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“情境探疑”教学模式教学设计年 级六年级学 科英语授课时间课 题Lesson 25 Buying Gifts 设计者教学内容冀教版小学六年级英语第四单元第一课教学目标知识与技能学会Souvenir, flag, every, surprise.过程与方法先听录音学单词,明白意思后再看课文并理解。情感、态度与价值观本课以复习将来时为主以及 How many, How far, How much 的应用。教学重、难点重 点掌握How, How many, How far, How much 的用法。难 点学会Will引导的将来时。教学时间第一课时教学具准备录音机,磁带,卡片教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式教学过程:一带入情境 确立目标Greeting (1) How are you? Im fine ,thank you. Good morning.How many? (2)play a game “colour point”二. 凭借情境 解疑探究New conceptLearn new words.1.Let students listen to the audiotape carefully and find new words.2.Teacher collects the words that the students find. 。Teacher writes them on the blackboard and teaches .3.Then listen again and repeat after the radioUse the students book and audiotape.1,Listen again and try to translation 。Know the passage mean.4.Learn the Future Tense with “Will” Teacher gives the examples,according the examples to write the sentences. For examples: How will they go? How many students are there in your class?Fifty How far is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang ?About three hundred kilometers . How much is it ?-Ten Yuan. 三. 拓展情境 达标训练 practice in pairs make up dialogueCheck for understanding. The students do some exercises._ are they ? Five Yuan._ books do you have ? Eight books._ is it ? Two kilometers._ will they go home? By bike. 四. 聚焦情境 反思构建评价情境:反思情境:五、优化情境 质疑再探质疑情境:解疑情境:closing.个性化创意: 板书设计: Lesson 25 Buying Gifts souvenir , flag , every, surprise. how, how many , how far, how much. will + 动词原形 “情境探疑”教学模式教学设计年 级六年级学 科英语授课时间课 题Lesson 25 Buying Gifts 设计者教学内容冀教版小学六年级英语第四单元第一课教学目标知识与技能学会Souvenir, flag, every, surprise.过程与方法先听录音学单词,明白意思后再看课文并理解。情感、态度与价值观本课以复习将来时为主以及 How many, How far, How much 的应用。教学重、难点重 点掌握How, How many, How far, How much 的用法。难 点学会Will引导的将来时。教学时间第二课时教学具准备录音机,磁带,卡片教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式教学过程:Step 1,Learn the Future Tense with “Will” Teacher gives the examples,accordingtheexamplestowritethesentences. For examples: How will they go?Howmanystudents are there in your class?FiftyHow far is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang ?About three hundred kilometers . Step2,Checkforunderstanding. The students do some exercises.Read and choose.(选择合适的答案填在括号里) ( ) 1. 当你想知道对方的爱好,应该怎么问: A. Whats your hobby ? B. What do you do ?( ) 2. 当你询问朋友他的妈妈是否教英语时,应该问: A. Does your mother teach English ? B. Does your mother like English ?( ) 3. 下午碰到熟人怎么打招呼: A. Bye . B. Good afternoon .( ) 4. 当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答:A. No,thanks. B. Youre welcome .( ) 5. 当你询问朋友是否喜欢集邮时,应该问: A. Are you collecting stamps ? B. Do you like collecting stamps ?( ) 6. How do you_there ? A. goes B.get( ) 7. His parents_ stamps , too . A. likes collecting B. like collecting( ) 8. I _an e-mail to Alice every week . A. write B. reads( ) 9. Who _math ? A. teaching B. teaches( ) 10. I like_ kites . A. make B. making个性化创意: 板书设计: Lesson 25 Buying Gifts how, how many , how far, how much. will + 动词原形教后反思“情境探疑”教学模式教学设计年 级六年级学 科英语授课时间课 题Lesson 26 Looking at pictures 设计者教学内容冀教版小学六年级英语第四单元第二课教学目标知识与技能1、正确运用过去时。