came back to school before 5 that afternoon.(4)Whats the best title for this passage? A . Important HobbiesB . Tommys HobbyC . Different HobbiesD . Collecting Butterflies四、 根据括号内所给提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。) (共10题;共10分)21. (1分)In spring, bees and butterflies play _the flowers. (在中) 22. (1分)Each of us _ (回答) to the teachers question but nobody was right. 23. (1分)Dont be afraid of making m_when you are learning a language. 24. (1分)Tony isnt on the left. He is on the r_25. (1分)Half of the students are girls. That means 50 p_of the students are girls. 26. (1分)The_(own) of the store was sweeping the floor when Mike walked in 27. (1分)To our _, he is our teachers husband. (surprised) 28. (1分)Mr Black is our coach and he also takes part in our_(train). 29. (1分)My home town is _ (snow) every winter. 30. (1分)Miss Yu smiled and said to me _(soft), Come on, my boy! 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)31. (1分)任务型阅读 How to Become a Radio DJDo you have a great voice? Have you ever thought about A (become) a radio DJ? Working as a DJ can be exciting but it also needs experience. If you want to be a DJ, the following are usual the ways to start. Intern(实习生). Its a dirty job. Unluckily, most radio station workers start as an intern. This means working long hours without pay. It will help you do better at the radio station. Events. Because you cant get a DJ job with no experience, you might want to work as a DJ for events. Weddings, parties and special situations all need DJs to provide the music and some laughs. This is a great way to learn to work with people and play music. Fill in (替补). If you work at a radio station, you can ask to be put on the “fill in” list for DJs. So if the main DJ gets sick, you can fill in for him or her to get some experience. Late, late night. Usually the first job for a DJ is a late shift (晚班). In other words you may be on air B from 1 am. to 5 am. , B you will get more experience. 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。(1)在文章A处用所给词的适当形式填空。 (2)把文章中的画线句子翻译成汉语。 (3)在文章B处填写一个短语,使句意完整。 (4)回答问题 What job do the most radio station workers start as? (5)回答问题 When can you fill in for the main DJ to get some experience? 六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)32. (1分)I saw him _ ent(r) the room and take away the bag. 七、 完成句子 (共5题;共25分)33. (5分)我们的教室比他们的明亮得多。 Our classroom is _ _ than theirs.34. (5分)Zhang Hua is_(最聪明的学生)in our class. 35. (5分)我对伦敦感兴趣。 Im _London.36. (5分)不要变胖。 Dont _ _. 37. (5分)我们看电视娱乐。 We watch television _ _.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)38. (5分)假如你叫刘炜,你的英国朋友Maria在给你的来信中介绍了她的中文老师。请根据提示给她写一封回信,向她介绍一下你的英语老师王老师。要求:80词左右,信中除需包含所给要点外,可适当发挥。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 外貌瘦高个,大眼睛性格和蔼友善喜欢的颜色粉色爱好阅读,跑步,打网球成就上学期英语演讲比赛一等奖对她的评价Dear Maria,Thank you for your last letter. From the letter I know about your Chinese teacher.Yours,Liu Wei第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、四、 根据括号内所给提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。) (共10题;共10分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)32-1、七、 完成句子 (共5题;共25分)33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)38-1、


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