2、识记remember, forget, find-found.3、熟读课文,理解内容。过程与方法先学单词,再听录音,通过分析课文,理解文章内容。让学生总结过去时用法,在练习中掌握。情感、态度与价值观本课以围绕Li Ming整理行李时发现的旧照片为主要内容,以复习过去时为主。教学重、难点重 点1、正确运用过去时。2、识记remember, forget, find-found.3、熟读课文,理解内容。难 点识记remember, forget, find-found.熟读课文,理解内容。教学时间一课时教学具准备课件教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式教学过程:一带入情境 确立目标Greeting (1) How are you? Im fine ,thank you. Good morning.How many? (2)play a game 二. 凭借情境 解疑探究New conceptStep 1, Learn new words.教师装作忘记,而后又想起某物体的英语名称。例如,装作忘记怎样说w.indow和door。教师利用手势和面部表情让学生看明白意思。指着物体引导进行如下对话,师:What is this ?I forget how to say it in English .I forget . say it , please, class .全班: I forget .教师: Oh! I remember. It is a _ . I remember .Say it , please , class .全班: I remember.教师:(指着另一个物品)I forget what this is.(对着一名学生) What is this ? Do you remember ?全班: It is a _.师:Oh, yes ! You remember . Now I remember , too .Step 2, Use the students books and the tape.复习刚刚学过的故事。李明准备好要回在中国的家。本课中,他正在做什么?他和詹妮在谈论什么?1,听录音,试理解课文。2,再来一遍,找学生翻译。找出问题答案并总结句子所用的时态及写法。3,He is packing his things.现在进行时:be + 动词ing.He talked about pictures.过去时:动词变过去式(be 动词变过去式)三. 拓展情境 达标训练 practice in pairs make up dialogue1写出下列动词的过去式 sing eat see have do go buy get read fly am/is are say leave tell draw come lose swim take find drink hurt feel 2 写出下列名词的复数形式sheep goose foot tooth photo tomato potato bus box leaf knife butterfly boy horse people mouse 3 写出下列单词的反义词big long strong tall young left cold close bad happy active strict far smaller come black on behind expensive 四. 聚焦情境 反思构建评价情境:反思情境:五、优化情境 质疑再探质疑情境:解疑情境:closing.个性化创意: 板书设计: Lesson 26 Looking At Picturesrememberforget find-found教后反思、“情境探疑”教学模式教学设计年 级六年级学 科英语授课时间课 题Lesson27 I Remember 设计者教学内容冀教版小学六年级英语第四单元第二课教学目标知识与技能复习并掌握动词的过去式: gowent, buybought, seesaw, talktalked, saysaid, wantwanted, laughlaughed, askasked, getgot, playplayed. 掌握并灵活运用Do you remember? 这个句型。过程与方法本课主要以目标教学和情景教学法为主,其他教学法辅助,主要环节有: 课前测评-目标展示-目标导学-达标测试-小结。情感、态度与价值观关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展 。教学重、难点重 点规则动词过去式的构成规则,和不规则动词的过去式。句型 Do you remember?难 点不规则动词的过去式。教学时间第一课时教学具准备课件教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式教学过程:一、带入情境 确立目标Step 1 Warming-up and revision1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls!Ss: Hello, Miss Tang.T: Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too.二. 凭借情境 解疑探究New conceptStep2 , Introduce.1, Teacher takes out the pictures of this passage and put them on the blackboard.2, let students look at them and say something about these pictures.3, Find a volunteer to say in class.For example : Danny and Jenny went to the department store , they wanted to buy Christmas gifts. They saw S anta and asked Santa for Christmas gifts.4,Play the game with one group of volunteer in front of the whole class.5,Variation : Divide the class into small groups.Say something to your friends.Step 3, listen1,listen to the tape , try to understand this passage.2 ,listen again, try to remember the important parts.Step4, learn a new song.Listen to the tape and learn how to sing it.Come and sit down beside me , my friends.Do you know that I miss only you Step5, Practise.Call sb read this lesson.三. 拓展情境 达标训练 practice in pairs make up dialogue填空 1.Tell me more _ this place2. It is on the 25 th_ December.3. I have got some photos _New York.4. They are very difficult_me.5. Im putting my stamps_my album.四. 聚焦情境 反思构建评价情境:反思情境:五、优化情境 质疑再探质疑情境:解疑情境:closing.个性化创意:在课前问一声是否准备好英语课,调动学生的高涨情绪,师生的亲切交谈,稳定学生情绪,使学生很快融入到课堂中来。 板书设计:Lesson 27 I Remember1. Do you remember ?2. Sing a song .“情境探疑”教学模式教学设计年 级六年级学 科英语授课时间课 题Lesson27 I Remember 设计者教学内容冀教版小学六年级英语第四单元第三课教学目标知识与技能复习并掌握动词的过去式: gowent, buybought, seesaw, talktalked, saysaid, wantwanted, laughlaughed, askasked, getgot, playplayed. 掌握并灵活运用Do you remember? 这个句型。过程与方法本课主要以目标教学和情景教学法为主,其他教学法辅助,主要环节有: 课前测评-目标展示-目标导学-达标测试-小结。情感、态度与价值观关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展 。教学重、难点重 点规则动词过去式的构成规则,和不规则动词的过去式。句型 Do you remember?难 点不规则动词的过去式。教学时间第二课时教学具准备课件教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式教学过程:一、带入情境 确立目标Step 1 Warming-up and revision1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls!Ss: Hello, Miss Tang.T: Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too.二.练习 (一)选择填空( )1、The moon is _ of years old. A. million B. millions C. thousand( )2、Yesterday I_ a big surprise. A. has B. have C. had ( )3. Have you got any stamps _ A. Yes,I got. B. No,I havent C. Yes, I have( ) 4. Can you tell me _American festivals? A. about B. in C. on( ) 5. You can write to her_ English. A. an B. in C. about( ) 6. It _ at half past four.A.start B. finish C. finishes( ) 7. A baby sleeps _ sixteen hours a day. A. for B. at C.in ( ) 8. Do you often _ your room? A. tidies B. tidy C. cleaned ( ) 9. Do you want to_the museum? A. visit B. visited C. go ( ) 10 Its fun to_ football. A. play B.playing C. plays(二)回答问题 Have you got a book about America? . When do you go to school? . When did you go at them weekend? . What was the weather like? . What do you often do when you are free? .个性化创意:在课前问一声是否准备好英语课,调动学生的高涨情绪,师生的亲切交谈, 板书设计:Lesson 27 I Remember1. Do you remember ?. Sing a song .教后反思:“情境探疑”教学模式教学设计年 级六年级学 科英语授课时间课 题Lesson 28 A party for LiMing 设计者教学内容冀教版小学六年级英语第四单元第四课教学目标知识与技能1、 熟读课文 2、 理解内容。过程与方法1、利用单词卡片,教学单词2、利用问题,理解课文。3、照例子写对话。情感、态度与价值观学会电话邀请朋友及家人,并会应用。教学重、难点重 点1、熟读课文,理解内容。2、学会begin, late ,early .3、学会电话邀请朋友及家人,并会应用。难 点1. 学会begin, late ,early 2、学会电话邀请朋友及家人,并会应用。教学时间一 课时教学具准备课件教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式教学过程:一带入情境 确立目标Greeting (1) How are you? Im fine ,thank you. Good morning.How many? (2) Review.Teacher shows the pictures. Review the known knowledge.二. 凭借情境 解疑探究 New conceptStudy key concepts.1, Show new words cards and use the body-language, let the students know the words means . then listen to the radio, learn how to say.2, Listen again. And answer the questions . Try to understand this lesson .(1) Whose party ?(2)Who invites to the party ?(3)When is the party ?(4)What time does the party begin ?3, Practise.Read the dialogue , then make up a new dialogue about learning a new skill . Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary as possible. Such as:A: Would you?B: Sure! When.?A: Tomorrow.B: What time?A: At _.B: Great!A: See you tomorrow .三. 拓展情境 达标训练 practice in pairs make up dialogue阅读并回答问题 One day, there was a new film in Little Smiths school cinema. He wanted to see it. The teacher told him to pay one dollar for one ticket.Little Smith had got only twenty cents.He went home and asked his father to give him eighty cents.Old Smith had got only thirty cents. He told Little Smith a way to get one ticket with only fifty cents.Little Smith went to school and gave the teacher fifty cents and said “One of my eyes is ill.I can see the film with only one eye.So I should pay only fifty cents. Heres the mony.”1. Was Little Smith a pupil?_2. What did Little Smith want to see?_.3. How much was the ticket? _.4. How many cents had Little Smith got at last?_ 四. 聚焦情境 反思构建评价情境:反思情境:五、优化情境 质疑再探质疑情境:解疑情境:closing.个性化创意: 板书设计: Lesson 28 A party for LiMingbegin, late , early. would you ? , when ?教后反思“情境探疑”教学模式教学设计年 级六年级学 科英语授课时间课 题Lesson 29 Surprise!设计者教学内容冀教版小学六年级英语第四单元第五课教学目标知识与技能1.学会cake, cookies, ice cream, sugar, someone, bowl, flour, oil, salt 。2.熟读课文,理解文意。学会守时,守约的良好习惯。3.通过练习掌握重点。过程与方法1. 听录音,读课文并从中找出新单词。2. 能根据课文插图理解词意。3.根据问题理解文章内容情感、态度与价值观1.培养学生动手制做某一物品的能力。2.养成守时,守约的好习惯。教学重、难点重 点1.学会cake, cookies, ice cream, sugar, someone, bowl, flour, oil, salt 。2.熟读课文,理解文意。学会守时,守约的良好习惯。3.通过练习掌握重点。难 点1.学cake,cookies, ice cream, sugar, someone, bowl, flour, oil, salt 。2.通过练习掌握重点教学时间二课时教学具准备课件教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式第一课时教学过程:一带入情境 确立目标Greeting (1) How are you? Im fine ,thank you. Good morning.How many? (2) Review.Teacher shows the pictures. Review the known knowledge.二. 凭借情境 解疑探究 New conceptStudy key concepts.1, Show new words cards and use the body-language, let the students know the words means . then listen to the radio, learn how to say.2, Listen again. And answer the questions . Try to understand this lesson .(1) Whose party ?(2)Who invites to the party ?(3)When is the party ?(4)What time does the party begin ?3, Practise.Read the dialogue , then make up a new dialogue about learning a new skill . Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary as possible. Such as:A: Would you?B: Sure! When.?A: Tomorrow.B: What time?A: At _.B: Great!A: See you tomorrow .三. 拓展情境 达标训练 找错,并在横线上改正 ( )1、These stamps is from American. ( )2、Do you got any books from China? ( )3、He goes to library yesterday. ( )4、There are a big Chinatown in New York. ( )5、The building is twenty metre tall. 四. 聚焦情境 反思构建Practise :Play a game such as “Go Fish” or“Memory Card” :五、优化情境 质疑再探质疑情境:解疑情境:第二课时:一 作文 Dear_ How are you ? I want to know what you did last weekend I want _ _ _ _ It was great fun ! Hoping to see you soon, Yours _. 1、write I to her can 2、now you here 5、got he red has car a toy 二、阅读短文,回答问题 I have a very beautiful picture on the wall of my room. Look! The sun is in the sky. The sky is very blue. Some birds are flying in the sky. Theres a river in it. Theres a big ship in the sea. There are many people in the ship. Thats Mr.Zhang. He hastwo flags in his hands. The flags are yellow.Miss Liwith him. She hasnt any flags. But there are someflowers in her hands. Mr.Zhang is talking with Miss Li .They are very happy.1、 Where is the picture?2、Where is the sun?3、What colour is the sky?4、Are there any birds in the sky?5、Has Miss Li got a flag in her hand?三、作文,读一读,写一写,选择一个题目写一段话(the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Thanks giving ) Thanks giving is my favourite festival .It is in November Families are together. We have a big, special dinner.We say thank you for all the good things we have, we have a lot of fun, Thanks givingIs important in America. closing.个性化创意: 板书设计: Lesson 29 Surprise!New words: cake , ice cream, sugar,someone, bowl, flour, oil , salt .教后反思“情境探疑”教学模式教学设计年 级六年级学 科英语授课时间课 题Lesson 30 Goodbye! 设计者教学内容冀教版小学六年级英语第四单元第六课教学目标知识与技能1.熟读课文,理解内容。2.复习上一课的重点。过程与方法利用图片进行活动,在师生共同的动中完整而清晰的掌握本节内容。情感、态度与价值观在阅读中体会孩子间伟大的友谊。教学重、难点重 点1,复习上一课的重点。2,利用图片进行活动,在师生共同的动中完整而清晰的掌握本节内容。难 点熟读课文,理解内容。教学时间二课时教学具准备课件教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式第一课时教学过程:一带入情境 确立目标Greeting (1) How are you? Im fine ,thank you. Good morning.How many? (2) Review.Show the pictures ,review the known knowledge二. 凭借情境 解疑探究 New conceptUse the student book and audiotape.Let the students listen to the radio carefully.Play “Living picture” : Volunteers in the class play people in the story. They must do the text describe . Before you start the game . You need to assign a role to each student in the game. You can give the students names . the teacher also needs ti assemble some objects you want the players to use.Play the game with one group of volunteers in front of the whole class.Variation : Divide the class into small groups . Each with a set of players to play the game with all the groups at the same time.三. 拓展情境 达标训练 Check for understanding.Do some exercises about this lesson. 四. 聚焦情境 反思构建Learn a new song.Listen to the tape and sing it after the radio.五、优化情境 质疑再探第二课时:教学过程:一.左右匹配:()1. Here is your watch, Mike.A. I know where your pen is.()2. I cant find my pen.B. You must look after your clothes.()3. Its twelve oclock.C. Put on your coat and shoes.()4. You must go to school now. D. Thanks very much.()5. Here is your shirt, Jim.E. I must go now, bye-bye.()1. May I come in?A. Youre welcome.()2. Do you know his telephone number?B. Hes a doctor.()3. How much is it?C. Come in, please.()4. Id like to write a letter.D. Fine, thank you.()5. Which bus?E. Yes, you can.()6. Are they Mr. Kings students?F. Seventy-one yuan.()7. Dad, can I have an apple?G. Me, too.()8. How are you this morning?H. No. 6.()9. Whats the man in white?I. Yes, its 3854673,()10.Thank you very much.J. No, they arent.()1. Look at the flowers, Lucy.A. Im in Class 4, Grade 6.()2. Its three twenty.B. Sure, its 273849.()3. Whose keys are these?C. Its time to go to the playground.()4. What class are you in?D. No, were in different rows.()5. Are you in the same row?E. Hes Helens father.()6. Wheres Yucai School?F. How beautiful.()7. Do you know her telephone number?G. Its next to the cinema.()8. Whos the man in the photo?H. Are they Lin Taos?()1. Who is the boy in brown?A. Its Mr. Browns, I think.()2. Whose jacket is this?B. Hes Anns brother Tom.()3. What colour is your bike?C. Its about six.()4. Whats the time, please?D. Its black.()5. Can I have an egg?E. Twenty.()6. How many cars can you see?F. Yes, please.()7. Its time to go to school.


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